// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects.Drawables; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Skinning; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI; using osu.Game.Skinning; using osu.Game.Tests.Visual; using osuTK; using osuTK.Graphics; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Tests { public class TestSceneHyperDashColouring : OsuTestScene { [Resolved] private SkinManager skins { get; set; } [Test] public void TestDefaultCatcherColour() { var skin = new TestSkin(); checkHyperDashCatcherColour(skin, Catcher.DEFAULT_HYPER_DASH_COLOUR); } [Test] public void TestCustomCatcherColour() { var skin = new TestSkin { HyperDashColour = Color4.Goldenrod }; checkHyperDashCatcherColour(skin, skin.HyperDashColour); } [Test] public void TestCustomEndGlowColour() { var skin = new TestSkin { HyperDashAfterImageColour = Color4.Lime }; checkHyperDashCatcherColour(skin, Catcher.DEFAULT_HYPER_DASH_COLOUR, skin.HyperDashAfterImageColour); } [Test] public void TestCustomEndGlowColourPriority() { var skin = new TestSkin { HyperDashColour = Color4.Goldenrod, HyperDashAfterImageColour = Color4.Lime }; checkHyperDashCatcherColour(skin, skin.HyperDashColour, skin.HyperDashAfterImageColour); } [Test] public void TestDefaultFruitColour() { var skin = new TestSkin(); checkHyperDashFruitColour(skin, Catcher.DEFAULT_HYPER_DASH_COLOUR); } [Test] public void TestCustomFruitColour() { var skin = new TestSkin { HyperDashFruitColour = Color4.Cyan }; checkHyperDashFruitColour(skin, skin.HyperDashFruitColour); } [Test] public void TestCustomFruitColourPriority() { var skin = new TestSkin { HyperDashColour = Color4.Goldenrod, HyperDashFruitColour = Color4.Cyan }; checkHyperDashFruitColour(skin, skin.HyperDashFruitColour); } [Test] public void TestFruitColourFallback() { var skin = new TestSkin { HyperDashColour = Color4.Goldenrod }; checkHyperDashFruitColour(skin, skin.HyperDashColour); } private void checkHyperDashCatcherColour(ISkin skin, Color4 expectedCatcherColour, Color4? expectedEndGlowColour = null) { CatcherArea catcherArea = null; CatcherTrailDisplay trails = null; AddStep("create hyper-dashing catcher", () => { Child = setupSkinHierarchy(catcherArea = new CatcherArea { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Scale = new Vector2(4f), }, skin); trails = catcherArea.OfType().Single(); catcherArea.MovableCatcher.SetHyperDashState(2); }); AddUntilStep("catcher colour is correct", () => { var expected = expectedCatcherColour; if (expected == Catcher.DEFAULT_HYPER_DASH_COLOUR) // The expected colour for Catcher.Colour is another colour // for the default skin, assert with that instead. expected = Catcher.DEFAULT_CATCHER_HYPER_DASH_COLOUR; return catcherArea.MovableCatcher.Colour == expected; }); AddAssert("catcher trails colours are correct", () => trails.HyperDashTrailsColour == expectedCatcherColour); AddAssert("catcher end-glow colours are correct", () => trails.EndGlowSpritesColour == (expectedEndGlowColour ?? expectedCatcherColour)); AddStep("finish hyper-dashing", () => { catcherArea.MovableCatcher.SetHyperDashState(1); catcherArea.MovableCatcher.FinishTransforms(); }); AddAssert("catcher colour returned to white", () => catcherArea.MovableCatcher.Colour == Color4.White); } private void checkHyperDashFruitColour(ISkin skin, Color4 expectedColour) { DrawableFruit drawableFruit = null; AddStep("create hyper-dash fruit", () => { var fruit = new Fruit { HyperDashTarget = new Banana() }; fruit.ApplyDefaults(new ControlPointInfo(), new BeatmapDifficulty()); Child = setupSkinHierarchy(drawableFruit = new DrawableFruit(fruit) { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Scale = new Vector2(4f), }, skin); }); AddAssert("hyper-dash colour is correct", () => checkLegacyFruitHyperDashColour(drawableFruit, expectedColour)); } private Drawable setupSkinHierarchy(Drawable child, ISkin skin) { var legacySkinProvider = new SkinProvidingContainer(skins.GetSkin(DefaultLegacySkin.Info)); var testSkinProvider = new SkinProvidingContainer(skin); var legacySkinTransformer = new SkinProvidingContainer(new CatchLegacySkinTransformer(testSkinProvider)); return legacySkinProvider .WithChild(testSkinProvider .WithChild(legacySkinTransformer .WithChild(child))); } private bool checkLegacyFruitHyperDashColour(DrawableFruit fruit, Color4 expectedColour) => fruit.ChildrenOfType().First().Drawable.ChildrenOfType().Any(c => c.Colour == expectedColour); private class TestSkin : LegacySkin { public Color4 HyperDashColour { get => Configuration.CustomColours[CatchSkinColour.HyperDash.ToString()]; set => Configuration.CustomColours[CatchSkinColour.HyperDash.ToString()] = value; } public Color4 HyperDashAfterImageColour { get => Configuration.CustomColours[CatchSkinColour.HyperDashAfterImage.ToString()]; set => Configuration.CustomColours[CatchSkinColour.HyperDashAfterImage.ToString()] = value; } public Color4 HyperDashFruitColour { get => Configuration.CustomColours[CatchSkinColour.HyperDashFruit.ToString()]; set => Configuration.CustomColours[CatchSkinColour.HyperDashFruit.ToString()] = value; } public TestSkin() : base(new SkinInfo(), null, null, string.Empty) { } } } }