2022-11-01 19:46:32 +00:00
// Copyright (c) ppy Pty Ltd <contact@ppy.sh>. Licensed under the MIT Licence.
// See the LICENCE file in the repository root for full licence text.
2022-11-02 12:00:45 +00:00
using System ;
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using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Collections.Immutable ;
using System.Linq ;
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using JetBrains.Annotations ;
using osu.Framework.Allocation ;
using osu.Framework.Bindables ;
using osu.Framework.Graphics ;
using osu.Framework.Graphics.Containers ;
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using osu.Framework.Localisation ;
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using osu.Game.Beatmaps ;
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using osu.Game.Configuration ;
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using osu.Game.Extensions ;
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using osu.Game.Graphics ;
using osu.Game.Graphics.Sprites ;
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using osu.Game.Localisation ;
using osu.Game.Resources.Localisation.Web ;
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namespace osu.Game.Skinning.Components
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public class BeatmapInfoDrawable : Container , ISkinnableDrawable
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private const BeatmapInfo default_beatmap_info = BeatmapInfo . StarRating ;
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public bool UsesFixedAnchor { get ; set ; }
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[SettingSource("Tracked Beatmap Info/Label", "Which part of the BeatmapInformation should be displayed. Gets overridden by complex changes to ValueFormat")]
public Bindable < BeatmapInfo > Type { get ; } = new Bindable < BeatmapInfo > ( default_beatmap_info ) ;
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[SettingSource("Show Label", "Should a Label be shown, as to which status is currently Displayed?")]
public BindableBool ShowLabel { get ; } = new BindableBool ( true ) ;
[SettingSource("Show Value first?", "Should the Value be shown first?")]
public BindableBool ValueBeforeLabel { get ; } = new BindableBool ( ) ;
[SettingSource("Label Prefix", "Add something to be shown before the label")]
public Bindable < string > LabelPrefix { get ; set ; } = new Bindable < string > ( "" ) ;
[SettingSource("Show Label Prefix", "Should the Label Prefix be included?")]
public BindableBool ShowLabelPrefix { get ; } = new BindableBool ( ) ;
[SettingSource("Label Suffix", "Add something to be shown after the label")]
public Bindable < string > LabelSuffix { get ; set ; } = new Bindable < string > ( ": " ) ;
[SettingSource("Show Label Suffix", "Should the Label Suffix be included?")]
public BindableBool ShowLabelSuffix { get ; } = new BindableBool ( true ) ;
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[SettingSource("Value Formatting", "Bypass the restriction of 1 Info per element. Format is '{'+Type+'}' to substitue values. e.g. '{Song}' ")]
public Bindable < string > ValueFormat { get ; set ; } = new Bindable < string > ( "{" + default_beatmap_info + "}" ) ;
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private IBindable < WorkingBeatmap > beatmap { get ; set ; } = null ! ;
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private readonly Dictionary < BeatmapInfo , LocalisableString > valueDictionary = new Dictionary < BeatmapInfo , LocalisableString > ( ) ;
private static readonly ImmutableDictionary < BeatmapInfo , LocalisableString > label_dictionary ;
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private readonly OsuSpriteText text ;
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static BeatmapInfoDrawable ( )
label_dictionary = new Dictionary < BeatmapInfo , LocalisableString >
[BeatmapInfo.CircleSize] = BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatsCs ,
[BeatmapInfo.Accuracy] = BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatsAccuracy ,
[BeatmapInfo.HPDrain] = BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatsDrain ,
[BeatmapInfo.ApproachRate] = BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatsAr ,
[BeatmapInfo.StarRating] = BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatsStars ,
[BeatmapInfo.Song] = EditorSetupStrings . Title ,
[BeatmapInfo.Artist] = EditorSetupStrings . Artist ,
[BeatmapInfo.Difficulty] = EditorSetupStrings . DifficultyHeader ,
//todo: is there a good alternative, to NotificationsOptionsMapping?
