-- The better version of this is process_events/exotic-command-events SELECT p.pid, p.path, p.name, p.cmdline AS cmd, p.cwd, p.euid, p.parent, pp.path AS parent_path, pp.name AS parent_name, pp.cmdline AS parent_cmd, pp.euid AS parent_euid, hash.sha256 AS child_sha256, phash.sha256 AS parent_sha256 FROM processes p LEFT JOIN processes pp ON p.parent = pp.pid LEFT JOIN hash ON p.path = hash.path LEFT JOIN hash AS phash ON pp.path = hash.path WHERE -- Known attack scripts p.name IN ('nc', 'mkfifo') OR p.name LIKE "%pwn%" OR p.name LIKE "%xig%" OR p.name LIKE "%xmr%" OR cmd LIKE "%bitspin%" OR cmd LIKE "%lushput%" OR cmd LIKE "%incbit%" OR cmd LIKE "%traitor%" OR cmd LIKE "%msfvenom%" OR -- Unusual behaviors cmd LIKE "%ufw disable%" OR cmd LIKE "%iptables -P % ACCEPT%" OR cmd LIKE "%iptables -F%" OR cmd LIKE "%chattr -ia%" OR cmd LIKE "%bpftool%" OR cmd LIKE "%touch%acmr%" OR cmd LIKE "%ld.so.preload%" OR cmd LIKE "%urllib.urlopen%" OR cmd LIKE "%nohup%tmp%" OR cmd LIKE '%set visible of front window to false%' OR cmd LIKE '%chrome%--load-extension%' OR -- Crypto miners cmd LIKE "%c3pool%" OR cmd LIKE "%cryptonight%" OR cmd LIKE "%f2pool%" OR cmd LIKE "%hashrate%" OR cmd LIKE "%hashvault%" OR cmd LIKE "%minerd%" OR cmd LIKE "%monero%" OR cmd LIKE "%nanopool%" OR cmd LIKE "%nicehash%" OR cmd LIKE "%stratum%" OR -- Random keywords cmd LIKE "%ransom%" OR cmd LIKE "%malware%" OR cmd LIKE "%plant%" OR -- Reverse shells cmd LIKE '%/dev/tcp/%' OR cmd LIKE '%/dev/udp/%' OR cmd LIKE '%fsockopen%' OR cmd LIKE '%openssl%quiet%' OR cmd LIKE '%pty.spawn%' OR cmd LIKE '%sh -i' OR cmd LIKE '%socat%' OR cmd LIKE '%SOCK_STREAM%' OR cmd LIKE '%Socket.fork%' OR cmd LIKE '%Socket.new%' OR cmd LIKE '%socket.socket%'