Flavio Crisciani 02a383156a Adjust conntrack filters
Today the filter implementation implements
only ip matching for src,dst,reply src,reply dst.
Updating the comments on the filter to reflect that
more clearly and deprecate confusing constants

Signed-off-by: Flavio Crisciani <>
2018-10-24 12:03:49 -07:00

408 lines
12 KiB

// +build linux
package netlink
import (
func CheckErrorFail(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fatal Error: %s", err)
func CheckError(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error: %s", err)
func udpFlowCreateProg(t *testing.T, flows, srcPort int, dstIP string, dstPort int) {
for i := 0; i < flows; i++ {
ServerAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", dstIP, dstPort))
CheckError(t, err)
LocalAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", fmt.Sprintf("", srcPort+i))
CheckError(t, err)
Conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", LocalAddr, ServerAddr)
CheckError(t, err)
Conn.Write([]byte("Hello World"))
func nsCreateAndEnter(t *testing.T) (*netns.NsHandle, *netns.NsHandle, *Handle) {
// Lock the OS Thread so we don't accidentally switch namespaces
// Save the current network namespace
origns, _ := netns.Get()
ns, err := netns.New()
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
h, err := NewHandleAt(ns)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Enter the new namespace
// Bing up loopback
link, _ := h.LinkByName("lo")
return &origns, &ns, h
func applyFilter(flowList []ConntrackFlow, ipv4Filter *ConntrackFilter, ipv6Filter *ConntrackFilter) (ipv4Match, ipv6Match uint) {
for _, flow := range flowList {
if ipv4Filter.MatchConntrackFlow(&flow) == true {
if ipv6Filter.MatchConntrackFlow(&flow) == true {
return ipv4Match, ipv6Match
// TestConntrackSocket test the opening of a NETFILTER family socket
func TestConntrackSocket(t *testing.T) {
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack")
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack_netlink")
h, err := NewHandle(unix.NETLINK_NETFILTER)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
if h.SupportsNetlinkFamily(unix.NETLINK_NETFILTER) != true {
t.Fatal("ERROR not supporting the NETFILTER family")
// TestConntrackTableList test the conntrack table list
// Creates some flows and checks that they are correctly fetched from the conntrack table
func TestConntrackTableList(t *testing.T) {
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack")
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack_netlink")
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack_ipv4")
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack_ipv6")
// Creates a new namespace and bring up the loopback interface
origns, ns, h := nsCreateAndEnter(t)
defer netns.Set(*origns)
defer origns.Close()
defer ns.Close()
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
setUpF(t, "/proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_acct", "1")
// Flush the table to start fresh
err := h.ConntrackTableFlush(ConntrackTable)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Create 5 udp
udpFlowCreateProg(t, 5, 2000, "", 3000)
// Fetch the conntrack table
flows, err := h.ConntrackTableList(ConntrackTable, unix.AF_INET)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Check that it is able to find the 5 flows created
var found int
for _, flow := range flows {
if flow.Forward.Protocol == 17 &&
flow.Forward.DstIP.Equal(net.ParseIP("")) &&
flow.Forward.DstPort == 3000 &&
(flow.Forward.SrcPort >= 2000 && flow.Forward.SrcPort <= 2005) {
if flow.Forward.Bytes == 0 && flow.Forward.Packets == 0 && flow.Reverse.Bytes == 0 && flow.Reverse.Packets == 0 {
t.Error("No traffic statistics are collected")
if found != 5 {
t.Fatalf("Found only %d flows over 5", found)
// Give a try also to the IPv6 version
_, err = h.ConntrackTableList(ConntrackTable, unix.AF_INET6)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Switch back to the original namespace
// TestConntrackTableFlush test the conntrack table flushing
