-- Indicative of stored GCP service account keys just sitting around unencrypted -- -- tags: persistent state filesystem -- platform: posix SELECT file.path, file.filename, file.type, file.size, file.mtime, file.uid, file.ctime, file.gid, hash.sha256, magic.data FROM file LEFT JOIN hash ON file.path = hash.path LEFT JOIN users u ON file.uid = u.uid LEFT JOIN magic ON file.path = magic.path WHERE ( file.directory LIKE '/Users/%/Downloads/%' OR file.directory LIKE '/home/%/%' OR file.directory LIKE '/home/%/' OR file.directory LIKE '/home/%/.%' OR file.directory LIKE '/home/%/Downloads/%' OR file.directory LIKE '/tmp/%' OR file.directory LIKE '/tmp/' OR file.directory LIKE '/Users/%/%' OR file.directory LIKE '/Users/%/' OR file.directory LIKE '/Users/%/.%' OR file.directory LIKE '/var/tmp/%' OR file.directory LIKE '/var/tmp/' ) AND file.directory NOT LIKE "%/../%" AND file.directory NOT LIKE "%/./%" AND filename LIKE "%-%-%.json" AND size BETWEEN 2311 AND 2385 -- Don't alert on tokens that begin with the username-, as they may be personal AND NOT INSTR(filename, CONCAT (u.username, "-")) == 1 -- Don't alert on tokens that begin with the users full name and a dash AND NOT INSTR( filename, REPLACE(LOWER(TRIM(description)), " ", "-") ) == 1 -- Demo keys AND NOT file.filename LIKE 'host-project-%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE 'ulabs-%' AND NOT hash.sha256 IN ( "c7d6bac8e942511e25973889ac38656d4d46f68044650d694721017fda23716e", "bd5f4c01ebb5636b94584ee4ae42514b27d371859f7344f6aa5a37332ee714ba" )