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synced 2025-03-05 02:49:30 +00:00
Merge pull request #25598 from rodrigopina360/tournament-ban-count
Add ban count option to round editor
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ using osu.Framework.Testing;
using osu.Game.Tournament.Components;
using osu.Game.Tournament.Models;
using osu.Game.Tournament.Screens.MapPool;
using osuTK;
using osuTK.Input;
namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
@ -19,11 +21,28 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
private void load()
Add(screen = new MapPoolScreen { Width = 0.7f });
Add(screen = new TestMapPoolScreen { Width = 0.7f });
public override void SetUpSteps()
AddStep("reset state", resetState);
private void resetState()
Ladder.SplitMapPoolByMods.Value = true;
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = new TournamentMatch();
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = Ladder.Matches.First();
public void SetUp() => Schedule(() => Ladder.SplitMapPoolByMods.Value = true);
public void SetUp() => Schedule(() =>
public void TestFewMaps()
@ -39,7 +58,6 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
AddStep("reset match", () =>
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = new TournamentMatch();
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = Ladder.Matches.First();
@ -56,11 +74,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
AddStep("reset match", () =>
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = new TournamentMatch();
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = Ladder.Matches.First();
AddStep("reset state", resetState);
@ -76,11 +90,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
AddStep("reset match", () =>
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = new TournamentMatch();
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = Ladder.Matches.First();
AddStep("reset state", resetState);
@ -96,11 +106,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
addBeatmap(i > 4 ? Ruleset.Value.CreateInstance().AllMods.ElementAt(i).Acronym : "NM");
AddStep("reset match", () =>
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = new TournamentMatch();
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = Ladder.Matches.First();
AddStep("reset state", resetState);
@ -122,11 +128,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
addBeatmap(i > 4 ? Ruleset.Value.CreateInstance().AllMods.ElementAt(i).Acronym : "NM");
AddStep("reset match", () =>
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = new TournamentMatch();
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = Ladder.Matches.First();
AddStep("reset state", resetState);
@ -144,13 +146,190 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
AddStep("disable splitting map pool by mods", () => Ladder.SplitMapPoolByMods.Value = false);
AddStep("reset state", resetState);
public void TestBanOrderMultipleBans()
AddStep("set ban count", () => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.Round.Value!.BanCount.Value = 2);
AddStep("load some maps", () =>
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
AddStep("update displayed maps", () => Ladder.SplitMapPoolByMods.Value = false);
AddStep("start bans from blue team", () => screen.ChildrenOfType<TourneyButton>().First(btn => btn.Text == "Blue Ban").TriggerClick());
AddStep("ban map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(0));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Ban, TeamColour.Blue);
AddStep("ban map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(1));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Ban, TeamColour.Red);
AddStep("ban map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(2));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Ban, TeamColour.Red);
AddStep("pick map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(3));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Ban, TeamColour.Blue);
AddStep("pick map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(4));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Pick, TeamColour.Blue);
public void TestPickBanOrder()
AddStep("set ban count", () => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.Round.Value!.BanCount.Value = 1);
AddStep("load some maps", () =>
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
AddStep("update displayed maps", () => Ladder.SplitMapPoolByMods.Value = false);
AddStep("start bans from blue team", () => screen.ChildrenOfType<TourneyButton>().First(btn => btn.Text == "Blue Ban").TriggerClick());
AddStep("ban map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(0));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Ban, TeamColour.Blue);
AddStep("ban map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(1));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Ban, TeamColour.Red);
AddStep("pick map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(2));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Pick, TeamColour.Red);
AddStep("pick map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(3));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Pick, TeamColour.Blue);
AddStep("pick map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(4));
checkLastPick(ChoiceType.Pick, TeamColour.Red);
AddStep("reset match", () =>
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = new TournamentMatch();
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = Ladder.Matches.First();
public void TestMultipleTeamBans()
AddStep("set ban count", () => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.Round.Value!.BanCount.Value = 3);
AddStep("load some maps", () =>
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
AddStep("update displayed maps", () => Ladder.SplitMapPoolByMods.Value = false);
AddStep("start bans with red team", () => screen.ChildrenOfType<TourneyButton>().First(btn => btn.Text == "Red Ban").TriggerClick());
AddStep("first ban", () => clickBeatmapPanel(0));
AddAssert("red ban registered",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Ban && pb.Team == TeamColour.Red),
() => Is.EqualTo(1));
AddStep("ban two more maps", () =>
AddAssert("three bans registered",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Ban),
() => Is.EqualTo(3));
AddAssert("both new bans for blue team",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Ban && pb.Team == TeamColour.Blue),
() => Is.EqualTo(2));
AddStep("ban two more maps", () =>
AddAssert("five bans registered",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Ban),
() => Is.EqualTo(5));
AddAssert("both new bans for red team",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Ban && pb.Team == TeamColour.Red),
() => Is.EqualTo(3));
AddStep("ban last map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(5));
AddAssert("six bans registered",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Ban),
() => Is.EqualTo(6));
AddAssert("red banned three",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Ban && pb.Team == TeamColour.Red),
() => Is.EqualTo(3));
AddAssert("blue banned three",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Ban && pb.Team == TeamColour.Blue),
() => Is.EqualTo(3));
AddStep("pick map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(6));
AddAssert("one pick registered",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Pick),
() => Is.EqualTo(1));
AddAssert("pick was blue's",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Last().Team,
() => Is.EqualTo(TeamColour.Blue));
AddStep("pick map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(7));
AddAssert("two picks registered",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Pick),
() => Is.EqualTo(2));
AddAssert("pick was red's",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Last().Team,
() => Is.EqualTo(TeamColour.Red));
AddStep("pick map", () => clickBeatmapPanel(8));
AddAssert("three picks registered",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Count(pb => pb.Type == ChoiceType.Pick),
() => Is.EqualTo(3));
AddAssert("pick was blue's",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Last().Team,
() => Is.EqualTo(TeamColour.Blue));
AddStep("reset match", () =>
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = new TournamentMatch();
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value = Ladder.Matches.First();
private void checkTotalPickBans(int expected) => AddAssert($"total pickbans is {expected}", () => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans, () => Has.Count.EqualTo(expected));
private void checkLastPick(ChoiceType expectedChoice, TeamColour expectedColour) =>
AddAssert($"last choice was {expectedChoice} by {expectedColour}",
() => Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.PicksBans.Select(pb => (pb.Type, pb.Team)).Last(),
() => Is.EqualTo((expectedChoice, expectedColour)));
private void addBeatmap(string mods = "NM")
Ladder.CurrentMatch.Value!.Round.Value!.Beatmaps.Add(new RoundBeatmap
@ -159,5 +338,22 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Tests.Screens
Mods = mods
private void clickBeatmapPanel(int index)
private partial class TestMapPoolScreen : MapPoolScreen
// this is a bit of a test-specific workaround.
