2019-01-24 08:43:03 +00:00
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
2018-04-13 09:19:50 +00:00
2021-05-19 14:25:56 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using osu.Framework.Allocation ;
using osu.Framework.Audio.Track ;
using osu.Framework.Graphics ;
2019-03-27 10:29:27 +00:00
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Sprites ;
2021-05-19 14:25:56 +00:00
using osu.Framework.Utils ;
using osu.Game.Audio ;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps ;
using osu.Game.Beatmaps.ControlPoints ;
2018-04-13 09:19:50 +00:00
using osu.Game.Graphics ;
2021-05-19 14:25:56 +00:00
using osu.Game.Graphics.Containers ;
2018-04-13 09:19:50 +00:00
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Mods ;
2021-05-19 14:25:56 +00:00
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Objects.Drawables ;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Beatmaps ;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects ;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Objects.Drawables ;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.UI ;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.Scoring ;
using osu.Game.Rulesets.UI ;
using osu.Game.Skinning ;
using osuTK ;
2018-04-13 09:19:50 +00:00
namespace osu.Game.Rulesets.Osu.Mods
2021-05-19 14:25:56 +00:00
public class OsuModTarget : ModWithVisibilityAdjustment , IApplicableToDrawableRuleset < OsuHitObject > ,
IApplicableToHealthProcessor , IApplicableToDifficulty
2018-04-13 09:19:50 +00:00
public override string Name = > "Target" ;
2018-11-30 08:16:00 +00:00
public override string Acronym = > "TP" ;
2018-07-31 09:00:42 +00:00
public override ModType Type = > ModType . Conversion ;
2020-01-14 13:22:00 +00:00
public override IconUsage ? Icon = > OsuIcon . ModTarget ;
2018-04-13 09:19:50 +00:00
public override string Description = > @"Practice keeping up with the beat of the song." ;
public override double ScoreMultiplier = > 1 ;
2021-05-19 14:25:56 +00:00
public void ApplyToHealthProcessor ( HealthProcessor healthProcessor )
// Sudden death
healthProcessor . FailConditions + = ( _ , result )
= > result . Type . AffectsCombo ( )
& & ! result . IsHit ;
// Maximum distance to jump
public const float MAX_DISTANCE = 250f ;
public override void ApplyToBeatmap ( IBeatmap beatmap )
base . ApplyToBeatmap ( beatmap ) ;
var osuBeatmap = ( OsuBeatmap ) beatmap ;
var origHitObjects = osuBeatmap . HitObjects . OrderBy ( x = > x . StartTime ) . ToList ( ) ;
var hitObjects = new List < OsuHitObject > ( ) ;
// Only place circles between startTime and endTime
var startTime = origHitObjects . First ( ) . StartTime ;
double endTime ;
var endObj = origHitObjects . Last ( ) ;
switch ( endObj )
case Slider slider :
endTime = slider . EndTime ;
break ;
case Spinner spinner :
endTime = spinner . EndTime ;
break ;
default :
endTime = endObj . StartTime ;
break ;
var comboStarts = origHitObjects . Where ( x = > x . NewCombo ) . Select ( x = > x . StartTime ) . ToList ( ) ;
TimingControlPoint currentTimingPoint = osuBeatmap . ControlPointInfo . TimingPointAt ( startTime ) ;
var currentTime = currentTimingPoint . Time ;
int currentCombo = - 1 ;
IList < HitSampleInfo > lastSamples = null ;
float direction = MathHelper . TwoPi * RNG . NextSingle ( ) ;
float distance = 40f ;
while ( ! Precision . AlmostBigger ( currentTime , endTime ) )
// Place a circle
// Don't place any circles before the start of the first hit object of the map
// Don't place any circles from the start of break time to the start of the first hit object after the break
if ( ! Precision . AlmostBigger ( startTime , currentTime )
& & ! osuBeatmap . Breaks . Any ( x = > Precision . AlmostBigger ( currentTime , x . StartTime )
& & Precision . AlmostBigger ( origHitObjects . First ( y = > Precision . AlmostBigger ( y . StartTime , x . EndTime ) ) . StartTime , currentTime ) ) )
var newCircle = new HitCircle ( ) ;
newCircle . ApplyDefaults ( osuBeatmap . ControlPointInfo , osuBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . BaseDifficulty ) ;
newCircle . StartTime = currentTime ;
// Determine circle position
if ( hitObjects . Count = = 0 )
newCircle . Position = new Vector2 ( RNG . NextSingle ( OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE . X ) , RNG . NextSingle ( OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE . Y ) ) ;
var relativePos = new Vector2 (
distance * ( float ) Math . Cos ( direction ) ,
distance * ( float ) Math . Sin ( direction )
) ;
relativePos = getRotatedVector ( hitObjects . Last ( ) . Position , relativePos ) ;
