mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 06:07:29 +00:00
one of the arguments to memcmp may be shorter than the length l-3, and memcmp is under no obligation not to access past the first byte that differs. instead use strncmp which conveys the correct semantics. the performance difference is negligible here and since the code is only use for shared libc, both functions are already linked anyway.
1375 lines
36 KiB
1375 lines
36 KiB
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <link.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "pthread_impl.h"
#include "libc.h"
static int errflag;
static char errbuf[128];
#ifdef SHARED
#if ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffff
typedef Elf32_Ehdr Ehdr;
typedef Elf32_Phdr Phdr;
typedef Elf32_Sym Sym;
#define R_TYPE(x) ((x)&255)
#define R_SYM(x) ((x)>>8)
typedef Elf64_Ehdr Ehdr;
typedef Elf64_Phdr Phdr;
typedef Elf64_Sym Sym;
#define R_TYPE(x) ((x)&0xffffffff)
#define R_SYM(x) ((x)>>32)
#define MAXP2(a,b) (-(-(a)&-(b)))
#define ALIGN(x,y) ((x)+(y)-1 & -(y))
struct debug {
int ver;
void *head;
void (*bp)(void);
int state;
void *base;
struct dso {
unsigned char *base;
char *name;
size_t *dynv;
struct dso *next, *prev;
Phdr *phdr;
int phnum;
int refcnt;
Sym *syms;
uint32_t *hashtab;
uint32_t *ghashtab;
char *strings;
unsigned char *map;
size_t map_len;
dev_t dev;
ino_t ino;
signed char global;
char relocated;
char constructed;
struct dso **deps;
void *tls_image;
size_t tls_len, tls_size, tls_align, tls_id, tls_offset;
void **new_dtv;
unsigned char *new_tls;
int new_dtv_idx, new_tls_idx;
struct dso *fini_next;
char *shortname;
char buf[];
struct symdef {
Sym *sym;
struct dso *dso;
#include "reloc.h"
void __init_ssp(size_t *);
void *__install_initial_tls(void *);
void __init_libc(char **, char *);
static struct dso *head, *tail, *ldso, *fini_head;
static char *env_path, *sys_path, *r_path;
static unsigned long long gencnt;
static int ssp_used;
static int runtime;
static int ldd_mode;
static int ldso_fail;
static int noload;
static jmp_buf *rtld_fail;
static pthread_rwlock_t lock;
static struct debug debug;
static size_t tls_cnt, tls_offset, tls_align = 4*sizeof(size_t);
static pthread_mutex_t init_fini_lock = { ._m_type = PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE };
struct debug *_dl_debug_addr = &debug;
#define AUX_CNT 38
#define DYN_CNT 34
static void decode_vec(size_t *v, size_t *a, size_t cnt)
memset(a, 0, cnt*sizeof(size_t));
for (; v[0]; v+=2) if (v[0]<cnt) {
a[0] |= 1ULL<<v[0];
a[v[0]] = v[1];
static int search_vec(size_t *v, size_t *r, size_t key)
for (; v[0]!=key; v+=2)
if (!v[0]) return 0;
*r = v[1];
return 1;
static uint32_t sysv_hash(const char *s0)
const unsigned char *s = (void *)s0;
uint_fast32_t h = 0;
while (*s) {
h = 16*h + *s++;
h ^= h>>24 & 0xf0;
return h & 0xfffffff;
static uint32_t gnu_hash(const char *s0)
const unsigned char *s = (void *)s0;
uint_fast32_t h = 5381;
for (; *s; s++)
h = h*33 + *s;
return h;
static Sym *sysv_lookup(const char *s, uint32_t h, struct dso *dso)
size_t i;
Sym *syms = dso->syms;
uint32_t *hashtab = dso->hashtab;
char *strings = dso->strings;
for (i=hashtab[2+h%hashtab[0]]; i; i=hashtab[2+hashtab[0]+i]) {
if (!strcmp(s, strings+syms[i].st_name))
return syms+i;
return 0;
static Sym *gnu_lookup(const char *s, uint32_t h1, struct dso *dso)
Sym *sym;
char *strings;
uint32_t *hashtab = dso->ghashtab;
uint32_t nbuckets = hashtab[0];
uint32_t *buckets = hashtab + 4 + hashtab[2]*(sizeof(size_t)/4);
uint32_t h2;
uint32_t *hashval;
uint32_t n = buckets[h1 % nbuckets];
if (!n) return 0;
strings = dso->strings;
sym = dso->syms + n;
hashval = buckets + nbuckets + (n - hashtab[1]);
for (h1 |= 1; ; sym++) {
h2 = *hashval++;
if ((h1 == (h2|1)) && !strcmp(s, strings + sym->st_name))
return sym;
if (h2 & 1) break;
return 0;
static struct symdef find_sym(struct dso *dso, const char *s, int need_def)
uint32_t h = 0, gh = 0;
struct symdef def = {0};
if (dso->ghashtab) {
gh = gnu_hash(s);
if (gh == 0x1f4039c9 && !strcmp(s, "__stack_chk_fail")) ssp_used = 1;
} else {
h = sysv_hash(s);
