mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-09 23:58:06 +00:00
wm4 f569d245ba core: allow changing filter filters at runtime
Add the "vf" command, which allows changing the video filter chain at
runtime. For example, the 'y' key could be bound to toggle deinterlacing
by adding 'y vf toggle yadif' to the input.conf.

Reconfiguring the video filter chain normally resets the VO, so that it
will be "stuck" until a new video frame is rendered. To mitigate this, a
seek to the current position is issued when the filter chain is changed.
This is done only if playback is paused, because normal playback will
show an actual new frame quickly enough.

If vdpau hardware decoding is used, filter insertion (whether it fails
or not) will break the video for a while. This is because vo_vdpau
resets decoding related things on vo_config().
2013-05-18 17:45:54 +02:00

335 lines
11 KiB

* This file is part of MPlayer.
* MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "core/options.h"
#include "sub/subreader.h"
#include "sub/find_subfiles.h"
#include "audio/mixer.h"
#include "demux/demux.h"
// definitions used internally by the core player code
#define INITIALIZED_SUB 4096
enum stop_play_reason {
KEEP_PLAYING = 0, // must be 0, numeric values of others do not matter
AT_END_OF_FILE, // file has ended normally, prepare to play next
PT_NEXT_ENTRY, // prepare to play next entry in playlist
PT_CURRENT_ENTRY, // prepare to play mpctx->playlist->current
PT_STOP, // stop playback, clear playlist
PT_RESTART, // restart previous file
PT_QUIT, // stop playback, quit player
enum exit_reason {
struct timeline_part {
double start;
double source_start;
struct demuxer *source;
struct chapter {
double start;
char *name;
enum mp_osd_seek_info {
struct track {
enum stream_type type;
// The type specific ID, also called aid (audio), sid (subs), vid (video).
// For UI purposes only; this ID doesn't have anything to do with any
// IDs coming from demuxers or container files.
int user_tid;
// Same as stream->demuxer_id. -1 if not set.
int demuxer_id;
char *title;
bool default_track;
bool attached_picture;
char *lang;
// If this track is from an external file (e.g. subtitle file).
bool is_external;
char *external_filename;
bool auto_loaded;
// If the track's stream changes with the timeline (ordered chapters).
bool under_timeline;
// NULL if not backed by a demuxer (e.g. external subtitles).
// Value can change if under_timeline==true.
struct demuxer *demuxer;
// Invariant: (!demuxer && !stream) || stream->demuxer == demuxer
struct sh_stream *stream;
// NOTE: demuxer subtitles, i.e. if stream!=NULL, do not use the following
// fields. The data is stored in stream->sub this case.
// External text subtitle using libass subtitle renderer.
// The sh_sub is a dummy and doesn't belong to a demuxer.
struct sh_sub *sh_sub;
// External text subtitle using non-libass subtitle renderer.
struct sub_data *subdata;
enum {
typedef struct MPContext {
struct MPOpts opts;
struct m_config *mconfig;
struct mp_fifo *key_fifo;
struct input_ctx *input;
struct osd_state *osd;
struct mp_osd_msg *osd_msg_stack;
char *terminal_osd_text;
subtitle subs; // subtitle list used when reading subtitles from demuxer
int add_osd_seek_info; // bitfield of enum mp_osd_seek_info
unsigned int osd_visible; // for the osd bar only
int osd_function;
unsigned int osd_function_visible;
struct playlist *playlist;
char *filename; // currently playing file
struct mp_resolve_result *resolve_result;
enum stop_play_reason stop_play;
unsigned int initialized_flags; // which subsystems have been initialized
// Return code to use with PT_QUIT
int quit_player_rc;
struct demuxer **sources;
int num_sources;
struct timeline_part *timeline;
int num_timeline_parts;
int timeline_part;
// NOTE: even if num_chapters==0, chapters being not NULL signifies presence
// of chapter metadata
struct chapter *chapters;
int num_chapters;
double video_offset;
struct stream *stream;
struct demuxer *demuxer;
struct track **tracks;
int num_tracks;
// Selected tracks. NULL if no track selected.
struct track *current_track[STREAM_TYPE_COUNT];
struct sh_stream *sh[STREAM_TYPE_COUNT];
struct sh_audio *sh_audio; // same as sh[STREAM_AUDIO]->audio
struct sh_video *sh_video; // same as sh[STREAM_VIDEO]->video
struct sh_sub *sh_sub; // same as sh[STREAM_SUB]->sub
