-- Unexpected programs communicating over HTTPS (state-based) -- -- This query is a bit awkward and hobbled due to the lack of osquery support -- for looking up binary signatures in Linux. -- -- references: -- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1071/ (C&C, Application Layer Protocol) -- -- tags: transient state net rapid -- platform: linux SELECT s.remote_address, p.name, p.path, p.cmdline AS child_cmd, p.cwd, pp.path AS parent_path, p.parent AS parent_pid, pp.cmdline AS parent_cmd, s.state, hash.sha256, -- This intentionally avoids file.path, as it won't join across mount namespaces CONCAT ( MIN(p.euid, 500), ',', REPLACE( REPLACE( REGEX_MATCH (p.path, '(/.*?)/', 1), '/nix', '/usr' ), '/snap', '/opt' ) '/', REGEX_MATCH (p.path, '.*/(.*?)$', 1), ',', MIN(f.uid, 500), 'u,', MIN(f.gid, 500), 'g,', p.name ) AS exception_key FROM process_open_sockets s LEFT JOIN processes p ON s.pid = p.pid LEFT JOIN processes pp ON p.parent = pp.pid LEFT JOIN file f ON p.path = f.path LEFT JOIN hash ON p.path = hash.path WHERE protocol IN (6, 17) AND s.remote_port = 443 AND s.remote_address NOT IN ('', '::ffff:', '::1') AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE 'fe80:%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '127.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '192.168.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '172.1%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '172.2%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '172.30.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '172.31.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '::ffff:172.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '10.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE '::ffff:10.%' AND s.remote_address NOT LIKE 'fc00:%' AND p.path != '' AND NOT exception_key IN ( '0,/usr/dockerd,0u,0g,dockerd', '0,/usr/flatpak-system-helper,0u,0g,flatpak-system-', '0,/usr/launcher,0u,0g,launcher', '0,/usr/packagekitd,0u,0g,packagekitd', '0,/usr/tailscaled,0u,0g,tailscaled', '0,/usr/.tailscaled-wrapped,0u,0g,.tailscaled-wra', '500,/app/slack,u,g,slack', '500,/app/zoom.real,u,g,zoom.real', '500,/home/chainctl,500u,500g,chainctl', '500,/ko-app/chainctl,u,g,chainctl', '500,/ko-app/controlplane,u,g,controlplane', '500,/opt/chrome,0u,0g,chrome', '500,/opt/firefox,0u,0g,firefox', '500,/opt/slack,0u,0g,slack', '500,/opt/spotify,0u,0g,spotify', '500,/usr/chrome,0u,0g,chrome', '500,/usr/code,0u,0g,code', '500,/usr/curl,0u,0g,curl', '500,/usr/electron,0u,0g,electron', '500,/usr/firefox,0u,0g,firefox', '500,/usr/firefox,0u,0g,.firefox-wrappe', '500,/usr/flatpak-oci-authenticator,0u,0g,flatpak-oci-aut', '500,/usr/geoclue,0u,0g,geoclue', '500,/usr/gitsign,0u,0g,gitsign', '500,/usr/gnome-software,0u,0g,gnome-software', '500,/usr/kubectl,500u,500g,kubectl', '500,/usr/slack,0u,0g,slack', '500,/usr/syncthing,0u,0g,syncthing' ) -- stay weird, NixOS (Fastly nix mirror) AND NOT child_cmd = '/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash' GROUP BY p.cmdline