// the way pick/ban is implemented is a bit funky; the screen itself is what handles the mouse there,
// rather than the beatmap panels themselves.
// in some extreme situations headless it may turn out that the panels overflow the screen,
// and as such picking stops working anymore outside of the bounds of the screen drawable.
// this override makes it so the screen sees all of the input at all times, making that impossible to happen.
public override bool ReceivePositionalInputAt(Vector2 screenSpacePos) => true;
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Models
public readonly Bindable<string> Description = new Bindable<string>(string.Empty);
public readonly BindableInt BestOf = new BindableInt(9) { Default = 9, MinValue = 3, MaxValue = 23 };
public readonly BindableInt BanCount = new BindableInt(1) { Default = 1, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 5 };
public readonly BindableList<RoundBeatmap> Beatmaps = new BindableList<RoundBeatmap>();
@ -82,6 +82,12 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Screens.Editors
Current = Model.StartDate
new SettingsSlider<int>
LabelText = "# of Bans",
Width = 0.33f,
Current = Model.BanCount
new SettingsSlider<int>
LabelText = "Best of",
Width = 0.33f,
@ -136,27 +136,45 @@ namespace osu.Game.Tournament.Screens.MapPool
pickColour = colour;
pickType = choiceType;
static Color4 setColour(bool active) => active ? Color4.White : Color4.Gray;
buttonRedBan.Colour = setColour(pickColour == TeamColour.Red && pickType == ChoiceType.Ban);
buttonBlueBan.Colour = setColour(pickColour == TeamColour.Blue && pickType == ChoiceType.Ban);
buttonRedPick.Colour = setColour(pickColour == TeamColour.Red && pickType == ChoiceType.Pick);
buttonBluePick.Colour = setColour(pickColour == TeamColour.Blue && pickType == ChoiceType.Pick);
static Color4 setColour(bool active) => active ? Color4.White : Color4.Gray;
private void setNextMode()
if (CurrentMatch.Value == null)
if (CurrentMatch.Value?.Round.Value == null)
const TeamColour roll_winner = TeamColour.Red; //todo: draw from match
int totalBansRequired = CurrentMatch.Value.Round.Value.BanCount.Value * 2;
var nextColour = (CurrentMatch.Value.PicksBans.LastOrDefault()?.Team ?? roll_winner) == TeamColour.Red ? TeamColour.Blue : TeamColour.Red;
TeamColour lastPickColour = CurrentMatch.Value.PicksBans.LastOrDefault()?.Team ?? TeamColour.Red;
if (pickType == ChoiceType.Ban && CurrentMatch.Value.PicksBans.Count(p => p.Type == ChoiceType.Ban) >= 2)
setMode(pickColour, ChoiceType.Pick);
TeamColour nextColour;
bool hasAllBans = CurrentMatch.Value.PicksBans.Count(p => p.Type == ChoiceType.Ban) >= totalBansRequired;
if (!hasAllBans)
// Ban phase: switch teams every second ban.
nextColour = CurrentMatch.Value.PicksBans.Count % 2 == 1
? getOppositeTeamColour(lastPickColour)
: lastPickColour;
setMode(nextColour, CurrentMatch.Value.PicksBans.Count(p => p.Type == ChoiceType.Ban) >= 2 ? ChoiceType.Pick : ChoiceType.Ban);
// Pick phase : switch teams every pick, except for the first pick which generally goes to the team that placed the last ban.
nextColour = pickType == ChoiceType.Pick
? getOppositeTeamColour(lastPickColour)
: lastPickColour;
setMode(nextColour, hasAllBans ? ChoiceType.Pick : ChoiceType.Ban);
TeamColour getOppositeTeamColour(TeamColour colour) => colour == TeamColour.Red ? TeamColour.Blue : TeamColour.Red;
protected override bool OnMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e)
Reference in New Issue
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