
187 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

-- Look for sketchy mounted disk images, inspired by Shlayer
-- references:
-- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1566/001/ (Phishing: Spearphishing Attachment)
-- * https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1204/002/ (User Execution: Malicious File)
-- * https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-crowdstrike-uncovered-a-new-macos-browser-hijacking-campaign/
2023-02-08 19:37:09 +00:00
-- tags: transient volume filesystem
-- platform: darwin
RTRIM(file.path, '/') AS f,
file.bsd_flags AS f_flags,
file.gid AS f_gid,
file.mode AS f_mode,
file.size AS f_size,
file.type AS f_type,
REGEX_MATCH (file.filename, '.*\.(.*?)$', 1) AS f_ext,
file.uid AS f_uid,
hash.sha256 AS f_sha256,
magic.data AS f_data,
mdfind.path AS probable_source,
mdhash.sha256 AS probable_source_sha256,
ea.value AS probable_url,
REGEX_MATCH (file.path, '/Volumes/(.*?)/', 1) AS vol_name,
signature.authority AS s_auth,
signature.identifier AS s_id
LEFT JOIN mdfind ON mdfind.query = "kMDItemFSName == '*" || REGEX_MATCH (file.path, '/Volumes/(\w+)', 1) || "*.dmg'"
LEFT JOIN extended_attributes ea ON mdfind.path = ea.path
AND ea.key = 'where_from'
LEFT JOIN hash on file.path = hash.path
LEFT JOIN hash mdhash ON mdfind.path = mdhash.path
LEFT JOIN magic ON file.path = magic.path
LEFT JOIN signature ON file.path = signature.path
file.path IN (
DISTINCT file.path
JOIN mounts ON mounts.device = block_devices.name
JOIN file ON file.directory = mounts.path
OR file.directory LIKE mounts.path || "/%.app/Contents/MacOS/"
OR file.directory LIKE mounts.path || "/%.app/Contents/Resources/"
OR file.directory LIKE mounts.path || "/%/%.app/Contents/MacOS/"
2023-09-20 21:03:21 +00:00
OR file.directory LIKE mounts.path || "/%/%.app/Contents/Library/LaunchServices"
OR file.directory LIKE mounts.path || "/%/%.app/Contents/Resources/"
model = 'Disk Image'
AND parent != ""
AND mounts.path LIKE "/Volumes/%"
-- osquery will traverse symlinks, this prevents following symlinks to /Applications (poorly)
AND file.path NOT LIKE "/Volumes/%/Applications/%"
AND file.path NOT LIKE "/Volumes/%/ /%"
file.type != "regular"
AND file.directory LIKE '%/Contents/Resources/'
-- Rule 0. App binaries that are hidden, like WnBJLaF/1302.app/Contents/MacOS/1302 (1302.app)
file.directory LIKE '/Volumes/%/Contents/MacOS'
AND file.bsd_flags = "HIDDEN"
) -- Rule 1. App binaries that are a thin shell script wrapper for another resource (Player_009.app, 1302.app)
OR (
file.directory LIKE '/Volumes/%/Contents/MacOS'
AND file.mode LIKE "%7%"
AND file.type != 'directory'
AND magic.data LIKE '%script%'
AND signature.identifier != 'net.snowflake.snowsql'
AND signature.authority NOT IN (
'Developer ID Application: Allen Bai (97DN42T837)',
2023-08-15 22:13:06 +00:00
'Developer ID Application: BlueStack Systems, Inc. (QX5T8D6EDU)',
'Developer ID Application: Galvanix (5BRAQAFB8B)'
) -- Rule 2. App binaries that have mixed-caps names such as LYwjtu0sc3XqkNVbQe_gM4YiRpmgUpRIew or yWnBJLaF (AdobeFlashPlayer_567.app)
OR (
file.mode LIKE "%7%"
AND file.type != 'directory'
2023-04-17 20:20:35 +00:00
AND REGEX_MATCH (file.filename, '([a-z]+[A-Z][A-Z]+[a-z]+)', 1) != ""
AND magic.data LIKE "%executable%"
-- Some people do weird things!
AND signature.authority NOT IN (
'Software Signing',
'Developer ID Application: Atlassian Pty Ltd (UPXU4CQZ5P)',
'Developer ID Application: MacroMates Ltd. (45TL96F76G)',
'Developer ID Application: Logitech Inc. (QED4VVPZWA)'
) -- Rule 3. App binaries with a numerical name, such as 2829030009 (Player_009.app)
OR (
file.mode LIKE "%7%"
AND file.type != 'directory'
AND REGEX_MATCH (file.filename, '^(\d)+$', 1) != ""
) -- 4. App resources that are Mach-O binaries, such as 2829030009, or enc (Player_009.app, AdobeFlashPlayer_567.app)
OR (
file.directory LIKE '/Volumes/%/Resources'
AND magic.data LIKE '%executable%'
AND f_ext NOT IN ('py', 'sh', 'metallib')
) -- 5. Volumes with a name containing suspicious names: Player, Flash, Update
OR (
vol_name LIKE "Install%"
-- The rest are synced with sketchy-download-names
OR vol_name LIKE "%.app%"
2023-09-20 21:03:21 +00:00
OR vol_name LIKE "%AnyDesk%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%Advertising%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%agreement%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%animated%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%Brief%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%confidentiality%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%conract%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%contract%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%cover%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%crack%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%description%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%Flash%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%resume%"
OR vol_name LIKE "cv%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%cv"
OR vol_name LIKE "%curriculum%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%freyavr%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%game%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%immediate%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%logos%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%official%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%pdf%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%Player%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%poster%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%presentation%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%receipt%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%secret%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%confidential%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%reference%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%terms%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%trading%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%Update%"
OR vol_name LIKE "%weed%"
AND file.directory LIKE "/Volumes/%/Contents/MacOS"
AND signature.authority NOT IN (
"Developer ID Application: Logitech Inc. (QED4VVPZWA)",
"Developer ID Application: Bookry Ltd (4259LE8SU5)",
"Developer ID Application: VideoLAN (75GAHG3SZQ)"
) -- 6. Volumes containing a hidden top-level folder or binary, such as yWnBJLaF (1302.app)
OR (
file.bsd_flags = "HIDDEN"
file.mode LIKE "%7%"
OR file.mode LIKE "%5%"
OR file.mode LIKE "%1%"
AND file.filename NOT IN (
2023-05-05 16:44:46 +00:00
-- Brother Printer Utilities
AND f != '/Volumes/brotherwdswML_nonPanel/MacResources'
AND file.filename NOT LIKE '%.previous'
AND file.filename NOT LIKE '%.interrupted'
2023-06-07 12:58:02 +00:00
AND signature.authority != 'Developer ID Application: Google LLC (EQHXZ8M8AV)'
AND file.filename NOT LIKE '%.backup'
) -- 7. Volumes containing a top-level symlink to something other than /Applications, such as yWnBJLaF (1302.app)
OR (
file.symlink = 1
AND magic.data NOT IN (
'/Library/Application Support/Apple/Safari/SafariForWebKitDevelopment',
'symbolic link to .',
'symbolic link to /Applications',
'symbolic link to /Applications/',
'symbolic link to ../Resources/public',
'symbolic link to steam_osx'
-- emacs
AND magic.data NOT LIKE 'symbolic link to bin-x86%'
AND magic.data NOT LIKE 'symbolic link to /Users/%/My Drive'
-- Docker
AND magic.data NOT LIKE 'cannot open%'