// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using osu.Framework.Extensions; using osu.Framework.IO.Stores; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Framework.Platform; using osu.Game.Extensions; using osu.Game.IO; using osu.Game.Models; using Realms; namespace osu.Game.Database { /// /// Handles the storing of files to the file system (and database) backing. /// public class RealmFileStore { private readonly RealmAccess realm; public readonly IResourceStore Store; public readonly Storage Storage; public RealmFileStore(RealmAccess realm, Storage storage) { this.realm = realm; Storage = storage.GetStorageForDirectory(@"files"); Store = new StorageBackedResourceStore(Storage); } /// /// Add a new file to the game-wide database, copying it to permanent storage if not already present. /// /// The file data stream. /// The realm instance to add to. Should already be in a transaction. /// Whether the should immediately be added to the underlying realm. If false is provided here, the instance must be manually added. /// Whether this import should use hard links rather than file copy operations if available. public RealmFile Add(Stream data, Realm realm, bool addToRealm = true, bool preferHardLinks = false) { string hash = data.ComputeSHA2Hash(); var existing = realm.Find(hash); var file = existing ?? new RealmFile { Hash = hash }; if (!checkFileExistsAndMatchesHash(file)) copyToStore(file, data, preferHardLinks); if (addToRealm && !file.IsManaged) realm.Add(file); return file; } private void copyToStore(RealmFile file, Stream data, bool preferHardLinks) { if (data is FileStream fs && preferHardLinks) { // attempt to do a fast hard link rather than copy. if (HardLinkHelper.TryCreateHardLink(Storage.GetFullPath(file.GetStoragePath(), true), fs.Name)) return; } data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (var output = Storage.CreateFileSafely(file.GetStoragePath())) data.CopyTo(output); data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } private bool checkFileExistsAndMatchesHash(RealmFile file) { string path = file.GetStoragePath(); // we may be re-adding a file to fix missing store entries. if (!Storage.Exists(path)) return false; // even if the file already exists, check the existing checksum for safety. using (var stream = Storage.GetStream(path)) return stream.ComputeSHA2Hash() == file.Hash; } public void Cleanup() { Logger.Log(@"Beginning realm file store cleanup"); int totalFiles = 0; int removedFiles = 0; // can potentially be run asynchronously, although we will need to consider operation order for disk deletion vs realm removal. realm.Write(r => { foreach (var file in r.All().Filter(@$"{nameof(RealmFile.Usages)}.@count = 0")) { totalFiles++; Debug.Assert(file.BacklinksCount == 0); try { removedFiles++; Storage.Delete(file.GetStoragePath()); r.Remove(file); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, $@"Could not delete databased file {file.Hash}"); } } }); Logger.Log($@"Finished realm file store cleanup ({removedFiles} of {totalFiles} deleted)"); } } }