mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-02-22 07:46:55 +00:00
der richter e3972746dc osxbundle: remove rpath definitions towards dev tools
since the loading order of rpaths is system wide lib path, dev tool path
and then bundle lib path it's possible for the xcode swift libs to be
incompatible with the libs the bundle was build with. this leads to
possible segfaults. if we distribute the bundle we don't want to load
the libs from the dev tools anyway.
2019-09-22 17:07:51 +03:00

145 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import os
import sys
import shutil
import subprocess
from functools import partial
sys_re = re.compile("^/System")
usr_re = re.compile("^/usr/lib/")
exe_re = re.compile("@executable_path")
def is_user_lib(objfile, libname):
return not sys_re.match(libname) and \
not usr_re.match(libname) and \
not exe_re.match(libname) and \
not "libobjc." in libname and \
not "libSystem." in libname and \
not "libc." in libname and \
not "libgcc." in libname and \
not os.path.basename(libname) == 'Python' and \
not os.path.basename(objfile) in libname and \
not "libswift" in libname
def otool(objfile):
command = "otool -L '%s' | grep -e '\t' | awk '{ print $1 }'" % objfile
output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell = True, universal_newlines=True)
return set(filter(partial(is_user_lib, objfile), output.split()))
def get_rpaths_dev_tools(binary):
command = "otool -l '%s' | grep -A2 LC_RPATH | grep path | grep \"Xcode\|CommandLineTools\"" % binary
result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell = True, universal_newlines=True)
pathRe = re.compile("^\s*path (.*) \(offset \d*\)$")
output = []
for line in result.splitlines():
return output
def install_name_tool_change(old, new, objfile):
subprocess.call(["install_name_tool", "-change", old, new, objfile])
def install_name_tool_id(name, objfile):
subprocess.call(["install_name_tool", "-id", name, objfile])
def install_name_tool_add_rpath(rpath, binary):
subprocess.call(["install_name_tool", "-add_rpath", rpath, binary])
def install_name_tool_delete_rpath(rpath, binary):
subprocess.call(["install_name_tool", "-delete_rpath", rpath, binary])
def libraries(objfile, result = dict()):
libs_list = otool(objfile)
result[objfile] = libs_list
for lib in libs_list:
if lib not in result:
libraries(lib, result)
return result
def leafs(libs_dict, processed = []):
result = []
processed = set(processed)
for objfile, libs in libs_dict.items():
if libs <= processed:
return result
def lib_path(binary):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(binary), 'lib')
def lib_name(lib):
return os.path.join("@executable_path", "lib", os.path.basename(lib))
def process_libraries(libs_dict, binary, processed = []):
ls = leafs(libs_dict, processed)
diff = set(ls) - set(processed)
if diff == set([binary]):
for src in diff:
name = lib_name(src)
dst = os.path.join(lib_path(binary), os.path.basename(src))
shutil.copy(src, dst)
os.chmod(dst, 0o755)
install_name_tool_id(name, dst)
if src in libs_dict[binary]:
install_name_tool_change(src, name, binary)
for p in processed:
if p in libs_dict[src]:
install_name_tool_change(p, lib_name(p), dst)
return ls
def process_swift_libraries(binary):
command = ['xcrun', '--find', 'swift-stdlib-tool']
swiftStdlibTool = subprocess.check_output(command, universal_newlines=True).strip()
# from xcode11 on the dynamic swift libs reside in a separate directory from
# the std one, might need versioned paths for future swift versions
swiftLibPath = os.path.join(swiftStdlibTool, '../../lib/swift-5.0/macosx')
swiftLibPath = os.path.abspath(swiftLibPath)
command = [swiftStdlibTool, '--copy', '--platform', 'macosx', '--scan-executable', binary, '--destination', lib_path(binary)]
if os.path.exists(swiftLibPath):
command.extend(['--source-libraries', swiftLibPath])
subprocess.check_output(command, universal_newlines=True)
print(">> setting additional rpath for swift libraries")
install_name_tool_add_rpath("@executable_path/lib", binary)
def remove_dev_tools_rapths(binary):
for path in get_rpaths_dev_tools(binary):
install_name_tool_delete_rpath(path, binary)
def main():
binary = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
if not os.path.exists(lib_path(binary)):
print(">> gathering all linked libraries")
libs = libraries(binary)
print(">> copying and processing all linked libraries")
libs_processed = process_libraries(libs, binary)
while libs_processed is not None:
libs_processed = process_libraries(libs, binary, libs_processed)
print(">> removing rpath definitions towards dev tools")
print(">> copying and processing swift libraries")
if __name__ == "__main__":