#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euf -o pipefail enabled_collectors=$(cat << COLLECTORS arp bcache bonding btrfs buddyinfo cgroups conntrack cpu cpufreq cpu_vulnerabilities diskstats dmi drbd edac entropy fibrechannel filefd hwmon infiniband interrupts ipvs ksmd lnstat loadavg mdadm meminfo meminfo_numa mountstats netdev netstat nfs nfsd pressure processes qdisc rapl schedstat selinux slabinfo sockstat softirqs stat sysctl textfile thermal_zone udp_queues vmstat wifi xfs zfs zoneinfo COLLECTORS ) disabled_collectors=$(cat << COLLECTORS filesystem timex uname COLLECTORS ) cd "$(dirname $0)" port="$((10000 + (RANDOM % 10000)))" tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/node_exporter_e2e_test.XXXXXX) skip_re="^(go_|node_exporter_build_info|node_scrape_collector_duration_seconds|process_|node_textfile_mtime_seconds|node_time_(zone|seconds)|node_network_(receive|transmit)_(bytes|packets)_total)" arch="$(uname -m)" case "${arch}" in aarch64|ppc64le) fixture='collector/fixtures/e2e-64k-page-output.txt' ;; *) fixture='collector/fixtures/e2e-output.txt' ;; esac # Only test CPU info collection on x86_64. case "${arch}" in x86_64) cpu_info_collector='--collector.cpu.info' cpu_info_bugs='^(cpu_meltdown|spectre_.*|mds)$' cpu_info_flags='^(aes|avx.?|constant_tsc)$' ;; *) cpu_info_collector='--no-collector.cpu.info' cpu_info_bugs='' cpu_info_flags='' ;; esac keep=0; update=0; verbose=0 while getopts 'hkuv' opt do case "$opt" in k) keep=1 ;; u) update=1 ;; v) verbose=1 set -x ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 [-k] [-u] [-v]" echo " -k: keep temporary files and leave node_exporter running" echo " -u: update fixture" echo " -v: verbose output" exit 1 ;; esac done if [ ! -x ./node_exporter ] then echo './node_exporter not found. Consider running `go build` first.' >&2 exit 1 fi ./node_exporter \ --path.rootfs="collector/fixtures" \ --path.procfs="collector/fixtures/proc" \ --path.sysfs="collector/fixtures/sys" \ --path.udev.data="collector/fixtures/udev/data" \ $(for c in ${enabled_collectors}; do echo --collector.${c} ; done) \ $(for c in ${disabled_collectors}; do echo --no-collector.${c} ; done) \ --collector.textfile.directory="collector/fixtures/textfile/two_metric_files/" \ --collector.wifi.fixtures="collector/fixtures/wifi" \ --collector.qdisc.fixtures="collector/fixtures/qdisc/" \ --collector.qdisc.device-include="(wlan0|eth0)" \ --collector.arp.device-exclude="nope" \ --no-collector.arp.netlink \ --collector.hwmon.chip-include="(applesmc|coretemp|hwmon4|nct6779)" \ --collector.netclass.ignored-devices="(dmz|int)" \ --collector.netclass.ignore-invalid-speed \ --collector.netdev.device-include="lo" \ --collector.bcache.priorityStats \ "${cpu_info_collector}" \ --collector.cpu.info.bugs-include="${cpu_info_bugs}" \ --collector.cpu.info.flags-include="${cpu_info_flags}" \ --collector.stat.softirq \ --collector.sysctl.include="kernel.threads-max" \ --collector.sysctl.include="fs.file-nr" \ --collector.sysctl.include="fs.file-nr:total,current,max" \ --collector.sysctl.include-info="kernel.seccomp.actions_avail" \ --web.listen-address "${port}" \ --log.level="debug" > "${tmpdir}/node_exporter.log" 2>&1 & echo $! > "${tmpdir}/node_exporter.pid" finish() { if [ $? -ne 0 -o ${verbose} -ne 0 ] then cat << EOF >&2 LOG ===================== $(cat "${tmpdir}/node_exporter.log") ========================= EOF fi if [ ${update} -ne 0 ] then cp "${tmpdir}/e2e-output.txt" "${fixture}" fi if [ ${keep} -eq 0 ] then kill -9 "$(cat ${tmpdir}/node_exporter.pid)" # This silences the "Killed" message set +e wait "$(cat ${tmpdir}/node_exporter.pid)" > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf "${tmpdir}" fi } trap finish EXIT get() { if command -v curl > /dev/null 2>&1 then curl -s -f "$@" elif command -v wget > /dev/null 2>&1 then wget -O - "$@" else echo "Neither curl nor wget found" exit 1 fi } sleep 1 get "${port}/metrics" | grep -E -v "${skip_re}" > "${tmpdir}/e2e-output.txt" diff -u \ "${fixture}" \ "${tmpdir}/e2e-output.txt"