mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 20:00:56 +00:00
This requires FFmpeg git master for accelerated hardware decoding. Keep in mind that FFmpeg must be compiled with --enable-mmal. Libav will also work. Most things work. Screenshots don't work with accelerated/opaque decoding (except using full window screenshot mode). Subtitles are very slow - even simple but huge overlays can cause frame drops. This always uses fullscreen mode. It uses dispmanx and mmal directly, and there are no window managers or anything on this level. vo_opengl also kind of works, but is pretty useless and slow. It can't use opaque hardware decoding (copy back can be used by forcing the option --vd=lavc:h264_mmal). Keep in mind that the dispmanx backend is preferred over the X11 ones in case you're trying on X11; but X11 is even more useless on RPI. This doesn't correctly reject extended h264 profiles and thus doesn't fallback to software decoding. The hw supports only up to the high profile, and will e.g. return garbage for Hi10P video. This sets a precedent of enabling hw decoding by default, but only if RPI support is compiled (which most hopefully it will be disabled on desktop Linux platforms). While it's more or less required to use hw decoding on the weak RPI, it causes more problems than it solves on real platforms (Linux has the Intel GPU problem, OSX still has some cases with broken decoding.) So I can live with this compromise of having different defaults depending on the platform. Raspberry Pi 2 is required. This wasn't tested on the original RPI, though at least decoding itself seems to work (but full playback was not tested).
914 lines
31 KiB
914 lines
31 KiB
# vi: ft=python
import sys, os, re
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'waftools'))
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
from waflib.Configure import conf
from waflib import Utils
from waftools.checks.generic import *
from waftools.checks.custom import *
build_options = [
'name': '--cplayer',
'desc': 'mpv CLI player',
'default': 'enable',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--libmpv-shared',
'desc': 'shared library',
'default': 'disable',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--libmpv-static',
'desc': 'static library',
'default': 'disable',
'deps_neg': [ 'libmpv-shared' ],
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--static-build',
'desc': 'static build',
'default': 'disable',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--build-date',
'desc': 'whether to include binary compile time',
'default': 'enable',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--optimize',
'desc': 'whether to optimize',
'default': 'enable',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--debug-build',
'desc': 'whether to compile-in debugging information',
'default': 'enable',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--manpage-build',
'desc': 'manpage generation',
'func': check_ctx_vars('RST2MAN')
}, {
'name': '--pdf-build',
'desc': 'pdf manual generation',
'func': check_ctx_vars('RST2PDF'),
'default': 'disable',
}, {
'name': 'libdl',
'desc': 'dynamic loader',
'func': check_libs(['dl'], check_statement('dlfcn.h', 'dlopen("", 0)'))
}, {
'name': 'dlopen',
'desc': 'dlopen',
'deps_any': [ 'libdl', 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--vf-dlopen-filters',
'desc': 'compilation of default filters for vf_dlopen',
'deps': [ 'dlopen' ],
'default': 'disable',
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--zsh-comp',
'desc': 'zsh completion',
'func': check_true,
'default': 'disable',
}, {
# does nothing - left for backward and forward compatibility
'name': '--asm',
'desc': 'inline assembly (currently without effect)',
'default': 'enable',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--test',
'desc': 'test suite (using cmocka)',
'func': check_pkg_config('cmocka', '>= 0.4.1'),
'default': 'disable',
}, {
'name': '--clang-database',
'desc': 'generate a clang compilation database',
'func': check_true,
'default': 'disable',
main_dependencies = [
'name': 'noexecstack',
'desc': 'compiler support for noexecstack',
'func': check_cc(linkflags='-Wl,-z,noexecstack')
}, {
'name': 'noexecstack',
'desc': 'linker support for --nxcompat --no-seh --dynamicbase',
'func': check_cc(linkflags=['-Wl,--nxcompat', '-Wl,--no-seh', '-Wl,--dynamicbase'])
} , {
'name': 'libm',
'desc': '-lm',
'func': check_cc(lib='m')
}, {
'name': 'mingw',
'desc': 'MinGW',
'deps': [ 'os-win32' ],
'func': check_statement('stddef.h', 'int x = __MINGW32__;'
