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synced 2025-03-02 01:21:19 +00:00
Move score calculation to ScoreManager
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Scoring
protected override string ImportFromStablePath => Path.Combine("Data", "r");
private readonly Bindable<ScoringMode> scoringMode = new Bindable<ScoringMode>();
private readonly RulesetStore rulesets;
private readonly Func<BeatmapManager> beatmaps;
@ -51,6 +52,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Scoring
this.beatmaps = beatmaps;
this.difficulties = difficulties;
this.configManager = configManager;
configManager?.BindWith(OsuSetting.ScoreDisplayMode, scoringMode);
protected override ScoreInfo CreateModel(ArchiveReader archive)
@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Scoring
/// <returns>The bindable containing the total score.</returns>
public Bindable<long> GetBindableTotalScore(ScoreInfo score)
var bindable = new TotalScoreBindable(score, difficulties);
var bindable = new TotalScoreBindable(score, this);
configManager?.BindWith(OsuSetting.ScoreDisplayMode, bindable.ScoringMode);
return bindable;
@ -128,6 +131,63 @@ namespace osu.Game.Scoring
/// <returns>The bindable containing the formatted total score string.</returns>
public Bindable<string> GetBindableTotalScoreString(ScoreInfo score) => new TotalScoreStringBindable(GetBindableTotalScore(score));
public long GetTotalScore(ScoreInfo score) => GetTotalScoreAsync(score).Result;
public async Task<long> GetTotalScoreAsync(ScoreInfo score, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
if (score.Beatmap == null)
return score.TotalScore;
int beatmapMaxCombo;
double accuracy = score.Accuracy;
if (score.IsLegacyScore)
if (score.RulesetID == 3)
// In osu!stable, a full-GREAT score has 100% accuracy in mania. Along with a full combo, the score becomes indistinguishable from a full-PERFECT score.
// To get around this, recalculate accuracy based on the hit statistics.
// Note: This cannot be applied universally to all legacy scores, as some rulesets (e.g. catch) group multiple judgements together.
double maxBaseScore = score.Statistics.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).Sum() * Judgement.ToNumericResult(HitResult.Perfect);
double baseScore = score.Statistics.Select(kvp => Judgement.ToNumericResult(kvp.Key) * kvp.Value).Sum();
if (maxBaseScore > 0)
accuracy = baseScore / maxBaseScore;
// This score is guaranteed to be an osu!stable score.
// The combo must be determined through either the beatmap's max combo value or the difficulty calculator, as lazer's scoring has changed and the score statistics cannot be used.
if (score.Beatmap.MaxCombo != null)
beatmapMaxCombo = score.Beatmap.MaxCombo.Value;
if (score.Beatmap.ID == 0 || difficulties == null)
// We don't have enough information (max combo) to compute the score, so use the provided score.
return score.TotalScore;
// We can compute the max combo locally after the async beatmap difficulty computation.
var difficulty = await difficulties().GetDifficultyAsync(score.Beatmap, score.Ruleset, score.Mods, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
beatmapMaxCombo = difficulty.MaxCombo;
// This is guaranteed to be a non-legacy score.
// The combo must be determined through the score's statistics, as both the beatmap's max combo and the difficulty calculator will provide osu!stable combo values.
beatmapMaxCombo = Enum.GetValues(typeof(HitResult)).OfType<HitResult>().Where(r => r.AffectsCombo()).Select(r => score.Statistics.GetValueOrDefault(r)).Sum();
if (beatmapMaxCombo == 0)
return 0;
var ruleset = score.Ruleset.CreateInstance();
var scoreProcessor = ruleset.CreateScoreProcessor();
scoreProcessor.Mods.Value = score.Mods;
return (long)Math.Round(scoreProcessor.GetScore(scoringMode.Value, beatmapMaxCombo, accuracy, (double)score.MaxCombo / beatmapMaxCombo, score.Statistics));
/// <summary>
/// Provides the total score of a <see cref="ScoreInfo"/>. Responds to changes in the currently-selected <see cref="ScoringMode"/>.
