Make bars and circles better

This commit is contained in:
Dean Herbert 2017-11-08 12:06:22 +09:00
parent a72e798b85
commit 7dcdf78608
1 changed files with 47 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -187,17 +187,56 @@ public IntroSequence()
private void setDefaults()
welcomeText.Spacing = new Vector2(5);
welcomeText.Alpha = 0;
smallRing.Size = mediumRing.Size = bigRing.Size = Vector2.Zero;
bigRing.Foreground.Size = new Vector2(0.85f);
mediumRing.Foreground.Size = new Vector2(0.7f);
smallRing.Foreground.Size = new Vector2(0.6f);
foreach (var line in linesContainer)
line.Size = new Vector2(105, 1.5f);
line.Alpha = 0;
const int line_offset = 80;
lineTopLeft.Position = new Vector2(-line_offset, -line_offset);
lineTopRight.Position = new Vector2(line_offset, -line_offset);
lineBottomLeft.Position = new Vector2(-line_offset, line_offset);
lineBottomRight.Position = new Vector2(line_offset, line_offset);
backgroundFill.Rotation = foregroundFill.Rotation = 0;
backgroundFill.Alpha = foregroundFill.Alpha = 1;
backgroundFill.Height = foregroundFill.Width = 0;
yellowCircle.Size = purpleCircle.Size = blueCircle.Size = pinkCircle.Size = Vector2.Zero;
yellowCircle.Rotation = purpleCircle.Rotation = blueCircle.Rotation = pinkCircle.Rotation = 0;
const int circle_offset = 250;
yellowCircle.Position = new Vector2(0, -circle_offset);
purpleCircle.Position = new Vector2(0, circle_offset);
blueCircle.Position = new Vector2(-circle_offset, 0);
pinkCircle.Position = new Vector2(circle_offset, 0);
public void Start(double length)
mediumRing.ResizeTo(130, 360, Easing.InExpo).OnComplete(r => r.Foreground.ResizeTo(1, 420, Easing.OutQuad));
smallRing.ResizeTo(logo_size * 0.086f, 250, Easing.InExpo).OnComplete(r => r.Foreground.ResizeTo(1, 650, Easing.OutQuad));
smallRing.ResizeTo(logo_size * 0.086f, 400, Easing.InOutQuint);
mediumRing.ResizeTo(130, 340, Easing.OutQuad);
mediumRing.Foreground.ResizeTo(1, 880, Easing.Out);
Func<double> remainingTime = () => length - TransformDelay;
using (BeginDelayedSequence(360, true))
using (BeginDelayedSequence(250, true))
welcomeText.TransformSpacingTo(new Vector2(20, 0), remainingTime(), Easing.Out);
@ -207,11 +246,13 @@ public void Start(double length)
foreach (var line in linesContainer)
line.Delay(line_resize).ResizeWidthTo(0, line_duration - line_resize, Easing.OutQuint);
line.FadeIn(40).ResizeWidthTo(0, line_duration - line_resize, Easing.OutQuint);
const int line_end_offset = 120;
smallRing.Foreground.ResizeTo(1, line_duration, Easing.OutQuint);
lineTopLeft.MoveTo(new Vector2(-line_end_offset, -line_end_offset), line_duration, Easing.OutQuint);
lineTopRight.MoveTo(new Vector2(line_end_offset, -line_end_offset), line_duration, Easing.OutQuint);
lineBottomLeft.MoveTo(new Vector2(-line_end_offset, line_end_offset), line_duration, Easing.OutQuint);
@ -267,40 +308,6 @@ public void Start(double length)
private void setDefaults()
welcomeText.Spacing = new Vector2(5);
welcomeText.Alpha = 0;
smallRing.Size = mediumRing.Size = bigRing.Size = Vector2.Zero;
mediumRing.Foreground.Size = Vector2.One - new Vector2(0.7f);
smallRing.Foreground.Size = Vector2.One - new Vector2(0.4f);
bigRing.Foreground.Size = Vector2.One - new Vector2(0.15f);
lineTopLeft.Size = lineTopRight.Size = lineBottomLeft.Size = lineBottomRight.Size = new Vector2(105, 1.5f);
lineTopLeft.Alpha = lineTopRight.Alpha = lineBottomLeft.Alpha = lineBottomRight.Alpha = 0;
const int line_offset = 80;
lineTopLeft.Position = new Vector2(-line_offset, -line_offset);
lineTopRight.Position = new Vector2(line_offset, -line_offset);
lineBottomLeft.Position = new Vector2(-line_offset, line_offset);
lineBottomRight.Position = new Vector2(line_offset, line_offset);
backgroundFill.Rotation = foregroundFill.Rotation = 0;
backgroundFill.Alpha = foregroundFill.Alpha = 1;
backgroundFill.Height = foregroundFill.Width = 0;
yellowCircle.Size = purpleCircle.Size = blueCircle.Size = pinkCircle.Size = Vector2.Zero;
yellowCircle.Rotation = purpleCircle.Rotation = blueCircle.Rotation = pinkCircle.Rotation = 0;
const int circle_offset = 250;
yellowCircle.Position = new Vector2(0, -circle_offset);
purpleCircle.Position = new Vector2(0, circle_offset);
blueCircle.Position = new Vector2(-circle_offset, 0);
pinkCircle.Position = new Vector2(circle_offset, 0);
private class Ring : Container<CircularContainer>
public readonly CircularContainer Foreground;
@ -317,6 +324,7 @@ public Ring(Color4 ringColour)
Origin = Anchor.Centre,
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
Masking = true,
Scale = new Vector2(0.98f),
Child = new Box
RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,