diff --git a/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.ConflictResolution.cs b/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.ConflictResolution.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8afa43b1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.ConflictResolution.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
+// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
+using System;
+using osu.Framework.Bindables;
+using osu.Framework.Extensions;
+using osu.Framework.Graphics.Cursor;
+using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface;
+using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings;
+namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
+    public partial class KeyBindingRow : IHasPopover
+    {
+        private readonly Bindable<KeyBindingConflictInfo> keyBindingConflictInfo = new Bindable<KeyBindingConflictInfo>();
+        public Popover GetPopover() => new KeyBindingConflictPopover
+        {
+            ConflictInfo = { BindTarget = keyBindingConflictInfo },
+            BindingConflictResolved = () => BindingUpdated?.Invoke(this, new KeyBindingUpdatedEventArgs(bindingConflictResolved: true, canAdvanceToNextBinding: false))
+        };
+        private void showBindingConflictPopover(KeyBindingConflictInfo conflictInfo)
+        {
+            keyBindingConflictInfo.Value = conflictInfo;
+            this.ShowPopover();
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Contains information about the key binding conflict to be resolved.
+        /// </summary>
+        public class KeyBindingConflictInfo
+        {
+            public ConflictingKeyBinding Existing { get; }
+            public ConflictingKeyBinding New { get; }
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Contains information about the key binding conflict to be resolved.
+            /// </summary>
+            public KeyBindingConflictInfo(ConflictingKeyBinding existingBinding, ConflictingKeyBinding newBinding)
+            {
+                Existing = existingBinding;
+                New = newBinding;
+            }
+        }
+        public class ConflictingKeyBinding
+        {
+            public Guid ID { get; }
+            public object Action { get; }
+            public KeyCombination CombinationWhenChosen { get; }
+            public KeyCombination CombinationWhenNotChosen { get; }
+            public ConflictingKeyBinding(Guid id, object action, KeyCombination combinationWhenChosen, KeyCombination combinationWhenNotChosen)
+            {
+                ID = id;
+                Action = action;
+                CombinationWhenChosen = combinationWhenChosen;
+                CombinationWhenNotChosen = combinationWhenNotChosen;
+            }
+        }
+        public class KeyBindingUpdatedEventArgs
+        {
+            public bool BindingConflictResolved { get; }
+            public bool CanAdvanceToNextBinding { get; }
+            public KeyBindingUpdatedEventArgs(bool bindingConflictResolved, bool canAdvanceToNextBinding)
+            {
+                BindingConflictResolved = bindingConflictResolved;
+                CanAdvanceToNextBinding = canAdvanceToNextBinding;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.KeyButton.cs b/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.KeyButton.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf26300fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.KeyButton.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
+// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using osu.Framework.Allocation;
+using osu.Framework.Bindables;
+using osu.Framework.Extensions.ObjectExtensions;
+using osu.Framework.Graphics;
+using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
+using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes;
+using osu.Framework.Input;
+using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings;
+using osu.Framework.Input.Events;
+using osu.Game.Graphics;
+using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites;
+using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface;
+using osu.Game.Input;
+using osu.Game.Input.Bindings;
+using osuTK.Graphics;
+namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
+    public partial class KeyBindingRow
+    {
+        public partial class KeyButton : Container
+        {
+            public Bindable<RealmKeyBinding> KeyBinding { get; } = new Bindable<RealmKeyBinding>();
+            private readonly Box box;
+            public readonly OsuSpriteText Text;
+            [Resolved]
+            private OverlayColourProvider colourProvider { get; set; } = null!;
+            [Resolved]
+            private ReadableKeyCombinationProvider keyCombinationProvider { get; set; } = null!;
+            private bool isBinding;
+            public bool IsBinding
+            {
+                get => isBinding;
+                set
+                {
+                    if (value == isBinding) return;
+                    isBinding = value;
+                    updateHoverState();
+                }
+            }
+            public KeyButton()
+            {
+                Margin = new MarginPadding(padding);
+                Masking = true;
+                CornerRadius = padding;
+                Height = height;
+                AutoSizeAxes = Axes.X;
+                Children = new Drawable[]
+                {
+                    new Container
+                    {
+                        AlwaysPresent = true,
+                        Width = 80,
+                        Height = height,
+                    },
+                    box = new Box
+                    {
+                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
+                    },
+                    Text = new OsuSpriteText
+                    {
+                        Font = OsuFont.Numeric.With(size: 10),
+                        Margin = new MarginPadding(5),
+                        Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
+                        Origin = Anchor.Centre,
+                    },
+                    new HoverSounds()
+                };
+            }
+            protected override void LoadComplete()
+            {
+                base.LoadComplete();
+                KeyBinding.BindValueChanged(_ =>
+                {
+                    if (KeyBinding.Value.IsManaged)
+                        throw new ArgumentException("Key binding should not be attached as we make temporary changes", nameof(KeyBinding));
+                    updateKeyCombinationText();
+                });
+                keyCombinationProvider.KeymapChanged += updateKeyCombinationText;
+                updateKeyCombinationText();
+            }
+            [BackgroundDependencyLoader]
+            private void load()
+            {
+                updateHoverState();
+                FinishTransforms(true);
+            }
+            protected override bool OnHover(HoverEvent e)
+            {
+                updateHoverState();
+                return base.OnHover(e);
+            }
+            protected override void OnHoverLost(HoverLostEvent e)
+            {
+                updateHoverState();
+                base.OnHoverLost(e);
+            }
+            private void updateHoverState()
+            {
+                if (isBinding)
+                {
+                    box.FadeColour(colourProvider.Light2, transition_time, Easing.OutQuint);
+                    Text.FadeColour(Color4.Black, transition_time, Easing.OutQuint);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    box.FadeColour(IsHovered ? colourProvider.Light4 : colourProvider.Background6, transition_time, Easing.OutQuint);
+                    Text.FadeColour(IsHovered ? Color4.Black : Color4.White, transition_time, Easing.OutQuint);
+                }
+            }
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Update from a key combination, only allowing a single non-modifier key to be specified.
