// Copyright (c) 2007-2018 ppy Pty Ltd . // Licensed under the MIT Licence - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppy/osu/master/LICENCE using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using osuTK.Input; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Audio; using osu.Framework.Audio.Sample; using osu.Framework.Configuration; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Framework.Screens; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Graphics; using osu.Game.Overlays; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods; using osu.Game.Screens.Play; using osu.Game.Screens.Ranking; using osu.Game.Skinning; namespace osu.Game.Screens.Select { public class PlaySongSelect : SongSelect { private OsuScreen player; protected readonly BeatmapDetailArea BeatmapDetails; private bool removeAutoModOnResume; public PlaySongSelect() { LeftContent.Add(BeatmapDetails = new BeatmapDetailArea { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Padding = new MarginPadding { Top = 10, Right = 5 }, }); BeatmapDetails.Leaderboard.ScoreSelected += s => Push(new Results(s)); } private SampleChannel sampleConfirm; [Cached] [Cached(Type = typeof(IBindable>))] private readonly Bindable> selectedMods = new Bindable>(new Mod[] { }); [BackgroundDependencyLoader(true)] private void load(OsuColour colours, AudioManager audio, BeatmapManager beatmaps, SkinManager skins, DialogOverlay dialogOverlay, Bindable> selectedMods) { if (selectedMods != null) this.selectedMods.BindTo(selectedMods); sampleConfirm = audio.Sample.Get(@"SongSelect/confirm-selection"); BeatmapOptions.AddButton(@"Remove", @"from unplayed", FontAwesome.fa_times_circle_o, colours.Purple, null, Key.Number1); BeatmapOptions.AddButton(@"Clear", @"local scores", FontAwesome.fa_eraser, colours.Purple, null, Key.Number2); BeatmapOptions.AddButton(@"Edit", @"beatmap", FontAwesome.fa_pencil, colours.Yellow, () => { ValidForResume = false; Edit(); }, Key.Number3); if (dialogOverlay != null) { Schedule(() => { // if we have no beatmaps but osu-stable is found, let's prompt the user to import. if (!beatmaps.GetAllUsableBeatmapSets().Any() && beatmaps.StableInstallationAvailable) dialogOverlay.Push(new ImportFromStablePopup(() => { beatmaps.ImportFromStableAsync(); skins.ImportFromStableAsync(); })); }); } } protected override void ExitFromBack() { if (modSelect.State == Visibility.Visible) { modSelect.Hide(); return; } base.ExitFromBack(); } protected override void UpdateBeatmap(WorkingBeatmap beatmap) { beatmap.Mods.BindTo(selectedMods); base.UpdateBeatmap(beatmap); BeatmapDetails.Beatmap = beatmap; if (beatmap.Track != null) beatmap.Track.Looping = true; } protected override void OnResuming(Screen last) { player = null; if (removeAutoModOnResume) { var autoType = Ruleset.Value.CreateInstance().GetAutoplayMod().GetType(); ModSelect.DeselectTypes(new[] { autoType }, true); removeAutoModOnResume = false; } BeatmapDetails.Leaderboard.RefreshScores(); Beatmap.Value.Track.Looping = true; base.OnResuming(last); } protected override bool OnExiting(Screen next) { if (base.OnExiting(next)) return true; if (Beatmap.Value.Track != null) Beatmap.Value.Track.Looping = false; selectedMods.UnbindAll(); Beatmap.Value.Mods.Value = new Mod[] { }; return false; } protected override bool OnStart() { if (player != null) return false; // Ctrl+Enter should start map with autoplay enabled. if (GetContainingInputManager().CurrentState?.Keyboard.ControlPressed == true) { var auto = Ruleset.Value.CreateInstance().GetAutoplayMod(); var autoType = auto.GetType(); var mods = selectedMods.Value; if (mods.All(m => m.GetType() != autoType)) { selectedMods.Value = mods.Append(auto); removeAutoModOnResume = true; } } Beatmap.Value.Track.Looping = false; Beatmap.Disabled = true; sampleConfirm?.Play(); LoadComponentAsync(player = new PlayerLoader(new Player()), l => { if (IsCurrentScreen) Push(player); }); return true; } } }