direction = ( float ) Math . Atan2 ( relativePos . Y , relativePos . X ) ;
var newPosition = Vector2 . Add ( hitObjects . Last ( ) . Position , relativePos ) ;
if ( newPosition . Y < 0 )
newPosition . Y = 0 ;
else if ( newPosition . Y > OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE . Y )
newPosition . Y = OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE . Y ;
if ( newPosition . X < 0 )
newPosition . X = 0 ;
else if ( newPosition . X > OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE . X )
newPosition . X = OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE . X ;
newCircle . Position = newPosition ;
// Add a random nudge to the direction
direction + = distance / MAX_DISTANCE * ( RNG . NextSingle ( ) * MathHelper . TwoPi - MathHelper . Pi ) ;
// Determine samples to use
var samples = getSamplesAtTime ( origHitObjects , currentTime ) ;
if ( samples = = null )
if ( lastSamples ! = null )
newCircle . Samples = lastSamples ;
newCircle . Samples = samples ;
lastSamples = samples ;
// Determine combo
if ( comboStarts . Count > currentCombo + 1 & & ! Precision . AlmostBigger ( comboStarts [ currentCombo + 1 ] , currentTime ) )
currentCombo + + ;
newCircle . NewCombo = true ;
newCircle . IndexInCurrentCombo = 0 ;
if ( hitObjects . Count > 0 )
hitObjects . Last ( ) . LastInCombo = true ;
// Increase distance for every combo
distance = Math . Min ( distance * 1.05f , MAX_DISTANCE ) ;
// Randomize direction as well
direction = MathHelper . TwoPi * RNG . NextSingle ( ) ;
if ( hitObjects . Count > 0 )
newCircle . IndexInCurrentCombo = hitObjects . Last ( ) . IndexInCurrentCombo + 1 ;
newCircle . ComboIndex = currentCombo ;
// Remove the last circle if it is too close in time to this one
if ( hitObjects . Count > 0
& & Precision . AlmostBigger ( currentTimingPoint . BeatLength / 2 , newCircle . StartTime - hitObjects . Last ( ) . StartTime ) )
hitObjects . RemoveAt ( hitObjects . Count - 1 ) ;
hitObjects . Add ( newCircle ) ;
// Advance to the next beat and check for timing point changes
currentTime + = currentTimingPoint . BeatLength ;
var newTimingPoint = osuBeatmap . ControlPointInfo . TimingPointAt ( currentTime ) ;
if ( newTimingPoint ! = currentTimingPoint )
currentTimingPoint = newTimingPoint ;
currentTime = currentTimingPoint . Time ;
osuBeatmap . HitObjects = hitObjects ;
/// <summary>
/// Get samples (if any) for a specific point in time.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Samples will be returned if a hit circle or a slider node exists at that point of time.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="hitObjects">The list of hit objects in a beatmap, ordered by StartTime</param>
/// <param name="time">The point in time to get samples for</param>
/// <returns>Hit samples</returns>
private IList < HitSampleInfo > getSamplesAtTime ( List < OsuHitObject > hitObjects , double time )
var sampleObj = hitObjects . FirstOrDefault ( x = >
if ( Precision . AlmostEquals ( time , x . StartTime ) ) return true ;
if ( x is Slider slider
& & Precision . AlmostBigger ( time , slider . StartTime )
& & Precision . AlmostBigger ( slider . EndTime , time ) )
if ( Precision . AlmostEquals ( ( time - slider . StartTime ) % slider . SpanDuration , 0 ) )
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
if ( sampleObj = = null ) return null ;
IList < HitSampleInfo > samples = null ;
if ( sampleObj is Slider slider )
samples = slider . NodeSamples [ ( int ) Math . Round ( ( time - slider . StartTime ) % slider . SpanDuration ) ] ;
samples = sampleObj . Samples ;
return samples ;
protected override void ApplyIncreasedVisibilityState ( DrawableHitObject hitObject , ArmedState state )
protected override void ApplyNormalVisibilityState ( DrawableHitObject drawable , ArmedState state )
if ( drawable is DrawableSpinner )
return ;
var h = ( OsuHitObject ) drawable . HitObject ;
// apply grow and fade effect
if ( drawable is DrawableHitCircle circle )
using ( drawable . BeginAbsoluteSequence ( h . StartTime - h . TimePreempt ) )
drawable . ScaleTo ( 0.4f )
. Then ( ) . ScaleTo ( 1.6f , h . TimePreempt * 2 ) ;
drawable . FadeTo ( 0.5f )
. Then ( ) . Delay ( h . TimeFadeIn ) . FadeTo ( 1f ) ;
// remove approach circles
circle . ApproachCircle . Hide ( ) ;
public void ReadFromDifficulty ( BeatmapDifficulty difficulty )
public void ApplyToDifficulty ( BeatmapDifficulty difficulty )
// Decrease AR to increase preempt time
difficulty . ApproachRate * = 0.5f ;
// The distances from the hit objects to the borders of the playfield they start to "turn around" and curve towards the middle.
