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Subject: [PATCH net-next 2/6] net: dsa: mt7530: Extend device data ready for
 adding a new hardware
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Add a structure holding required operations for each device such as device
initialization, PHY port read or write, a checker whether PHY interface is
supported on a certain port, MAC port setup for either bus pad or a
specific PHY interface.

The patch is done for ready adding a new hardware MT7531.

Signed-off-by: Landen Chao <>
Signed-off-by: Sean Wang <>
 drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c | 231 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.h |  29 ++++-
 2 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

--- a/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c
+++ b/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.c
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ mt7530_fdb_write(struct mt7530_priv *pri
 static int
-mt7530_pad_clk_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds, int mode)
+mt7530_pad_clk_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds, phy_interface_t mode)
 	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
 	u32 ncpo1, ssc_delta, trgint, i, xtal;
@@ -1355,13 +1355,111 @@ mt7530_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds)
 	return 0;
-static void mt7530_phylink_mac_config(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port,
+static bool mt7530_phy_supported(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port,
+				 const struct phylink_link_state *state)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	switch (port) {
+	case 0: /* Internal phy */
+	case 1:
+	case 2:
+	case 3:
+	case 4:
+		if (state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_GMII)
+			goto unsupported;
+		break;
+	case 5: /* 2nd cpu port with phy of port 0 or 4 / external phy */
+		if (!phy_interface_mode_is_rgmii(state->interface) &&
+		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII &&
+		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_GMII)
+			goto unsupported;
+		break;
+	case 6: /* 1st cpu port */
+		if (state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII &&
+		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_TRGMII)
+			goto unsupported;
+		break;
+	default:
+		dev_err(priv->dev, "%s: unsupported port: %i\n", __func__,
+			port);
+		goto unsupported;
+	}
+	return true;
+	return false;
+static bool mt753x_phy_supported(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port,
+				 const struct phylink_link_state *state)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	return priv->info->phy_supported(ds, port, state);
+static int
+mt7530_pad_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds, const struct phylink_link_state *state)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	/* Setup TX circuit incluing relevant PAD and driving */
+	mt7530_pad_clk_setup(ds, state->interface);
+	if (priv->id == ID_MT7530) {
+		/* Setup RX circuit, relevant PAD and driving on the
+		 * host which must be placed after the setup on the
+		 * device side is all finished.
+		 */
+		mt7623_pad_clk_setup(ds);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int
+mt753x_pad_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds, const struct phylink_link_state *state)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	return priv->info->pad_setup(ds, state);
+static int
+mt7530_mac_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, unsigned int mode,
+		 const struct phylink_link_state *state)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	/* Only need to setup port5. */
+	if (port != 5)
+		return 0;
+	mt7530_setup_port5(priv->ds, state->interface);
+	return 0;
+static int mt753x_mac_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, unsigned int mode,
+			    const struct phylink_link_state *state)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	return priv->info->mac_setup(ds, port, mode, state);
+static void mt753x_phylink_mac_config(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port,
 				      unsigned int mode,
 				      const struct phylink_link_state *state)
 	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
 	u32 mcr_cur, mcr_new;
+	if (!mt753x_phy_supported(ds, port, state))
+		return;
 	switch (port) {
 	case 0: /* Internal phy */
 	case 1:
@@ -1374,24 +1472,15 @@ static void mt7530_phylink_mac_config(st
 	case 5: /* 2nd cpu port with phy of port 0 or 4 / external phy */
 		if (priv->p5_interface == state->interface)
-		if (!phy_interface_mode_is_rgmii(state->interface) &&
-		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII &&
-		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_GMII)
-			return;
-		mt7530_setup_port5(ds, state->interface);
+		if (mt753x_mac_setup(ds, port, mode, state) < 0)
+			goto unsupported;
 	case 6: /* 1st cpu port */
 		if (priv->p6_interface == state->interface)
-		if (state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII &&
-		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_TRGMII)
-			return;
-		/* Setup TX circuit incluing relevant PAD and driving */
-		mt7530_pad_clk_setup(ds, state->interface);
+		mt753x_pad_setup(ds, state);
+		if (mt753x_mac_setup(ds, port, mode, state) < 0)
+			goto unsupported;
 		priv->p6_interface = state->interface;
@@ -1459,38 +1548,14 @@ static void mt7530_phylink_mac_link_up(s
 	mt7530_port_set_status(priv, port, 1);
-static void mt7530_phylink_validate(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port,
+static void mt753x_phylink_validate(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port,
 				    unsigned long *supported,
 				    struct phylink_link_state *state)
-	switch (port) {
-	case 0: /* Internal phy */
-	case 1:
-	case 2:
-	case 3:
-	case 4:
-		if (state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_NA &&
-		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_GMII)
-			goto unsupported;
-		break;
-	case 5: /* 2nd cpu port with phy of port 0 or 4 / external phy */
-		if (state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_NA &&