if (h == 0x595a4cc && !strcmp(s, "__stack_chk_fail")) ssp_used = 1;
for (; dso; dso=dso->next) {
Sym *sym;
if (!dso->global) continue;
if (dso->ghashtab) {
if (!gh) gh = gnu_hash(s);
sym = gnu_lookup(s, gh, dso);
} else {
if (!h) h = sysv_hash(s);
sym = sysv_lookup(s, h, dso);
if (!sym) continue;
if (!sym->st_shndx)
if (need_def || (sym->st_info&0xf) == STT_TLS)
if (!sym->st_value)
if ((sym->st_info&0xf) != STT_TLS)
if (!(1<<(sym->st_info&0xf) & OK_TYPES)) continue;
if (!(1<<(sym->st_info>>4) & OK_BINDS)) continue;
if (def.sym && sym->st_info>>4 == STB_WEAK) continue;
def.sym = sym;
def.dso = dso;
if (sym->st_info>>4 == STB_GLOBAL) break;
return def;
static void do_relocs(struct dso *dso, size_t *rel, size_t rel_size, size_t stride)
unsigned char *base = dso->base;
Sym *syms = dso->syms;
char *strings = dso->strings;
Sym *sym;
const char *name;
void *ctx;
int type;
int sym_index;
struct symdef def;
for (; rel_size; rel+=stride, rel_size-=stride*sizeof(size_t)) {
type = R_TYPE(rel[1]);
sym_index = R_SYM(rel[1]);
if (sym_index) {
sym = syms + sym_index;
name = strings + sym->st_name;
ctx = IS_COPY(type) ? head->next : head;
def = find_sym(ctx, name, IS_PLT(type));
if (!def.sym && sym->st_info>>4 != STB_WEAK) {
snprintf(errbuf, sizeof errbuf,
"Error relocating %s: %s: symbol not found",
dso->name, name);
if (runtime) longjmp(*rtld_fail, 1);
dprintf(2, "%s\n", errbuf);
ldso_fail = 1;
} else {
sym = 0;
def.sym = 0;
def.dso = 0;
do_single_reloc(dso, base, (void *)(base + rel[0]), type,
stride>2 ? rel[2] : 0, sym, sym?sym->st_size:0, def,
/* A huge hack: to make up for the wastefulness of shared libraries
* needing at least a page of dirty memory even if they have no global
* data, we reclaim the gaps at the beginning and end of writable maps
* and "donate" them to the heap by setting up minimal malloc
* structures and then freeing them. */
static void reclaim(unsigned char *base, size_t start, size_t end)
size_t *a, *z;
start = start + 6*sizeof(size_t)-1 & -4*sizeof(size_t);
end = (end & -4*sizeof(size_t)) - 2*sizeof(size_t);
if (start>end || end-start < 4*sizeof(size_t)) return;
a = (size_t *)(base + start);
z = (size_t *)(base + end);
a[-2] = 1;
a[-1] = z[0] = end-start + 2*sizeof(size_t) | 1;
z[1] = 1;
static void reclaim_gaps(unsigned char *base, Phdr *ph, size_t phent, size_t phcnt)
for (; phcnt--; ph=(void *)((char *)ph+phent)) {
if (ph->p_type!=PT_LOAD) continue;
if ((ph->p_flags&(PF_R|PF_W))!=(PF_R|PF_W)) continue;
reclaim(base, ph->p_vaddr & -PAGE_SIZE, ph->p_vaddr);
reclaim(base, ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz,
ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz+PAGE_SIZE-1 & -PAGE_SIZE);
static void *map_library(int fd, struct dso *dso)
Ehdr buf[(896+sizeof(Ehdr))/sizeof(Ehdr)];
size_t phsize;
size_t addr_min=SIZE_MAX, addr_max=0, map_len;
size_t this_min, this_max;
off_t off_start;
Ehdr *eh;
Phdr *ph, *ph0;
unsigned prot;
unsigned char *map, *base;
size_t dyn;
size_t tls_image=0;
size_t i;
ssize_t l = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf);
if (l<(int)sizeof *eh) return 0;
eh = buf;
if (eh->e_type != ET_DYN && eh->e_type != ET_EXEC) {
errno = ENOEXEC;
return 0;
phsize = eh->e_phentsize * eh->e_phnum;
if (phsize + sizeof *eh > l) return 0;
if (eh->e_phoff + phsize > l) {
l = pread(fd, buf+1, phsize, eh->e_phoff);
if (l != phsize) return 0;
ph = ph0 = (void *)(buf + 1);
} else {
ph = ph0 = (void *)((char *)buf + eh->e_phoff);
for (i=eh->e_phnum; i; i--, ph=(void *)((char *)ph+eh->e_phentsize)) {
if (ph->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC)
dyn = ph->p_vaddr;
if (ph->p_type == PT_TLS) {
tls_image = ph->p_vaddr;
dso->tls_align = ph->p_align;
dso->tls_len = ph->p_filesz;
dso->tls_size = ph->p_memsz;
if (ph->p_type != PT_LOAD) continue;
if (ph->p_vaddr < addr_min) {
addr_min = ph->p_vaddr;
off_start = ph->p_offset;
prot = (((ph->p_flags&PF_R) ? PROT_READ : 0) |
((ph->p_flags&PF_W) ? PROT_WRITE: 0) |
((ph->p_flags&PF_X) ? PROT_EXEC : 0));
if (ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz > addr_max) {
addr_max = ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz;