// The closer the hit objects draw to the border, the sharper the turn
private const byte border_distance_x = 192 ;
private const byte border_distance_y = 144 ;
/// <summary>
/// Determines the position of the current hit object relative to the previous one.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The position of the current hit object relative to the previous one</returns>
private Vector2 getRotatedVector ( Vector2 prevPosChanged , Vector2 posRelativeToPrev )
var relativeRotationDistance = 0f ;
var playfieldMiddle = Vector2 . Divide ( OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE , 2 ) ;
if ( prevPosChanged . X < playfieldMiddle . X )
relativeRotationDistance = Math . Max (
( border_distance_x - prevPosChanged . X ) / border_distance_x ,
) ;
relativeRotationDistance = Math . Max (
( prevPosChanged . X - ( OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE . X - border_distance_x ) ) / border_distance_x ,
) ;
if ( prevPosChanged . Y < playfieldMiddle . Y )
relativeRotationDistance = Math . Max (
( border_distance_y - prevPosChanged . Y ) / border_distance_y ,
) ;
relativeRotationDistance = Math . Max (
( prevPosChanged . Y - ( OsuPlayfield . BASE_SIZE . Y - border_distance_y ) ) / border_distance_y ,
) ;
return rotateVectorTowardsVector (
posRelativeToPrev ,
Vector2 . Subtract ( playfieldMiddle , prevPosChanged ) ,
relativeRotationDistance / 2
) ;
/// <summary>
/// Rotates vector "initial" towards vector "destinantion"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initial">Vector to rotate to "destination"</param>
/// <param name="destination">Vector "initial" should be rotated to</param>
/// <param name="relativeDistance">The angle the vector should be rotated relative to the difference between the angles of the the two vectors.</param>
/// <returns>Resulting vector</returns>
private Vector2 rotateVectorTowardsVector ( Vector2 initial , Vector2 destination , float relativeDistance )
var initialAngleRad = Math . Atan2 ( initial . Y , initial . X ) ;
var destAngleRad = Math . Atan2 ( destination . Y , destination . X ) ;
var diff = destAngleRad - initialAngleRad ;
while ( diff < - Math . PI )
diff + = 2 * Math . PI ;
while ( diff > Math . PI )
diff - = 2 * Math . PI ;
var finalAngleRad = initialAngleRad + relativeDistance * diff ;
return new Vector2 (
initial . Length * ( float ) Math . Cos ( finalAngleRad ) ,
initial . Length * ( float ) Math . Sin ( finalAngleRad )
) ;
// Background metronome
public void ApplyToDrawableRuleset ( DrawableRuleset < OsuHitObject > drawableRuleset )
drawableRuleset . Overlays . Add ( new TargetBeatContainer ( ) ) ;
public class TargetBeatContainer : BeatSyncedContainer
private PausableSkinnableSound sample ;
public TargetBeatContainer ( )
Divisor = 1 ;
private void load ( )
InternalChildren = new Drawable [ ]
sample = new PausableSkinnableSound ( new SampleInfo ( "spinnerbonus" ) ) , // TODO: use another sample?
} ;
protected override void OnNewBeat ( int beatIndex , TimingControlPoint timingPoint , EffectControlPoint effectPoint , ChannelAmplitudes amplitudes )
base . OnNewBeat ( beatIndex , timingPoint , effectPoint , amplitudes ) ;
if ( ! IsBeatSyncedWithTrack ) return ;
sample ? . Play ( ) ;
2018-04-13 09:19:50 +00:00