mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-02-02 13:12:05 +00:00
der richter 93d071dbd8 mac: fix a window positioning bug when exiting fullscreen
when exiting fullscreen we set the window frame to a aspect fit frame of
the fullscreen frame to prevent aspect ration problems when animating.
though that intermediate frame was set too early and before the system
knew we already exited the fullscreen. because of that the frame we set
could not be properly set and its origin was defaulted to the bottom
left corner for exactly one display refresh and only after that the
wanted frame was set. this led to a (dark) grey area on the right or
top depending on the aspect ratio difference of the screen and video.

to prevent this set the intermediate frame in the animation group to
make it sync with the system's fullscreen behaviour.

Fixes #8371
2020-12-19 15:44:59 +01:00

256 lines
9.3 KiB

* This file is part of mpv.
* mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import Cocoa
class TitleBar: NSVisualEffectView {
unowned var common: Common
var mpv: MPVHelper? { get { return common.mpv } }
var systemBar: NSView? {
get { return common.window?.standardWindowButton(.closeButton)?.superview }
static var height: CGFloat {
get { return NSWindow.frameRect(forContentRect: CGRect.zero, styleMask: .titled).size.height }
var buttons: [NSButton] {
get { return ([.closeButton, .miniaturizeButton, .zoomButton] as [NSWindow.ButtonType]).compactMap { common.window?.standardWindowButton($0) } }
override var material: NSVisualEffectView.Material {
get { return super.material }
set {
super.material = newValue
// fix for broken deprecated materials
if material == .light || material == .dark {
state = .active
} else if #available(macOS 10.11, *),
material == .mediumLight || material == .ultraDark
state = .active
} else {
state = .followsWindowActiveState
init(frame: NSRect, window: NSWindow, common com: Common) {
let f = NSMakeRect(0, frame.size.height - TitleBar.height,
frame.size.width, TitleBar.height)
common = com
super.init(frame: f)
buttons.forEach { $0.isHidden = true }
isHidden = true
alphaValue = 0
blendingMode = .withinWindow
autoresizingMask = [.width, .minYMargin]
systemBar?.alphaValue = 0
state = .followsWindowActiveState
wantsLayer = true
window.contentView?.addSubview(self, positioned: .above, relativeTo: nil)
window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
set(appearance: Int(mpv?.macOpts.macos_title_bar_appearance ?? 0))
set(material: Int(mpv?.macOpts.macos_title_bar_material ?? 0))
set(color: mpv?.macOpts.macos_title_bar_color ?? "#00000000")
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
// catch these events so they are not propagated to the underlying view
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) { }
override func mouseUp(with event: NSEvent) {
if event.clickCount > 1 {
let def = UserDefaults.standard
var action = def.string(forKey: "AppleActionOnDoubleClick")
// macOS 10.10 and earlier
if action == nil {
action = def.bool(forKey: "AppleMiniaturizeOnDoubleClick") == true ?
"Minimize" : "Maximize"
if action == "Minimize" {
} else if action == "Maximize" {
common.window?.isMoving = false
func set(appearance: Any) {
if appearance is Int {
window?.appearance = appearanceFrom(string: String(appearance as? Int ?? 0))
} else {
window?.appearance = appearanceFrom(string: appearance as? String ?? "auto")
func set(material: Any) {
if material is Int {
self.material = materialFrom(string: String(material as? Int ?? 0))
} else {
self.material = materialFrom(string: material as? String ?? "titlebar")
func set(color: Any) {
if color is String {
layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(hex: color as? String ?? "#00000000").cgColor
} else {
let col = color as? m_color ?? m_color(r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0)
let red = CGFloat(col.r)/255
let green = CGFloat(col.g)/255
let blue = CGFloat(col.b)/255
let alpha = CGFloat(col.a)/255
layer?.backgroundColor = NSColor(calibratedRed: red, green: green,
blue: blue, alpha: alpha).cgColor
func show() {
guard let window = common.window else { return }
if !window.border && !window.isInFullscreen { return }
let loc = common.view?.convert(window.mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream, from: nil)
buttons.forEach { $0.isHidden = false }
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
context.duration = 0.20
systemBar?.animator().alphaValue = 1
if !window.isInFullscreen && !window.isAnimating {
animator().alphaValue = 1
isHidden = false
}, completionHandler: nil )
if loc?.y ?? 0 > TitleBar.height {
} else {
NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self, selector: #selector(hide), object: nil)
@objc func hide(_ duration: TimeInterval = 0.20) {
guard let window = common.window else { return }
if window.isInFullscreen && !window.isAnimating {
alphaValue = 0
isHidden = true
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) -> Void in
context.duration = duration
systemBar?.animator().alphaValue = 0
animator().alphaValue = 0
}, completionHandler: {
self.buttons.forEach { $0.isHidden = true }
self.isHidden = true
func hideDelayed() {
NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self,
selector: #selector(hide),
object: nil)
perform(#selector(hide), with: nil, afterDelay: 0.5)
func appearanceFrom(string: String) -> NSAppearance? {
switch string {
case "1", "aqua":
return NSAppearance(named: .aqua)
case "3", "vibrantLight":
return NSAppearance(named: .vibrantLight)
case "4", "vibrantDark":
return NSAppearance(named: .vibrantDark)
default: break
if #available(macOS 10.14, *) {
switch string {
case "2", "darkAqua":
return NSAppearance(named: .darkAqua)
case "5", "aquaHighContrast":
return NSAppearance(named: .accessibilityHighContrastAqua)
case "6", "darkAquaHighContrast":
return NSAppearance(named: .accessibilityHighContrastDarkAqua)
case "7", "vibrantLightHighContrast":
return NSAppearance(named: .accessibilityHighContrastVibrantLight)
case "8", "vibrantDarkHighContrast":
return NSAppearance(named: .accessibilityHighContrastVibrantDark)
case "0", "auto": fallthrough
return nil
let style = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "AppleInterfaceStyle")
return appearanceFrom(string: style == nil ? "aqua" : "vibrantDark")
func materialFrom(string: String) -> NSVisualEffectView.Material {
switch string {
case "1", "selection": return .selection
case "0", "titlebar": return .titlebar
case "14", "dark": return .dark
case "15", "light": return .light
default: break
if #available(macOS 10.11, *) {
switch string {
case "2,", "menu": return .menu
case "3", "popover": return .popover
case "4", "sidebar": return .sidebar
case "16", "mediumLight": return .mediumLight
case "17", "ultraDark": return .ultraDark
default: break
if #available(macOS 10.14, *) {
switch string {
case "5,", "headerView": return .headerView
case "6", "sheet": return .sheet
case "7", "windowBackground": return .windowBackground
case "8", "hudWindow": return .hudWindow
case "9", "fullScreen": return .fullScreenUI
case "10", "toolTip": return .toolTip
case "11", "contentBackground": return .contentBackground
case "12", "underWindowBackground": return .underWindowBackground
case "13", "underPageBackground": return .underPageBackground
default: break
return .titlebar