// Copyright (c) 2007-2017 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Modes.Osu.Objects; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using osu.Game.Modes.Objects; namespace osu.Game.Modes.Osu { public class OsuDifficultyCalculator : DifficultyCalculator { private const double star_scaling_factor = 0.0675; private const double extreme_scaling_factor = 0.5; protected override PlayMode PlayMode => PlayMode.Osu; /// /// HitObjects are stored as a member variable. /// internal List DifficultyHitObjects = new List(); public OsuDifficultyCalculator(Beatmap beatmap) : base(beatmap) { } protected override HitObjectConverter Converter => new OsuHitObjectConverter(); protected override void PreprocessHitObjects() { foreach (var h in Objects) if (h.Type == HitObjectType.Slider) ((Slider)h).Curve.Calculate(); } protected override double ComputeDifficulty(Dictionary categoryDifficulty) { // Fill our custom DifficultyHitObject class, that carries additional information DifficultyHitObjects.Clear(); foreach (var hitObject in Objects) DifficultyHitObjects.Add(new OsuHitObjectDifficulty(hitObject)); // Sort DifficultyHitObjects by StartTime of the HitObjects - just to make sure. DifficultyHitObjects.Sort((a, b) => a.BaseHitObject.StartTime.CompareTo(b.BaseHitObject.StartTime)); if (!CalculateStrainValues()) return 0; double speedDifficulty = CalculateDifficulty(DifficultyType.Speed); double aimDifficulty = CalculateDifficulty(DifficultyType.Aim); // OverallDifficulty is not considered in this algorithm and neither is HpDrainRate. That means, that in this form the algorithm determines how hard it physically is // to play the map, assuming, that too much of an error will not lead to a death. // It might be desirable to include OverallDifficulty into map difficulty, but in my personal opinion it belongs more to the weighting of the actual peformance // and is superfluous in the beatmap difficulty rating. // If it were to be considered, then I would look at the hit window of normal HitCircles only, since Sliders and Spinners are (almost) "free" 300s and take map length // into account as well. // The difficulty can be scaled by any desired metric. // In osu!tp it gets squared to account for the rapid increase in difficulty as the limit of a human is approached. (Of course it also gets scaled afterwards.) // It would not be suitable for a star rating, therefore: // The following is a proposal to forge a star rating from 0 to 5. It consists of taking the square root of the difficulty, since by simply scaling the easier // 5-star maps would end up with one star. double speedStars = Math.Sqrt(speedDifficulty) * star_scaling_factor; double aimStars = Math.Sqrt(aimDifficulty) * star_scaling_factor; if (categoryDifficulty != null) { categoryDifficulty.Add("Aim", aimStars.ToString("0.00")); categoryDifficulty.Add("Speed", speedStars.ToString("0.00")); double hitWindow300 = 30/*HitObjectManager.HitWindow300*/ / TimeRate; double preEmpt = 450/*HitObjectManager.PreEmpt*/ / TimeRate; categoryDifficulty.Add("OD", (-(hitWindow300 - 80.0) / 6.0).ToString("0.00")); categoryDifficulty.Add("AR", (preEmpt > 1200.0 ? -(preEmpt - 1800.0) / 120.0 : -(preEmpt - 1200.0) / 150.0 + 5.0).ToString("0.00")); int maxCombo = 0; foreach (OsuHitObjectDifficulty hitObject in DifficultyHitObjects) maxCombo += hitObject.MaxCombo; categoryDifficulty.Add("Max combo", maxCombo.ToString()); } // Again, from own observations and from the general opinion of the community a map with high speed and low aim (or vice versa) difficulty is harder, // than a map with mediocre difficulty in both. Therefore we can not just add both difficulties together, but will introduce a scaling that favors extremes. double starRating = speedStars + aimStars + Math.Abs(speedStars - aimStars) * extreme_scaling_factor; // Another approach to this would be taking Speed and Aim separately to a chosen power, which again would be equivalent. This would be more convenient if // the hit window size is to be considered as well. // Note: The star rating is tuned extremely tight! Airman (/b/104229) and Freedom Dive (/b/126645), two of the hardest ranked maps, both score ~4.66 stars. // Expect the easier kind of maps that officially get 5 stars to obtain around 2 by this metric. The tutorial still scores about half a star. // Tune by yourself as you please. ;) return starRating; } protected bool CalculateStrainValues() { // Traverse hitObjects in pairs to calculate the strain value of NextHitObject from the strain value of CurrentHitObject and environment. List.Enumerator hitObjectsEnumerator = DifficultyHitObjects.GetEnumerator(); if (!hitObjectsEnumerator.MoveNext()) return false; OsuHitObjectDifficulty currentHitObject = hitObjectsEnumerator.Current; OsuHitObjectDifficulty nextHitObject; // First hitObject starts at strain 1. 1 is the default for strain values, so we don't need to set it here. See DifficultyHitObject. while (hitObjectsEnumerator.MoveNext()) { nextHitObject = hitObjectsEnumerator.Current; nextHitObject.CalculateStrains(currentHitObject, TimeRate); currentHitObject = nextHitObject; } return true; } /// /// In milliseconds. For difficulty calculation we will only look at the highest strain value in each time interval of size STRAIN_STEP. /// This is to eliminate higher influence of stream over aim by simply having more HitObjects with high strain. /// The higher this value, the less strains there will be, indirectly giving long beatmaps an advantage. /// protected const double STRAIN_STEP = 400; /// /// The weighting of each strain value decays to this number * it's previous value /// protected const double DECAY_WEIGHT = 0.9; protected double CalculateDifficulty(DifficultyType type) { double actualStrainStep = STRAIN_STEP * TimeRate; // Find the highest strain value within each strain step List highestStrains = new List(); double intervalEndTime = actualStrainStep; double maximumStrain = 0; // We need to keep track of the maximum strain in the current interval OsuHitObjectDifficulty previousHitObject = null; foreach (OsuHitObjectDifficulty hitObject in DifficultyHitObjects) { // While we are beyond the current interval push the currently available maximum to our strain list while (hitObject.BaseHitObject.StartTime > intervalEndTime) { highestStrains.Add(maximumStrain); // The maximum strain of the next interval is not zero by default! We need to take the last hitObject we encountered, take its strain and apply the decay // until the beginning of the next interval. if (previousHitObject == null) { maximumStrain = 0; } else { double decay = Math.Pow(OsuHitObjectDifficulty.DECAY_BASE[(int)type], (intervalEndTime - previousHitObject.BaseHitObject.StartTime) / 1000); maximumStrain = previousHitObject.Strains[(int)type] * decay; } // Go to the next time interval intervalEndTime += actualStrainStep; } // Obtain maximum strain maximumStrain = Math.Max(hitObject.Strains[(int)type], maximumStrain); previousHitObject = hitObject; } // Build the weighted sum over the highest strains for each interval double difficulty = 0; double weight = 1; highestStrains.Sort((a, b) => b.CompareTo(a)); // Sort from highest to lowest strain. foreach (double strain in highestStrains) { difficulty += weight * strain; weight *= DECAY_WEIGHT; } return difficulty; } // Those values are used as array indices. Be careful when changing them! public enum DifficultyType : int { Speed = 0, Aim, }; } }