diff --git a/osu.Game/Graphics/Containers/SectionsContainer.cs b/osu.Game/Graphics/Containers/SectionsContainer.cs
index 6607193cc6..cae2dd7e37 100644
--- a/osu.Game/Graphics/Containers/SectionsContainer.cs
+++ b/osu.Game/Graphics/Containers/SectionsContainer.cs
@@ -215,23 +215,16 @@ namespace osu.Game.Graphics.Containers
                 // plus 5% to fix floating point errors and to not have a section instantly unselect when scrolling upwards
                 // but the 5% can't be bigger than our smallest section height, otherwise it won't get selected correctly
                 float sectionOrContent = Math.Min(smallestSectionHeight / 2.0f, scrollContainer.DisplayableContent * 0.05f);
                 float scrollOffset = (FixedHeader?.LayoutSize.Y ?? 0) + scrollContainer.DisplayableContent * scroll_target_multiplier + sectionOrContent;
                 Func<T, float> diff = section => scrollContainer.GetChildPosInContent(section) - currentScroll - scrollOffset;
                 if (Precision.AlmostBigger(0, scrollContainer.Current))
-                {
                     SelectedSection.Value = lastClickedSection as T ?? Children.FirstOrDefault();
-                    return;
-                }
-                if (Precision.AlmostBigger(scrollContainer.Current, scrollContainer.ScrollableExtent))
-                {
+                else if (Precision.AlmostBigger(scrollContainer.Current, scrollContainer.ScrollableExtent))
                     SelectedSection.Value = lastClickedSection as T ?? Children.LastOrDefault();
-                    return;
-                }
-                SelectedSection.Value = Children.TakeWhile(section => diff(section) <= 0).LastOrDefault()
-                                        ?? Children.FirstOrDefault();
+                else
+                    SelectedSection.Value = Children.TakeWhile(section => diff(section) <= 0).LastOrDefault() ?? Children.FirstOrDefault();