'int y = __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR'),
}, {
'name': 'posix',
'desc': 'POSIX environment',
# This should be good enough.
'func': check_statement(['poll.h', 'unistd.h', 'sys/mman.h'],
'struct pollfd pfd; poll(&pfd, 1, 0); fork(); int f[2]; pipe(f); munmap(f,0)'),
}, {
'name': 'posix-or-mingw',
'desc': 'development environment',
'deps_any': [ 'posix', 'mingw' ],
'func': check_true,
'req': True,
'fmsg': 'Unable to find either POSIX or MinGW-w64 environment, ' \
'or compiler does not work.',
}, {
'name': 'win32',
'desc': 'win32',
'deps_any': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
'func': check_cc(lib=['winmm', 'gdi32', 'ole32', 'uuid']),
}, {
'name': '--win32-internal-pthreads',
'desc': 'internal pthread wrapper for win32 (Vista+)',
'deps_neg': [ 'posix' ],
'deps': [ 'win32' ],
'func': check_true,
'default': 'disable',
}, {
'name': 'pthreads',
'desc': 'POSIX threads',
'func': check_pthreads,
'req': True,
'fmsg': 'Unable to find pthreads support.'
}, {
'name': 'stdatomic',
'desc': 'stdatomic.h',
'func': check_libs(['atomic'],
'atomic_int_least64_t test = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(123);'
'int test2 = atomic_load(&test)'))
}, {
'name': 'atomic-builtins',
'desc': 'compiler support for __atomic built-ins',
'func': check_libs(['atomic'],
'int64_t test = 0;'
'test = __atomic_add_fetch(&test, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)')),
'deps_neg': [ 'stdatomic' ],
}, {
'name': 'sync-builtins',
'desc': 'compiler support for __sync built-ins',
'func': check_statement('stdint.h',
'int64_t test = 0;'
'__typeof__(test) x = ({int a = 1; a;});'
'test = __sync_add_and_fetch(&test, 1)'),
'deps_neg': [ 'stdatomic', 'atomic-builtins' ],
}, {
'name': 'atomics',
'desc': 'compiler support for usable thread synchronization built-ins',
'func': check_true,
'deps_any': ['stdatomic', 'atomic-builtins', 'sync-builtins'],
}, {
'name': 'librt',
'desc': 'linking with -lrt',
'deps': [ 'pthreads' ],
'func': check_cc(lib='rt')
}, {
'name': '--iconv',
'desc': 'iconv',
'func': check_iconv,
'req': True,
'fmsg': "Unable to find iconv which should be part of a standard \
compilation environment. Aborting. If you really mean to compile without \
iconv support use --disable-iconv.",
}, {
'name': 'dos-paths',
'desc': 'w32/dos paths',
'deps_any': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--waio',
'desc': 'libwaio for win32',
'deps': [ 'os-win32', 'mingw' ],
'func': check_libs(['waio'],
check_statement('waio/waio.h', 'waio_alloc(0, 0, 0, 0)')),
}, {
'name': '--termios',
'desc': 'termios',
'func': check_headers('termios.h', 'sys/termios.h'),
}, {
'name': '--shm',
'desc': 'shm',
'func': check_statement(['sys/types.h', 'sys/ipc.h', 'sys/shm.h'],
'shmget(0, 0, 0); shmat(0, 0, 0); shmctl(0, 0, 0)')
}, {
'name': 'nanosleep',
'desc': 'nanosleep',
'func': check_statement('time.h', 'nanosleep(0,0)')
}, {
'name': 'posix-spawn',
'desc': 'POSIX spawnp()/kill()',
'func': check_statement(['spawn.h', 'signal.h'],
'posix_spawnp(0,0,0,0,0,0); kill(0,0)')
}, {
'name': 'glob',
'desc': 'glob()',
'func': check_statement('glob.h', 'glob("filename", 0, 0, 0)')
}, {
'name': 'glob-win32-replacement',
'desc': 'glob() win32 replacement',
'deps_neg': [ 'glob' ],
'deps_any': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin' ],
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': 'fchmod',
'desc': 'fchmod()',
'func': check_statement('sys/stat.h', 'fchmod(0, 0)'),
