-- Find unexpected executables in /var -- -- false positives: -- * none known -- -- tags: persistent -- platform: darwin SELECT file.path, file.directory, uid, gid, mode, file.mtime, file.size, hash.sha256, magic.data, signature.authority, signature.identifier FROM file LEFT JOIN hash on file.path = hash.path LEFT JOIN magic ON file.path = magic.path LEFT JOIN signature ON file.path = signature.path WHERE ( -- This list is the result of multiple queries combined and can likely be minimized file.path LIKE '/var/%%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/tmp/%%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/tmp/.%/%%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/tmp/%/%%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/tmp/%/%/.%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/tmp/%/.%/%%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/spool/%%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/spool/.%/%%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/spool/%/%%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/spool/%/%/.%' OR file.path LIKE '/var/spool/%/.%/%%' ) AND file.type = 'regular' AND file.path NOT LIKE '%/../%' AND file.path NOT LIKE '%/./%' -- Rosetta cache, SIP protected AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/db/oah/%' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/folders/%/C/com.apple.FontRegistry/annex_aux' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/folders/%/T/go.%.%.sum' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/folders/%/T/pulumi-go.%' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/folders%/T/sp_relauncher' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/tmp/epdfinfo%' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/folders/%/T/jansi-%-libjansi.jnilib' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/tmp/IN_PROGRESS_sysdiagnose_%.tmp/mddiagnose.mdsdiagnostic/diagnostic.log' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/run/current-system/etc/profiles/per-user/%' AND file.path NOT LIKE '/var/folders/%/T/freefn-%_emacs_%.eln' AND ( file.mode LIKE '%7%' or file.mode LIKE '%5%' or file.mode LIKE '%1%' ) AND file.directory NOT IN ( '/var/ossec/agentless', '/var/ossec/bin', '/var/ossec/wodles', '/var/run/booted-system', '/var/run/current-system', '/var/run/current-system/sw/bin', '/var/select', '/var/db/xcode_select_link/usr/bin', '/var/db/xcode_select_link/usr/lib', '/var/db/xcode_select_link/usr/libexec', '/var/select/X11/bin', '/var/select/X11/lib/dri', '/var/select/X11/lib/flat_namespace', '/var/select/X11/lib', '/var/select/X11/libexec' ) -- It's pretty rare, but some vendors install updates into /var. Spotify, I'm looking at you! AND NOT signature.authority IN ( 'Developer ID Application: Adobe Inc. (JQ525L2MZD)', 'Developer ID Application: Docker Inc (9BNSXJN65R)', 'Developer ID Application: GitHub (VEKTX9H2N7)', 'Developer ID Application: Google LLC (EQHXZ8M8AV)', 'Developer ID Application: Microsoft Corporation (UBF8T346G9)', 'Developer ID Application: Mozilla Corporation (43AQ936H96)', 'Developer ID Application: Spotify (2FNC3A47ZF)', 'Software Signing' ) AND file.path NOT IN ( '/var/log/acroUpdaterTools.log', '/var/vm/sleepimage' ) AND file.size > 10 AND NOT ( file.path LIKE '/var/folders/%/T/sp_update/%' AND file.gid = 20 AND file.uid = 501 ) AND NOT ( file.path LIKE '/var/db/timezone/zoneinfo/%' AND magic.data LIKE 'timezone%' AND file.size < 3000 AND file.mode = '0755' ) -- JetBrains (Delve) AND NOT ( file.path LIKE '/var/folders/%/%/T/dlvLauncher.sh' AND file.size < 1024 AND file.mode = '0744' ) -- Epson AND NOT ( file.path LIKE '/var/tmp/InstallLog/%.plist' AND magic.data = 'Apple binary property list' AND file.size < 3000 AND file.mode = '0777' )