// Creates some flows and then call the table flush
func TestConntrackTableFlush(t *testing.T) {
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack")
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack_netlink")
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack_ipv4")
// Creates a new namespace and bring up the loopback interface
origns, ns, h := nsCreateAndEnter(t)
defer netns.Set(*origns)
defer origns.Close()
defer ns.Close()
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
// Create 5 udp flows using netcat
udpFlowCreateProg(t, 5, 3000, "", 4000)
// Fetch the conntrack table
flows, err := h.ConntrackTableList(ConntrackTable, unix.AF_INET)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Check that it is able to find the 5 flows created
var found int
for _, flow := range flows {
if flow.Forward.Protocol == 17 &&
flow.Forward.DstIP.Equal(net.ParseIP("")) &&
flow.Forward.DstPort == 4000 &&
(flow.Forward.SrcPort >= 3000 && flow.Forward.SrcPort <= 3005) {
if found != 5 {
t.Fatalf("Found only %d flows over 5", found)
// Flush the table
err = h.ConntrackTableFlush(ConntrackTable)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Fetch again the flows to validate the flush
flows, err = h.ConntrackTableList(ConntrackTable, unix.AF_INET)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Check if it is still able to find the 5 flows created
found = 0
for _, flow := range flows {
if flow.Forward.Protocol == 17 &&
flow.Forward.DstIP.Equal(net.ParseIP("")) &&
flow.Forward.DstPort == 4000 &&
(flow.Forward.SrcPort >= 3000 && flow.Forward.SrcPort <= 3005) {
if found > 0 {
t.Fatalf("Found %d flows, they should had been flushed", found)
// Switch back to the original namespace
// TestConntrackTableDelete tests the deletion with filter
// Creates 2 group of flows then deletes only one group and validates the result
func TestConntrackTableDelete(t *testing.T) {
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack")
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack_netlink")
setUpNetlinkTestWithKModule(t, "nf_conntrack_ipv4")
// Creates a new namespace and bring up the loopback interface
origns, ns, h := nsCreateAndEnter(t)
defer netns.Set(*origns)
defer origns.Close()
defer ns.Close()
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
// Create 10 udp flows
udpFlowCreateProg(t, 5, 5000, "", 6000)
udpFlowCreateProg(t, 5, 7000, "", 8000)
// Fetch the conntrack table
flows, err := h.ConntrackTableList(ConntrackTable, unix.AF_INET)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Check that it is able to find the 5 flows created for each group
var groupA int
var groupB int
for _, flow := range flows {
if flow.Forward.Protocol == 17 &&
flow.Forward.DstIP.Equal(net.ParseIP("")) &&
flow.Forward.DstPort == 6000 &&
(flow.Forward.SrcPort >= 5000 && flow.Forward.SrcPort <= 5005) {
if flow.Forward.Protocol == 17 &&
flow.Forward.DstIP.Equal(net.ParseIP("")) &&
flow.Forward.DstPort == 8000 &&
(flow.Forward.SrcPort >= 7000 && flow.Forward.SrcPort <= 7005) {
if groupA != 5 || groupB != 5 {
t.Fatalf("Flow creation issue groupA:%d, groupB:%d", groupA, groupB)
// Create a filter to erase groupB flows
filter := &ConntrackFilter{}
filter.AddIP(ConntrackOrigDstIP, net.ParseIP(""))
// Flush entries of groupB
var deleted uint
if deleted, err = h.ConntrackDeleteFilter(ConntrackTable, unix.AF_INET, filter); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error during the erase: %s", err)
if deleted != 5 {
t.Fatalf("Error deleted a wrong number of flows:%d instead of 5", deleted)
// Check again the table to verify that are gone
flows, err = h.ConntrackTableList(ConntrackTable, unix.AF_INET)
CheckErrorFail(t, err)
// Check if it is able to find the 5 flows of groupA but none of groupB
groupA = 0
groupB = 0
for _, flow := range flows {
if flow.Forward.Protocol == 17 &&
flow.Forward.DstIP.Equal(net.ParseIP("")) &&
flow.Forward.DstPort == 6000 &&
(flow.Forward.SrcPort >= 5000 && flow.Forward.SrcPort <= 5005) {
if flow.Forward.Protocol == 17 &&
