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synced 2025-03-22 11:06:50 +00:00
Add a specific error to report that a netlink response had NLM_F_DUMP_INTR set, indicating that the set of results may be incomplete or inconsistent. unix.EINTR was previously returned (with no results) when the NLM_F_DUMP_INTR flag was set. Now, errors.Is(err, unix.EINTR) will still work. But, this will be a breaking change for any code that's checking for equality with unix.EINTR. Return results with ErrDumpInterrupted. Results may be incomplete or inconsistent, but give the caller the option of using them. Look for NLM_F_DUMP_INTR in more places: - linkSubscribeAt, neighSubscribeAt, routeSubscribeAt - can do an initial dump, which may report inconsistent results -> if there's an error callback, call it with ErrDumpInterrupted - socketDiagXDPExecutor - makes an NLM_F_DUMP request, without using Execute() -> give it the same behaviour as functions that do use Execute() Signed-off-by: Rob Murray <rob.murray@docker.com>
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package netlink
import (
// Internal tc_stats representation in Go struct.
// This is for internal uses only to deserialize the payload of rtattr.
// After the deserialization, this should be converted into the canonical stats
// struct, ClassStatistics, in case of statistics of a class.
// Ref: struct tc_stats { ... }
type tcStats struct {
Bytes uint64 // Number of enqueued bytes
Packets uint32 // Number of enqueued packets
Drops uint32 // Packets dropped because of lack of resources
Overlimits uint32 // Number of throttle events when this flow goes out of allocated bandwidth
Bps uint32 // Current flow byte rate
Pps uint32 // Current flow packet rate
Qlen uint32
Backlog uint32
// NewHtbClass NOTE: function is in here because it uses other linux functions
func NewHtbClass(attrs ClassAttrs, cattrs HtbClassAttrs) *HtbClass {
mtu := 1600
rate := cattrs.Rate / 8
ceil := cattrs.Ceil / 8
buffer := cattrs.Buffer
cbuffer := cattrs.Cbuffer
if ceil == 0 {
ceil = rate
if buffer == 0 {
buffer = uint32(float64(rate)/Hz() + float64(mtu))
buffer = Xmittime(rate, buffer)
if cbuffer == 0 {
cbuffer = uint32(float64(ceil)/Hz() + float64(mtu))
cbuffer = Xmittime(ceil, cbuffer)
return &HtbClass{
ClassAttrs: attrs,
Rate: rate,
Ceil: ceil,
Buffer: buffer,
Cbuffer: cbuffer,
Level: 0,
Prio: cattrs.Prio,
Quantum: cattrs.Quantum,
// ClassDel will delete a class from the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class del $class`
func ClassDel(class Class) error {
return pkgHandle.ClassDel(class)
// ClassDel will delete a class from the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class del $class`
func (h *Handle) ClassDel(class Class) error {
return h.classModify(unix.RTM_DELTCLASS, 0, class)
// ClassChange will change a class in place
// Equivalent to: `tc class change $class`
// The parent and handle MUST NOT be changed.
func ClassChange(class Class) error {
return pkgHandle.ClassChange(class)
// ClassChange will change a class in place
// Equivalent to: `tc class change $class`
// The parent and handle MUST NOT be changed.
func (h *Handle) ClassChange(class Class) error {
return h.classModify(unix.RTM_NEWTCLASS, 0, class)
// ClassReplace will replace a class to the system.
// quivalent to: `tc class replace $class`
// The handle MAY be changed.
// If a class already exist with this parent/handle pair, the class is changed.
// If a class does not already exist with this parent/handle, a new class is created.
func ClassReplace(class Class) error {
return pkgHandle.ClassReplace(class)
// ClassReplace will replace a class to the system.
// quivalent to: `tc class replace $class`
// The handle MAY be changed.
// If a class already exist with this parent/handle pair, the class is changed.