if (!dyn) return 0;
addr_max += PAGE_SIZE-1;
addr_max &= -PAGE_SIZE;
addr_min &= -PAGE_SIZE;
off_start &= -PAGE_SIZE;
map_len = addr_max - addr_min + off_start;
/* The first time, we map too much, possibly even more than
* the length of the file. This is okay because we will not
* use the invalid part; we just need to reserve the right
* amount of virtual address space to map over later. */
map = mmap((void *)addr_min, map_len, prot, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, off_start);
if (map==MAP_FAILED) return 0;
/* If the loaded file is not relocatable and the requested address is
* not available, then the load operation must fail. */
if (eh->e_type != ET_DYN && addr_min && map!=(void *)addr_min) {
errno = EBUSY;
goto error;
base = map - addr_min;
dso->phdr = 0;
dso->phnum = 0;
for (ph=ph0, i=eh->e_phnum; i; i--, ph=(void *)((char *)ph+eh->e_phentsize)) {
if (ph->p_type != PT_LOAD) continue;
/* Check if the programs headers are in this load segment, and
* if so, record the address for use by dl_iterate_phdr. */
if (!dso->phdr && eh->e_phoff >= ph->p_offset
&& eh->e_phoff+phsize <= ph->p_offset+ph->p_filesz) {
dso->phdr = (void *)(base + ph->p_vaddr
+ (eh->e_phoff-ph->p_offset));
dso->phnum = eh->e_phnum;
/* Reuse the existing mapping for the lowest-address LOAD */
if ((ph->p_vaddr & -PAGE_SIZE) == addr_min) continue;
this_min = ph->p_vaddr & -PAGE_SIZE;
this_max = ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz+PAGE_SIZE-1 & -PAGE_SIZE;
off_start = ph->p_offset & -PAGE_SIZE;
prot = (((ph->p_flags&PF_R) ? PROT_READ : 0) |
((ph->p_flags&PF_W) ? PROT_WRITE: 0) |
((ph->p_flags&PF_X) ? PROT_EXEC : 0));
if (mmap(base+this_min, this_max-this_min, prot, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, fd, off_start) == MAP_FAILED)
goto error;
if (ph->p_memsz > ph->p_filesz) {
size_t brk = (size_t)base+ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_filesz;
size_t pgbrk = brk+PAGE_SIZE-1 & -PAGE_SIZE;
memset((void *)brk, 0, pgbrk-brk & PAGE_SIZE-1);
if (pgbrk-(size_t)base < this_max && mmap((void *)pgbrk, (size_t)base+this_max-pgbrk, prot, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) == MAP_FAILED)
goto error;
for (i=0; ((size_t *)(base+dyn))[i]; i+=2)
if (((size_t *)(base+dyn))[i]==DT_TEXTREL) {
if (mprotect(map, map_len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC) < 0)
goto error;
if (!runtime) reclaim_gaps(base, ph0, eh->e_phentsize, eh->e_phnum);
dso->map = map;
dso->map_len = map_len;
dso->base = base;
dso->dynv = (void *)(base+dyn);
if (dso->tls_size) dso->tls_image = (void *)(base+tls_image);
return map;
munmap(map, map_len);
return 0;
static int path_open(const char *name, const char *s, char *buf, size_t buf_size)
size_t l;
int fd;
for (;;) {
s += strspn(s, ":\n");
l = strcspn(s, ":\n");
if (l-1 >= INT_MAX) return -1;
if (snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%.*s/%s", (int)l, s, name) >= buf_size)
if ((fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC))>=0) return fd;
s += l;
static void decode_dyn(struct dso *p)
size_t dyn[DYN_CNT] = {0};
decode_vec(p->dynv, dyn, DYN_CNT);
p->syms = (void *)(p->base + dyn[DT_SYMTAB]);
p->strings = (void *)(p->base + dyn[DT_STRTAB]);
if (dyn[0]&(1<<DT_HASH))
p->hashtab = (void *)(p->base + dyn[DT_HASH]);
if (search_vec(p->dynv, dyn, DT_GNU_HASH))
p->ghashtab = (void *)(p->base + *dyn);
static struct dso *load_library(const char *name)
char buf[2*NAME_MAX+2];
const char *pathname;
unsigned char *map;
struct dso *p, temp_dso = {0};
int fd;
struct stat st;
size_t alloc_size;
int n_th = 0;
int is_self = 0;
/* Catch and block attempts to reload the implementation itself */
if (name[0]=='l' && name[1]=='i' && name[2]=='b') {
static const char *rp, reserved[] =
char *z = strchr(name, '.');
if (z) {
size_t l = z-name;
for (rp=reserved; *rp && strncmp(name+3, rp, l-3); rp+=strlen(rp)+1);
if (*rp) {
if (ldd_mode) {
/* Track which names have been resolved
* and only report each one once. */
static unsigned reported;
unsigned mask = 1U<<(rp-reserved);
if (!(reported & mask)) {
reported |= mask;
dprintf(1, "\t%s => %s (%p)\n",