/// </summary>
@ -136,99 +196,29 @@ namespace osu.Game.Scoring
public readonly Bindable<ScoringMode> ScoringMode = new Bindable<ScoringMode>();
private readonly ScoreInfo score;
private readonly Func<BeatmapDifficultyCache> difficulties;
private readonly ScoreManager scoreManager;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="TotalScoreBindable"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="score">The <see cref="ScoreInfo"/> to provide the total score of.</param>
/// <param name="difficulties">A function to retrieve the <see cref="BeatmapDifficultyCache"/>.</param>
public TotalScoreBindable(ScoreInfo score, Func<BeatmapDifficultyCache> difficulties)
/// <param name="scoreManager">The <see cref="ScoreManager"/>.</param>
public TotalScoreBindable(ScoreInfo score, ScoreManager scoreManager)
this.score = score;
this.difficulties = difficulties;
this.scoreManager = scoreManager;
ScoringMode.BindValueChanged(onScoringModeChanged, true);
private IBindable<StarDifficulty?> difficultyBindable;
private CancellationTokenSource difficultyCancellationSource;
private void onScoringModeChanged(ValueChangedEvent<ScoringMode> mode)
difficultyCancellationSource = null;
difficultyCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
if (score.Beatmap == null)
Value = score.TotalScore;
int beatmapMaxCombo;
double accuracy = score.Accuracy;
if (score.IsLegacyScore)
if (score.RulesetID == 3)
// In osu!stable, a full-GREAT score has 100% accuracy in mania. Along with a full combo, the score becomes indistinguishable from a full-PERFECT score.
// To get around this, recalculate accuracy based on the hit statistics.
// Note: This cannot be applied universally to all legacy scores, as some rulesets (e.g. catch) group multiple judgements together.
double maxBaseScore = score.Statistics.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).Sum() * Judgement.ToNumericResult(HitResult.Perfect);
double baseScore = score.Statistics.Select(kvp => Judgement.ToNumericResult(kvp.Key) * kvp.Value).Sum();
if (maxBaseScore > 0)
accuracy = baseScore / maxBaseScore;
// This score is guaranteed to be an osu!stable score.
// The combo must be determined through either the beatmap's max combo value or the difficulty calculator, as lazer's scoring has changed and the score statistics cannot be used.
if (score.Beatmap.MaxCombo == null)
if (score.Beatmap.ID == 0 || difficulties == null)
// We don't have enough information (max combo) to compute the score, so use the provided score.
Value = score.TotalScore;
// We can compute the max combo locally after the async beatmap difficulty computation.
difficultyBindable = difficulties().GetBindableDifficulty(score.Beatmap, score.Ruleset, score.Mods, (difficultyCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource()).Token);
difficultyBindable.BindValueChanged(d =>
if (d.NewValue is StarDifficulty diff)
updateScore(diff.MaxCombo, accuracy);
}, true);
beatmapMaxCombo = score.Beatmap.MaxCombo.Value;
// This is guaranteed to be a non-legacy score.
// The combo must be determined through the score's statistics, as both the beatmap's max combo and the difficulty calculator will provide osu!stable combo values.
beatmapMaxCombo = Enum.GetValues(typeof(HitResult)).OfType<HitResult>().Where(r => r.AffectsCombo()).Select(r => score.Statistics.GetValueOrDefault(r)).Sum();
updateScore(beatmapMaxCombo, accuracy);
private void updateScore(int beatmapMaxCombo, double accuracy)
if (beatmapMaxCombo == 0)
Value = 0;
var ruleset = score.Ruleset.CreateInstance();
var scoreProcessor = ruleset.CreateScoreProcessor();
scoreProcessor.Mods.Value = score.Mods;
Value = (long)Math.Round(scoreProcessor.GetScore(ScoringMode.Value, beatmapMaxCombo, accuracy, (double)score.MaxCombo / beatmapMaxCombo, score.Statistics));
scoreManager.GetTotalScoreAsync(score, difficultyCancellationSource.Token).ContinueWith(s => Value = s.Result, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);
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