
133 lines
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-- Processes with executable names that feel weird
-- references:
-- * https://www.zscaler.com/blogs/security-research/peek-apt36-s-updated-arsenal
-- tags: persistent process
p0.name AS pname,
COALESCE(REGEX_MATCH (p0.path, '.*/(.*)', 1), p0.path) AS basename,
REGEX_MATCH (p0.name, '.*/.*\.([a-z]{2,4})$', 1),
) AS pext,
-- Child
p0.pid AS p0_pid,
p0.path AS p0_path,
p0.name AS p0_name,
p0.cmdline AS p0_cmd,
p0.cwd AS p0_cwd,
p0.euid AS p0_euid,
p0_hash.sha256 AS p0_sha256,
-- Parent
p0.parent AS p1_pid,
p1.path AS p1_path,
p1.name AS p1_name,
p1.euid AS p1_euid,
p1.cmdline AS p1_cmd,
p1_hash.sha256 AS p1_sha256,
-- Grandparent
p1.parent AS p2_pid,
p2.name AS p2_name,
p2.path AS p2_path,
p2.cmdline AS p2_cmd,
p2_hash.sha256 AS p2_sha256
processes p0
LEFT JOIN hash p0_hash ON p0.path = p0_hash.path
LEFT JOIN processes p1 ON p0.parent = p1.pid
LEFT JOIN hash p1_hash ON p1.path = p1_hash.path
LEFT JOIN processes p2 ON p1.parent = p2.pid
LEFT JOIN hash p2_hash ON p2.path = p2_hash.path
pname LIKE "%kthread%"
OR pname LIKE "%-help"
OR pname LIKE "%flush%"
OR pname LIKE "%tasks%"
OR pname LIKE "%thread%"
OR pname LIKE "%initd%"
OR pname LIKE "%kdmp%"
OR pname LIKE "%/%"
OR pname LIKE "%kworker%"
OR pname LIKE "%launchd%"
OR pname LIKE "%user_dir%"
OR pname LIKE "%xdg%"
OR pname LIKE "cpu%"
OR pname LIKE "events%"
OR pname LIKE "idle_%"
OR pname LIKE '%xprotect%'
OR pname LIKE "%kaudit%"
OR pname LIKE "%nvme%"
OR pname LIKE "%zswap%"
OR pname LIKE "%crypt%"
OR pname LIKE "%acpi%"
OR pname LIKE "%kdev%"
OR pname LIKE "%ksoft%"
OR pname LIKE "%irq%"
OR pname LIKE "%kswap%"
OR pname LIKE "mm-%"
OR pname LIKE "nm_%"
OR pname LIKE "rcu%"
OR REGEX_MATCH (pname, '([a-z]{18,})', 1) != ""
OR REGEX_MATCH (pname, '([a-zA-Z0-9]{32,})', 1) != ""
OR REGEX_MATCH (pname, '(\w{40,})', 1) != ""
) != ""
OR REGEX_MATCH (pname, "([a-z].*[A-Z].*\d+.*[a-z].*\d+)", 1) != ""
OR REGEX_MATCH (pname, "(\d.*[a-z].*\d.*[a-z].*\d+)", 1) != ""
OR REGEX_MATCH (pname, "(\d{5,})", 1) != ""
OR REGEX_MATCH (pname, "^(\d\d)", 1) != ""
OR (
REGEX_MATCH (pname, "^(\W)", 1) != ""
AND p0.path NOT LIKE "/nix/store/%/.%-wrapped"
OR (
REGEX_MATCH (pname, "(\W)$", 1) != ""
AND pname NOT LIKE "%)"
AND pext NOT IN ("", "gui", "cli", "us", "node", "com")
AND NOT p1_pid = 2
AND NOT p0_pid = 2
AND NOT pname LIKE '.%-wrap%'
AND p0.path NOT LIKE "/nix/store/%"
AND basename NOT IN (
2024-03-07 21:33:01 +00:00
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2024-08-27 22:40:43 +00:00
2024-08-27 22:40:43 +00:00
2024-08-27 22:40:43 +00:00
2024-08-27 22:40:43 +00:00
2024-08-27 22:40:43 +00:00
AND basename NOT LIKE '___Test%'
2024-08-27 22:45:06 +00:00
basename IN ('nm-dispatcher')
AND p1_pid = 1