-- Unexpected process that spawns shell processes (event-based) -- -- false positives: -- * IDE's -- -- references: -- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1059/ (Command and Scripting Interpreter) -- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1204/002/ (User Execution: Malicious File) -- -- tags: process events -- interval: 300 -- platform: posix SELECT -- Child pe.path AS p0_path, REGEX_MATCH (pe.path, '.*/(.*)', 1) AS p0_name, TRIM(pe.cmdline) AS p0_cmd, pe.pid AS p0_pid, p.cgroup_path AS p0_cgroup, -- Parent pe.parent AS p1_pid, p1.cgroup_path AS p1_cgroup, TRIM(COALESCE(p1.cmdline, pe1.cmdline)) AS p1_cmd, COALESCE(p1.path, pe1.path) AS p1_path, COALESCE(p_hash1.sha256, pe_hash1.sha256) AS p1_hash, REGEX_MATCH(COALESCE(p1.path, pe1.path), '.*/(.*)', 1) AS p1_name, -- Grandparent COALESCE(p1.parent, pe1.parent) AS p2_pid, COALESCE(p1_p2.cgroup_path, pe1_p2.cgroup_path) AS p2_cgroup, TRIM(COALESCE(p1_p2.cmdline, pe1_p2.cmdline, pe1_pe2.cmdline)) AS p2_cmd, COALESCE(p1_p2.path, pe1_p2.path, pe1_pe2.path) AS p2_path, COALESCE(p1_p2_hash.path, pe1_p2_hash.path, pe1_pe2_hash.path) AS p2_hash, REGEX_MATCH(COALESCE(p1_p2.path, pe1_p2.path, pe1_pe2.path), '.*/(.*)', 1) AS p2_name, -- Exception key REGEX_MATCH (pe.path, '.*/(.*)', 1) || ',' || MIN(pe.euid, 500) || ',' || REGEX_MATCH(COALESCE(p1.path, pe1.path), '.*/(.*)', 1) || ',' || REGEX_MATCH(COALESCE(p1_p2.path, pe1_p2.path, pe1_pe2.path), '.*/(.*)', 1) AS exception_key FROM process_events pe LEFT JOIN processes p ON pe.pid = p.pid -- Parents (via two paths) LEFT JOIN processes p1 ON pe.parent = p1.pid LEFT JOIN hash p_hash1 ON p1.path = p_hash1.path LEFT JOIN process_events pe1 ON pe.parent = pe1.pid AND pe1.cmdline != '' LEFT JOIN hash pe_hash1 ON pe1.path = pe_hash1.path -- Grandparents (via 3 paths) LEFT JOIN processes p1_p2 ON p1.parent = p1_p2.pid -- Current grandparent via parent processes LEFT JOIN processes pe1_p2 ON pe1.parent = pe1_p2.pid -- Current grandparent via parent events LEFT JOIN process_events pe1_pe2 ON pe1.parent = pe1_p2.pid AND pe1_pe2.cmdline != '' -- Past grandparent via parent events LEFT JOIN hash p1_p2_hash ON p1_p2.path = p1_p2_hash.path LEFT JOIN hash pe1_p2_hash ON pe1_p2.path = pe1_p2_hash.path LEFT JOIN hash pe1_pe2_hash ON pe1_pe2.path = pe1_pe2_hash.path WHERE pe.time > (strftime('%s', 'now') -300) AND pe.cmdline != '' AND pe.parent > 0 AND p0_name IN ('sh', 'fish', 'zsh', 'bash', 'dash') AND NOT ( p1_name IN ( 'abrt-handle-eve', 'alacritty', 'bash', 'build-script-build', 'chainctl', 'chezmoi', 'clang-11', 'code', 'Code Helper (Renderer)', 'Code - Insiders Helper (Renderer)', 'collect2', 'com.docker.backend', 'conmon', 'containerd-shim', 'cpptools', 'dash', 'demoit', 'direnv', 'doas', 'docker-credential-desktop', 'docker-credential-gcr', 'env', 'erl_child_setup', 'find', 'FinderSyncExtension', 'fish', 'gatherheaderdoc', 'gdm-session-worker', 'gdm-x-session', 'git', 'gke-gcloud-auth-plugin', 'gnome-terminal-server', 'go', 'goland', 'gopls', 'helm', 'Docker Desktop', 'HP Diagnose & Fix', 'i3bar', 'i3blocks', 'java', 'kitty', 'ko', 'kubectl', 'lightdm', 'Xorg', 'local-path-provisioner', 'login', 'make', 'monorail', 'my_print_defaults', 'ninja', 'nix', 'nix-build', 'nix-daemon', 'nm-dispatcher', 'node', 'nvim', 'package_script_service', 'perl', 'PK-Backend', 'pulumi', -- 'python' - do not include this, or you won't detect supply-chain attacks. 'roxterm', 'sdk', 'sdzoomplugin', 'sh', 'ShellLauncher', 'skhd', 'snyk', 'sshd', 'Stream Deck', 'sudo', 'swift', 'systemd', 'systemd-sleep', 'terminator', 'test2json', 'tmux', 'tmux:server', 'update-notifier', 'vi', 'vim', 'Vim', 'watch', 'wezterm-gui', 'xargs', 'xcrun', 'xfce4-terminal', 'yay', 'yum', 'zellij', 'zsh' ) OR p1_name LIKE 'terraform-provider-%' -- Do not add shells to this list if you want your query to detect -- bad programs that were started from a shell. OR p2_name IN ('env', 'git') -- Homebrew, except we don't want to allow all of ruby OR p0_cmd IN ( 'sh -c /bin/stty size 2>/dev/null', 'sh -c python3.7 --version 2>&1', '/bin/sh -c lsb_release -a --short', '/bin/zsh -c ls', '/bin/sh -c ps ax -ww -o pid,ppid,uid,gid,args', "sh -c osascript -e 'user locale of (get system info)'", 'sh -c xcode-select --print-path >/dev/null 2>&1 && xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path 2>/dev/null' ) OR ( p1_name = 'WhatsApp' -- WhatsApp grabs the serial number from people's machines :( AND p0_cmd = '/bin/sh -c ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2' ) OR p1_cmd IN ( '/usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk', 'php ./autodocs update images' ) OR ( p1_cmd LIKE '%Python% /opt/homebrew/bin/jupyter%' AND p0_cmd = '/bin/sh -c osascript' ) OR exception_key IN ('bash,0,pia-daemon,launchd') OR p0_cmd LIKE '%/bash -e%/bin/as -arch%' OR p0_cmd LIKE '/bin/bash /usr/local/Homebrew/%' OR p0_cmd LIKE '/bin/bash /opt/homebrew/%' OR p0_cmd LIKE '/bin/sh -c pkg-config %' OR p0_cmd LIKE '/bin/sh %/docker-credential-gcloud get' OR p0_cmd LIKE '%/google-chrome --flag-switches-begin % --product-version' OR p0_cmd LIKE '/bin/sh /usr/bin/xdg-open %' OR p0_cmd LIKE '/bin/bash /usr/bin/xdg-settings check %' OR p0_cmd LIKE '/bin/sh /usr/bin/xdg-settings set %' OR p0_cmd LIKE '/bin/sh /usr/bin/xdg-settings check %' OR p0_cmd LIKE '%gcloud config config-helper --format=json' OR p1_cmd LIKE '%Python /opt/homebrew/bin/aws configure sso' OR p2_cmd LIKE '/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/brew%' OR p2_cmd LIKE '/usr/bin/python3 -m py_compile %' ) GROUP BY pe.pid