}, {
'name': 'glibc-thread-name',
'desc': 'GLIBC API for setting thread name',
'func': check_statement('pthread.h',
'pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "ducks")',
}, {
'name': 'osx-thread-name',
'desc': 'OSX API for setting thread name',
'deps_neg': [ 'glibc-thread-name' ],
'func': check_statement('pthread.h',
'pthread_setname_np("ducks")', use=['pthreads']),
}, {
'name': 'bsd-thread-name',
'desc': 'BSD API for setting thread name',
'deps_neg': [ 'glibc-thread-name', 'osx-thread-name' ],
'func': check_statement(['pthread.h', 'pthread_np.h'],
'pthread_set_name_np(pthread_self(), "ducks")',
}, {
'name': 'netbsd-thread-name',
'desc': 'NetBSD API for setting thread name',
'deps_neg': [ 'glibc-thread-name', 'osx-thread-name', 'bsd-thread-name' ],
'func': check_statement('pthread.h',
'pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "%s", (void *)"ducks")',
}, {
'name': 'bsd-fstatfs',
'desc': "BSD's fstatfs()",
'func': check_statement(['sys/param.h', 'sys/mount.h'],
'struct statfs fs; fstatfs(0, &fs); fs.f_fstypename')
}, {
'name': 'linux-fstatfs',
'desc': "Linux's fstatfs()",
'deps': [ 'os-linux' ],
'func': check_statement('sys/vfs.h',
'struct statfs fs; fstatfs(0, &fs); fs.f_namelen')
}, {
'name': '--libguess',
'desc': 'libguess support',
'func': check_pkg_config('libguess', '>= 1.0'),
}, {
'name': '--libsmbclient',
'desc': 'Samba support',
'deps': [ 'libdl' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('smbclient'),
'module': 'input',
}, {
'name' : '--lua',
'desc' : 'Lua',
'func': check_lua,
}, {
'name': '--libass',
'desc': 'SSA/ASS support',
'func': check_pkg_config('libass', '>= 0.12.1'),
'req': True,
'fmsg': "Unable to find development files for libass, or the version " +
"found is too old. Aborting. If you really mean to compile " +
"without libass support use --disable-libass."
}, {
'name': '--libass-osd',
'desc': 'libass OSD support',
'deps': [ 'libass' ],
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': 'dummy-osd',
'desc': 'dummy OSD support',
'deps_neg': [ 'libass-osd' ],
'func': check_true,
} , {
'name': 'zlib',
'desc': 'zlib',
'func': check_libs(['z'],
check_statement('zlib.h', 'inflate(0, Z_NO_FLUSH)')),
'req': True,
'fmsg': 'Unable to find development files for zlib.'
} , {
'name' : '--encoding',
'desc' : 'Encoding',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--libbluray',
'desc': 'Bluray support',
'func': check_pkg_config('libbluray', '>= 0.3.0'),
}, {
'name': '--dvdread',
'desc': 'dvdread support',
'func': check_pkg_config('dvdread', '>= 4.1.0'),
}, {
'name': '--dvdnav',
'desc': 'dvdnav support',
'deps': [ 'dvdread' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('dvdnav', '>= 4.2.0'),
}, {
'name': '--cdda',
'desc': 'cdda support (libcdio)',
'func': check_pkg_config('libcdio_paranoia'),
}, {
'name': '--enca',
'desc': 'ENCA support',
'func': check_statement('enca.h', 'enca_get_languages(NULL)', lib='enca'),
}, {
'name': '--ladspa',
'desc': 'LADSPA plugin support',
'func': check_statement('ladspa.h', 'LADSPA_Descriptor ld = {0}'),
}, {
'name': '--rubberband',
'desc': 'librubberband support',
'func': check_pkg_config('rubberband', '>= 1.8.0'),
}, {
'name': '--libbs2b',
'desc': 'libbs2b audio filter support',
'func': check_pkg_config('libbs2b'),
}, {
'name': '--lcms2',
'desc': 'LCMS2 support',
'func': check_pkg_config('lcms2', '>= 2.6'),
}, {
'name': 'vapoursynth-core',
