-- Suspicious calls to systemctl(event-based) -- -- refs: -- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1543/002/ (Create or Modify System Process: Systemd Service) -- -- tags: transient process state often -- platform: linux -- interval: 300 SELECT -- Child pe.path AS p0_path, REGEX_MATCH (pe.path, '.*/(.*)', 1) AS p0_name, TRIM(pe.cmdline) AS p0_cmd, pe.cwd AS p0_cwd, pe.time AS p0_time, pe.pid AS p0_pid, p.cgroup_path AS p0_cgroup, -- Parent pe.parent AS p1_pid, p1.cgroup_path AS p1_cgroup, TRIM(COALESCE(p1.cmdline, pe1.cmdline)) AS p1_cmd, COALESCE(p1.path, pe1.path) AS p1_path, COALESCE(p_hash1.sha256, pe_hash1.sha256) AS p1_hash, REGEX_MATCH (COALESCE(p1.path, pe1.path), '.*/(.*)', 1) AS p1_name, -- Grandparent COALESCE(p1.parent, pe1.parent) AS p2_pid, COALESCE(p1_p2.cgroup_path, pe1_p2.cgroup_path) AS p2_cgroup, TRIM( COALESCE(p1_p2.cmdline, pe1_p2.cmdline, pe1_pe2.cmdline) ) AS p2_cmd, COALESCE(p1_p2.path, pe1_p2.path, pe1_pe2.path) AS p2_path, COALESCE( p1_p2_hash.path, pe1_p2_hash.path, pe1_pe2_hash.path ) AS p2_hash, REGEX_MATCH ( COALESCE(p1_p2.path, pe1_p2.path, pe1_pe2.path), '.*/(.*)', 1 ) AS p2_name, -- Exception key REGEX_MATCH (pe.path, '.*/(.*)', 1) || ',' || MIN(pe.euid, 500) || ',' || REGEX_MATCH (COALESCE(p1.path, pe1.path), '.*/(.*)', 1) || ',' || REGEX_MATCH ( COALESCE(p1_p2.path, pe1_p2.path, pe1_pe2.path), '.*/(.*)', 1 ) AS exception_key FROM process_events pe, uptime LEFT JOIN processes p ON pe.pid = p.pid -- Parents (via two paths) LEFT JOIN processes p1 ON pe.parent = p1.pid LEFT JOIN hash p_hash1 ON p1.path = p_hash1.path LEFT JOIN process_events pe1 ON pe.parent = pe1.pid AND pe1.cmdline != '' LEFT JOIN hash pe_hash1 ON pe1.path = pe_hash1.path -- Grandparents (via 3 paths) LEFT JOIN processes p1_p2 ON p1.parent = p1_p2.pid -- Current grandparent via parent processes LEFT JOIN processes pe1_p2 ON pe1.parent = pe1_p2.pid -- Current grandparent via parent events LEFT JOIN process_events pe1_pe2 ON pe1.parent = pe1_p2.pid AND pe1_pe2.cmdline != '' -- Past grandparent via parent events LEFT JOIN hash p1_p2_hash ON p1_p2.path = p1_p2_hash.path LEFT JOIN hash pe1_p2_hash ON pe1_p2.path = pe1_p2_hash.path LEFT JOIN hash pe1_pe2_hash ON pe1_pe2.path = pe1_pe2_hash.path WHERE uptime.total_seconds > 30 -- NOTE: The remainder of this query is synced with unexpected-fetcher-parents AND pe.path IN ( '/usr/bin/systemctl', '/bin/systemctl', '/sbin/systemctl' ) AND pe.cmdline != '' AND pe.time > (strftime('%s', 'now') -300) AND NOT exception_key IN ( 'systemctl,0,,containerd-shim-runc-v2', 'systemctl,0,apt-helper,', 'systemctl,0,bash,pacman', 'systemctl,0,dash,logrotate', 'systemctl,0,kubeadm,containerd-shim-runc-v2', 'systemctl,0,pacman,pacman', 'systemctl,0,pacman,sudo', 'systemctl,0,snapd,systemd', 'systemctl,0,tailscaled,', 'systemctl,127,snap,systemd', 'systemctl,500,bash,gnome-terminal-server', 'systemctl,500,snap,systemd', 'systemctl,500,systemd,', 'systemctl,500,zsh,tmux' ) AND NOT p0_cmd IN ( '/bin/systemctl is-enabled -q whoopsie.path', '/bin/systemctl -q is-enabled whoopsie.path', '/bin/systemctl --quiet is-enabled whoopsie.path', '/bin/systemctl stop --no-block nvidia-persistenced', 'systemctl --system daemon-reexec', '/sbin/runlevel', 'systemctl is-active systemd-resolved.service', 'systemctl restart reflector.service', 'systemctl stop libvirtd.service', 'systemctl is-enabled power-profiles-daemon.service', 'systemctl is-enabled snapd.apparmor', 'systemctl is-enabled systemd-rfkill.service', 'systemctl is-enabled systemd-rfkill.socket', 'systemctl is-enabled tlp.service', 'systemctl restart NetworkManager.service', 'systemctl kill -s HUP rsyslog.service', 'systemctl -p LoadState show cups.service', 'systemctl -q is-enabled whoopsie', 'systemctl --quiet is-enabled cups.service', 'systemctl reboot', 'systemctl restart cups.service', 'systemctl status kubelet', 'systemctl stop kubelet', 'systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY XAUTHORITY', '/usr/bin/systemctl try-reload-or-restart dbus' ) -- apt-helper form AND NOT p0_cmd LIKE '%systemctl is-active -q %.service' AND NOT p0_cmd LIKE '%systemctl show --property=%' AND NOT p0_cmd LIKE '%systemctl % snap-kubectl-%.mount' AND NOT p0_cmd LIKE '%systemctl --user set-environment DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/%/bus' GROUP BY pe.pid