mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-09 07:38:22 +00:00
Stefano Pigozzi 90e3e99021 build: fix Lua detection
We need to manually define the flag since we are using a separate identifier
for each of the Lua checks. This was done before 9b45b48 by the composed check
with a define_key (see waftools/checks/generic.py).

The pkg-config check was the only one to not redefine a define key because Waf
already does that automatically when we call the generated function with the
same identifier as the generator function. Now if they are called with two
different arguments we will get two different definitions.

Fixes #1218
2014-10-25 23:05:50 +02:00

168 lines
5.8 KiB

import os
from inflectors import DependencyInflector
from waflib.ConfigSet import ConfigSet
from waflib import Utils
__all__ = [
"check_pkg_config", "check_cc", "check_statement", "check_libs",
"check_headers", "compose_checks", "check_true", "any_version",
"load_fragment", "check_stub", "check_ctx_vars", "check_program"]
any_version = None
def even(n):
return n % 2 == 0
def __define_options__(dependency_identifier):
return DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_dict()
def __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, *args):
options_accu = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).storage_dict()
options_accu['mandatory'] = False
[options_accu.update(arg) for arg in args if arg]
return options_accu
def _filter_cc_arguments(ctx, opts):
if ctx.env.DEST_OS != Utils.unversioned_sys_platform():
# cross compiling, remove execute=True if present
if opts.get('execute'):
opts['execute'] = False
return opts
def check_program(name, var):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
return ctx.find_program(name, var=var, mandatory=False)
return fn
def check_libs(libs, function):
libs = [None] + libs
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
for lib in libs:
kwargs = lib and {'lib': lib} or {}
if function(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kwargs):
return True
return False
return fn
def check_statement(header, statement, **kw_ext):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
headers = header
if not isinstance(headers, list):
headers = [header]
hs = "\n".join(["#include <{0}>".format(h) for h in headers])
fragment = ("{0}\n"
"int main(int argc, char **argv)\n"
"{{ {1}; return 0; }}").format(hs, statement)
opts = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier,
kw_ext, kw)
return ctx.check_cc(**_filter_cc_arguments(ctx, opts))
return fn
def check_cc(**kw_ext):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
options = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier,
kw_ext, kw)
return ctx.check_cc(**_filter_cc_arguments(ctx, options))
return fn
def check_pkg_config(*args, **kw_ext):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier, **kw):
argsl = list(args)
packages = args[::2]
verchecks = args[1::2]
sargs = []
for i in range(0, len(packages)):
if i < len(verchecks):
sargs.append(packages[i] + ' ' + verchecks[i])
pkgc_args = ["--libs", "--cflags"]
if ctx.dependency_satisfied('static-build'):
pkgc_args += ["--static"]
defaults = {
'path': ctx.env.PKG_CONFIG,
'package': " ".join(packages),
'args': sargs + pkgc_args }
opts = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, defaults, kw_ext, kw)
# Warning! Megahack incoming: when parsing flags in `parse_flags` waf
# uses append_unique. This appends the flags only if they aren't
# already present in the list. This causes breakage if one checks for
# multiple pkg-config packages in a single call as stuff like -lm is
# added only at its first occurrence.
original_append_unique = ConfigSet.append_unique
ConfigSet.append_unique = ConfigSet.append_value
result = bool(ctx.check_cfg(**opts))
ConfigSet.append_unique = original_append_unique
defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key()
if result:
ctx.define(defkey, 1)
return result
return fn
def check_headers(*headers):
def undef_others(ctx, headers, found):
not_found_hs = set(headers) - set([found])
for not_found_h in not_found_hs:
defkey = DependencyInflector(not_found_h).define_key()
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
for header in headers:
defaults = {'header_name': header, 'features': 'c cprogram'}
options = __merge_options__(dependency_identifier, defaults)
if ctx.check(**options):
undef_others(ctx, headers, header)
defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key()
ctx.define(defkey, 1)
return True
undef_others(ctx, headers, None)
return False
return fn
def check_true(ctx, dependency_identifier):
defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key()
ctx.define(defkey, 1)
return True
def check_ctx_vars(*variables):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
missing = []
for variable in variables:
if variable not in ctx.env:
if any(missing):
'missing {0}'.format(', '.join(missing)))
return False
return True
return fn
def check_stub(ctx, dependency_identifier):
defkey = DependencyInflector(dependency_identifier).define_key()
return False
def compose_checks(*checks):
def fn(ctx, dependency_identifier):
return all([check(ctx, dependency_identifier) for check in checks])
return fn
def load_fragment(fragment):
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'fragments',
fp = open(file_path,"r")
fragment_code = fp.read()
return fragment_code