'desc': 'VapourSynth filter bridge (core)',
'func': check_pkg_config('vapoursynth >= 24'),
}, {
'name': '--vapoursynth',
'desc': 'VapourSynth filter bridge (Python)',
'deps': ['vapoursynth-core'],
'func': check_pkg_config('vapoursynth-script >= 23'),
}, {
'name': '--vapoursynth-lazy',
'desc': 'VapourSynth filter bridge (Lazy Lua)',
'deps': ['vapoursynth-core', 'lua'],
'func': check_true,
libav_pkg_config_checks = [
'libavutil', '>= 54.02.0',
'libavcodec', '>= 56.1.0',
'libavformat', '>= 56.01.0',
'libswscale', '>= 2.1.3'
libav_versions_string = "FFmpeg 2.4 or Libav 11"
libav_dependencies = [
'name': 'libav',
'desc': 'libav/ffmpeg',
'func': check_pkg_config(*libav_pkg_config_checks),
'req': True,
'fmsg': "Unable to find development files for some of the required \
FFmpeg/Libav libraries. You need at least {0}. Aborting.".format(libav_versions_string)
}, {
'name': '--libswresample',
'desc': 'libswresample',
'func': check_pkg_config('libswresample', '>= 1.1.100'),
}, {
'name': '--libavresample',
'desc': 'libavresample',
'func': check_pkg_config('libavresample', '>= 2.1.0'),
'deps_neg': ['libswresample'],
}, {
'name': 'resampler',
'desc': 'usable resampler found',
'deps_any': [ 'libavresample', 'libswresample' ],
'func': check_true,
'req': True,
'fmsg': 'No resampler found. Install libavresample or libswresample (FFmpeg).'
}, {
'name': '--libavfilter',
'desc': 'libavfilter',
'func': check_pkg_config('libavfilter', '>= 5.0.0'),
}, {
'name': '--libavdevice',
'desc': 'libavdevice',
'func': check_pkg_config('libavdevice', '>= 55.0.0'),
}, {
'name': 'avcodec-chroma-pos-api',
'desc': 'libavcodec avcodec_enum_to_chroma_pos API',
'func': check_statement('libavcodec/avcodec.h', """int x, y;
avcodec_enum_to_chroma_pos(&x, &y, AVCHROMA_LOC_UNSPECIFIED)""",
}, {
'name': 'avframe-metadata',
'desc': 'libavutil AVFrame metadata',
'func': check_statement('libavutil/frame.h',
}, {
'name': 'avframe-skip-samples',
'desc': 'libavutil AVFrame skip samples metadata',
'func': check_statement('libavutil/frame.h',
'enum AVFrameSideDataType type = AV_FRAME_DATA_SKIP_SAMPLES',
}, {
'name': 'av-pix-fmt-mmal',
'desc': 'libavutil AV_PIX_FMT_MMAL',
'func': check_statement('libavutil/pixfmt.h',
'int x = AV_PIX_FMT_MMAL',
audio_output_features = [
'name': '--sdl2',
'desc': 'SDL2',
'deps': ['atomics'],
'func': check_pkg_config('sdl2'),
'default': 'disable'
}, {
'name': '--sdl1',
'desc': 'SDL (1.x)',
'deps': ['atomics'],
'deps_neg': [ 'sdl2' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('sdl'),
'default': 'disable'
}, {
'name': 'oss-audio-4front',
'desc': 'OSS (implementation from opensound.com)',
'func': check_oss_4front,
'groups' : [ 'oss-audio' ]
}, {
'name': 'oss-audio-native',
'desc': 'OSS (platform-specific OSS implementation)',
'func': check_cc(header_name='sys/soundcard.h',
'deps_neg': [ 'oss-audio-4front' ],
'groups' : [ 'oss-audio' ]
}, {
'name': 'oss-audio-sunaudio',
'desc': 'OSS (emulation on top of SunAudio)',
'func': check_cc(header_name='soundcard.h',
'deps_neg': [ 'oss-audio-4front', 'oss-audio-native' ],
'groups' : [ 'oss-audio' ]
}, {
'name': '--oss-audio',
'desc': 'OSS audio output',
'func': check_true,
'deps_any': [ 'oss-audio-native', 'oss-audio-sunaudio',
'oss-audio-4front' ]
}, {
'name': '--rsound',
'desc': 'RSound audio output',
'func': check_statement('rsound.h', 'rsd_init(NULL)', lib='rsound')
}, {
'name': '--sndio',
'desc': 'sndio audio input/output',
'func': check_statement('sndio.h',