name, ldso->name,
is_self = 1;
if (!strcmp(name, ldso->name)) is_self = 1;
if (is_self) {
if (!ldso->prev) {
tail->next = ldso;
ldso->prev = tail;
tail = ldso->next ? ldso->next : ldso;
return ldso;
if (strchr(name, '/')) {
pathname = name;
fd = open(name, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
} else {
/* Search for the name to see if it's already loaded */
for (p=head->next; p; p=p->next) {
if (p->shortname && !strcmp(p->shortname, name)) {
return p;
if (strlen(name) > NAME_MAX) return 0;
fd = -1;
if (r_path) fd = path_open(name, r_path, buf, sizeof buf);
if (fd < 0 && env_path) fd = path_open(name, env_path, buf, sizeof buf);
if (fd < 0) {
if (!sys_path) {
char *prefix = 0;
size_t prefix_len;
if (ldso->name[0]=='/') {
char *s, *t, *z;
for (s=t=z=ldso->name; *s; s++)
if (*s=='/') z=t, t=s;
prefix_len = z-ldso->name;
if (prefix_len < PATH_MAX)
prefix = ldso->name;
if (!prefix) {
prefix = "";
prefix_len = 0;
char etc_ldso_path[prefix_len + 1
+ sizeof "/etc/ld-musl-" LDSO_ARCH ".path"];
snprintf(etc_ldso_path, sizeof etc_ldso_path,
"%.*s/etc/ld-musl-" LDSO_ARCH ".path",
(int)prefix_len, prefix);
FILE *f = fopen(etc_ldso_path, "rbe");
if (f) {
if (getdelim(&sys_path, (size_t[1]){0}, 0, f) <= 0) {
sys_path = "";
if (!sys_path) sys_path = "/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib";
fd = path_open(name, sys_path, buf, sizeof buf);
pathname = buf;
if (fd < 0) return 0;
if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) {
return 0;
for (p=head->next; p; p=p->next) {
if (p->dev == st.st_dev && p->ino == st.st_ino) {
/* If this library was previously loaded with a
* pathname but a search found the same inode,
* setup its shortname so it can be found by name. */
if (!p->shortname && pathname != name)
p->shortname = strrchr(p->name, '/')+1;
return p;
map = noload ? 0 : map_library(fd, &temp_dso);
if (!map) return 0;
/* Allocate storage for the new DSO. When there is TLS, this
* storage must include a reservation for all pre-existing
* threads to obtain copies of both the new TLS, and an
* extended DTV capable of storing an additional slot for
* the newly-loaded DSO. */
alloc_size = sizeof *p + strlen(pathname) + 1;
if (runtime && temp_dso.tls_image) {
size_t per_th = temp_dso.tls_size + temp_dso.tls_align
+ sizeof(void *) * (tls_cnt+3);
n_th = libc.threads_minus_1 + 1;
if (n_th > SSIZE_MAX / per_th) alloc_size = SIZE_MAX;
else alloc_size += n_th * per_th;
p = calloc(1, alloc_size);
if (!p) {
munmap(map, temp_dso.map_len);
return 0;
memcpy(p, &temp_dso, sizeof temp_dso);
p->dev = st.st_dev;
p->ino = st.st_ino;
p->refcnt = 1;
p->name = p->buf;
strcpy(p->name, pathname);
/* Add a shortname only if name arg was not an explicit pathname. */
if (pathname != name) p->shortname = strrchr(p->name, '/')+1;
if (p->tls_image) {
if (runtime && !__pthread_self_init()) {
munmap(map, p->map_len);
return 0;
p->tls_id = ++tls_cnt;
tls_align = MAXP2(tls_align, p->tls_align);
p->tls_offset = tls_offset + ( (tls_align-1) &
-(tls_offset + (uintptr_t)p->tls_image) );
tls_offset += p->tls_size;
tls_offset += p->tls_size + p->tls_align - 1;
tls_offset -= (tls_offset + (uintptr_t)p->tls_image)
& (p->tls_align-1);
p->tls_offset = tls_offset;
p->new_dtv = (void *)(-sizeof(size_t) &
p->new_tls = (void *)(p->new_dtv + n_th*(tls_cnt+1));
tail->next = p;
p->prev = tail;
tail = p;
if (ldd_mode) dprintf(1, "\t%s => %s (%p)\n", name, pathname, p->base);
return p;
static void load_deps(struct dso *p)
size_t i, ndeps=0;
struct dso ***deps = &p->deps, **tmp, *dep;
for (; p; p=p->next) {
for (i=0; p->dynv[i]; i+=2) {
if (p->dynv[i] != DT_RPATH) continue;
r_path = (void *)(p->strings + p->dynv[i+1]);
for (i=0; p->dynv[i]; i+=2) {
if (p->dynv[i] != DT_NEEDED) continue;
dep = load_library(p->strings + p->dynv[i+1]);
if (!dep) {
snprintf(errbuf, sizeof errbuf,
"Error loading shared library %s: %m (needed by %s)",
p->strings + p->dynv[i+1], p->name);
if (runtime) longjmp(*rtld_fail, 1);
dprintf(2, "%s\n", errbuf);
ldso_fail = 1;
if (runtime) {
tmp = realloc(*deps, sizeof(*tmp)*(ndeps+2));
if (!tmp) longjmp(*rtld_fail, 1);
tmp[ndeps++] = dep;
