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synced 2025-03-19 17:54:13 +00:00
Add a specific error to report that a netlink response had NLM_F_DUMP_INTR set, indicating that the set of results may be incomplete or inconsistent. unix.EINTR was previously returned (with no results) when the NLM_F_DUMP_INTR flag was set. Now, errors.Is(err, unix.EINTR) will still work. But, this will be a breaking change for any code that's checking for equality with unix.EINTR. Return results with ErrDumpInterrupted. Results may be incomplete or inconsistent, but give the caller the option of using them. Look for NLM_F_DUMP_INTR in more places: - linkSubscribeAt, neighSubscribeAt, routeSubscribeAt - can do an initial dump, which may report inconsistent results -> if there's an error callback, call it with ErrDumpInterrupted - socketDiagXDPExecutor - makes an NLM_F_DUMP request, without using Execute() -> give it the same behaviour as functions that do use Execute() Signed-off-by: Rob Murray <rob.murray@docker.com>
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348 lines
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package netlink
import (
// LinkAttrs represents data shared by most link types
type RdmaLinkAttrs struct {
Index uint32
Name string
FirmwareVersion string
NodeGuid string
SysImageGuid string
// Link represents a rdma device from netlink.
type RdmaLink struct {
Attrs RdmaLinkAttrs
func getProtoField(clientType int, op int) int {
return ((clientType << nl.RDMA_NL_GET_CLIENT_SHIFT) | op)
func uint64ToGuidString(guid uint64) string {
//Convert to byte array
sysGuidBytes := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(sysGuidBytes, binary.LittleEndian, guid)
//Convert to HardwareAddr
sysGuidNet := net.HardwareAddr(sysGuidBytes.Bytes())
//Get the String
return sysGuidNet.String()
func executeOneGetRdmaLink(data []byte) (*RdmaLink, error) {
link := RdmaLink{}
reader := bytes.NewReader(data)
for reader.Len() >= 4 {
_, attrType, len, value := parseNfAttrTLV(reader)
switch attrType {
var Index uint32
r := bytes.NewReader(value)
binary.Read(r, nl.NativeEndian(), &Index)
link.Attrs.Index = Index
link.Attrs.Name = string(value[0 : len-1])
link.Attrs.FirmwareVersion = string(value[0 : len-1])
var guid uint64
r := bytes.NewReader(value)
binary.Read(r, nl.NativeEndian(), &guid)
link.Attrs.NodeGuid = uint64ToGuidString(guid)
var sysGuid uint64
r := bytes.NewReader(value)
binary.Read(r, nl.NativeEndian(), &sysGuid)
link.Attrs.SysImageGuid = uint64ToGuidString(sysGuid)
if (len % 4) != 0 {
// Skip pad bytes
reader.Seek(int64(4-(len%4)), seekCurrent)
return &link, nil
func execRdmaSetLink(req *nl.NetlinkRequest) error {
_, err := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_RDMA, 0)
return err
// RdmaLinkList gets a list of RDMA link devices.
// Equivalent to: `rdma dev show`
// If the returned error is [ErrDumpInterrupted], results may be inconsistent
// or incomplete.
func RdmaLinkList() ([]*RdmaLink, error) {
return pkgHandle.RdmaLinkList()
// RdmaLinkList gets a list of RDMA link devices.
// Equivalent to: `rdma dev show`
// If the returned error is [ErrDumpInterrupted], results may be inconsistent
// or incomplete.
func (h *Handle) RdmaLinkList() ([]*RdmaLink, error) {
proto := getProtoField(nl.RDMA_NL_NLDEV, nl.RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_GET)
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(proto, unix.NLM_F_ACK|unix.NLM_F_DUMP)
msgs, executeErr := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_RDMA, 0)
if executeErr != nil && !errors.Is(executeErr, ErrDumpInterrupted) {
return nil, executeErr
var res []*RdmaLink
for _, m := range msgs {
link, err := executeOneGetRdmaLink(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res = append(res, link)
return res, executeErr
// RdmaLinkByName finds a link by name and returns a pointer to the object if
// found and nil error, otherwise returns error code.
// If the returned error is [ErrDumpInterrupted], the result may be missing or
// outdated and the caller should retry.
func RdmaLinkByName(name string) (*RdmaLink, error) {
return pkgHandle.RdmaLinkByName(name)
// RdmaLinkByName finds a link by name and returns a pointer to the object if
// found and nil error, otherwise returns error code.
// If the returned error is [ErrDumpInterrupted], the result may be missing or
// outdated and the caller should retry.
func (h *Handle) RdmaLinkByName(name string) (*RdmaLink, error) {
links, err := h.RdmaLinkList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, link := range links {
if link.Attrs.Name == name {
return link, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Rdma device %v not found", name)
// RdmaLinkSetName sets the name of the rdma link device. Return nil on success
// or error otherwise.
// Equivalent to: `rdma dev set $old_devname name $name`
func RdmaLinkSetName(link *RdmaLink, name string) error {
return pkgHandle.RdmaLinkSetName(link, name)
// RdmaLinkSetName sets the name of the rdma link device. Return nil on success
// or error otherwise.