'struct sio_par par; sio_initpar(&par); const char *s = SIO_DEVANY', lib='sndio'),
'default': 'disable'
}, {
'name': '--pulse',
'desc': 'PulseAudio audio output',
'func': check_pkg_config('libpulse', '>= 1.0')
}, {
'name': '--jack',
'desc': 'JACK audio output',
'deps': ['atomics'],
'func': check_pkg_config('jack'),
}, {
'name': '--openal',
'desc': 'OpenAL audio output',
'func': check_pkg_config('openal', '>= 1.13'),
'default': 'disable'
}, {
'name': '--alsa',
'desc': 'ALSA audio output',
'func': check_pkg_config('alsa', '>= 1.0.18'),
}, {
'name': '--coreaudio',
'desc': 'CoreAudio audio output',
'deps': ['atomics'],
'func': check_cc(
framework_name=['CoreFoundation', 'CoreAudio', 'AudioUnit', 'AudioToolbox'])
}, {
'name': '--dsound',
'desc': 'DirectSound audio output',
'func': check_cc(header_name='dsound.h'),
}, {
'name': '--wasapi',
'desc': 'WASAPI audio output',
'deps': ['win32', 'atomics'],
'func': check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('wasapi.c')),
video_output_features = [
'name': '--cocoa',
'desc': 'Cocoa',
'func': check_cocoa
} , {
'name': '--wayland',
'desc': 'Wayland',
'func': check_pkg_config('wayland-client', '>= 1.6.0',
'wayland-cursor', '>= 1.6.0',
'xkbcommon', '>= 0.3.0'),
} , {
'name': '--x11',
'desc': 'X11',
'func': check_pkg_config('x11'),
} , {
'name': '--xss',
'desc': 'Xss screensaver extensions',
'deps': [ 'x11' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('xscrnsaver'),
} , {
'name': '--xext',
'desc': 'X extensions',
'deps': [ 'x11' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('xext'),
} , {
'name': '--xv',
'desc': 'Xv video output',
'deps': [ 'x11' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('xv'),
} , {
'name': '--xinerama',
'desc': 'Xinerama',
'deps': [ 'x11' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('xinerama'),
}, {
'name': '--xrandr',
'desc': 'Xrandr',
'deps': [ 'x11' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('xrandr', '>= 1.2.0'),
} , {
'name': '--gl-cocoa',
'desc': 'OpenGL Cocoa Backend',
'deps': [ 'cocoa' ],
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_true
} , {
'name': '--gl-x11',
'desc': 'OpenGL X11 Backend',
'deps': [ 'x11' ],
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_libs(['GL', 'GL Xdamage'],
use=['x11', 'libdl', 'pthreads']))
} , {
'name': '--egl-x11',
'desc': 'OpenGL X11 EGL Backend',
'deps': [ 'x11' ],
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('egl', 'gl'),
'default': 'disable',
} , {
'name': '--gl-wayland',
'desc': 'OpenGL Wayland Backend',
'deps': [ 'wayland' ],
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('wayland-egl', '>= 9.0.0',
'egl', '>= 9.0.0')
} , {
'name': '--gl-win32',
'desc': 'OpenGL Win32 Backend',
'deps': [ 'win32' ],
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'func': check_statement('windows.h', 'wglCreateContext(0)',
} , {
'name': '--vdpau',
'desc': 'VDPAU acceleration',
'deps': [ 'x11' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('vdpau', '>= 0.2'),
} , {
'name': '--vdpau-gl-x11',
'desc': 'VDPAU with OpenGL/X11',
'deps': [ 'vdpau', 'gl-x11' ],
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--vaapi',
'desc': 'VAAPI acceleration',
'deps': [ 'x11', 'libdl' ],
'func': check_pkg_config(
'libva', '>= 0.32.0', 'libva-x11', '>= 0.32.0'),
}, {
'name': '--vaapi-vpp',
'desc': 'VAAPI VPP',
'deps': [ 'vaapi' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('libva', '>= 0.34.0'),