tmp[ndeps] = 0;
*deps = tmp;
r_path = 0;
static void load_preload(char *s)
int tmp;
char *z;
for (z=s; *z; s=z) {
for ( ; *s && isspace(*s); s++);
for (z=s; *z && !isspace(*z); z++);
tmp = *z;
*z = 0;
*z = tmp;
static void make_global(struct dso *p)
for (; p; p=p->next) p->global = 1;
static void reloc_all(struct dso *p)
size_t dyn[DYN_CNT] = {0};
for (; p; p=p->next) {
if (p->relocated) continue;
decode_vec(p->dynv, dyn, DYN_CNT);
do_arch_relocs(p, head);
do_relocs(p, (void *)(p->base+dyn[DT_JMPREL]), dyn[DT_PLTRELSZ],
do_relocs(p, (void *)(p->base+dyn[DT_REL]), dyn[DT_RELSZ], 2);
do_relocs(p, (void *)(p->base+dyn[DT_RELA]), dyn[DT_RELASZ], 3);
p->relocated = 1;
static size_t find_dyn(Phdr *ph, size_t cnt, size_t stride)
for (; cnt--; ph = (void *)((char *)ph + stride))
if (ph->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC)
return ph->p_vaddr;
return 0;
static void find_map_range(Phdr *ph, size_t cnt, size_t stride, struct dso *p)
size_t min_addr = -1, max_addr = 0;
for (; cnt--; ph = (void *)((char *)ph + stride)) {
if (ph->p_type != PT_LOAD) continue;
if (ph->p_vaddr < min_addr)
min_addr = ph->p_vaddr;
if (ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz > max_addr)
max_addr = ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz;
min_addr &= -PAGE_SIZE;
max_addr = (max_addr + PAGE_SIZE-1) & -PAGE_SIZE;
p->map = p->base + min_addr;
p->map_len = max_addr - min_addr;
static void do_fini()
struct dso *p;
size_t dyn[DYN_CNT] = {0};
for (p=fini_head; p; p=p->fini_next) {
if (!p->constructed) continue;
decode_vec(p->dynv, dyn, DYN_CNT);
if (dyn[0] & (1<<DT_FINI_ARRAY)) {
size_t n = dyn[DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ]/sizeof(size_t);
size_t *fn = (size_t *)(p->base + dyn[DT_FINI_ARRAY])+n;
while (n--) ((void (*)(void))*--fn)();
if ((dyn[0] & (1<<DT_FINI)) && dyn[DT_FINI])
((void (*)(void))(p->base + dyn[DT_FINI]))();
static void do_init_fini(struct dso *p)
size_t dyn[DYN_CNT] = {0};
int need_locking = libc.threads_minus_1;
/* Allow recursive calls that arise when a library calls
* dlopen from one of its constructors, but block any
* other threads until all ctors have finished. */
if (need_locking) pthread_mutex_lock(&init_fini_lock);
for (; p; p=p->prev) {
if (p->constructed) continue;
p->constructed = 1;
decode_vec(p->dynv, dyn, DYN_CNT);
if (dyn[0] & ((1<<DT_FINI) | (1<<DT_FINI_ARRAY))) {
p->fini_next = fini_head;
fini_head = p;
if ((dyn[0] & (1<<DT_INIT)) && dyn[DT_INIT])
((void (*)(void))(p->base + dyn[DT_INIT]))();
if (dyn[0] & (1<<DT_INIT_ARRAY)) {
size_t n = dyn[DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ]/sizeof(size_t);
size_t *fn = (void *)(p->base + dyn[DT_INIT_ARRAY]);
while (n--) ((void (*)(void))*fn++)();
if (!need_locking && libc.threads_minus_1) {
need_locking = 1;
if (need_locking) pthread_mutex_unlock(&init_fini_lock);
void _dl_debug_state(void)
void *__copy_tls(unsigned char *mem)
pthread_t td;
struct dso *p;
if (!tls_cnt) return mem;
void **dtv = (void *)mem;
dtv[0] = (void *)tls_cnt;
mem += sizeof(void *) * (tls_cnt+1);
mem += -((uintptr_t)mem + sizeof(struct pthread)) & (tls_align-1);
td = (pthread_t)mem;
mem += sizeof(struct pthread);
for (p=head; p; p=p->next) {
if (!p->tls_id) continue;
dtv[p->tls_id] = mem + p->tls_offset;
memcpy(dtv[p->tls_id], p->tls_image, p->tls_len);
mem += libc.tls_size - sizeof(struct pthread);
mem -= (uintptr_t)mem & (tls_align-1);
td = (pthread_t)mem;
for (p=head; p; p=p->next) {
if (!p->tls_id) continue;
dtv[p->tls_id] = mem - p->tls_offset;
memcpy(dtv[p->tls_id], p->tls_image, p->tls_len);
td->dtv = dtv;
return td;
void *__tls_get_addr(size_t *v)
pthread_t self = __pthread_self();
if (v[0]<=(size_t)self->dtv[0] && self->dtv[v[0]])
return (char *)self->dtv[v[0]]+v[1];
/* Block signals to make accessing new TLS async-signal-safe */
sigset_t set;
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, SIGALL_SET, &set);
if (v[0]<=(size_t)self->dtv[0] && self->dtv[v[0]]) {
pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, 0);
return (char *)self->dtv[v[0]]+v[1];
/* This is safe without any locks held because, if the caller
