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// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using osu.Framework.Logging;
using osu.Framework.Platform;
using osu.Game.Database;
using osu.Game.Extensions;
using osu.Game.IO;
using osu.Game.IO.Archives;
using osu.Game.Stores;
using Realms;
#nullable enable
namespace osu.Game.Skinning
public class SkinModelManager : RealmArchiveModelManager<SkinInfo>
private const string skin_info_file = "skininfo.json";
private readonly IStorageResourceProvider skinResources;
public SkinModelManager(Storage storage, RealmContextFactory contextFactory, GameHost host, IStorageResourceProvider skinResources)
: base(storage, contextFactory)
this.skinResources = skinResources;
// can be removed 20220420.
public override IEnumerable<string> HandledExtensions => new[] { ".osk" };
protected override string[] HashableFileTypes => new[] { ".ini", ".json" };
protected override bool ShouldDeleteArchive(string path) => Path.GetExtension(path)?.ToLowerInvariant() == @".osk";
protected override SkinInfo CreateModel(ArchiveReader archive) => new SkinInfo { Name = archive.Name ?? @"No name" };
private const string unknown_creator_string = @"Unknown";
protected override bool HasCustomHashFunction => true;
protected override Task Populate(SkinInfo model, ArchiveReader? archive, Realm realm, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var skinInfoFile = model.Files.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Filename == skin_info_file);
if (skinInfoFile != null)
using (var existingStream = Files.Storage.GetStream(skinInfoFile.File.GetStoragePath()))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(existingStream))
var deserialisedSkinInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SkinInfo>(reader.ReadToEnd());
if (deserialisedSkinInfo != null)
// for now we only care about the instantiation info.
// eventually we probably want to transfer everything across.
model.InstantiationInfo = deserialisedSkinInfo.InstantiationInfo;
catch (Exception e)
LogForModel(model, $"Error during {skin_info_file} parsing, falling back to default", e);
// Not sure if we should still run the import in the case of failure here, but let's do so for now.
model.InstantiationInfo = string.Empty;
// Always rewrite instantiation info (even after parsing in from the skin json) for sanity.
model.InstantiationInfo = createInstance(model).GetType().GetInvariantInstantiationInfo();
checkSkinIniMetadata(model, realm);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private void checkSkinIniMetadata(SkinInfo item, Realm realm)
var instance = createInstance(item);
// This function can be run on fresh import or save. The logic here ensures a skin.ini file is in a good state for both operations.
// `Skin` will parse the skin.ini and populate `Skin.Configuration` during construction above.
string skinIniSourcedName = instance.Configuration.SkinInfo.Name;
string skinIniSourcedCreator = instance.Configuration.SkinInfo.Creator;
string archiveName = item.Name.Replace(@".osk", string.Empty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
bool isImport = !item.IsManaged;
if (isImport)
item.Name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(skinIniSourcedName) ? skinIniSourcedName : archiveName;
item.Creator = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(skinIniSourcedCreator) ? skinIniSourcedCreator : unknown_creator_string;
// For imports, we want to use the archive or folder name as part of the metadata, in addition to any existing skin.ini metadata.
// In an ideal world, skin.ini would be the only source of metadata, but a lot of skin creators and users don't update it when making modifications.
// In both of these cases, the expectation from the user is that the filename or folder name is displayed somewhere to identify the skin.
if (archiveName != item.Name)
item.Name = @$"{item.Name} [{archiveName}]";
// By this point, the metadata in SkinInfo will be correct.
// Regardless of whether this is an import or not, let's write the skin.ini if non-existing or non-matching.
// This is (weirdly) done inside ComputeHash to avoid adding a new method to handle this case. After switching to realm it can be moved into another place.
if (skinIniSourcedName != item.Name)
updateSkinIniMetadata(item, realm);
private void updateSkinIniMetadata(SkinInfo item, Realm realm)
string nameLine = @$"Name: {item.Name}";
string authorLine = @$"Author: {item.Creator}";
string[] newLines =
@"// The following content was automatically added by osu! during import, based on filename / folder metadata.",
var existingFile = item.Files.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Filename.Equals(@"skin.ini", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (existingFile == null)
// In the case a skin doesn't have a skin.ini yet, let's create one.
using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8, 1024, true))
using (var existingStream = Files.Storage.GetStream(existingFile.File.GetStoragePath()))
using (var sr = new StreamReader(existingStream))
string? line;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
foreach (string line in newLines)
ReplaceFile(existingFile, stream, realm);
// can be removed 20220502.
if (!ensureIniWasUpdated(item))
Logger.Log($"Skin {item}'s skin.ini had issues and has been removed. Please report this and provide the problematic skin.", LoggingTarget.Database, LogLevel.Important);
var existingIni = item.Files.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Filename.Equals(@"skin.ini", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (existingIni != null)
// The hash is already populated at this point in import.
// As we have changed files, it needs to be recomputed.
item.Hash = ComputeHash(item);
void writeNewSkinIni()
using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8, 1024, true))
foreach (string line in newLines)
AddFile(item, stream, @"skin.ini", realm);
item.Hash = ComputeHash(item);
private bool ensureIniWasUpdated(SkinInfo item)
// This is a final consistency check to ensure that hash computation doesn't enter an infinite loop.
// With other changes to the surrounding code this should never be hit, but until we are 101% sure that there
// are no other cases let's avoid a hard startup crash by bailing and alerting.
var instance = createInstance(item);
return instance.Configuration.SkinInfo.Name == item.Name;
private void populateMissingHashes()
using (var realm = ContextFactory.CreateContext())
var skinsWithoutHashes = realm.All<SkinInfo>().Where(i => string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.Hash)).ToArray();
foreach (SkinInfo skin in skinsWithoutHashes)
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error(e, $"Existing skin {skin} has been deleted during hash recomputation due to being invalid");
private Skin createInstance(SkinInfo item) => item.CreateInstance(skinResources);
public void Save(Skin skin)
skin.SkinInfo.PerformWrite(s =>
// Serialise out the SkinInfo itself.
string skinInfoJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(s, new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented });
using (var streamContent = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(skinInfoJson)))
AddFile(s, streamContent, skin_info_file, s.Realm);
// Then serialise each of the drawable component groups into respective files.
foreach (var drawableInfo in skin.DrawableComponentInfo)
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(drawableInfo.Value, new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented });
using (var streamContent = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)))
string filename = @$"{drawableInfo.Key}.json";
var oldFile = s.Files.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Filename == filename);
if (oldFile != null)
ReplaceFile(oldFile, streamContent, s.Realm);
AddFile(s, streamContent, filename, s.Realm);
s.Hash = ComputeHash(s);