mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-02-25 17:58:27 +00:00
Stefano Pigozzi 9badc1d786 cocoa_common: update screen info before entering fullscreen
If the user moved the window to another screen, fullscreen mode would
still use the original screen. Fix to use the screen the window is
currently on (unless overridden by --xineramascreen).
2012-03-25 22:30:38 +03:00

625 lines
18 KiB

* Cocoa OpenGL Backend
* This file is part of mplayer2.
* mplayer2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* mplayer2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with mplayer2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> // for CGDisplayHideCursor
#include "cocoa_common.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "video_out.h"
#include "aspect.h"
#include "mp_fifo.h"
#include "talloc.h"
#include "input/input.h"
#include "input/keycodes.h"
#include "osx_common.h"
#include "mp_msg.h"
#define NSLeftAlternateKeyMask (0x000020 | NSAlternateKeyMask)
#define NSRightAlternateKeyMask (0x000040 | NSAlternateKeyMask)
@interface GLMPlayerWindow : NSWindow <NSWindowDelegate>
- (BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow;
- (BOOL) canBecomeMainWindow;
- (void) fullscreen;
- (void) mouseEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void) mulSize:(float)multiplier;
- (void) setContentSize:(NSSize)newSize keepCentered:(BOOL)keepCentered;
@interface GLMPlayerOpenGLView : NSView
struct vo_cocoa_state {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
GLMPlayerWindow *window;
NSOpenGLContext *glContext;
NSSize current_video_size;
NSSize previous_video_size;
NSRect screen_frame;
NSScreen *screen_handle;
NSArray *screen_array;
NSInteger windowed_mask;
NSInteger fullscreen_mask;
NSRect windowed_frame;
NSString *window_title;
NSInteger windowed_window_level;
NSInteger fullscreen_window_level;
int last_screensaver_update;
int display_cursor;
int cursor_timer;
int cursor_autohide_delay;
bool did_resize;
bool out_fs_resize;
struct vo_cocoa_state *s;
struct vo *l_vo;
// local function definitions
struct vo_cocoa_state *vo_cocoa_init_state(void);
void vo_set_level(int ontop);
void update_screen_info(void);
void resize_window(struct vo *vo);
void vo_cocoa_display_cursor(int requested_state);
void create_menu(void);
struct vo_cocoa_state *vo_cocoa_init_state(void)
struct vo_cocoa_state *s = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, s);
*s = (struct vo_cocoa_state){
.did_resize = NO,
.current_video_size = {0,0},
.previous_video_size = {0,0},
.windowed_mask = NSTitledWindowMask|NSClosableWindowMask|NSMiniaturizableWindowMask|NSResizableWindowMask,
.fullscreen_mask = NSBorderlessWindowMask,
.fullscreen_window_level = NSNormalWindowLevel + 1,
.windowed_frame = {{0,0},{0,0}},
.out_fs_resize = NO,
.display_cursor = 1,
return s;
int vo_cocoa_init(struct vo *vo)
s = vo_cocoa_init_state();
s->pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
s->cursor_autohide_delay = vo->opts->cursor_autohide_delay;
NSApp = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[NSApp setActivationPolicy: NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular];
return 1;
void vo_cocoa_uninit(struct vo *vo)
[s->window release];
s->window = nil;
[s->glContext release];
s->glContext = nil;
[s->pool release];
s->pool = nil;
void update_screen_info(void)
s->screen_array = [NSScreen screens];
if (xinerama_screen >= (int)[s->screen_array count]) {
mp_msg(MSGT_VO, MSGL_INFO, "[cocoa] Device ID %d does not exist, falling back to main device\n", xinerama_screen);
xinerama_screen = -1;
if (xinerama_screen < 0) { // default behaviour
if (! (s->screen_handle = [s->window screen]) )
s->screen_handle = [s->screen_array objectAtIndex:0];
} else {
s->screen_handle = [s->screen_array objectAtIndex:(xinerama_screen)];
s->screen_frame = [s->screen_handle frame];
void vo_cocoa_update_xinerama_info(struct vo *vo)
aspect_save_screenres(vo, s->screen_frame.size.width, s->screen_frame.size.height);
int vo_cocoa_change_attributes(struct vo *vo)
return 0;
void resize_window(struct vo *vo)
vo->dwidth = [[s->window contentView] frame].size.width;
vo->dheight = [[s->window contentView] frame].size.height;
[s->glContext update];
void vo_set_level(int ontop)
if (ontop) {
s->windowed_window_level = NSNormalWindowLevel + 1;
} else {
s->windowed_window_level = NSNormalWindowLevel;
if (!vo_fs)
[s->window setLevel:s->windowed_window_level];
void vo_cocoa_ontop(struct vo *vo)
struct MPOpts *opts = vo->opts;
opts->vo_ontop = !opts->vo_ontop;
int vo_cocoa_create_window(struct vo *vo, uint32_t d_width,
uint32_t d_height, uint32_t flags)
struct MPOpts *opts = vo->opts;
if (s->current_video_size.width > 0 || s->current_video_size.height > 0)
s->previous_video_size = s->current_video_size;
s->current_video_size = NSMakeSize(d_width, d_height);
if (!(s->window || s->glContext)) { // keep using the same window
s->window = [[GLMPlayerWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, d_width, d_height)
backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
GLMPlayerOpenGLView *glView = [[GLMPlayerOpenGLView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)];
NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attrs[] = {
NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, // double buffered
NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)16, // 16 bit depth buffer
NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixelFormat = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attrs];