* is able to request the Nth entry of the DTV, the DSO list
* must be valid at least that far out and it was synchronized
* at program startup or by an already-completed call to dlopen. */
struct dso *p;
for (p=head; p->tls_id != v[0]; p=p->next);
/* Get new DTV space from new DSO if needed */
if (v[0] > (size_t)self->dtv[0]) {
void **newdtv = p->new_dtv +
(v[0]+1)*sizeof(void *)*a_fetch_add(&p->new_dtv_idx,1);
memcpy(newdtv, self->dtv,
((size_t)self->dtv[0]+1) * sizeof(void *));
newdtv[0] = (void *)v[0];
self->dtv = newdtv;
/* Get new TLS memory from new DSO */
unsigned char *mem = p->new_tls +
(p->tls_size + p->tls_align) * a_fetch_add(&p->new_tls_idx,1);
mem += ((uintptr_t)p->tls_image - (uintptr_t)mem) & (p->tls_align-1);
self->dtv[v[0]] = mem;
memcpy(mem, p->tls_image, p->tls_len);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, 0);
return mem + v[1];
static void update_tls_size()
libc.tls_size = ALIGN(
(1+tls_cnt) * sizeof(void *) +
tls_offset +
sizeof(struct pthread) +
tls_align * 2,
void *__dynlink(int argc, char **argv)
size_t aux[AUX_CNT] = {0};
size_t i;
Phdr *phdr;
Ehdr *ehdr;
static struct dso builtin_dsos[3];
struct dso *const app = builtin_dsos+0;
struct dso *const lib = builtin_dsos+1;
struct dso *const vdso = builtin_dsos+2;
char *env_preload=0;
size_t vdso_base;
size_t *auxv;
char **envp = argv+argc+1;
/* Find aux vector just past environ[] */
for (i=argc+1; argv[i]; i++)
if (!memcmp(argv[i], "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=", 16))
env_path = argv[i]+16;
else if (!memcmp(argv[i], "LD_PRELOAD=", 11))
env_preload = argv[i]+11;
auxv = (void *)(argv+i+1);
decode_vec(auxv, aux, AUX_CNT);
/* Only trust user/env if kernel says we're not suid/sgid */
if ((aux[0]&0x7800)!=0x7800 || aux[AT_UID]!=aux[AT_EUID]
|| aux[AT_GID]!=aux[AT_EGID] || aux[AT_SECURE]) {
env_path = 0;
env_preload = 0;
/* If the dynamic linker was invoked as a program itself, AT_BASE
* will not be set. In that case, we assume the base address is
* the start of the page containing the PHDRs; I don't know any
* better approach... */
if (!aux[AT_BASE]) {
aux[AT_BASE] = aux[AT_PHDR] & -PAGE_SIZE;
aux[AT_PHDR] = aux[AT_PHENT] = aux[AT_PHNUM] = 0;
/* The dynamic linker load address is passed by the kernel
* in the AUX vector, so this is easy. */
lib->base = (void *)aux[AT_BASE];
lib->name = lib->shortname = "libc.so";
lib->global = 1;
ehdr = (void *)lib->base;
lib->phnum = ehdr->e_phnum;
lib->phdr = (void *)(aux[AT_BASE]+ehdr->e_phoff);
find_map_range(lib->phdr, ehdr->e_phnum, ehdr->e_phentsize, lib);
lib->dynv = (void *)(lib->base + find_dyn(lib->phdr,
ehdr->e_phnum, ehdr->e_phentsize));
if (aux[AT_PHDR]) {
size_t interp_off = 0;
size_t tls_image = 0;
/* Find load address of the main program, via AT_PHDR vs PT_PHDR. */
app->phdr = phdr = (void *)aux[AT_PHDR];
app->phnum = aux[AT_PHNUM];
for (i=aux[AT_PHNUM]; i; i--, phdr=(void *)((char *)phdr + aux[AT_PHENT])) {
if (phdr->p_type == PT_PHDR)
app->base = (void *)(aux[AT_PHDR] - phdr->p_vaddr);
else if (phdr->p_type == PT_INTERP)
interp_off = (size_t)phdr->p_vaddr;
else if (phdr->p_type == PT_TLS) {
tls_image = phdr->p_vaddr;
app->tls_len = phdr->p_filesz;
app->tls_size = phdr->p_memsz;
app->tls_align = phdr->p_align;
if (app->tls_size) app->tls_image = (char *)app->base + tls_image;
if (interp_off) lib->name = (char *)app->base + interp_off;
app->name = argv[0];
app->dynv = (void *)(app->base + find_dyn(
(void *)aux[AT_PHDR], aux[AT_PHNUM], aux[AT_PHENT]));
find_map_range((void *)aux[AT_PHDR],
aux[AT_PHNUM], aux[AT_PHENT], app);
} else {
int fd;
char *ldname = argv[0];
size_t l = strlen(ldname);
if (l >= 3 && !strcmp(ldname+l-3, "ldd")) ldd_mode = 1;
*argv++ = (void *)-1;
if (argv[0] && !strcmp(argv[0], "--")) *argv++ = (void *)-1;
if (!argv[0]) {
dprintf(2, "musl libc/dynamic program loader\n");
dprintf(2, "usage: %s pathname%s\n", ldname,
ldd_mode ? "" : " [args]");
fd = open(argv[0], O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
dprintf(2, "%s: cannot load %s: %s\n", ldname, argv[0], strerror(errno));
runtime = 1;
ehdr = (void *)map_library(fd, app);