+            /// </summary>
+            /// <param name="fullState">A <see cref="KeyCombination"/> generated from the full input state.</param>
+            /// <param name="triggerKey">The key which triggered this update, and should be used as the binding.</param>
+            public void UpdateKeyCombination(KeyCombination fullState, InputKey triggerKey) =>
+                UpdateKeyCombination(new KeyCombination(fullState.Keys.Where(KeyCombination.IsModifierKey).Append(triggerKey)));
+            public void UpdateKeyCombination(KeyCombination newCombination)
+            {
+                if (KeyBinding.Value.RulesetName != null && !RealmKeyBindingStore.CheckValidForGameplay(newCombination))
+                    return;
+                KeyBinding.Value.KeyCombination = newCombination;
+                updateKeyCombinationText();
+            }
+            private void updateKeyCombinationText()
+            {
+                Scheduler.AddOnce(updateText);
+                void updateText() => Text.Text = keyCombinationProvider.GetReadableString(KeyBinding.Value.KeyCombination);
+            }
+            protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
+            {
+                base.Dispose(isDisposing);
+                if (keyCombinationProvider.IsNotNull())
+                    keyCombinationProvider.KeymapChanged -= updateKeyCombinationText;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.cs b/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.cs
index c7791f4412..7a5a269eb3 100644
--- a/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.cs
+++ b/osu.Game/Overlays/Settings/Sections/Input/KeyBindingRow.cs
@@ -9,33 +9,27 @@ using osu.Framework.Allocation;
 using osu.Framework.Bindables;
 using osu.Framework.Extensions;
 using osu.Framework.Extensions.Color4Extensions;
-using osu.Framework.Extensions.ObjectExtensions;
 using osu.Framework.Graphics;
 using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers;
-using osu.Framework.Graphics.Cursor;
 using osu.Framework.Graphics.Effects;
 using osu.Framework.Graphics.Shapes;
-using osu.Framework.Graphics.UserInterface;
 using osu.Framework.Input;
 using osu.Framework.Input.Bindings;
 using osu.Framework.Input.Events;
 using osu.Framework.Localisation;
 using osu.Game.Database;
-using osu.Game.Graphics;
 using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites;
 using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterface;
 using osu.Game.Graphics.UserInterfaceV2;
-using osu.Game.Input;
 using osu.Game.Input.Bindings;
 using osu.Game.Resources.Localisation.Web;
 using osu.Game.Rulesets;
 using osuTK;
-using osuTK.Graphics;
 using osuTK.Input;
 namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
-    public partial class KeyBindingRow : Container, IFilterable, IHasPopover
+    public partial class KeyBindingRow : Container, IFilterable
         /// <summary>
         /// Invoked when the binding of this row is updated with a change being written.