}, {
'name': '--vaapi-glx',
'desc': 'VAAPI GLX',
'deps': [ 'vaapi', 'gl-x11' ],
'func': check_pkg_config('libva-glx', '>= 0.32.0'),
}, {
'name': '--caca',
'desc': 'CACA',
'func': check_pkg_config('caca', '>= 0.99.beta18'),
}, {
'name': '--jpeg',
'desc': 'JPEG support',
'func': check_cc(header_name=['stdio.h', 'jpeglib.h'],
lib='jpeg', use='libm'),
}, {
'name': '--direct3d',
'desc': 'Direct3D support',
'deps': [ 'win32' ],
'func': check_cc(header_name='d3d9.h'),
}, {
# We need MMAL/bcm_host/dispmanx APIs. Also, most RPI distros require
# every project to hardcode the paths to the include directories. Also,
# these headers are so broken that they spam tons of warnings by merely
# including them (compensate with -isystem and -fgnu89-inline).
'name': '--rpi',
'desc': 'Raspberry Pi support',
check_cc(cflags="-isystem/opt/vc/include/ "+
"-isystem/opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/pthreads " +
"-isystem/opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux " +
lib=['mmal_core', 'mmal_util', 'mmal_vc_client', 'bcm_host']),
}, {
'name': '--rpi-gles',
'desc': 'GLES on Raspberry Pi',
'groups': [ 'gl' ],
'deps': ['rpi'],
# We still need all OpenGL symbols, because the vo_opengl code is
# generic and supports anything from GLES2/OpenGL 2.1 to OpenGL 4 core.
'func': compose_checks(
check_statement('GL/gl.h', '(void)GL_RGB32F'), # arbitrary OpenGL 3.0 symbol
check_statement('GL/gl.h', '(void)GL_LUMINANCE16') # arbitrary OpenGL legacy-only symbol
} , {
'name': '--gl',
'desc': 'OpenGL video outputs',
'deps_any': [ 'gl-cocoa', 'gl-x11', 'gl-win32', 'gl-wayland', 'rpi-gles' ],
'func': check_true
hwaccel_features = [
'name': '--vaapi-hwaccel',
'desc': 'libavcodec VAAPI hwaccel',
'deps': [ 'vaapi' ],
'func': check_headers('libavcodec/vaapi.h', use='libav'),
} , {
'name': '--vda-hwaccel',
'desc': 'libavcodec VDA hwaccel',
'func': compose_checks(
}, {
'name': '--vda-gl',
'desc': 'VDA with OpenGL',
'deps': [ 'gl-cocoa', 'vda-hwaccel' ],
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--vdpau-hwaccel',
'desc': 'libavcodec VDPAU hwaccel',
'deps': [ 'vdpau' ],
'func': check_statement('libavcodec/vdpau.h',
}, {
'name': '--dxva2-hwaccel',
'desc': 'libavcodec DXVA2 hwaccel',
'deps': [ 'win32' ],
'func': check_headers('libavcodec/dxva2.h', use='libav'),
radio_and_tv_features = [
'name': '--tv',
'desc': 'TV interface',
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': 'sys_videoio_h',
'desc': 'videoio.h',
'func': check_cc(header_name=['sys/time.h', 'sys/videoio.h'])
}, {
'name': 'videodev',
'desc': 'videodev2.h',
'func': check_cc(header_name=['sys/time.h', 'linux/videodev2.h']),
'deps_neg': [ 'sys_videoio_h' ],
}, {
'name': '--tv-v4l2',
'desc': 'Video4Linux2 TV interface',
'deps': [ 'tv' ],
'deps_any': [ 'sys_videoio_h', 'videodev' ],
'func': check_true,
}, {
'name': '--libv4l2',
'desc': 'libv4l2 support',
'func': check_pkg_config('libv4l2'),
'deps': [ 'tv-v4l2' ],
}, {
'name': '--pvr',
'desc': 'Video4Linux2 MPEG PVR interface',
'func': check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('pvr.c')),
}, {
'name': '--audio-input',
'desc': 'audio input support',
'deps_any': [ 'tv-v4l2' ],
'func': check_true
} , {
'name': '--dvbin',
'desc': 'DVB input module',
'func': check_cc(fragment=load_fragment('dvb.c')),
standalone_features = [
'name': 'win32-executable',
'desc': 'w32 executable',
'deps_any': [ 'os-win32', 'os-cygwin'],
'func': check_ctx_vars('WINDRES')
}, {
'name': 'cocoa-application',
'desc': 'standalone Cocoa application',
'deps': [ 'cocoa' ],
'deps_neg': [ 'libmpv-shared', 'libmpv-static' ],