if (!ehdr) {
dprintf(2, "%s: %s: Not a valid dynamic program\n", ldname, argv[0]);
runtime = 0;
lib->name = ldname;
app->name = argv[0];
aux[AT_ENTRY] = (size_t)app->base + ehdr->e_entry;
/* Find the name that would have been used for the dynamic
* linker had ldd not taken its place. */
if (ldd_mode) {
for (i=0; i<app->phnum; i++) {
if (app->phdr[i].p_type == PT_INTERP)
lib->name = (void *)(app->base
+ app->phdr[i].p_vaddr);
dprintf(1, "\t%s (%p)\n", lib->name, lib->base);
if (app->tls_size) {
app->tls_id = tls_cnt = 1;
app->tls_offset = 0;
tls_offset = app->tls_size
+ ( -((uintptr_t)app->tls_image + app->tls_size)
& (app->tls_align-1) );
tls_offset = app->tls_offset = app->tls_size
+ ( -((uintptr_t)app->tls_image + app->tls_size)
& (app->tls_align-1) );
tls_align = MAXP2(tls_align, app->tls_align);
app->global = 1;
/* Attach to vdso, if provided by the kernel */
if (search_vec(auxv, &vdso_base, AT_SYSINFO_EHDR)) {
ehdr = (void *)vdso_base;
vdso->phdr = phdr = (void *)(vdso_base + ehdr->e_phoff);
vdso->phnum = ehdr->e_phnum;
for (i=ehdr->e_phnum; i; i--, phdr=(void *)((char *)phdr + ehdr->e_phentsize)) {
if (phdr->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC)
vdso->dynv = (void *)(vdso_base + phdr->p_offset);
if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD)
vdso->base = (void *)(vdso_base - phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_offset);
vdso->name = "";
vdso->shortname = "linux-gate.so.1";
vdso->global = 1;
vdso->prev = lib;
lib->next = vdso;
/* Initial dso chain consists only of the app. We temporarily
* append the dynamic linker/libc so we can relocate it, then
* restore the initial chain in preparation for loading third
* party libraries (preload/needed). */
head = tail = app;
ldso = lib;
app->next = lib;
app->next = 0;
/* Donate unused parts of app and library mapping to malloc */
reclaim_gaps(app->base, (void *)aux[AT_PHDR], aux[AT_PHENT], aux[AT_PHNUM]);
ehdr = (void *)lib->base;
reclaim_gaps(lib->base, (void *)(lib->base+ehdr->e_phoff),
ehdr->e_phentsize, ehdr->e_phnum);
/* Load preload/needed libraries, add their symbols to the global
* namespace, and perform all remaining relocations. The main
* program must be relocated LAST since it may contain copy
* relocations which depend on libraries' relocations. */
if (env_preload) load_preload(env_preload);
if (tls_cnt) {
void *mem = mmap(0, libc.tls_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
if (mem==MAP_FAILED ||
!__install_initial_tls(__copy_tls(mem))) {
dprintf(2, "%s: Error getting %zu bytes thread-local storage: %m\n",
argv[0], libc.tls_size);
if (ldso_fail) _exit(127);
if (ldd_mode) _exit(0);
/* Switch to runtime mode: any further failures in the dynamic
* linker are a reportable failure rather than a fatal startup
* error. If the dynamic loader (dlopen) will not be used, free
* all memory used by the dynamic linker. */
runtime = 1;
for (i=0; app->dynv[i]; i+=2)
if (app->dynv[i]==DT_DEBUG)
app->dynv[i+1] = (size_t)&debug;
debug.ver = 1;
debug.bp = _dl_debug_state;
debug.head = head;
debug.base = lib->base;
debug.state = 0;
if (ssp_used) __init_ssp((void *)aux[AT_RANDOM]);
__init_libc(envp, argv[0]);
errno = 0;
return (void *)aux[AT_ENTRY];
void *dlopen(const char *file, int mode)
struct dso *volatile p, *orig_tail, *next;
size_t orig_tls_cnt, orig_tls_offset, orig_tls_align;
size_t i;
int cs;
jmp_buf jb;
if (!file) return head;
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &cs);
p = 0;
orig_tls_cnt = tls_cnt;
orig_tls_offset = tls_offset;
orig_tls_align = tls_align;
orig_tail = tail;
noload = mode & RTLD_NOLOAD;
rtld_fail = &jb;
if (setjmp(*rtld_fail)) {
/* Clean up anything new that was (partially) loaded */
if (p && p->deps) for (i=0; p->deps[i]; i++)
if (p->deps[i]->global < 0)
p->deps[i]->global = 0;
for (p=orig_tail->next; p; p=next) {
next = p->next;
munmap(p->map, p->map_len);
tls_cnt = orig_tls_cnt;
tls_offset = orig_tls_offset;
tls_align = orig_tls_align;
tail = orig_tail;
tail->next = 0;
p = 0;
errflag = 1;
goto end;
} else p = load_library(file);
if (!p) {
snprintf(errbuf, sizeof errbuf, noload ?