s->glContext = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:pixelFormat shareContext:nil];
[s->window setContentView:glView];
[glView release];
[s->window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
[s->glContext setView:glView];
[s->glContext makeCurrentContext];
[NSApp setDelegate:s->window];
[s->window setDelegate:s->window];
[s->window setContentSize:s->current_video_size];
[s->window setContentAspectRatio:s->current_video_size];
[s->window center];
if (flags & VOFLAG_HIDDEN) {
[s->window orderOut:nil];
} else {
[s->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
} else {
if (s->current_video_size.width != s->previous_video_size.width ||
s->current_video_size.height != s->previous_video_size.height) {
if (vo_fs) {
// we will resize as soon as we get out of fullscreen
s->out_fs_resize = YES;
} else {
// only if we are not in fullscreen and the video size did change
// we actually resize the window and set a new aspect ratio
[s->window setContentSize:s->current_video_size keepCentered:YES];
[s->window setContentAspectRatio:s->current_video_size];
if (s->window_title)
[s->window_title release];
s->window_title = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:vo_get_window_title(vo)];
[s->window setTitle: s->window_title];
return 0;
void vo_cocoa_swap_buffers()
[s->glContext flushBuffer];
void vo_cocoa_display_cursor(int requested_state)
if (requested_state) {
if (!vo_fs || s->cursor_autohide_delay > -2) {
s->display_cursor = requested_state;
} else {
if (s->cursor_autohide_delay != -1) {
s->display_cursor = requested_state;
int vo_cocoa_check_events(struct vo *vo)
NSEvent *event;
float curTime = TickCount()/60;
int msCurTime = (int) (curTime * 1000);
// automatically hide mouse cursor
if (vo_fs && s->display_cursor &&
(msCurTime - s->cursor_timer >= s->cursor_autohide_delay)) {
s->cursor_timer = msCurTime;
//update activity every 30 seconds to prevent
//screensaver from starting up.
if ((int)curTime - s->last_screensaver_update >= 30 || s->last_screensaver_update == 0)
s->last_screensaver_update = (int)curTime;
event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:nil
inMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue:YES];
if (event == nil)
return 0;
l_vo = vo;
[NSApp sendEvent:event];
l_vo = nil;
if (s->did_resize) {
s->did_resize = NO;
// Without SDL's bootstrap code (include SDL.h in mplayer.c),
// on Leopard, we have trouble to get the play window automatically focused
// when the app is actived. The Following code fix this problem.
#ifndef CONFIG_SDL
if ([event type] == NSAppKitDefined
&& [event subtype] == NSApplicationActivatedEventType) {
[s->window makeMainWindow];
[s->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
return 0;
void vo_cocoa_fullscreen(struct vo *vo)
[s->window fullscreen];
int vo_cocoa_swap_interval(int enabled)
[s->glContext setValues:&enabled forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval];
return 0;
void create_menu()
NSMenu *menu;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
menu = [[NSMenu new] autorelease];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem new] autorelease];
[menu addItem: menuItem];
[NSApp setMainMenu: menu];
menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Movie"];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Half Size" action:@selector(halfSize) keyEquivalent:@"0"]; [menu addItem:menuItem];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Normal Size" action:@selector(normalSize) keyEquivalent:@"1"]; [menu addItem:menuItem];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Double Size" action:@selector(doubleSize) keyEquivalent:@"2"]; [menu addItem:menuItem];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Movie" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
[menuItem setSubmenu:menu];
[[NSApp mainMenu] addItem:menuItem];
[menu release];
[menuItem release];
@implementation GLMPlayerWindow
- (void) windowDidResize:(NSNotification *) notification
if (l_vo)
s->did_resize = YES;
- (void) fullscreen
if (!vo_fs) {
[NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationHideDock|NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar];
s->windowed_frame = [self frame];
[self setHasShadow:NO];
[self setStyleMask:s->fullscreen_mask];
[self setFrame:s->screen_frame display:YES animate:NO];
[self setLevel:s->fullscreen_window_level];
vo_fs = VO_TRUE;
[self setMovableByWindowBackground: NO];
} else {
[NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationDefault];
[self setHasShadow:YES];
[self setStyleMask:s->windowed_mask];
[self setTitle:s->window_title];
[self setFrame:s->windowed_frame display:YES animate:NO];
if (s->out_fs_resize) {
[self setContentSize:s->current_video_size keepCentered:YES];
s->out_fs_resize = NO;
[self setContentAspectRatio:s->current_video_size];
[self setLevel:s->windowed_window_level];
vo_fs = VO_FALSE;
[self setMovableByWindowBackground: YES];
- (BOOL) canBecomeMainWindow { return YES; }
- (BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow { return YES; }
- (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; }
- (BOOL) becomeFirstResponder { return YES; }
- (BOOL) resignFirstResponder { return YES; }
- (BOOL) windowShouldClose:(id)sender
mplayer_put_key(l_vo->key_fifo, KEY_CLOSE_WIN);
// We have to wait for MPlayer to handle this,
// otherwise we are in trouble if the
// KEY_CLOSE_WIN handler is disabled
return NO;
- (BOOL) isMovableByWindowBackground
// this is only valid as a starting value. it will be rewritten in the -fullscreen method.
