// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Input; using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Judgements; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Drawables; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Judgements; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.Drawables.Pieces; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Skinning; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.Drawables { public class DrawableHitCircle : DrawableOsuHitObject, IDrawableHitObjectWithProxiedApproach { public ApproachCircle ApproachCircle { get; } private readonly IBindable positionBindable = new Bindable(); private readonly IBindable stackHeightBindable = new Bindable(); private readonly IBindable scaleBindable = new BindableFloat(); public OsuAction? HitAction => HitArea.HitAction; public readonly HitReceptor HitArea; public readonly SkinnableDrawable CirclePiece; private readonly Container scaleContainer; protected virtual OsuSkinComponents CirclePieceComponent => OsuSkinComponents.HitCircle; private InputManager inputManager; public DrawableHitCircle(HitCircle h) : base(h) { Origin = Anchor.Centre; Position = HitObject.StackedPosition; InternalChildren = new Drawable[] { scaleContainer = new Container { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Origin = Anchor.Centre, Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Children = new Drawable[] { HitArea = new HitReceptor { Hit = () => { if (AllJudged) return false; UpdateResult(true); return true; }, }, CirclePiece = new SkinnableDrawable(new OsuSkinComponent(CirclePieceComponent), _ => new MainCirclePiece()), ApproachCircle = new ApproachCircle { Alpha = 0, Scale = new Vector2(4), } } }, }; Size = HitArea.DrawSize; } [BackgroundDependencyLoader] private void load() { positionBindable.BindValueChanged(_ => Position = HitObject.StackedPosition); stackHeightBindable.BindValueChanged(_ => Position = HitObject.StackedPosition); scaleBindable.BindValueChanged(scale => scaleContainer.Scale = new Vector2(scale.NewValue), true); positionBindable.BindTo(HitObject.PositionBindable); stackHeightBindable.BindTo(HitObject.StackHeightBindable); scaleBindable.BindTo(HitObject.ScaleBindable); AccentColour.BindValueChanged(accent => ApproachCircle.Colour = accent.NewValue, true); } protected override void LoadComplete() { base.LoadComplete(); inputManager = GetContainingInputManager(); } public override double LifetimeStart { get => base.LifetimeStart; set { base.LifetimeStart = value; ApproachCircle.LifetimeStart = value; } } public override double LifetimeEnd { get => base.LifetimeEnd; set { base.LifetimeEnd = value; ApproachCircle.LifetimeEnd = value; } } protected override void CheckForResult(bool userTriggered, double timeOffset) { Debug.Assert(HitObject.HitWindows != null); if (!userTriggered) { if (!HitObject.HitWindows.CanBeHit(timeOffset)) ApplyResult(r => r.Type = HitResult.Miss); return; } var result = HitObject.HitWindows.ResultFor(timeOffset); if (result == HitResult.None || CheckHittable?.Invoke(this, Time.Current) == false) { Shake(Math.Abs(timeOffset) - HitObject.HitWindows.WindowFor(HitResult.Miss)); return; } ApplyResult(r => { var circleResult = (OsuHitCircleJudgementResult)r; // Todo: This should also consider misses, but they're a little more interesting to handle, since we don't necessarily know the position at the time of a miss. if (result != HitResult.Miss) { var localMousePosition = ToLocalSpace(inputManager.CurrentState.Mouse.Position); circleResult.CursorPositionAtHit = HitObject.StackedPosition + (localMousePosition - DrawSize / 2); } circleResult.Type = result; }); } protected override void UpdateInitialTransforms() { base.UpdateInitialTransforms(); CirclePiece.FadeInFromZero(HitObject.TimeFadeIn); ApproachCircle.FadeIn(Math.Min(HitObject.TimeFadeIn * 2, HitObject.TimePreempt)); ApproachCircle.ScaleTo(1f, HitObject.TimePreempt); ApproachCircle.Expire(true); } protected override void UpdateStateTransforms(ArmedState state) { base.UpdateStateTransforms(state); Debug.Assert(HitObject.HitWindows != null); switch (state) { case ArmedState.Idle: this.Delay(HitObject.TimePreempt).FadeOut(500); Expire(true); HitArea.HitAction = null; break; case ArmedState.Miss: ApproachCircle.FadeOut(50); this.FadeOut(100); break; case ArmedState.Hit: ApproachCircle.FadeOut(50); // todo: temporary / arbitrary this.Delay(800).FadeOut(); break; } } public Drawable ProxiedLayer => ApproachCircle; protected override JudgementResult CreateResult(Judgement judgement) => new OsuHitCircleJudgementResult(HitObject, judgement); public class HitReceptor : CompositeDrawable, IKeyBindingHandler { // IsHovered is used public override bool HandlePositionalInput => true; public Func Hit; public OsuAction? HitAction; public HitReceptor() { Size = new Vector2(OsuHitObject.OBJECT_RADIUS * 2); Anchor = Anchor.Centre; Origin = Anchor.Centre; CornerRadius = OsuHitObject.OBJECT_RADIUS; CornerExponent = 2; } public bool OnPressed(OsuAction action) { switch (action) { case OsuAction.LeftButton: case OsuAction.RightButton: if (IsHovered && (Hit?.Invoke() ?? false)) { HitAction = action; return true; } break; } return false; } public void OnReleased(OsuAction action) { } } } }