@@ -210,18 +204,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
             }, true);
-        private void updateButtons()
-        {
-            if (buttons.Count > KeyBindings.Count)
-                buttons.RemoveRange(buttons.Skip(KeyBindings.Count).ToArray(), true);
-            while (buttons.Count < KeyBindings.Count)
-                buttons.Add(new KeyButton());
-            foreach (var (button, binding) in buttons.Zip(KeyBindings))
-                button.KeyBinding.Value = binding;
-        }
         public void RestoreDefaults()
             int i = 0;
@@ -251,8 +233,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
-        private bool isModifier(Key k) => k < Key.F1;
         protected override bool OnClick(ClickEvent e) => true;
         protected override bool OnMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e)
@@ -325,6 +305,8 @@ namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
             if (!isModifier(e.Key)) finalise();
             return true;
+            bool isModifier(Key k) => k < Key.F1;
         protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyUpEvent e)
@@ -434,6 +416,18 @@ namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
+        private void updateButtons()
+        {
+            if (buttons.Count > KeyBindings.Count)
+                buttons.RemoveRange(buttons.Skip(KeyBindings.Count).ToArray(), true);
+            while (buttons.Count < KeyBindings.Count)
+                buttons.Add(new KeyButton());
+            foreach (var (button, binding) in buttons.Zip(KeyBindings))
+                button.KeyBinding.Value = binding;
+        }
         private void clear()
             if (bindTarget == null)
@@ -466,6 +460,24 @@ namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
             cancelAndClearButtons.BypassAutoSizeAxes |= Axes.Y;
+        protected override void OnFocus(FocusEvent e)
+        {
+            content.AutoSizeDuration = 500;
+            content.AutoSizeEasing = Easing.OutQuint;
+            cancelAndClearButtons.FadeIn(300, Easing.OutQuint);
+            cancelAndClearButtons.BypassAutoSizeAxes &= ~Axes.Y;
+            updateBindTarget();
+            base.OnFocus(e);
+        }
+        protected override void OnFocusLost(FocusLostEvent e)
+        {
+            finalise(false);
+            base.OnFocusLost(e);
+        }
         private void tryPersistKeyBinding(RealmKeyBinding keyBinding, bool advanceToNextBinding)
             List<RealmKeyBinding> bindings = GetAllSectionBindings();
@@ -488,24 +500,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
                     new ConflictingKeyBinding(keyBindingBeforeUpdate.ID, Action, keyBinding.KeyCombination, keyBindingBeforeUpdate.KeyCombination)));
-        protected override void OnFocus(FocusEvent e)
-        {
-            content.AutoSizeDuration = 500;
-            content.AutoSizeEasing = Easing.OutQuint;
-            cancelAndClearButtons.FadeIn(300, Easing.OutQuint);
-            cancelAndClearButtons.BypassAutoSizeAxes &= ~Axes.Y;
-            updateBindTarget();
-            base.OnFocus(e);
-        }
-        protected override void OnFocusLost(FocusLostEvent e)
-        {
-            finalise(false);
-            base.OnFocusLost(e);
-        }
         /// <summary>
         /// Updates the bind target to the currently hovered key button or the first if clicked anywhere else.
         /// </summary>
@@ -521,70 +515,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
             isDefault.Value = KeyBindings.Select(b => b.KeyCombination).SequenceEqual(Defaults);
-        #region Handling conflicts
-        private readonly Bindable<KeyBindingConflictInfo> keyBindingConflictInfo = new Bindable<KeyBindingConflictInfo>();
-        public Popover GetPopover() => new KeyBindingConflictPopover
-        {
-            ConflictInfo = { BindTarget = keyBindingConflictInfo },
-            BindingConflictResolved = () => BindingUpdated?.Invoke(this, new KeyBindingUpdatedEventArgs(bindingConflictResolved: true, canAdvanceToNextBinding: false))
-        };
-        private void showBindingConflictPopover(KeyBindingConflictInfo conflictInfo)
-        {
-            keyBindingConflictInfo.Value = conflictInfo;
-            this.ShowPopover();
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Contains information about the key binding conflict to be resolved.
-        /// </summary>
-        public class KeyBindingConflictInfo
-        {
-            public ConflictingKeyBinding Existing { get; }
-            public ConflictingKeyBinding New { get; }
-            /// <summary>
-            /// Contains information about the key binding conflict to be resolved.