"Library %s is not already loaded" :
"Error loading shared library %s: %m",
errflag = 1;
goto end;
/* First load handling */
if (!p->deps) {
if (p->deps) for (i=0; p->deps[i]; i++)
if (!p->deps[i]->global)
p->deps[i]->global = -1;
if (!p->global) p->global = -1;
if (p->deps) for (i=0; p->deps[i]; i++)
if (p->deps[i]->global < 0)
p->deps[i]->global = 0;
if (p->global < 0) p->global = 0;
if (mode & RTLD_GLOBAL) {
if (p->deps) for (i=0; p->deps[i]; i++)
p->deps[i]->global = 1;
p->global = 1;
if (ssp_used) __init_ssp(libc.auxv);
orig_tail = tail;
if (p) gencnt++;
if (p) do_init_fini(orig_tail);
pthread_setcancelstate(cs, 0);
return p;
static int invalid_dso_handle(void *h)
struct dso *p;
for (p=head; p; p=p->next) if (h==p) return 0;
snprintf(errbuf, sizeof errbuf, "Invalid library handle %p", (void *)h);
errflag = 1;
return 1;
static void *do_dlsym(struct dso *p, const char *s, void *ra)
size_t i;
uint32_t h = 0, gh = 0;
Sym *sym;
if (p == head || p == RTLD_DEFAULT || p == RTLD_NEXT) {
if (p == RTLD_DEFAULT) {
p = head;
} else if (p == RTLD_NEXT) {
for (p=head; p && (unsigned char *)ra-p->map>p->map_len; p=p->next);
if (!p) p=head;
p = p->next;
struct symdef def = find_sym(p, s, 0);
if (!def.sym) goto failed;
if ((def.sym->st_info&0xf) == STT_TLS)
return __tls_get_addr((size_t []){def.dso->tls_id, def.sym->st_value});
return def.dso->base + def.sym->st_value;
if (p != RTLD_DEFAULT && p != RTLD_NEXT && invalid_dso_handle(p))
return 0;
if (p->ghashtab) {
gh = gnu_hash(s);
sym = gnu_lookup(s, gh, p);
} else {
h = sysv_hash(s);
sym = sysv_lookup(s, h, p);
if (sym && (sym->st_info&0xf) == STT_TLS)
return __tls_get_addr((size_t []){p->tls_id, sym->st_value});
if (sym && sym->st_value && (1<<(sym->st_info&0xf) & OK_TYPES))
return p->base + sym->st_value;
if (p->deps) for (i=0; p->deps[i]; i++) {
if (p->deps[i]->ghashtab) {
if (!gh) gh = gnu_hash(s);
sym = gnu_lookup(s, gh, p->deps[i]);
} else {
if (!h) h = sysv_hash(s);
sym = sysv_lookup(s, h, p->deps[i]);
if (sym && (sym->st_info&0xf) == STT_TLS)
return __tls_get_addr((size_t []){p->deps[i]->tls_id, sym->st_value});
if (sym && sym->st_value && (1<<(sym->st_info&0xf) & OK_TYPES))
return p->deps[i]->base + sym->st_value;
errflag = 1;
snprintf(errbuf, sizeof errbuf, "Symbol not found: %s", s);
return 0;
int __dladdr(void *addr, Dl_info *info)
struct dso *p;
Sym *sym;
uint32_t nsym;
char *strings;
size_t i;
void *best = 0;
char *bestname;
for (p=head; p && (unsigned char *)addr-p->map>p->map_len; p=p->next);
if (!p) return 0;
sym = p->syms;
strings = p->strings;
if (p->hashtab) {
nsym = p->hashtab[1];
} else {
uint32_t *buckets;
uint32_t *hashval;
buckets = p->ghashtab + 4 + (p->ghashtab[2]*sizeof(size_t)/4);
sym += p->ghashtab[1];
for (i = 0; i < p->ghashtab[0]; i++) {
if (buckets[i] > nsym)
nsym = buckets[i];
if (nsym) {
nsym -= p->ghashtab[1];
hashval = buckets + p->ghashtab[0] + nsym;
do nsym++;
while (!(*hashval++ & 1));
for (; nsym; nsym--, sym++) {
if (sym->st_value
&& (1<<(sym->st_info&0xf) & OK_TYPES)
&& (1<<(sym->st_info>>4) & OK_BINDS)) {
void *symaddr = p->base + sym->st_value;
if (symaddr > addr || symaddr < best)
best = symaddr;
bestname = strings + sym->st_name;
if (addr == symaddr)
if (!best) return 0;
info->dli_fname = p->name;
info->dli_fbase = p->base;
info->dli_sname = bestname;
info->dli_saddr = best;
return 1;
void *__dlsym(void *restrict p, const char *restrict s, void *restrict ra)
void *res;
res = do_dlsym(p, s, ra);
return res;
int dl_iterate_phdr(int(*callback)(struct dl_phdr_info *info, size_t size, void *data), void *data)
struct dso *current;
struct dl_phdr_info info;
int ret = 0;
for(current = head; current;) {
info.dlpi_addr = (uintptr_t)current->base;
info.dlpi_name = current->name;
info.dlpi_phdr = current->phdr;
info.dlpi_phnum = current->phnum;
info.dlpi_adds = gencnt;
info.dlpi_subs = 0;
info.dlpi_tls_modid = current->tls_id;
info.dlpi_tls_data = current->tls_image;
ret = (callback)(&info, sizeof (info), data);
if (ret != 0) break;
current = current->next;
return ret;
static int invalid_dso_handle(void *h)
snprintf(errbuf, sizeof errbuf, "Invalid library handle %p", (void *)h);
errflag = 1;
return 1;
void *dlopen(const char *file, int mode)
return 0;
void *__dlsym(void *restrict p, const char *restrict s, void *restrict ra)
return 0;
int __dladdr (void *addr, Dl_info *info)
return 0;
int __dlinfo(void *dso, int req, void *res)
if (invalid_dso_handle(dso)) return -1;
if (req != RTLD_DI_LINKMAP) {
snprintf(errbuf, sizeof errbuf, "Unsupported request %d", req);
errflag = 1;
return -1;
*(struct link_map **)res = dso;
return 0;
char *dlerror()
if (!errflag) return 0;
errflag = 0;
return errbuf;
int dlclose(void *p)
return invalid_dso_handle(p);