return !vo_fs;
- (void) handleQuitEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)e withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)r
mplayer_put_key(l_vo->key_fifo, KEY_CLOSE_WIN);
- (void) keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
unsigned char charcode;
if (([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSRightAlternateKeyMask) == NSRightAlternateKeyMask)
charcode = *[[theEvent characters] UTF8String];
charcode = [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0];
int key = convert_key([theEvent keyCode], charcode);
if (key > -1) {
if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask)
if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask)
if (([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSLeftAlternateKeyMask) == NSLeftAlternateKeyMask)
if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask)
mplayer_put_key(l_vo->key_fifo, key);
- (void) mouseMoved: (NSEvent *) theEvent
if (vo_fs)
- (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self mouseEvent: theEvent];
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self mouseEvent: theEvent];
- (void) mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self mouseEvent: theEvent];
- (void) rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self mouseEvent: theEvent];
- (void) rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self mouseEvent: theEvent];
- (void) otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self mouseEvent: theEvent];
- (void) otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self mouseEvent: theEvent];
- (void) scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if ([theEvent deltaY] > 0)
mplayer_put_key(l_vo->key_fifo, MOUSE_BTN3);
mplayer_put_key(l_vo->key_fifo, MOUSE_BTN4);
- (void) mouseEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if ([theEvent buttonNumber] >= 0 && [theEvent buttonNumber] <= 9) {
int buttonNumber = [theEvent buttonNumber];
// Fix to mplayer defined button order: left, middle, right
if (buttonNumber == 1) buttonNumber = 2;
else if (buttonNumber == 2) buttonNumber = 1;
switch ([theEvent type]) {
case NSLeftMouseDown:
case NSRightMouseDown:
case NSOtherMouseDown:
mplayer_put_key(l_vo->key_fifo, (MOUSE_BTN0 + buttonNumber) | MP_KEY_DOWN);
// Looks like Cocoa doesn't create MouseUp events when we are
// doing the second click in a double click. Put in the key_fifo
// the key that would be put from the MouseUp handling code.
if([theEvent clickCount] == 2)
mplayer_put_key(l_vo->key_fifo, MOUSE_BTN0 + buttonNumber);
case NSLeftMouseUp:
case NSRightMouseUp:
case NSOtherMouseUp:
mplayer_put_key(l_vo->key_fifo, MOUSE_BTN0 + buttonNumber);
- (void) applicationWillBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)aNotification
if (vo_fs) {
[s->window setLevel:s->fullscreen_window_level];
[NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationHideDock|NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar];
[s->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES];
- (void) applicationWillResignActive:(NSNotification *)aNotification
if (vo_fs) {
[s->window setLevel:s->windowed_window_level];
[NSApp setPresentationOptions:NSApplicationPresentationDefault];
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)notification
// Install an event handler so the Quit menu entry works
// The proper way using NSApp setDelegate: and
// applicationShouldTerminate: does not work,
// probably NSApplication never installs its handler.
[[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager]
- (void) normalSize
if (!vo_fs)
[self setContentSize:s->current_video_size keepCentered:YES];
- (void) halfSize { [self mulSize:0.5f];}
- (void) doubleSize { [self mulSize:2.0f];}
- (void) mulSize:(float)multiplier
if (!vo_fs) {
NSSize size = [[self contentView] frame].size;
size.width = s->current_video_size.width * (multiplier);
size.height = s->current_video_size.height * (multiplier);
[self setContentSize:size keepCentered:YES];
- (void) setContentSize:(NSSize)ns keepCentered:(BOOL)keepCentered
if (keepCentered) {
NSRect nf = [self frame];
NSRect vf = [[self screen] visibleFrame];
int title_height = nf.size.height - [[self contentView] bounds].size.height;
double ratio = (double)ns.width / (double)ns.height;
// clip the new size to the visibleFrame's size if needed
if (ns.width > vf.size.width || ns.height + title_height > vf.size.height) {
ns = vf.size;
ns.height -= title_height; // make space for the title bar
if (ns.width > ns.height) {
ns.height = ((double)ns.width * 1/ratio + 0.5);
} else {
ns.width = ((double)ns.height * ratio + 0.5);
int dw = nf.size.width - ns.width;
int dh = nf.size.height - ns.height - title_height;
nf.origin.x += dw / 2;
nf.origin.y += dh / 2;
[self setFrame: NSMakeRect(nf.origin.x, nf.origin.y, ns.width, ns.height + title_height) display:YES animate:NO];
} else {
[self setContentSize:ns];
@implementation GLMPlayerOpenGLView
- (void) drawRect: (NSRect)rect
[[NSColor clearColor] set];
NSRectFill([self bounds]);