-- Scan removable volumes for sketchy files -- -- false positives: -- * Installer packages with hidden files -- -- references: -- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1566/001/ (Phishing: Spearphishing Attachment) -- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1204/002/ (User Execution: Malicious File) -- * https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-crowdstrike-uncovered-a-new-macos-browser-hijacking-campaign/ -- -- tags: transient volume filesystem seldom -- platform: darwin SELECT RTRIM(file.path, '/') AS trimpath, uid, filename, gid, mode, REGEX_MATCH (file.path, '(.*)/', 1) AS dirname, REGEX_MATCH (RTRIM(file.path, '/'), '.*/(.*?)$', 1) AS basename, REGEX_MATCH (RTRIM(file.path, '/'), '.*\.(.*?)$', 1) AS extension, mtime, ctime, symlink, type, size, hash.sha256, magic.data, signature.identifier, signature.authority FROM file LEFT JOIN hash on file.path = hash.path LEFT JOIN magic ON file.path = magic.path LEFT JOIN signature ON file.path = signature.path WHERE ( file.path LIKE '/Volumes/%/%' OR file.path LIKE '/Volumes/%/.%' ) AND file.path NOT LIKE '/Volumes/Macintosh HD%' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/Volumes/%/.com.apple.timemachine%' AND ( extension IN ( 'command', 'lnk', 'gcode', 'mpkg', 'pkg', 'scpt', 'dmg', 'iso', 'gz', 'sh', 'sql' ) OR file.symlink != 0 OR basename LIKE '.%' OR basename LIKE '%.sql%' OR basename LIKE '%Chrome%' OR basename LIKE '%Extension%' OR basename LIKE '%enforce%' OR basename LIKE '%hidden%' OR basename LIKE '%Installer%' OR basename LIKE '%mono%' OR basename LIKE '%secret%' OR basename LIKE '%sql%' OR basename LIKE '%guard%' OR basename LIKE 'cg%' ) -- exceptions go here AND basename NOT IN ( '.', '..', '._.apdisk', '.apdisk', '._AUTORUN.INF', '.background', '.disk_label', '.keystone_install', '.disk_label_2x', '.DS_Store', '.file', '.file-revisions-by-id', '._Id.txt', '.iotest', '.metadata_never_index_unless_rootfs', 'Seagate Dashboard Installer.exe', '.shortcut-targets-by-id', '._.TemporaryItems', '.TemporaryItems', '._.Trashes', '.Trashes', '.vol', '.VolumeIcon.icns' ) AND authority NOT IN ( 'Developer ID Application: Google LLC (EQHXZ8M8AV)', 'Developer ID Application: Adobe Inc. (JQ525L2MZD)' ) -- Unsigned programs here AND trimpath NOT IN ( '/Volumes/Google Chrome/.keystone_install', '/Volumes/Google Chrome Canary/.keystone_install', '/Volumes/Jabra Direct Setup/JabraDirectSetup.pkg' ) AND trimpath NOT LIKE '/Volumes/JDK %/JDK %.pkg' AND trimpath NOT LIKE '/Volumes/mysql-shell-%/mysql-shell-%.pkg'