// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using osu.Framework.Platform; namespace osu.Game.IO { /// /// A storage which wraps another storage and delegates implementation, potentially mutating the lookup path. /// public class WrappedStorage : Storage { protected Storage UnderlyingStorage { get; private set; } private readonly string subPath; public WrappedStorage(Storage underlyingStorage, string subPath = null) : base(string.Empty) { ChangeTargetStorage(underlyingStorage); this.subPath = subPath; } protected virtual string MutatePath(string path) { if (path == null) return null; return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(subPath) ? Path.Combine(subPath, path) : path; } protected virtual void ChangeTargetStorage(Storage newStorage) { UnderlyingStorage = newStorage; } public override string GetFullPath(string path, bool createIfNotExisting = false) => UnderlyingStorage.GetFullPath(MutatePath(path), createIfNotExisting); public override bool Exists(string path) => UnderlyingStorage.Exists(MutatePath(path)); public override bool ExistsDirectory(string path) => UnderlyingStorage.ExistsDirectory(MutatePath(path)); public override void DeleteDirectory(string path) => UnderlyingStorage.DeleteDirectory(MutatePath(path)); public override void Delete(string path) => UnderlyingStorage.Delete(MutatePath(path)); public override IEnumerable GetDirectories(string path) => ToLocalRelative(UnderlyingStorage.GetDirectories(MutatePath(path))); public IEnumerable ToLocalRelative(IEnumerable paths) { string localRoot = GetFullPath(string.Empty); foreach (var path in paths) yield return Path.GetRelativePath(localRoot, UnderlyingStorage.GetFullPath(path)); } public override IEnumerable GetFiles(string path, string pattern = "*") => ToLocalRelative(UnderlyingStorage.GetFiles(MutatePath(path), pattern)); public override Stream GetStream(string path, FileAccess access = FileAccess.Read, FileMode mode = FileMode.OpenOrCreate) => UnderlyingStorage.GetStream(MutatePath(path), access, mode); public override void OpenFileExternally(string filename) => UnderlyingStorage.OpenFileExternally(MutatePath(filename)); public override void PresentFileExternally(string filename) => UnderlyingStorage.PresentFileExternally(MutatePath(filename)); public override Storage GetStorageForDirectory(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) throw new ArgumentException("Must be non-null and not empty string", nameof(path)); if (!path.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)) path += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; // create non-existing path. GetFullPath(path, true); return new WrappedStorage(this, path); } } }