// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd . Licensed under the MIT Licence. // See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text. #nullable disable using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using NUnit.Framework; using osu.Framework.Allocation; using osu.Framework.Graphics; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.UI; using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers; using osu.Framework.Testing; using osu.Framework.Utils; using osu.Game.Beatmaps; using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints; using osu.Game.Configuration; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Judgements; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Objects.Drawables; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Judgements; using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring; using osu.Game.Tests.Visual; using osuTK; namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Catch.Tests { [TestFixture] public partial class TestSceneCatcher : OsuTestScene { [Resolved] private OsuConfigManager config { get; set; } private DroppedObjectContainer droppedObjectContainer; private TestCatcher catcher; [SetUp] public void SetUp() => Schedule(() => { var difficulty = new BeatmapDifficulty { CircleSize = 0, }; droppedObjectContainer = new DroppedObjectContainer(); Child = new Container { Anchor = Anchor.Centre, Children = new Drawable[] { droppedObjectContainer, catcher = new TestCatcher(droppedObjectContainer, difficulty), } }; }); [Test] public void TestCatcherHyperStateReverted() { JudgementResult result1 = null; JudgementResult result2 = null; AddStep("catch hyper fruit", () => { result1 = attemptCatch(new Fruit { HyperDashTarget = new Fruit { X = 100 } }); }); AddStep("catch normal fruit", () => { result2 = attemptCatch(new Fruit()); }); AddStep("revert second result", () => { catcher.OnRevertResult(result2); }); checkHyperDash(true); AddStep("revert first result", () => { catcher.OnRevertResult(result1); }); checkHyperDash(false); } [Test] public void TestCatcherAnimationStateReverted() { JudgementResult result = null; AddStep("catch kiai fruit", () => { result = attemptCatch(new TestKiaiFruit()); }); checkState(CatcherAnimationState.Kiai); AddStep("revert result", () => { catcher.OnRevertResult(result); }); checkState(CatcherAnimationState.Idle); } [Test] public void TestCatcherCatchWidth() { float halfWidth = Catcher.CalculateCatchWidth(new BeatmapDifficulty { CircleSize = 0 }) / 2; AddStep("move catcher to center", () => catcher.X = CatchPlayfield.CENTER_X); float leftPlateBounds = CatchPlayfield.CENTER_X - halfWidth; float rightPlateBounds = CatchPlayfield.CENTER_X + halfWidth; AddStep("catch fruit", () => { attemptCatch(new Fruit { X = leftPlateBounds + 1 }); attemptCatch(new Fruit { X = rightPlateBounds - 1 }); }); checkPlate(2); AddStep("miss fruit", () => { attemptCatch(new Fruit { X = leftPlateBounds - 1 }); attemptCatch(new Fruit { X = rightPlateBounds + 1 }); }); checkPlate(2); } [Test] public void TestFruitClampedToCatchableRegion() { AddStep("catch fruit left", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit { X = -CatchPlayfield.WIDTH })); checkPlate(1); AddStep("move catcher to right", () => catcher.X = CatchPlayfield.WIDTH); AddStep("catch fruit right", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit { X = CatchPlayfield.WIDTH * 2 })); checkPlate(2); } [Test] public void TestFruitChangesCatcherState() { AddStep("miss fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit { X = 100 })); checkState(CatcherAnimationState.Fail); AddStep("catch fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); checkState(CatcherAnimationState.Idle); AddStep("catch kiai fruit", () => attemptCatch(new TestKiaiFruit())); checkState(CatcherAnimationState.Kiai); } [Test] public void TestNormalFruitResetsHyperDashState() { AddStep("catch hyper fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit { HyperDashTarget = new Fruit { X = 100 } })); checkHyperDash(true); AddStep("catch normal fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); checkHyperDash(false); } [Test] public void TestTinyDropletMissPreservesCatcherState() { AddStep("catch hyper kiai fruit", () => attemptCatch(new TestKiaiFruit { HyperDashTarget = new Fruit { X = 100 } })); AddStep("catch tiny droplet", () => attemptCatch(new TinyDroplet())); AddStep("miss tiny droplet", () => attemptCatch(new TinyDroplet { X = 100 })); // catcher state and hyper dash state is preserved checkState(CatcherAnimationState.Kiai); checkHyperDash(true); } [Test] public void TestBananaMissPreservesCatcherState() { AddStep("catch hyper kiai fruit", () => attemptCatch(new TestKiaiFruit { HyperDashTarget = new Fruit { X = 100 } })); AddStep("miss banana", () => attemptCatch(new Banana { X = 100 })); // catcher state is preserved but hyper dash state is reset checkState(CatcherAnimationState.Kiai); checkHyperDash(false); } [Test] public void TestLastBananaShouldClearPlateOnMiss() { AddStep("catch fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); checkPlate(1); AddStep("miss banana", () => attemptCatch(new Banana { X = 100 })); checkPlate(1); AddStep("miss last banana", () => attemptCatch(new Banana { LastInCombo = true, X = 100 })); checkPlate(0); } [Test] public void TestLastBananaShouldClearPlateOnCatch() { AddStep("catch fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); checkPlate(1); AddStep("catch banana", () => attemptCatch(new Banana())); checkPlate(2); AddStep("catch last banana", () => attemptCatch(new Banana { LastInCombo = true })); checkPlate(0); } [Test] public void TestCatcherRandomStacking() { AddStep("catch more fruits", () => attemptCatch(() => new Fruit { X = (RNG.NextSingle() - 0.5f) * Catcher.CalculateCatchWidth(Vector2.One) }, 50)); } [Test] public void TestCatcherStackingSameCaughtPosition() { AddStep("catch fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); checkPlate(1); AddStep("catch more fruits", () => attemptCatch(() => new Fruit(), 9)); checkPlate(10); AddAssert("caught objects are stacked", () => catcher.CaughtObjects.All(obj => obj.Y <= 0) && catcher.CaughtObjects.Any(obj => obj.Y == 0) && catcher.CaughtObjects.Any(obj => obj.Y < 0)); } [Test] public void TestCatcherExplosionAndDropping() { AddStep("catch fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); AddStep("catch tiny droplet", () => attemptCatch(new TinyDroplet())); AddAssert("tiny droplet is exploded", () => catcher.CaughtObjects.Count() == 1 && droppedObjectContainer.Count == 1); AddUntilStep("wait explosion", () => !droppedObjectContainer.Any()); AddStep("catch more fruits", () => attemptCatch(() => new Fruit(), 9)); AddStep("explode", () => catcher.Explode()); AddAssert("fruits are exploded", () => !catcher.CaughtObjects.Any() && droppedObjectContainer.Count == 10); AddUntilStep("wait explosion", () => !droppedObjectContainer.Any()); AddStep("catch fruits", () => attemptCatch(() => new Fruit(), 10)); AddStep("drop", () => catcher.Drop()); AddAssert("fruits are dropped", () => !catcher.CaughtObjects.Any() && droppedObjectContainer.Count == 10); } [Test] public void TestHitLightingColour() { AddStep("enable hit lighting", () => config.SetValue(OsuSetting.HitLighting, true)); AddStep("catch fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); AddAssert("correct hit lighting colour", () => catcher.ChildrenOfType().First()?.Entry?.ObjectColour == this.ChildrenOfType().First().AccentColour.Value); } [Test] public void TestHitLightingDisabled() { AddStep("disable hit lighting", () => config.SetValue(OsuSetting.HitLighting, false)); AddStep("catch fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); AddAssert("no hit lighting", () => !catcher.ChildrenOfType().Any()); } [Test] public void TestAllExplodedObjectsAtUniquePositions() { AddStep("catch normal fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit())); AddStep("catch normal fruit", () => attemptCatch(new Fruit { IndexInBeatmap = 2, LastInCombo = true })); AddAssert("two fruit at distinct x coordinates", () => this.ChildrenOfType().Select(f => f.DrawPosition.X).Distinct(), () => Has.Exactly(2).Items); } private void checkPlate(int count) => AddAssert($"{count} objects on the plate", () => catcher.CaughtObjects.Count() == count); private void checkState(CatcherAnimationState state) => AddAssert($"catcher state is {state}", () => catcher.CurrentState == state); private void checkHyperDash(bool state) => AddAssert($"catcher is {(state ? "" : "not ")}hyper dashing", () => catcher.HyperDashing == state); private void attemptCatch(Func hitObject, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) attemptCatch(hitObject()); } private JudgementResult attemptCatch(CatchHitObject hitObject) { hitObject.ApplyDefaults(new ControlPointInfo(), new BeatmapDifficulty()); var drawableObject = createDrawableObject(hitObject); var result = createResult(hitObject); applyResult(drawableObject, result); return result; } private void applyResult(DrawableCatchHitObject drawableObject, JudgementResult result) { // Load DHO to set colour of hit explosion correctly Add(drawableObject); drawableObject.OnLoadComplete += _ => { catcher.OnNewResult(drawableObject, result); drawableObject.Expire(); }; } private JudgementResult createResult(CatchHitObject hitObject) { return new CatchJudgementResult(hitObject, hitObject.Judgement) { Type = catcher.CanCatch(hitObject) ? HitResult.Great : HitResult.Miss }; } private DrawableCatchHitObject createDrawableObject(CatchHitObject hitObject) { switch (hitObject) { case Banana banana: return new DrawableBanana(banana); case Droplet droplet: return new DrawableDroplet(droplet); case Fruit fruit: return new DrawableFruit(fruit); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(hitObject)); } } public partial class TestCatcher : Catcher { public IEnumerable CaughtObjects => this.ChildrenOfType(); public TestCatcher(DroppedObjectContainer droppedObjectTarget, IBeatmapDifficultyInfo difficulty) : base(droppedObjectTarget, difficulty) { } } public class TestKiaiFruit : Fruit { protected override void ApplyDefaultsToSelf(ControlPointInfo controlPointInfo, IBeatmapDifficultyInfo difficulty) { controlPointInfo.Add(0, new EffectControlPoint { KiaiMode = true }); base.ApplyDefaultsToSelf(controlPointInfo, difficulty); } } } }