-- Find unexpected executables in temp directories, often used by malware droppers -- -- tags: persistent -- platform: linux SELECT DISTINCT file.path, uid, gid, mode, REGEX_MATCH (file.filename, '.*\.(.*?)$', 1) AS extension, file.btime, file.ctime, file.mtime, file.size, hash.sha256, magic.data FROM file LEFT JOIN hash on file.path = hash.path LEFT JOIN magic ON file.path = magic.path WHERE -- Optimization: don't join things until we have a whittled down list of files file.path IN ( SELECT DISTINCT path FROM file WHERE ( file.directory = '/tmp' OR file.directory LIKE '/tmp/.%' ) -- Prevent weird recursion AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/../%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/./%' -- Exclude very temporary files AND NOT (strftime('%s', 'now') - ctime) < 60 -- Only executable files AND file.type = 'regular' AND ( file.mode LIKE '%7%' or file.mode LIKE '%5%' or file.mode LIKE '%1%' ) AND NOT ( uid > 500 AND ( file.path LIKE '%/go-build%' OR file.directory LIKE '/tmp/%/out' OR file.path IN ('/tmp/mkinitramfs', '/tmp/mission') OR file.path LIKE '%/bin/%' OR file.path LIKE "%/bin/bash" OR file.path LIKE "%/bin/busybox" OR file.path LIKE '%/checkout/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/ci/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/configure' OR file.path LIKE '%/debug/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/dist/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/flow/%.npmzS_cacachezStmpzSgit-clone%' OR file.path LIKE '%/git/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/github/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/go.%.sum' OR file.path LIKE "%/%/gradlew" OR file.path LIKE '%/guile-%/guile-%' OR file.path LIKE '%integration_test%' OR file.path LIKE '%/ko/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/kots/%' OR file.path LIKE "%/lib/%.so" OR file.path LIKE "%/lib/%.so.%" OR file.path LIKE "%/melange%" OR file.path LIKE '%/melange-guest-%' OR file.path LIKE '%/pdf-tools/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/Rakefile' OR file.path LIKE '%-release%/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/site-packages/markupsafe/_speedups.cpython-%' OR file.path LIKE '%/src/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/target/%' OR file.path LIKE '%/terraformer/%' OR file.path LIKE '%test_script' OR file.path LIKE '%/tmp/epdf%' OR file.path LIKE '/tmp/GoLand/___go_build_%_go' OR file.path LIKE '/tmp/ko%/out' OR file.path LIKE "/tmp/lima/%" OR file.path LIKE '/tmp/lima/%/out/%' OR file.path LIKE '/tmp/wolfi%' ) ) AND NOT ( file.path LIKE "%/lib/%.so" OR file.path LIKE "%/lib/%.so.%" OR file.path LIKE "%/lib64/%.so.%" OR file.path LIKE "%/lib64/%.so" OR file.path LIKE '/tmp/staged-updates%launcher' OR file.path LIKE "%/melange%" OR file.path LIKE "%/sbin/%" OR file.path LIKE "%/bin/busybox" OR file.path LIKE "%/bin/bash" ) -- Nix AND NOT ( file.directory LIKE '/tmp/tmp%' AND gid = 0 AND uid > 300 AND uid < 350 ) -- Babel AND NOT ( file.directory LIKE '/tmp/babel-%/sh-script-%' AND gid > 900 AND uid = 1000 AND size < 1024 ) -- Random Testdata AND NOT ( gid > 900 AND uid = 1000 AND ( file.directory LIKE '/tmp/%/test' OR file.directory LIKE '/tmp/%/testdata' ) ) -- Don't alert if the file is only on disk for a moment AND NOT ( uid > 500 AND file.path LIKE '/tmp/terraform_%/terraform' ) AND NOT ( file.path LIKE '/tmp/%compressed' AND size < 4000 AND uid > 500 ) -- Executables too small to even hold '#!/bin/sh\nuid' AND NOT ( file.type = 'regular' AND size < 10 ) -- Weird cert AND NOT ( file.path LIKE '/tmp/tmp.%/ssl/default-fake-certificate.pem' AND file.size < 4096 ) -- Binaries we might actually see legitimately AND NOT ( file.path LIKE '/tmp/%' AND file.uid > 500 AND ( file.filename LIKE "%ctl" OR file.filename LIKE "%adm" OR file.filename LIKE "%-cli" ) ) AND NOT ( file.directory LIKE "%/lib" OR file.directory LIKE "%/lib64" AND file.uid > 500 AND ( file.filename LIKE "%.so.%" OR file.filename LIKE "%.so" ) ) ) -- All checks with magic.data must first check for a lack of NULL value, -- otherwise you filter out platforms without magic.data. AND NOT ( file.uid > 500 AND magic.data IS NOT NULL AND ( magic.data IN ( "POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable", "libtool library file, ASCII text", "ASCII text", "JSON data" ) OR magic.data LIKE "Unicode text%" OR magic.data LIKE "ELF 64-bit LSB shared object,%" OR magic.data LIKE "gzip compressed data%" -- Exotic platforms OR magic.data LIKE 'ELF 64-bit MSB pie executable, IBM S/390%' OR magic.data LIKE 'ELF 32-bit LSB pie executable, ARM, EABI5%' OR magic.data LIKE 'symbolic link to %' ) ) AND NOT ( file.uid = 0 AND magic.data IS NOT NULL AND ( magic.data LIKE 'symbolic link to %' OR magic.data IN ( "ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1, stripped", "libtool library file, ASCII text" ) ) ) AND NOT ( file.size < 65000 AND file.uid > 500 AND file.filename LIKE "%.%" AND extension IN ( 'adoc', 'api', 'authn', 'bat', 'erb', 'iam', 'java', 'js', 'json', 'log', 'nib', 'pem', 'perl', 'pl', 'py', 'rb', 'pub', 'registry', 'script', 'sh', 'strings', 'txt', 'yaml', 'yml' ) )