-            /// </summary>
-            public KeyBindingConflictInfo(ConflictingKeyBinding existingBinding, ConflictingKeyBinding newBinding)
-            {
-                Existing = existingBinding;
-                New = newBinding;
-            }
-        }
-        public class ConflictingKeyBinding
-        {
-            public Guid ID { get; }
-            public object Action { get; }
-            public KeyCombination CombinationWhenChosen { get; }
-            public KeyCombination CombinationWhenNotChosen { get; }
-            public ConflictingKeyBinding(Guid id, object action, KeyCombination combinationWhenChosen, KeyCombination combinationWhenNotChosen)
-            {
-                ID = id;
-                Action = action;
-                CombinationWhenChosen = combinationWhenChosen;
-                CombinationWhenNotChosen = combinationWhenNotChosen;
-            }
-        }
-        public class KeyBindingUpdatedEventArgs
-        {
-            public bool BindingConflictResolved { get; }
-            public bool CanAdvanceToNextBinding { get; }
-            public KeyBindingUpdatedEventArgs(bool bindingConflictResolved, bool canAdvanceToNextBinding)
-            {
-                BindingConflictResolved = bindingConflictResolved;
-                CanAdvanceToNextBinding = canAdvanceToNextBinding;
-            }
-        }
-        #endregion
         private partial class CancelButton : RoundedButton
             public CancelButton()
@@ -602,147 +532,5 @@ namespace osu.Game.Overlays.Settings.Sections.Input
                 Size = new Vector2(80, 20);
-        public partial class KeyButton : Container
-        {
-            public Bindable<RealmKeyBinding> KeyBinding { get; } = new Bindable<RealmKeyBinding>();
-            private readonly Box box;
-            public readonly OsuSpriteText Text;
-            [Resolved]
-            private OverlayColourProvider colourProvider { get; set; } = null!;
-            [Resolved]
-            private ReadableKeyCombinationProvider keyCombinationProvider { get; set; } = null!;
-            private bool isBinding;
-            public bool IsBinding
-            {
-                get => isBinding;
-                set
-                {
-                    if (value == isBinding) return;
-                    isBinding = value;
-                    updateHoverState();
-                }
-            }
-            public KeyButton()
-            {
-                Margin = new MarginPadding(padding);
-                Masking = true;
-                CornerRadius = padding;
-                Height = height;
-                AutoSizeAxes = Axes.X;
-                Children = new Drawable[]
-                {
-                    new Container
-                    {
-                        AlwaysPresent = true,
-                        Width = 80,
-                        Height = height,
-                    },
-                    box = new Box
-                    {
-                        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
-                    },
-                    Text = new OsuSpriteText
-                    {
-                        Font = OsuFont.Numeric.With(size: 10),
-                        Margin = new MarginPadding(5),
-                        Anchor = Anchor.Centre,
-                        Origin = Anchor.Centre,
-                    },
-                    new HoverSounds()
-                };
-            }
-            protected override void LoadComplete()
-            {
-                base.LoadComplete();
-                KeyBinding.BindValueChanged(_ =>
-                {
-                    if (KeyBinding.Value.IsManaged)
-                        throw new ArgumentException("Key binding should not be attached as we make temporary changes", nameof(KeyBinding));
-                    updateKeyCombinationText();
-                });
-                keyCombinationProvider.KeymapChanged += updateKeyCombinationText;
-                updateKeyCombinationText();
-            }
-            [BackgroundDependencyLoader]
-            private void load()
-            {
-                updateHoverState();
-                FinishTransforms(true);
-            }
-            protected override bool OnHover(HoverEvent e)
-            {
-                updateHoverState();
-                return base.OnHover(e);
-            }
-            protected override void OnHoverLost(HoverLostEvent e)
-            {
-                updateHoverState();
-                base.OnHoverLost(e);
-            }
-            private void updateHoverState()
-            {
-                if (isBinding)
-                {
-                    box.FadeColour(colourProvider.Light2, transition_time, Easing.OutQuint);
-                    Text.FadeColour(Color4.Black, transition_time, Easing.OutQuint);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    box.FadeColour(IsHovered ? colourProvider.Light4 : colourProvider.Background6, transition_time, Easing.OutQuint);
-                    Text.FadeColour(IsHovered ? Color4.Black : Color4.White, transition_time, Easing.OutQuint);
-                }
-            }
-            /// <summary>
-            /// Update from a key combination, only allowing a single non-modifier key to be specified.
-            /// </summary>
-            /// <param name="fullState">A <see cref="KeyCombination"/> generated from the full input state.</param>
-            /// <param name="triggerKey">The key which triggered this update, and should be used as the binding.</param>
-            public void UpdateKeyCombination(KeyCombination fullState, InputKey triggerKey) =>
-                UpdateKeyCombination(new KeyCombination(fullState.Keys.Where(KeyCombination.IsModifierKey).Append(triggerKey)));
-            public void UpdateKeyCombination(KeyCombination newCombination)
-            {
-                if (KeyBinding.Value.RulesetName != null && !RealmKeyBindingStore.CheckValidForGameplay(newCombination))
-                    return;
-                KeyBinding.Value.KeyCombination = newCombination;
-                updateKeyCombinationText();
-            }
-            private void updateKeyCombinationText()
-            {
-                Scheduler.AddOnce(updateText);
-                void updateText() => Text.Text = keyCombinationProvider.GetReadableString(KeyBinding.Value.KeyCombination);
-            }
-            protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
-            {
-                base.Dispose(isDisposing);
-                if (keyCombinationProvider.IsNotNull())
-                    keyCombinationProvider.KeymapChanged -= updateKeyCombinationText;
-            }
-        }