-- Alert on programs running that are unusually old (poor timestomping) -- tags: periodic daemon SELECT p.path, p.cmdline, p.cwd, ((strftime('%s', 'now') - f.ctime) / 86400) AS ctime_age_days, ((strftime('%s', 'now') - f.ctime) / 86400) AS mtime_age_days, ((strftime('%s', 'now') - f.btime) / 86400) AS btime_age_days, h.sha256, f.uid, f.gid FROM processes p JOIN file f ON p.path = f.path JOIN hash h ON p.path = h.path WHERE ( ctime_age_days > 1050 OR mtime_age_days > 1050 ) AND p.path NOT LIKE '%/opt/brackets/Brackets%' AND h.sha256 NOT IN ( 'f61dcfce6f0c04263780700e0e9a8ff2363edefc344c08bd792fd401ddaa160f' -- jp.co.canon.MSU.app.Installer )