// Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Security.Cryptography; using osu.Framework.Platform; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.Formats; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.IO; using osu.Game.IPC; using SQLite.Net; using SQLiteNetExtensions.Extensions; namespace osu.Game.Database { public class BeatmapDatabase { private SQLiteConnection connection { get; set; } private BasicStorage storage; public event Action BeatmapSetAdded; private BeatmapImporter ipc; public BeatmapDatabase(BasicStorage storage, BasicGameHost importHost = null) { this.storage = storage; if (importHost != null) ipc = new BeatmapImporter(importHost, this); if (connection == null) { try { connection = prepareConnection(); } catch { Console.WriteLine(@"Failed to initialise the beatmap database! Trying again with a clean database..."); storage.DeleteDatabase(@"beatmaps"); connection = prepareConnection(); } } } private SQLiteConnection prepareConnection() { var conn = storage.GetDatabase(@"beatmaps"); try { conn.CreateTable(); conn.CreateTable(); conn.CreateTable(); conn.CreateTable(); } catch { conn.Close(); throw; } return conn; } public void Reset() { foreach (var setInfo in Query()) { if (storage.Exists(setInfo.Path)) storage.Delete(setInfo.Path); } connection.DeleteAll(); connection.DeleteAll(); connection.DeleteAll(); connection.DeleteAll(); } public void Import(params string[] paths) { foreach (string p in paths) { var path = p; string hash = null; BeatmapMetadata metadata; using (var reader = ArchiveReader.GetReader(storage, path)) metadata = reader.ReadMetadata(); if (metadata.OnlineBeatmapSetID.HasValue && connection.Table().Count(b => b.OnlineBeatmapSetID == metadata.OnlineBeatmapSetID) != 0) return; // TODO: Update this beatmap instead if (File.Exists(path)) // Not always the case, i.e. for LegacyFilesystemReader { using (var md5 = MD5.Create()) using (var input = storage.GetStream(path)) { hash = BitConverter.ToString(md5.ComputeHash(input)).Replace("-", "").ToLowerInvariant(); input.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); path = Path.Combine(@"beatmaps", hash.Remove(1), hash.Remove(2), hash); using (var output = storage.GetStream(path, FileAccess.Write)) input.CopyTo(output); } } var beatmapSet = new BeatmapSetInfo { OnlineBeatmapSetID = metadata.OnlineBeatmapSetID, Beatmaps = new List(), Path = path, Hash = hash, Metadata = metadata }; using (var reader = ArchiveReader.GetReader(storage, path)) { string[] mapNames = reader.ReadBeatmaps(); foreach (var name in mapNames) { using (var stream = new StreamReader(reader.GetStream(name))) { var decoder = BeatmapDecoder.GetDecoder(stream); Beatmap beatmap = decoder.Decode(stream); beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Path = name; // TODO: Diff beatmap metadata with set metadata and leave it here if necessary beatmap.BeatmapInfo.Metadata = null; beatmapSet.Beatmaps.Add(beatmap.BeatmapInfo); } } } Import(new[] { beatmapSet }); } } public void Import(IEnumerable beatmapSets) { connection.BeginTransaction(); foreach (var s in beatmapSets) { connection.InsertWithChildren(s, true); BeatmapSetAdded?.Invoke(s); } connection.Commit(); } public ArchiveReader GetReader(BeatmapSetInfo beatmapSet) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(beatmapSet.Path)) return null; return ArchiveReader.GetReader(storage, beatmapSet.Path); } public BeatmapSetInfo GetBeatmapSet(int id) { return Query().FirstOrDefault(s => s.OnlineBeatmapSetID == id); } public WorkingBeatmap GetWorkingBeatmap(BeatmapInfo beatmapInfo, WorkingBeatmap previous = null) { var beatmapSetInfo = Query().FirstOrDefault(s => s.ID == beatmapInfo.BeatmapSetInfoID); //we need metadata GetChildren(beatmapSetInfo); if (beatmapSetInfo == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($@"Beatmap set {beatmapInfo.BeatmapSetInfoID} is not in the local database."); if (beatmapInfo.Metadata == null) beatmapInfo.Metadata = beatmapSetInfo.Metadata; var working = new WorkingBeatmap(beatmapInfo, beatmapSetInfo, this); previous?.TransferTo(working); return working; } public Beatmap GetBeatmap(BeatmapInfo beatmapInfo) { using (WorkingBeatmap data = GetWorkingBeatmap(beatmapInfo)) return data.Beatmap; } public TableQuery Query() where T : class { return connection.Table(); } public T GetWithChildren(object id) where T : class { return connection.GetWithChildren(id); } public List GetAllWithChildren(Expression> filter = null, bool recursive = true) where T : class { return connection.GetAllWithChildren(filter, recursive); } public T GetChildren(T item, bool recursive = false) { if (item == null) return default(T); connection.GetChildren(item, recursive); return item; } readonly Type[] validTypes = new[] { typeof(BeatmapSetInfo), typeof(BeatmapInfo), typeof(BeatmapMetadata), typeof(BaseDifficulty), }; public void Update(T record, bool cascade = true) where T : class { if (validTypes.All(t => t != typeof(T))) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(T), "Must be a type managed by BeatmapDatabase"); if (cascade) connection.UpdateWithChildren(record); else connection.Update(record); } } }