'func': check_true
}, {
'name': '--apple-remote',
'desc': 'Apple Remote support',
'deps': [ 'cocoa' ],
'func': check_true
('bindir', '${PREFIX}/bin', 'binary files'),
('libdir', '${PREFIX}/lib', 'library files'),
('confdir', '${PREFIX}/etc/mpv', 'configuration files'),
('incdir', '${PREFIX}/include', 'include files'),
('datadir', '${PREFIX}/share', 'data files'),
('mandir', '${DATADIR}/man', 'man pages '),
('docdir', '${DATADIR}/doc/mpv', 'documentation files'),
('zshdir', '${DATADIR}/zsh/site-functions', 'zsh completion functions'),
def options(opt):
group = opt.get_option_group("build and install options")
for ident, default, desc in _INSTALL_DIRS_LIST:
type = 'string',
dest = ident,
default = default,
help = 'directory for installing {0} [{1}]' \
.format(desc, default))
default = '',
help = 'variant name for saving configuration and build results')
opt.parse_features('build and install options', build_options)
optional_features = main_dependencies + libav_dependencies
opt.parse_features('optional features', optional_features)
opt.parse_features('audio outputs', audio_output_features)
opt.parse_features('video outputs', video_output_features)
opt.parse_features('hwaccels', hwaccel_features)
opt.parse_features('tv features', radio_and_tv_features)
opt.parse_features('standalone app', standalone_features)
group = opt.get_option_group("optional features")
type = 'string',
dest = 'LUA_VER',
help = "select Lua package which should be autodetected. Choices: 51 51deb 51fbsd 52 52deb 52fbsd luajit")
def is_optimization(ctx):
return getattr(ctx.options, 'enable_optimize')
def is_debug_build(ctx):
return getattr(ctx.options, 'enable_debug-build')
def configure(ctx):
target = os.environ.get('TARGET')
(cc, pkg_config, ar, windres) = ('cc', 'pkg-config', 'ar', 'windres')
if target:
cc = '-'.join([target, 'gcc'])
pkg_config = '-'.join([target, pkg_config])
ar = '-'.join([target, ar])
windres = '-'.join([target, windres])
ctx.find_program(cc, var='CC')
ctx.find_program(pkg_config, var='PKG_CONFIG')
ctx.find_program(ar, var='AR')
ctx.find_program('perl', var='BIN_PERL')
ctx.find_program('rst2man', var='RST2MAN', mandatory=False)
ctx.find_program('rst2pdf', var='RST2PDF', mandatory=False)
ctx.find_program(windres, var='WINDRES', mandatory=False)
for ident, _, _ in _INSTALL_DIRS_LIST:
varname = ident.upper()
ctx.env[varname] = getattr(ctx.options, ident)
# keep substituting vars, until the paths are fully expanded
while re.match('\$\{([^}]+)\}', ctx.env[varname]):
ctx.env[varname] = Utils.subst_vars(ctx.env[varname], ctx.env)
if ctx.options.LUA_VER:
ctx.options.enable_lua = True
if not ctx.dependency_satisfied('build-date'):
if ctx.dependency_satisfied('clang-database'):
def build(ctx):
if ctx.options.variant not in ctx.all_envs:
from waflib import Errors
raise Errors.WafError(
'The project was not configured: run "waf --variant={0} configure" first!'
def init(ctx):
from waflib.Build import BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext
for y in (BuildContext, CleanContext, InstallContext, UninstallContext):
class tmp(y):
variant = ctx.options.variant
# This is needed because waf initializes the ConfigurationContext with
# an arbitrary setenv('') which would rewrite the previous configuration
# cache for the default variant if the configure step finishes.
# Ideally ConfigurationContext should just let us override this at class
# level like the other Context subclasses do with variant
from waflib.Configure import ConfigurationContext
class cctx(ConfigurationContext):
def resetenv(self, name):
self.all_envs = {}