2020-08-14 20:04:05 +08:00

34 lines
1.1 KiB

# MIT licensed
# Copyright (c) 2020 lilydjwg <lilydjwg@gmail.com>, et al.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Sunlei <guizaicn@gmail.com>
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from nvchecker.api import session
async def get_version(name, conf, *, cache, **kwargs):
sparkle = conf['sparkle']
return await cache.get(sparkle, get_version_impl)
async def get_version_impl(sparkle):
async with session.get(sparkle) as res:
resp = await res.read()
root = ElementTree.fromstring(resp)
item = root.find('./channel/item[1]/enclosure')
version_string = item.get('{http://www.andymatuschak.org/xml-namespaces/sparkle}shortVersionString')
build_number = item.get('{http://www.andymatuschak.org/xml-namespaces/sparkle}version')
if (version_string and version_string.isdigit()) and (build_number and not build_number.isdigit()):
version_string, build_number = build_number, version_string
version = []
if version_string:
if build_number and (build_number not in version):
return '-'.join(version) if version else None