// If a class does not already exist with this parent/handle, a new class is created.
func (h *Handle) ClassReplace(class Class) error {
return h.classModify(unix.RTM_NEWTCLASS, unix.NLM_F_CREATE, class)
// ClassAdd will add a class to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class add $class`
func ClassAdd(class Class) error {
return pkgHandle.ClassAdd(class)
// ClassAdd will add a class to the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class add $class`
func (h *Handle) ClassAdd(class Class) error {
return h.classModify(
func (h *Handle) classModify(cmd, flags int, class Class) error {
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(cmd, flags|unix.NLM_F_ACK)
base := class.Attrs()
msg := &nl.TcMsg{
Family: nl.FAMILY_ALL,
Ifindex: int32(base.LinkIndex),
Handle: base.Handle,
Parent: base.Parent,
if cmd != unix.RTM_DELTCLASS {
if err := classPayload(req, class); err != nil {
return err
_, err := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_ROUTE, 0)
return err
func classPayload(req *nl.NetlinkRequest, class Class) error {
req.AddData(nl.NewRtAttr(nl.TCA_KIND, nl.ZeroTerminated(class.Type())))
options := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.TCA_OPTIONS, nil)
switch class.Type() {
case "htb":
htb := class.(*HtbClass)
opt := nl.TcHtbCopt{}
opt.Buffer = htb.Buffer
opt.Cbuffer = htb.Cbuffer
opt.Quantum = htb.Quantum
opt.Level = htb.Level
opt.Prio = htb.Prio
// TODO: Handle Debug properly. For now default to 0
/* Calculate {R,C}Tab and set Rate and Ceil */
cellLog := -1
ccellLog := -1
linklayer := nl.LINKLAYER_ETHERNET
mtu := 1600
var rtab [256]uint32
var ctab [256]uint32
tcrate := nl.TcRateSpec{Rate: uint32(htb.Rate)}
if CalcRtable(&tcrate, rtab[:], cellLog, uint32(mtu), linklayer) < 0 {
return errors.New("HTB: failed to calculate rate table")
opt.Rate = tcrate
tcceil := nl.TcRateSpec{Rate: uint32(htb.Ceil)}
if CalcRtable(&tcceil, ctab[:], ccellLog, uint32(mtu), linklayer) < 0 {
return errors.New("HTB: failed to calculate ceil rate table")
opt.Ceil = tcceil
options.AddRtAttr(nl.TCA_HTB_PARMS, opt.Serialize())
options.AddRtAttr(nl.TCA_HTB_RTAB, SerializeRtab(rtab))
options.AddRtAttr(nl.TCA_HTB_CTAB, SerializeRtab(ctab))
if htb.Rate >= uint64(1<<32) {
options.AddRtAttr(nl.TCA_HTB_RATE64, nl.Uint64Attr(htb.Rate))
if htb.Ceil >= uint64(1<<32) {
options.AddRtAttr(nl.TCA_HTB_CEIL64, nl.Uint64Attr(htb.Ceil))
case "hfsc":
hfsc := class.(*HfscClass)
opt := nl.HfscCopt{}
rm1, rd, rm2 := hfsc.Rsc.Attrs()
opt.Rsc.Set(rm1/8, rd, rm2/8)
fm1, fd, fm2 := hfsc.Fsc.Attrs()
opt.Fsc.Set(fm1/8, fd, fm2/8)
um1, ud, um2 := hfsc.Usc.Attrs()
opt.Usc.Set(um1/8, ud, um2/8)
options.AddRtAttr(nl.TCA_HFSC_RSC, nl.SerializeHfscCurve(&opt.Rsc))
options.AddRtAttr(nl.TCA_HFSC_FSC, nl.SerializeHfscCurve(&opt.Fsc))
options.AddRtAttr(nl.TCA_HFSC_USC, nl.SerializeHfscCurve(&opt.Usc))
return nil
// ClassList gets a list of classes in the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class show`.
// Generally returns nothing if link and parent are not specified.
// If the returned error is [ErrDumpInterrupted], results may be inconsistent
// or incomplete.
func ClassList(link Link, parent uint32) ([]Class, error) {
return pkgHandle.ClassList(link, parent)
// ClassList gets a list of classes in the system.
// Equivalent to: `tc class show`.
// Generally returns nothing if link and parent are not specified.
// If the returned error is [ErrDumpInterrupted], results may be inconsistent
// or incomplete.