// Equivalent to: `rdma dev set $old_devname name $name`
func (h *Handle) RdmaLinkSetName(link *RdmaLink, name string) error {
proto := getProtoField(nl.RDMA_NL_NLDEV, nl.RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_SET)
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(proto, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
b := make([]byte, 4)
native.PutUint32(b, uint32(link.Attrs.Index))
data := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX, b)
b = make([]byte, len(name)+1)
copy(b, name)
data = nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME, b)
return execRdmaSetLink(req)
func netnsModeToString(mode uint8) string {
switch mode {
case 0:
return "exclusive"
case 1:
return "shared"
return "unknown"
func executeOneGetRdmaNetnsMode(data []byte) (string, error) {
reader := bytes.NewReader(data)
for reader.Len() >= 4 {
_, attrType, len, value := parseNfAttrTLV(reader)
switch attrType {
var mode uint8
r := bytes.NewReader(value)
binary.Read(r, nl.NativeEndian(), &mode)
return netnsModeToString(mode), nil
if (len % 4) != 0 {
// Skip pad bytes
reader.Seek(int64(4-(len%4)), seekCurrent)
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid netns mode")
// RdmaSystemGetNetnsMode gets the net namespace mode for RDMA subsystem
// Returns mode string and error status as nil on success or returns error
// otherwise.
// Equivalent to: `rdma system show netns'
func RdmaSystemGetNetnsMode() (string, error) {
return pkgHandle.RdmaSystemGetNetnsMode()
// RdmaSystemGetNetnsMode gets the net namespace mode for RDMA subsystem
// Returns mode string and error status as nil on success or returns error
// otherwise.
// Equivalent to: `rdma system show netns'
func (h *Handle) RdmaSystemGetNetnsMode() (string, error) {
proto := getProtoField(nl.RDMA_NL_NLDEV, nl.RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_SYS_GET)
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(proto, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
msgs, err := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_RDMA, 0)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(msgs) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("No valid response from kernel")
return executeOneGetRdmaNetnsMode(msgs[0])
func netnsModeStringToUint8(mode string) (uint8, error) {
switch mode {
case "exclusive":
return 0, nil
case "shared":
return 1, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Invalid mode; %q", mode)
// RdmaSystemSetNetnsMode sets the net namespace mode for RDMA subsystem
// Returns nil on success or appropriate error code.
// Equivalent to: `rdma system set netns { shared | exclusive }'
func RdmaSystemSetNetnsMode(NewMode string) error {
return pkgHandle.RdmaSystemSetNetnsMode(NewMode)
// RdmaSystemSetNetnsMode sets the net namespace mode for RDMA subsystem
// Returns nil on success or appropriate error code.
// Equivalent to: `rdma system set netns { shared | exclusive }'
func (h *Handle) RdmaSystemSetNetnsMode(NewMode string) error {
value, err := netnsModeStringToUint8(NewMode)
if err != nil {
return err
proto := getProtoField(nl.RDMA_NL_NLDEV, nl.RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_SYS_SET)
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(proto, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
data := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_SYS_ATTR_NETNS_MODE, []byte{value})
_, err = req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_RDMA, 0)
return err
// RdmaLinkSetNsFd puts the RDMA device into a new network namespace. The
// fd must be an open file descriptor to a network namespace.
// Similar to: `rdma dev set $dev netns $ns`
func RdmaLinkSetNsFd(link *RdmaLink, fd uint32) error {
return pkgHandle.RdmaLinkSetNsFd(link, fd)
// RdmaLinkSetNsFd puts the RDMA device into a new network namespace. The
// fd must be an open file descriptor to a network namespace.
// Similar to: `rdma dev set $dev netns $ns`
func (h *Handle) RdmaLinkSetNsFd(link *RdmaLink, fd uint32) error {
proto := getProtoField(nl.RDMA_NL_NLDEV, nl.RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_SET)
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(proto, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
data := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX,
data = nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_NET_NS_FD, nl.Uint32Attr(fd))
return execRdmaSetLink(req)
// RdmaLinkDel deletes an rdma link
// Similar to: rdma link delete NAME
// REF: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/rdma-link.8.html
func RdmaLinkDel(name string) error {
return pkgHandle.RdmaLinkDel(name)
// RdmaLinkDel deletes an rdma link.
// If the returned error is [ErrDumpInterrupted], the caller should retry.
func (h *Handle) RdmaLinkDel(name string) error {
link, err := h.RdmaLinkByName(name)
if err != nil {
return err
proto := getProtoField(nl.RDMA_NL_NLDEV, nl.RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_DELLINK)
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(proto, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
b := make([]byte, 4)
native.PutUint32(b, link.Attrs.Index)
req.AddData(nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_INDEX, b))
_, err = req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_RDMA, 0)
return err
// RdmaLinkAdd adds an rdma link for the specified type to the network device.
// Similar to: rdma link add NAME type TYPE netdev NETDEV
// NAME - specifies the new name of the rdma link to add
// TYPE - specifies which rdma type to use. Link types:
// rxe - Soft RoCE driver
// siw - Soft iWARP driver
// NETDEV - specifies the network device to which the link is bound
// REF: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/rdma-link.8.html
func RdmaLinkAdd(linkName, linkType, netdev string) error {
return pkgHandle.RdmaLinkAdd(linkName, linkType, netdev)
// RdmaLinkAdd adds an rdma link for the specified type to the network device.
func (h *Handle) RdmaLinkAdd(linkName string, linkType string, netdev string) error {
proto := getProtoField(nl.RDMA_NL_NLDEV, nl.RDMA_NLDEV_CMD_NEWLINK)
req := h.newNetlinkRequest(proto, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
req.AddData(nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_DEV_NAME, nl.ZeroTerminated(linkName)))
req.AddData(nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_LINK_TYPE, nl.ZeroTerminated(linkType)))
req.AddData(nl.NewRtAttr(nl.RDMA_NLDEV_ATTR_NDEV_NAME, nl.ZeroTerminated(netdev)))
_, err := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_RDMA, 0)
return err