[BeatmapInfo.Mapper] = AccountsStrings . NotificationsOptionsMapping ,
[BeatmapInfo.Length] = ArtistStrings . TracklistLength ,
[BeatmapInfo.Status] = BeatmapDiscussionsStrings . IndexFormBeatmapsetStatusDefault ,
[BeatmapInfo.BPM] = BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatsBpm ,
[BeatmapInfo.Custom] = BeatmapInfo . Custom . ToString ( )
} . ToImmutableDictionary ( ) ;
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2022-11-01 19:46:32 +00:00
public BeatmapInfoDrawable ( )
InternalChildren = new Drawable [ ]
text = new OsuSpriteText
Text = "BeatInfoDrawable" ,
2022-11-02 12:00:45 +00:00
Anchor = Anchor . CentreLeft ,
Origin = Anchor . CentreLeft ,
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Font = OsuFont . Default . With ( size : 40 )
} ;
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foreach ( var type in Enum . GetValues ( typeof ( BeatmapInfo ) ) . Cast < BeatmapInfo > ( ) )
valueDictionary [ type ] = type . ToString ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// This will return the if the format-String contains of a singular replacement of type info, or not.
/// If there is only one one replacement of type info, it will also return the prefix/suffix (or null if no prefix/suffix exists).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="format">The format-String to work on</param>
/// <param name="info">The replacement Type to look for</param>
/// <returns>(true, prefix, suffix), if there is only one replacement of type info. Else (false, null, null)</returns>
private static ( bool , string? , string? ) isOnlyPrefixedOrSuffixed ( string format , BeatmapInfo info )
string [ ] s = format . Split ( "{" + info + "}" ) ;
foreach ( string si in s )
foreach ( var type in Enum . GetValues ( typeof ( BeatmapInfo ) ) . Cast < BeatmapInfo > ( ) )
if ( si . Contains ( "{" + type + "}" ) ) return ( false , null , null ) ;
//Debug.WriteLine($"format:'{format}', type:{info} is only prefixed/suffixed");
return ( true ,
s . Length > = 1 ? s [ 0 ] : null , //prefix
s . Length > = 2 ? s [ 1 ] : null //suffix
) ;
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protected override void LoadComplete ( )
base . LoadComplete ( ) ;
2022-11-03 17:54:55 +00:00
Type . BindValueChanged ( v = >
string newDefault = "{" + v . NewValue + "}" ;
bool custom = v . NewValue = = BeatmapInfo . Custom ;
//If the ValueFormat is Default and the user did not change anything we should be able to just swap the strings.
//If it was Default before, it should be default after the Type is changed.
if ( ValueFormat . IsDefault & & ! custom )
ValueFormat . Value = newDefault ;
//In this if statement we decide if the ValueFormat has been trivially changed (so only been prefixed or suffixed)
( bool preOrSuffixed , string? prefix , string? suffix ) = isOnlyPrefixedOrSuffixed ( ValueFormat . Value , v . OldValue ) ;
if ( preOrSuffixed )
//If it has, we can keep the prefix and suffix and just change the thing that would be substituted.
ValueFormat . Value = ( prefix ? ? "" ) + newDefault + ( suffix ? ? "" ) ;
//else we just keep the ValueFormat. I determine here, that the user probably knows what they are doing, and how the ValueFormat works.
//Only if we could preserve the ValueFormat (so nothing was changed except a static prefix/suffix) I want to set the new Default.
