-- Programs running with a hidden current working directory (state-based) -- -- false positives: -- * Users rummaging through their configuration files -- -- references: -- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1564/001/ (Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files and Directories) -- -- tags: transient often -- platform: posix SELECT REPLACE(p0.cwd, u.directory, '~') AS dir, REGEX_MATCH ( REPLACE(p0.cwd, u.directory, '~'), '([/~].*?/.*?)/', 1 ) AS top_dir, CONCAT ( p0.name, ',', IIF( REGEX_MATCH ( REPLACE(p0.cwd, u.directory, '~'), '([/~].*?/.*?/.*?)/', 1 ) != '', REGEX_MATCH ( REPLACE(p0.cwd, u.directory, '~'), '([/~].*?/.*?/.*?)/', 1 ), REPLACE(p0.cwd, u.directory, '~') ) ) AS exception_key, -- Child p0.pid AS p0_pid, p0.path AS p0_path, p0.name AS p0_name, p0.cmdline AS p0_cmd, p0.cwd AS p0_cwd, p0.euid AS p0_euid, p0_hash.sha256 AS p0_sha256, -- Parent p0.parent AS p1_pid, p1.path AS p1_path, p1.name AS p1_name, p1_f.mode AS p1_mode, p1.euid AS p1_euid, p1.cmdline AS p1_cmd, p1_hash.sha256 AS p1_sha256, -- Grandparent p1.parent AS p2_pid, p2.name AS p2_name, p2.path AS p2_path, p2.cmdline AS p2_cmd, p2_hash.sha256 AS p2_sha256 FROM processes p0 LEFT JOIN file f ON p0.path = f.path LEFT JOIN users u ON p0.uid = u.uid LEFT JOIN hash p0_hash ON p0.path = p0_hash.path LEFT JOIN processes p1 ON p0.parent = p1.pid LEFT JOIN file p1_f ON p1.path = p1_f.path LEFT JOIN hash p1_hash ON p1.path = p1_hash.path LEFT JOIN processes p2 ON p1.parent = p2.pid LEFT JOIN hash p2_hash ON p2.path = p2_hash.path WHERE p0.pid IN ( SELECT DISTINCT pid FROM processes WHERE cwd LIKE '%/.%' AND NOT name IN ( 'bindfs', 'vim', 'find', 'nvim', 'code', 'updatedb', 'git', 'gitsign', 'Code Helper' ) AND NOT cgroup_path LIKE '/system.slice/docker-%' ) AND NOT ( exception_key IN ( 'as,~/.cache/yay', 'bash,~/go/src', 'bash,~/.local/share', 'bash,~/.Trash', 'cc1,/home/build/.cache', 'cc1plus,~/.cache/yay', 'c++,~/.cache/yay', 'cgo,~/.gimme/versions', 'dirhelper,/private/var/folders', 'Electron,~/.vscode/extensions', 'fish,~/.local/share', 'fish,~/.Trash', 'git,~/.local/share', 'java,~/.gradle/daemon', 'java,~/.local/share', 'make,~/.cache/yay', 'makepkg,~/.cache/yay', 'mysqld,~/.local/share', 'npm install,~/.npm/_cacache', 'opera_autoupdate,/private/var/folders', 'rust-analyzer-p,~/.cargo/registry', 'vet,/home/build/.cache', 'zsh,~/.Trash' ) OR exception_key LIKE '%sh,~/.Trash/%' OR exception_key LIKE '%sh,~/dev/%' OR dir IN ( '~/.config', '~/.local/bin', '~/.vim', '~/.provisio', '~/.terraform.d', '~/.cache/yay', '~/.emacs.d', '~/.local/share/chezmoi', '~/.local/share/Steam', '~/.local/share/nvim', '~/.gmailctl', '~/.oh-my-zsh', '~/.hunter/_Base', '~/.zsh' ) OR top_dir IN ('~/Sync') OR dir LIKE '~/.%' OR dir LIKE '~/code/%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/.config/nvim' OR dir LIKE '~/dev/%/dots/%/.config%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/.git' OR dir LIKE '~/%/.github%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/.docker%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/.vercel%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/github.com/%' OR dir LIKE '~/%google-cloud-sdk/.install/.backup%' OR dir LIKE '~/.gradle/%' OR dir LIKE '/Library/Apple/System/Library/InstallerSandboxes/.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware/%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/.modcache/%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/node_modules/.pnpm/%' OR dir LIKE '/opt/homebrew/%/.cache/%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/src/%' OR dir LIKE '~/src/%' OR dir LIKE '~/%/.terraform%' OR dir LIKE '/tmp/%/.github/workflows' OR dir LIKE '/tmp/.mount_%' -- For sudo calls to other things OR ( dir LIKE '/home/.terraform.d/%' AND p0.euid = 0 ) ) GROUP BY p0.pid