func (h *Handle) ClassList(link Link, parent uint32) ([]Class, error) {
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(unix.RTM_GETTCLASS, unix.NLM_F_DUMP)
msg := &nl.TcMsg{
Family: nl.FAMILY_ALL,
Parent: parent,
if link != nil {
base := link.Attrs()
msg.Ifindex = int32(base.Index)
msgs, executeErr := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_ROUTE, unix.RTM_NEWTCLASS)
if executeErr != nil && !errors.Is(executeErr, ErrDumpInterrupted) {
return nil, executeErr
var res []Class
for _, m := range msgs {
msg := nl.DeserializeTcMsg(m)
attrs, err := nl.ParseRouteAttr(m[msg.Len():])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
base := ClassAttrs{
LinkIndex: int(msg.Ifindex),
Handle: msg.Handle,
Parent: msg.Parent,
Statistics: nil,
var class Class
classType := ""
for _, attr := range attrs {
switch attr.Attr.Type {
case nl.TCA_KIND:
classType = string(attr.Value[:len(attr.Value)-1])
switch classType {
case "htb":
class = &HtbClass{}
case "hfsc":
class = &HfscClass{}
class = &GenericClass{ClassType: classType}
case nl.TCA_OPTIONS:
switch classType {
case "htb":
data, err := nl.ParseRouteAttr(attr.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = parseHtbClassData(class, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case "hfsc":
data, err := nl.ParseRouteAttr(attr.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = parseHfscClassData(class, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// For backward compatibility.
case nl.TCA_STATS:
base.Statistics, err = parseTcStats(attr.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case nl.TCA_STATS2:
base.Statistics, err = parseTcStats2(attr.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
*class.Attrs() = base
res = append(res, class)
return res, executeErr
func parseHtbClassData(class Class, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {
htb := class.(*HtbClass)
detailed := false
for _, datum := range data {
switch datum.Attr.Type {
case nl.TCA_HTB_PARMS:
opt := nl.DeserializeTcHtbCopt(datum.Value)
htb.Rate = uint64(opt.Rate.Rate)
htb.Ceil = uint64(opt.Ceil.Rate)
htb.Buffer = opt.Buffer
htb.Cbuffer = opt.Cbuffer
htb.Quantum = opt.Quantum
htb.Level = opt.Level
htb.Prio = opt.Prio
case nl.TCA_HTB_RATE64:
htb.Rate = native.Uint64(datum.Value[0:8])
case nl.TCA_HTB_CEIL64:
htb.Ceil = native.Uint64(datum.Value[0:8])
return detailed, nil
func parseHfscClassData(class Class, data []syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr) (bool, error) {
hfsc := class.(*HfscClass)
detailed := false
for _, datum := range data {
m1, d, m2 := nl.DeserializeHfscCurve(datum.Value).Attrs()
switch datum.Attr.Type {
case nl.TCA_HFSC_RSC:
hfsc.Rsc = ServiceCurve{m1: m1 * 8, d: d, m2: m2 * 8}
case nl.TCA_HFSC_FSC:
hfsc.Fsc = ServiceCurve{m1: m1 * 8, d: d, m2: m2 * 8}
case nl.TCA_HFSC_USC:
hfsc.Usc = ServiceCurve{m1: m1 * 8, d: d, m2: m2 * 8}
return detailed, nil
func parseTcStats(data []byte) (*ClassStatistics, error) {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
tcStats := &tcStats{}
if err := binary.Read(buf, native, tcStats); err != nil {
return nil, err
stats := NewClassStatistics()
stats.Basic.Bytes = tcStats.Bytes
stats.Basic.Packets = tcStats.Packets
stats.Queue.Qlen = tcStats.Qlen
stats.Queue.Backlog = tcStats.Backlog
stats.Queue.Drops = tcStats.Drops
stats.Queue.Overlimits = tcStats.Overlimits
stats.RateEst.Bps = tcStats.Bps
stats.RateEst.Pps = tcStats.Pps
return stats, nil
func parseGnetStats(data []byte, gnetStats interface{}) error {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
return binary.Read(buf, native, gnetStats)
func parseTcStats2(data []byte) (*ClassStatistics, error) {
rtAttrs, err := nl.ParseRouteAttr(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stats := NewClassStatistics()
for _, datum := range rtAttrs {
switch datum.Attr.Type {
if err := parseGnetStats(datum.Value, stats.Basic); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse ClassStatistics.Basic with: %v\n%s",
err, hex.Dump(datum.Value))
if err := parseGnetStats(datum.Value, stats.Queue); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse ClassStatistics.Queue with: %v\n%s",
err, hex.Dump(datum.Value))
if err := parseGnetStats(datum.Value, stats.RateEst); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse ClassStatistics.RateEst with: %v\n%s",
err, hex.Dump(datum.Value))
if err := parseGnetStats(datum.Value, stats.BasicHw); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse ClassStatistics.BasicHw with: %v\n%s",
err, hex.Dump(datum.Value))
return stats, nil