-- Indicative of stored GCP service account keys just sitting around unencrypted -- -- tags: persistent state filesystem -- platform: darwin SELECT file.path, file.size, file.btime, file.ctime, file.mtime, magic.data, hash.sha256, u.username, ea.value AS url FROM mdfind JOIN file ON mdfind.path = file.path LEFT JOIN users u ON file.uid = u.uid LEFT JOIN hash ON mdfind.path = hash.path LEFT JOIN extended_attributes ea ON mdfind.path = ea.path AND ea.key = 'where_from' LEFT JOIN magic ON mdfind.path = magic.path LEFT JOIN signature ON mdfind.path = signature.path WHERE mdfind.query = "kMDItemFSName == '*.json'" AND ( file.filename LIKE "%-%-%.json" OR file.filename LIKE '%service%.json' OR file.filename LIKE '%acct%.json' OR file.filename LIKE '%key%.json' OR file.filename LIKE '%account%.json' OR file.filename LIKE '%-sa.json' OR file.filename LIKE 'sa%.json' OR file.filename LIKE '%s%r%v%acc%t%json' OR file.filename LIKE '%prod.json' OR file.filename LIKE 'prod%.json' ) AND file.size BETWEEN 2311 AND 2385 -- Don't alert on tokens that begin with the username-, as they may be personal AND NOT INSTR(file.filename, CONCAT (u.username, "-")) == 1 -- Don't alert on tokens that begin with the users full name and a dash AND NOT ( LENGTH(u.username) > 4 AND INSTR(file.filename, SUBSTR(u.username, 3, 8)) > 0 ) AND NOT INSTR( file.filename, REPLACE(LOWER(TRIM(u.description)), " ", "-") ) == 1 -- Common locations of test or demo keys AND NOT file.filename = 'keys.json' AND NOT file.directory = "/Users/Shared/LGHUB" AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/pkg/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/go/src/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/pkg/mod/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/aws-sdk/apis' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/mock-infras/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/testdata%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/conformance/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/third_party/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/generated/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/output/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/tests%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/validation%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/data/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/json%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/specs%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%/schemas' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '/Users/%/Library/Application Support/%' AND NOT file.directory LIKE '%demo' AND NOT file.filename LIKE 'ntia-conformance-%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%-test.json' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%package%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%expected%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%.pom.%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%latest%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%2022%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%2023%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE 'host-project-%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%spdx%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE '%-v1%' AND NOT file.filename LIKE 'libopenblas-%' -- Well known demo keys AND NOT hash.sha256 IN ( '11ffc5141b4b0071c0796914deef68d012c4f4c289931c5587fe89d7d6dca0a1', '2d330d059f4af4d314a85418fb031ee628f41dcf3e31fbce46858e52e73180c4', '4b4be8c1bc7e3bc7ea1f02932a024466db5faf3eaad885cf31ac7383484b1b1c', '6e55f3eccad59a615189c82cbcbd1133ce94509f7c5d42e3e7fbd00e65f0731f', 'e99b4e6dfbbefa19c9ec9c82bb0c3445a443702f960c2a05f882bb5577a59ef8', '81bce2313cd00ffc42303fbf7c08e4d068fccc9c0076867903ef94616d795e12', '8d740893c1f9163ddfd8c193d9a95caf15da3740b42f2739c4b107ad12661809', '998ddcb7d1a7c2931c8546576873e47b399f23cef719227052f245c8240c6528', 'af1a2f8e9d581bb1504e3d8801d15d962fdf12ee7ebcf2bb9c475c8b92da6472', 'b68896dc8e8c23ade371cf8b5c9d25853d81b4cfa5baa2bc0200d9242a903d80', 'bc4c0ad21d79fea9050e75e80f13dd54bfdc867236342ede901d15d815f31988', 'cea85342377ef1bce115629c3d9d3ec405964a43545805c9f7ace98940aa0be2', 'a0f925d91d2ae1d38c13305572b2bf027e09f39e8bea575d55e8fcd5f3bf8b32', 'ef2c928c69403e023a332002d8c5c430e1022850b12f834563f6aec111d99f14' ) GROUP BY file.path