ValueFormat . Default = newDefault ;
updateLabel ( ) ;
} ) ;
ValueFormat . BindValueChanged ( f = > updateLabel ( ) , true ) ;
beatmap . BindValueChanged ( b = >
UpdateBeatmapContent ( b . NewValue ) ;
updateLabel ( ) ;
} , true ) ;
2022-11-03 07:05:26 +00:00
ShowLabel . BindValueChanged ( _ = > updateLabel ( ) ) ;
ValueBeforeLabel . BindValueChanged ( _ = > updateLabel ( ) ) ;
LabelPrefix . BindValueChanged ( _ = > updateLabel ( ) ) ;
ShowLabelPrefix . BindValueChanged ( _ = > updateLabel ( ) ) ;
LabelSuffix . BindValueChanged ( _ = > updateLabel ( ) ) ;
ShowLabelSuffix . BindValueChanged ( _ = > updateLabel ( ) ) ;
2022-11-02 12:00:45 +00:00
private LocalisableString getLabelText ( )
if ( ! ShowLabel . Value ) return new LocalisableString ( "" ) ;
return LocalisableString . Format ( "{0}{1}{2}" ,
ShowLabelPrefix . Value ? LabelPrefix . Value : "" ,
2022-11-03 17:54:55 +00:00
label_dictionary [ Type . Value ] ,
2022-11-02 12:00:45 +00:00
ShowLabelSuffix . Value ? LabelSuffix . Value : "" ) ;
private LocalisableString getValueText ( )
2022-11-03 17:54:55 +00:00
string value = ValueFormat . Value ;
foreach ( var type in Enum . GetValues ( typeof ( BeatmapInfo ) ) . Cast < BeatmapInfo > ( ) )
value = value . Replace ( "{" + type + "}" , valueDictionary [ type ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
return value ;
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private void updateLabel ( )
text . Text = LocalisableString . Format (
ValueBeforeLabel . Value ? "{1}{0}" : "{0}{1}" ,
getLabelText ( ) ,
getValueText ( )
) ;
Width = text . Width ;
Height = text . Height ;
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2022-11-03 17:54:55 +00:00
public void UpdateBeatmapContent ( WorkingBeatmap workingBeatmap )
//update cs
double cs = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Difficulty . CircleSize ;
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . CircleSize ] = cs . ToString ( "F2" ) ;
//update HP
double hp = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Difficulty . DrainRate ;
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . HPDrain ] = hp . ToString ( "F2" ) ;
//update od
double od = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Difficulty . OverallDifficulty ;
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . Accuracy ] = od . ToString ( "F2" ) ;
//update ar
double ar = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Difficulty . ApproachRate ;
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . ApproachRate ] = ar . ToString ( "F2" ) ;
//update sr
double sr = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . StarRating ;
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . StarRating ] = sr . ToString ( "F2" ) ;
//update song title
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . Song ] = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Metadata . Title ;
//update artist
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . Artist ] = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Metadata . Artist ;
//update difficulty name
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . Difficulty ] = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . DifficultyName ;
//update mapper
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . Mapper ] = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Metadata . Author . Username ;
//update Length
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . Length ] = TimeSpan . FromMilliseconds ( workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Length ) . ToFormattedDuration ( ) ;
//update Status
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . Status ] = GetBetmapStatus ( workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . Status ) ;
//update BPM
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . BPM ] = workingBeatmap . BeatmapInfo . BPM . ToString ( "F2" ) ;
valueDictionary [ BeatmapInfo . Custom ] = BeatmapInfo . Custom . ToString ( ) ;
public static LocalisableString GetBetmapStatus ( BeatmapOnlineStatus status )
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switch ( status )
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case BeatmapOnlineStatus . Approved :
return BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatusApproved ;
case BeatmapOnlineStatus . Graveyard :
return BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatusGraveyard ;
case BeatmapOnlineStatus . Loved :
return BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatusLoved ;
case BeatmapOnlineStatus . None :
return "None" ;
case BeatmapOnlineStatus . Pending :
return BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatusPending ;
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case BeatmapOnlineStatus . Qualified :
return BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatusQualified ;
case BeatmapOnlineStatus . Ranked :
return BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatusRanked ;
case BeatmapOnlineStatus . LocallyModified :
return SongSelectStrings . LocallyModified ;
case BeatmapOnlineStatus . WIP :
return BeatmapsetsStrings . ShowStatusWip ;
default :
return @"null" ;
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public enum BeatmapInfo
CircleSize ,
HPDrain ,
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Accuracy ,
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ApproachRate ,
StarRating ,
Song ,
Artist ,
Difficulty ,
Mapper ,
Length ,
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Status ,
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Custom ,
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