// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Bindables; using osu.Framework.Logging; using osu.Game.Online.API; using osu.Game.Online.API.Requests; using osu.Game.Overlays.Chat.Tabs; using osu.Game.Users; namespace osu.Game.Online.Chat { /// /// Manages everything channel related /// public class ChannelManager : PollingComponent, IChannelPostTarget { /// /// The channels the player joins on startup /// private readonly string[] defaultChannels = { @"#lazer", @"#osu", @"#lobby" }; private readonly BindableList availableChannels = new BindableList(); private readonly BindableList joinedChannels = new BindableList(); /// /// The currently opened channel /// public Bindable CurrentChannel { get; } = new Bindable(); /// /// The Channels the player has joined /// public IBindableList JoinedChannels => joinedChannels; /// /// The channels available for the player to join /// public IBindableList AvailableChannels => availableChannels; [Resolved] private IAPIProvider api { get; set; } public readonly BindableBool HighPollRate = new BindableBool(); public ChannelManager() { CurrentChannel.ValueChanged += currentChannelChanged; HighPollRate.BindValueChanged(enabled => TimeBetweenPolls = enabled.NewValue ? 1000 : 6000, true); } /// /// Opens a channel or switches to the channel if already opened. /// /// If the name of the specifed channel was not found this exception will be thrown. /// public void OpenChannel(string name) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name)); CurrentChannel.Value = AvailableChannels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == name) ?? throw new ChannelNotFoundException(name); } /// /// Opens a new private channel. /// /// The user the private channel is opened with. public void OpenPrivateChannel(User user) { if (user == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user)); if (user.Id == api.LocalUser.Value.Id) return; CurrentChannel.Value = JoinedChannels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ChannelType.PM && c.Users.Count == 1 && c.Users.Any(u => u.Id == user.Id)) ?? JoinChannel(new Channel(user)); } private void currentChannelChanged(ValueChangedEvent e) { if (!(e.NewValue is ChannelSelectorTabItem.ChannelSelectorTabChannel)) JoinChannel(e.NewValue); } /// /// Ensure we run post actions in sequence, once at a time. /// private readonly Queue postQueue = new Queue(); /// /// Posts a message to the currently opened channel. /// /// The message text that is going to be posted /// Is true if the message is an action, e.g.: user is currently eating /// An optional target channel. If null, will be used. public void PostMessage(string text, bool isAction = false, Channel target = null) { target ??= CurrentChannel.Value; if (target == null) return; void dequeueAndRun() { if (postQueue.Count > 0) postQueue.Dequeue().Invoke(); } postQueue.Enqueue(() => { if (!api.IsLoggedIn) { target.AddNewMessages(new ErrorMessage("Please sign in to participate in chat!")); return; } var message = new LocalEchoMessage { Sender = api.LocalUser.Value, Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now, ChannelId = target.Id, IsAction = isAction, Content = text }; target.AddLocalEcho(message); // if this is a PM and the first message, we need to do a special request to create the PM channel if (target.Type == ChannelType.PM && target.Id == 0) { var createNewPrivateMessageRequest = new CreateNewPrivateMessageRequest(target.Users.First(), message); createNewPrivateMessageRequest.Success += createRes => { target.Id = createRes.ChannelID; target.ReplaceMessage(message, createRes.Message); dequeueAndRun(); }; createNewPrivateMessageRequest.Failure += exception => { Logger.Error(exception, "Posting message failed."); target.ReplaceMessage(message, null); dequeueAndRun(); }; api.Queue(createNewPrivateMessageRequest); return; } var req = new PostMessageRequest(message); req.Success += m => { target.ReplaceMessage(message, m); dequeueAndRun(); }; req.Failure += exception => { Logger.Error(exception, "Posting message failed."); target.ReplaceMessage(message, null); dequeueAndRun(); }; api.Queue(req); }); // always run if the queue is empty if (postQueue.Count == 1) dequeueAndRun(); } /// /// Posts a command locally. Commands like /help will result in a help message written in the current channel. /// /// the text containing the command identifier and command parameters. /// An optional target channel. If null, will be used. public void PostCommand(string text, Channel target = null) { target ??= CurrentChannel.Value; if (target == null) return; var parameters = text.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2); string command = parameters[0]; string content = parameters.Length == 2 ? parameters[1] : string.Empty; switch (command) { case "np": AddInternal(new NowPlayingCommand()); break; case "me": if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) { target.AddNewMessages(new ErrorMessage("Usage: /me [action]")); break; } PostMessage(content, true); break; case "join": if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) { target.AddNewMessages(new ErrorMessage("Usage: /join [channel]")); break; } var channel = availableChannels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == content || c.Name == $"#{content}"); if (channel == null) { target.AddNewMessages(new ErrorMessage($"Channel '{content}' not found.")); break; } JoinChannel(channel); break; case "help": target.AddNewMessages(new InfoMessage("Supported commands: /help, /me [action], /join [channel], /np")); break; default: target.AddNewMessages(new ErrorMessage($@"""/{command}"" is not supported! For a list of supported commands see /help")); break; } } private void handleChannelMessages(IEnumerable messages) { var channels = JoinedChannels.ToList(); foreach (var group in messages.GroupBy(m => m.ChannelId)) channels.Find(c => c.Id == group.Key)?.AddNewMessages(group.ToArray()); } private void initializeChannels() { var req = new ListChannelsRequest(); var joinDefaults = JoinedChannels.Count == 0; req.Success += channels => { foreach (var channel in channels) { var ch = getChannel(channel, addToAvailable: true); // join any channels classified as "defaults" if (joinDefaults && defaultChannels.Any(c => c.Equals(channel.