// Copyright (c) 2007-2018 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Difficulty { public class CatchDifficultyHitObject { internal static readonly double DECAY_BASE = 0.20; private const float normalized_hitobject_radius = 41.0f; private const float absolute_player_positioning_error = 16f; private readonly float playerPositioningError; internal CatchHitObject BaseHitObject; /// /// Measures jump difficulty. CtB doesn't have something like button pressing speed or accuracy /// internal double Strain = 1; /// /// This is required to keep track of lazy player movement (always moving only as far as necessary) /// Without this quick repeat sliders / weirdly shaped streams might become ridiculously overrated /// internal float PlayerPositionOffset; internal float LastMovement; internal float NormalizedPosition; internal float ActualNormalizedPosition => NormalizedPosition + PlayerPositionOffset; internal CatchDifficultyHitObject(CatchHitObject baseHitObject, float catcherWidthHalf) { BaseHitObject = baseHitObject; // We will scale everything by this factor, so we can assume a uniform CircleSize among beatmaps. float scalingFactor = normalized_hitobject_radius / catcherWidthHalf; playerPositioningError = absolute_player_positioning_error; // * scalingFactor; NormalizedPosition = baseHitObject.X * CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH * scalingFactor; } private const double direction_change_bonus = 12.5; internal void CalculateStrains(CatchDifficultyHitObject previousHitObject, double timeRate) { // Rather simple, but more specialized things are inherently inaccurate due to the big difference playstyles and opinions make. // See Taiko feedback thread. double timeElapsed = (BaseHitObject.StartTime - previousHitObject.BaseHitObject.StartTime) / timeRate; double decay = Math.Pow(DECAY_BASE, timeElapsed / 1000); // Update new position with lazy movement. PlayerPositionOffset = MathHelper.Clamp( previousHitObject.ActualNormalizedPosition, NormalizedPosition - (normalized_hitobject_radius - playerPositioningError), NormalizedPosition + (normalized_hitobject_radius - playerPositioningError)) // Obtain new lazy position, but be stricter by allowing for an error of a certain degree of the player. - NormalizedPosition; // Subtract HitObject position to obtain offset LastMovement = DistanceTo(previousHitObject); double addition = spacingWeight(LastMovement); if (NormalizedPosition < previousHitObject.NormalizedPosition) { LastMovement = -LastMovement; } CatchHitObject previousHitCircle = previousHitObject.BaseHitObject; double additionBonus = 0; double sqrtTime = Math.Sqrt(Math.Max(timeElapsed, 25)); // Direction changes give an extra point! if (Math.Abs(LastMovement) > 0.1) { if (Math.Abs(previousHitObject.LastMovement) > 0.1 && Math.Sign(LastMovement) != Math.Sign(previousHitObject.LastMovement)) { double bonus = direction_change_bonus / sqrtTime; // Weight bonus by how double bonusFactor = Math.Min(playerPositioningError, Math.Abs(LastMovement)) / playerPositioningError; // We want time to play a role twice here! addition += bonus * bonusFactor; // Bonus for tougher direction switches and "almost" hyperdashes at this point if (previousHitCircle != null && previousHitCircle.DistanceToHyperDash <= 10.0f / CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH) { additionBonus += 0.3 * bonusFactor; } } // Base bonus for every movement, giving some weight to streams. addition += 7.5 * Math.Min(Math.Abs(LastMovement), normalized_hitobject_radius * 2) / (normalized_hitobject_radius * 6) / sqrtTime; } // Bonus for "almost" hyperdashes at corner points if (previousHitCircle != null && previousHitCircle.DistanceToHyperDash <= 10.0f / CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH) { if (!previousHitCircle.HyperDash) { additionBonus += 1.0; } else { // After a hyperdash we ARE in the correct position. Always! PlayerPositionOffset = 0; } addition *= 1.0 + additionBonus * ((10 - previousHitCircle.DistanceToHyperDash * CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH) / 10); } addition *= 850.0 / Math.Max(timeElapsed, 25); Strain = previousHitObject.Strain * decay + addition; } private static double spacingWeight(float distance) { return Math.Pow(distance, 1.3) / 500; } internal float DistanceTo(CatchDifficultyHitObject other) { return Math.Abs(ActualNormalizedPosition - other.ActualNormalizedPosition); } } }