SELECT, protocol, s.local_port, s.remote_port, s.local_address, s.remote_address,, p.path, p.cmdline AS child_cmd, p.cwd,, s.net_namespace, p.parent AS parent_pid, pp.cmdline AS parent_cmd, hash.sha256 FROM process_open_sockets s JOIN processes p ON = JOIN processes pp ON = p.parent JOIN hash ON p.path = hash.path WHERE protocol > 0 AND s.remote_port > 0 AND s.remote_address NOT IN ('', '::ffff:', '::1') AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE 'fe80:%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '127.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '192.168.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '172.1%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '172.2%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '172.30.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '172.31.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '::ffff:172.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '10.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '::ffff:10.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE 'fc00:%' AND s.state != 'LISTEN' AND NOT (remote_port=53 AND protocol=17) -- DNS AND NOT (p.cmdline LIKE '' AND remote_port = 443) AND NOT (p.cmdline LIKE '%google-cloud-sdk/lib/' AND remote_port = 443) AND NOT ( = 'launcher' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=443 AND protocol=6) -- See for the hella-suspicious ports it connects to AND NOT ( = 'syncthing' AND (remote_port IN (53,80,88,110,443,587,993,3306,7451) OR remote_port > 8000)) AND NOT ( = '' AND remote_port IN (443,8801)) AND NOT ( = 'avconferenced' AND remote_port = 1234) AND NOT ( IN ('chrome', 'Google Chrome Helper', 'Chromium Helper', 'Opera Helper') AND remote_port IN (8080,8000,8008,8443,8888) AND remote_address LIKE '192.168.%') AND NOT ( IN ('chrome', 'Google Chrome Helper','Brave Browser Helper', 'Chromium Helper', 'Opera Helper') AND remote_port IN (443,80,8009,8080,8888,8443,5228,32211,53,10001,3478,19305,19306,19307,19308,19309)) AND NOT ( IN ('Mail', 'thunderbird', 'Spark', 'Notes') AND remote_port IN (443,587,465,585,993)) AND NOT ( IN ('spotify', 'Spotify Helper', 'Spotify') AND remote_port IN (53,443,8009,4070,32211)) AND NOT ('cloud_sql_proxy' AND remote_port IN (443,3307)) AND NOT ('coredns' AND remote_port=53 AND protocol=17) AND NOT ('java' AND remote_port IN (30031,25565) AND protocol=6) AND NOT ('ssh' AND remote_port=22 AND protocol=6) AND NOT ('crc' AND remote_port IN (53,443) AND protocol IN (6,17)) AND NOT ('systemd-resolve' AND remote_port=53 AND protocol=17) AND NOT (p.path = '/usr/bin/dnf' AND remote_port IN (80,443)) AND NOT (p.path = '/usr/bin/gnome-software' AND remote_port = 443) AND NOT (p.path = '/usr/bin/sample' AND remote_port = 443) AND NOT (p.path = '/usr/lib/snapd/snapd' AND remote_port = 443) AND NOT (p.path = '/usr/libexec/rapportd' AND remote_port > 49000 and protocol=6) AND NOT (p.path IN ('/usr/libexec/timed', '/Applications/Red Hat OpenShift') AND remote_port = 123) AND protocol=17 AND NOT ( IN ('chronyd', 'crc') AND remote_port = 123 AND protocol=17) AND NOT (p.path = '/usr/libexec/trustd' AND remote_port IN (80,443)) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '/private/var/folders/%/Reflect Helper' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=443 AND s.protocol IN (6,17)) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '/private/var/folders/%/Reflect' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=443 AND s.protocol IN (6,17)) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '/Users/%/.cache/trunk/cli/%/trunk' AND remote_port=443 AND s.protocol=6) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '/Users/%/Library/Application Support/WebEx Folder/%/Meeting Center' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=443 AND protocol=6) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '/Users/%/Library/Application Support/WebEx Folder/%/Meeting Center' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=9000 AND protocol=17) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '%/firefox' AND remote_port IN (443,80) OR remote_port > 1024) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '%/NetworkManager' AND remote_port IN (67,80)) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '%tailscaled%' AND remote_port IN (443,80)) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '%tailscaled%' AND remote_port > 32000) AND NOT (p.path LIKE '%Tailscale%' AND remote_port > 32000) AND NOT (p.path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=4500 AND protocol=17) AND NOT (p.path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=500 AND protocol=17) AND NOT (p.path='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port>5000 AND protocol=6) AND NOT (p.path='/System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/' AND remote_port>1023 AND protocol=17) AND NOT (p.path='/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsd' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=5223 AND protocol=6) AND NOT (p.path='/usr/local/libexec/' AND p.cwd='/' AND remote_port=443 AND protocol=6) AND NOT (remote_port = 443 AND protocol IN (6,17) AND p.path = '/usr/bin/yay') AND NOT (remote_port = 443 AND protocol IN (6,17) AND p.cmdline = 'npm update') AND NOT (remote_port IN (443,53) AND protocol IN (6,17) AND p.path = '/usr/sbin/mDNSResponder') AND NOT (remote_port = 443 AND protocol=6 AND p.path LIKE '/usr/libexec/%') AND NOT (remote_port IN (80, 443) AND protocol IN (6,17) AND p.path LIKE '/Applications/') AND NOT (remote_port IN (80, 443) AND protocol IN (6,17) AND p.path LIKE '/Library/Apple/System/Library/%') AND NOT (remote_port IN (80, 443) AND protocol IN (6,17) AND = 'ksfetch') AND NOT (remote_port IN (80, 443) AND protocol IN (6,17) AND p.path LIKE '/System/Applications/%') AND NOT (remote_port IN (80, 443) AND protocol IN (6,17) AND p.path LIKE '/System/Library/%') AND NOT (remote_port IN (80, 443) AND protocol IN (6,17) AND parent_cmd = '/Applications/') AND NOT (remote_port>49000 AND protocol IN (6,17) AND p.path LIKE '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/%') AND NOT (remote_port IN (80,443,17) AND'curl') AND NOT (remote_port IN (53,443) AND protocol IN (6,17) AND IN ( '1password', 'Acrobat Update Helper', 'Adobe Desktop Service', 'Brackets', 'chainctl', 'Arc Helper', 'Code Helper', 'code', 'containerd', 'controlplane', 'electron', 'figma_agent', 'gh', 'git-remote-http', 'gitsign', 'go', 'grype', 'htop', 'istioctl', 'jcef_helper', 'k9s', 'ko', 'kolide-pipeline', 'Evernote Helper', 'ktail', 'kubectl', 'launcher-Helper', 'Microsoft Update Assistant', 'ngrok', 'nix', 'node', 'obs-browser-page', 'obs-ffmpeg-mux', 'obs', 'obsidian', 'pacman', 'pingsender', 'signal-desktop', 'Slack Helper', 'slack', 'Slack', 'snap-store', 'steam_osx', 'terraform-provi', 'terraform', 'tkn', 'vcluster', 'xmobar', 'zoom' ) ) AND NOT (remote_port=443 AND protocol=6 AND LIKE 'terraform-provider-%') AND NOT (remote_port=443 AND protocol=6 AND LIKE 'kubectl.%')