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) joinChannel(ch); } }; req.Failure += error => { Logger.Error(error, "Fetching channel list failed"); initializeChannels(); }; api.Queue(req); } /// /// Fetches inital messages of a channel /// /// TODO: remove this when the API supports returning initial fetch messages for more than one channel by specifying the last message id per channel instead of one last message id globally. /// right now it caps out at 50 messages and therefore only returns one channel's worth of content. /// /// The channel private void fetchInitalMessages(Channel channel) { if (channel.Id <= 0 || channel.MessagesLoaded) return; var fetchInitialMsgReq = new GetMessagesRequest(channel); fetchInitialMsgReq.Success += messages => { handleChannelMessages(messages); channel.MessagesLoaded = true; // this will mark the channel as having received messages even if there were none. }; api.Queue(fetchInitialMsgReq); } /// /// Find an existing channel instance for the provided channel. Lookup is performed basd on ID. /// The provided channel may be used if an existing instance is not found. /// /// A candidate channel to be used for lookup or permanently on lookup failure. /// Whether the channel should be added to if not already. /// Whether the channel should be added to if not already. /// The found channel. private Channel getChannel(Channel lookup, bool addToAvailable = false, bool addToJoined = false) { Channel found = null; bool lookupCondition(Channel ch) => lookup.Id > 0 ? ch.Id == lookup.Id : lookup.Name == ch.Name; var available = AvailableChannels.FirstOrDefault(lookupCondition); if (available != null) found = available; var joined = JoinedChannels.FirstOrDefault(lookupCondition); if (found == null && joined != null) found = joined; if (found == null) { found = lookup; // if we're using a channel object from the server, we want to remove ourselves from the users list. // this is because we check the first user in the channel to display a name/icon on tabs for now. var foundSelf = found.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == api.LocalUser.Value.Id); if (foundSelf != null) found.Users.Remove(foundSelf); } if (joined == null && addToJoined) joinedChannels.Add(found); if (available == null && addToAvailable) availableChannels.Add(found); return found; } /// /// Joins a channel if it has not already been joined. /// /// The channel to join. /// The joined channel. Note that this may not match the parameter channel as it is a backed object. public Channel JoinChannel(Channel channel) => joinChannel(channel, true); private Channel joinChannel(Channel channel, bool fetchInitialMessages = false) { if (channel == null) return null; channel = getChannel(channel, addToJoined: true); // ensure we are joined to the channel if (!channel.Joined.Value) { channel.Joined.Value = true; switch (channel.Type) { case ChannelType.Multiplayer: // join is implicit. happens when you join a multiplayer game. // this will probably change in the future. joinChannel(channel, fetchInitialMessages); return channel; case ChannelType.PM: var createRequest = new CreateChannelRequest(channel); createRequest.Success += resChannel => { if (resChannel.ChannelID.HasValue) { channel.Id = resChannel.ChannelID.Value; handleChannelMessages(resChannel.RecentMessages); channel.MessagesLoaded = true; // this will mark the channel as having received messages even if there were none. } }; api.Queue(createRequest); break; default: var req = new JoinChannelRequest(channel); req.Success += () => joinChannel(channel, fetchInitialMessages); req.Failure += ex => LeaveChannel(channel); api.Queue(req); return channel; } } else { if (fetchInitialMessages) fetchInitalMessages(channel); } CurrentChannel.Value ??= channel; return channel; } public void LeaveChannel(Channel channel) { if (channel == null) return; if (channel == CurrentChannel.Value) CurrentChannel.Value = null; joinedChannels.Remove(channel); if (channel.Joined.Value) { api.Queue(new LeaveChannelRequest(channel)); channel.Joined.Value = false; } } private long lastMessageId; private bool channelsInitialised; protected override Task Poll() { if (!api.IsLoggedIn) return base.Poll(); var fetchReq = new GetUpdatesRequest(lastMessageId); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(); fetchReq.Success += updates => { if (updates?.Presence != null) { foreach (var channel in updates.Presence) { // we received this from the server so should mark the channel already joined. channel.Joined.Value = true; joinChannel(channel); } //todo: handle left channels handleChannelMessages(updates.Messages); foreach (var group in updates.Messages.GroupBy(m => m.ChannelId)) JoinedChannels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == group.Key)?.AddNewMessages(group.ToArray()); lastMessageId = updates.Messages.LastOrDefault()?.Id ?? lastMessageId; } if (!channelsInitialised) { channelsInitialised = true; // we want this to run after the first presence so we can see if the user is in any channels already. initializeChannels(); } tcs.SetResult(true); }; fetchReq.Failure += _ => tcs.SetResult(false); api.Queue(fetchReq); return tcs.Task; } /// /// Marks the as read /// /// The channel that will be marked as read public void MarkChannelAsRead(Channel channel) { if (channel.LastMessageId == channel.LastReadId) return; var message = channel.Messages.LastOrDefault(); if (message == null) return; var req = new MarkChannelAsReadRequest(channel, message); req.Success += () => channel.LastReadId = message.Id; req.Failure += e => Logger.Error(e, $"Failed to mark channel {channel} up to '{message}' as read"); api.Queue(req); } } /// /// An exception thrown when a channel could not been found. /// public class ChannelNotFoundException : Exception { public ChannelNotFoundException(string channelName) : base($"A channel with the name {channelName} could not be found.") { } } }