flow.Forward.DstIP.Equal(net.ParseIP("")) &&
flow.Forward.DstPort == 8000 &&
(flow.Forward.SrcPort >= 7000 && flow.Forward.SrcPort <= 7005) {
if groupA != 5 || groupB > 0 {
t.Fatalf("Error during the erase groupA:%d, groupB:%d", groupA, groupB)
// Switch back to the original namespace
func TestConntrackFilter(t *testing.T) {
var flowList []ConntrackFlow
flowList = append(flowList, ConntrackFlow{
FamilyType: unix.AF_INET,
Forward: ipTuple{
SrcIP: net.ParseIP(""),
DstIP: net.ParseIP(""),
SrcPort: 1000,
DstPort: 2000,
Reverse: ipTuple{
SrcIP: net.ParseIP(""),
DstIP: net.ParseIP(""),
SrcPort: 2000,
DstPort: 1000,
FamilyType: unix.AF_INET,
Forward: ipTuple{
SrcIP: net.ParseIP(""),
DstIP: net.ParseIP(""),
SrcPort: 5000,
DstPort: 6000,
Reverse: ipTuple{
SrcIP: net.ParseIP(""),
DstIP: net.ParseIP(""),
SrcPort: 6000,
DstPort: 5000,
FamilyType: unix.AF_INET6,
Forward: ipTuple{
SrcIP: net.ParseIP("eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee"),
DstIP: net.ParseIP("dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd"),
SrcPort: 1000,
DstPort: 2000,
Reverse: ipTuple{
SrcIP: net.ParseIP("dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd"),
DstIP: net.ParseIP("eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee"),
SrcPort: 2000,
DstPort: 1000,
// Empty filter
v4Match, v6Match := applyFilter(flowList, &ConntrackFilter{}, &ConntrackFilter{})
if v4Match > 0 || v6Match > 0 {
t.Fatalf("Error, empty filter cannot match, v4:%d, v6:%d", v4Match, v6Match)
// SrcIP filter
filterV4 := &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV4.AddIP(ConntrackOrigSrcIP, net.ParseIP(""))
filterV6 := &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV6.AddIP(ConntrackOrigSrcIP, net.ParseIP("eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee"))
v4Match, v6Match = applyFilter(flowList, filterV4, filterV6)
if v4Match != 1 || v6Match != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Error, there should be only 1 match, v4:%d, v6:%d", v4Match, v6Match)
// DstIp filter
filterV4 = &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV4.AddIP(ConntrackOrigDstIP, net.ParseIP(""))
filterV6 = &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV6.AddIP(ConntrackOrigDstIP, net.ParseIP("dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd"))
v4Match, v6Match = applyFilter(flowList, filterV4, filterV6)
if v4Match != 1 || v6Match != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Error, there should be only 1 match, v4:%d, v6:%d", v4Match, v6Match)
// SrcIP for NAT
filterV4 = &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV4.AddIP(ConntrackReplySrcIP, net.ParseIP(""))
filterV6 = &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV6.AddIP(ConntrackReplySrcIP, net.ParseIP("dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd"))
v4Match, v6Match = applyFilter(flowList, filterV4, filterV6)
if v4Match != 1 || v6Match != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Error, there should be only 1 match, v4:%d, v6:%d", v4Match, v6Match)
// DstIP for NAT
filterV4 = &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV4.AddIP(ConntrackReplyDstIP, net.ParseIP(""))
filterV6 = &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV6.AddIP(ConntrackReplyDstIP, net.ParseIP("dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd:dddd"))
v4Match, v6Match = applyFilter(flowList, filterV4, filterV6)
if v4Match != 2 || v6Match != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Error, there should be an exact match, v4:%d, v6:%d", v4Match, v6Match)
// AnyIp for Nat
filterV4 = &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV4.AddIP(ConntrackReplyAnyIP, net.ParseIP(""))
filterV6 = &ConntrackFilter{}
filterV6.AddIP(ConntrackReplyAnyIP, net.ParseIP("eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee:eeee"))
v4Match, v6Match = applyFilter(flowList, filterV4, filterV6)
if v4Match != 2 || v6Match != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Error, there should be an exact match, v4:%d, v6:%d", v4Match, v6Match)