-		    !phy_interface_mode_is_rgmii(state->interface) &&
-		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII &&
-		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_GMII)
-			goto unsupported;
-		break;
-	case 6: /* 1st cpu port */
-		if (state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_NA &&
-		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII &&
-		    state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_TRGMII)
-			goto unsupported;
-		break;
-	default:
-		dev_err(ds->dev, "%s: unsupported port: %i\n", __func__, port);
+	if (state->interface != PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_NA &&
+	    !mt753x_phy_supported(ds, port, state)) {
@@ -1609,12 +1674,36 @@ static int mt7530_set_mac_eee(struct dsa
 	return 0;
+static int
+mt753x_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	return priv->info->setup(ds);
+static int
+mt753x_phy_read(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, int regnum)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	return priv->info->phy_read(ds, port, regnum);
+static int
+mt753x_phy_write(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, int regnum, u16 val)
+	struct mt7530_priv *priv = ds->priv;
+	return priv->info->phy_write(ds, port, regnum, val);
 static const struct dsa_switch_ops mt7530_switch_ops = {
 	.get_tag_protocol	= mtk_get_tag_protocol,
-	.setup			= mt7530_setup,
+	.setup			= mt753x_setup,
 	.get_strings		= mt7530_get_strings,
-	.phy_read		= mt7530_phy_read,
-	.phy_write		= mt7530_phy_write,
+	.phy_read		= mt753x_phy_read,
+	.phy_write		= mt753x_phy_write,
 	.get_ethtool_stats	= mt7530_get_ethtool_stats,
 	.get_sset_count		= mt7530_get_sset_count,
 	.port_enable		= mt7530_port_enable,
@@ -1631,18 +1720,39 @@ static const struct dsa_switch_ops mt753
 	.port_vlan_del		= mt7530_port_vlan_del,
 	.port_mirror_add	= mt7530_port_mirror_add,
 	.port_mirror_del	= mt7530_port_mirror_del,
-	.phylink_validate	= mt7530_phylink_validate,
+	.phylink_validate	= mt753x_phylink_validate,
 	.phylink_mac_link_state = mt7530_phylink_mac_link_state,
-	.phylink_mac_config	= mt7530_phylink_mac_config,
+	.phylink_mac_config	= mt753x_phylink_mac_config,
 	.phylink_mac_link_down	= mt7530_phylink_mac_link_down,
 	.phylink_mac_link_up	= mt7530_phylink_mac_link_up,
 	.get_mac_eee		= mt7530_get_mac_eee,
 	.set_mac_eee		= mt7530_set_mac_eee,
-static const struct of_device_id mt7530_of_match[] = {
-	{ .compatible = "mediatek,mt7621", .data = (void *)ID_MT7621, },
-	{ .compatible = "mediatek,mt7530", .data = (void *)ID_MT7530, },
+static const struct mt753x_info mt753x_table[] = {
+	[ID_MT7621] = {
+		.id = ID_MT7621,
+		.setup = mt7530_setup,
+		.phy_read = mt7530_phy_read,
+		.phy_write = mt7530_phy_write,
+		.phy_supported = mt7530_phy_supported,
+		.pad_setup = mt7530_pad_setup,
+		.mac_setup = mt7530_mac_setup,
+	},
+	[ID_MT7530] = {
+		.id = ID_MT7530,
+		.setup = mt7530_setup,
+		.phy_read = mt7530_phy_read,
+		.phy_write = mt7530_phy_write,
+		.phy_supported = mt7530_phy_supported,
+		.pad_setup = mt7530_pad_setup,
+		.mac_setup = mt7530_mac_setup,
+	},
+ static const struct of_device_id mt7530_of_match[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "mediatek,mt7621", .data = &mt753x_table[ID_MT7621], },
+	{ .compatible = "mediatek,mt7530", .data = &mt753x_table[ID_MT7530], },
 	{ /* sentinel */ },
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, mt7530_of_match);
@@ -1680,8 +1790,19 @@ mt7530_probe(struct mdio_device *mdiodev
 	/* Get the hardware identifier from the devicetree node.
 	 * We will need it for some of the clock and regulator setup.
-	priv->id = (unsigned int)(unsigned long)
-		of_device_get_match_data(&mdiodev->dev);
+	priv->info = of_device_get_match_data(&mdiodev->dev);
+	if (!priv->info)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	/* Sanity check if these required device operstaions are filled
+	 * properly.
+	 */
+	if (!priv->info->setup || !priv->info->phy_read ||
+	    !priv->info->phy_write || !priv->info->phy_supported ||
+	    !priv->info->pad_setup || !priv->info->mac_setup)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	priv->id = priv->info->id;
 	if (priv->id == ID_MT7530) {
 		priv->core_pwr = devm_regulator_get(&mdiodev->dev, "core");
--- a/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.h
+++ b/drivers/net/dsa/mt7530.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #define MT7530_NUM_FDB_RECORDS		2048
 #define MT7530_ALL_MEMBERS		0xff
-enum {
+enum mt753x_id {
 	ID_MT7530 = 0,
 	ID_MT7621 = 1,
@@ -447,6 +447,32 @@ static const char *p5_intf_modes(unsigne
+/* struct mt753x_info -	This is the main data structure for holding the specific
+ *			part for each supported device
+ * @setup:		Holding the handler to a device initialization
+ * @phy_read:		Holding the way reading PHY port
+ * @phy_write:		Holding the way writing PHY port
+ * @phy_supported:	Check if the PHY type is being supported on a certain
+ *			port
+ * @pad_setup:		Holding the way setting up the bus pad for a certain MAC
+ *			port
+ * @mac_setup:		Holding the way setting up the PHY attribute for a
+ *			certain MAC port
+ */
+struct mt753x_info {
+	enum mt753x_id id;
+	int (*setup)(struct dsa_switch *ds);
+	int (*phy_read)(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, int regnum);
+	int (*phy_write)(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, int regnum, u16 val);
+	bool (*phy_supported)(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port,
+			      const struct phylink_link_state *state);
+	int (*pad_setup)(struct dsa_switch *ds,
+			 const struct phylink_link_state *state);
+	int (*mac_setup)(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, unsigned int mode,
+			 const struct phylink_link_state *state);
 /* struct mt7530_priv -	This is the main data structure for holding the state
  *			of the driver
  * @dev:		The device pointer
@@ -472,6 +498,7 @@ struct mt7530_priv {
 	struct regulator	*core_pwr;
 	struct regulator	*io_pwr;
 	struct gpio_desc	*reset;
+	const struct mt753x_info *info;
 	unsigned int		id;
 	bool			mcm;
 	phy_interface_t		p6_interface;