// Uses: accessing metadata (consider ordered chapters case, where the main
// demuxer defines metadata), or special purpose demuxers like TV.
struct demuxer *master_demuxer;
mixer_t mixer;
struct ao *ao;
struct vo *video_out;
/* We're starting playback from scratch or after a seek. Show first
* video frame immediately and reinitialize sync. */
bool restart_playback;
/* After playback restart (above) or audio stream change, adjust audio
* stream by cutting samples or adding silence at the beginning to make
* audio playback position match video position. */
bool syncing_audio;
bool hrseek_active;
bool hrseek_framedrop;
double hrseek_pts;
// AV sync: the next frame should be shown when the audio out has this
// much (in seconds) buffered data left. Increased when more data is
// written to the ao, decreased when moving to the next frame.
// In the audio-only case used as a timer since the last seek
// by the audio CPU usage meter.
double delay;
// AV sync: time until next frame should be shown
float time_frame;
// How long the last vo flip() call took. Used to adjust timing with
// the goal of making flip() calls finish (rather than start) at the
// specified time.
float last_vo_flip_duration;
// How much video timing has been changed to make it match the audio
// timeline. Used for status line information only.
double total_avsync_change;
// Total number of dropped frames that were "approved" to be dropped.
// Actual dropping depends on --framedrop and decoder internals.
int drop_frame_cnt;
// Number of frames dropped in a row.
int dropped_frames;
// A-V sync difference when last frame was displayed. Kept to display
// the same value if the status line is updated at a time where no new
// video frame is shown.
double last_av_difference;
/* timestamp of video frame currently visible on screen
* (or at least queued to be flipped by VO) */
double video_pts;
double last_seek_pts;
// As video_pts, but is not reset when seeking away. (For the very short
// period of time until a new frame is decoded and shown.)
double last_vo_pts;
// Video PTS, or audio PTS if video has ended.
double playback_pts;
// History of video frames timestamps that were queued in the VO
// This includes even skipped frames during hr-seek
double vo_pts_history_pts[MAX_NUM_VO_PTS];
// Whether the PTS at vo_pts_history[n] is after a seek reset
uint64_t vo_pts_history_seek[MAX_NUM_VO_PTS];
uint64_t vo_pts_history_seek_ts;
uint64_t backstep_start_seek_ts;
bool backstep_active;
float audio_delay;
unsigned int last_heartbeat;
// used to prevent hanging in some error cases
unsigned int start_timestamp;
// Timestamp from the last time some timing functions read the
// current time, in (occasionally wrapping) microseconds. Used
// to turn a new time value to a delta from last time.
unsigned int last_time;
// Used to communicate the parameters of a seek between parts
struct seek_params {
enum seek_type {
} type;
double amount;
int exact; // -1 = disable, 0 = default, 1 = enable
// currently not set by commands, only used internally by seek()
int direction; // -1 = backward, 0 = default, 1 = forward
} seek;
/* Heuristic for relative chapter seeks: keep track which chapter
* the user wanted to go to, even if we aren't exactly within the
* boundaries of that chapter due to an inaccurate seek. */
int last_chapter_seek;
double last_chapter_pts;
struct ass_library *ass_library;
int last_dvb_step;
int dvbin_reopen;
bool paused;
// step this many frames, then pause
int step_frames;
// Counted down each frame, stop playback if 0 is reached. (-1 = disable)
int max_frames;
bool playing_msg_shown;
bool paused_for_cache;
// Set after showing warning about decoding being too slow for realtime
// playback rate. Used to avoid showing it multiple times.
bool drop_message_shown;
struct screenshot_ctx *screenshot_ctx;
char *track_layout_hash;
struct encode_lavc_context *encode_lavc_ctx;
} MPContext;
// should not be global
extern FILE *edl_fd;
// These appear in options list
extern int forced_subs_only;
void uninit_player(struct MPContext *mpctx, unsigned int mask);
void reinit_audio_chain(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void init_vo_spudec(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double playing_audio_pts(struct MPContext *mpctx);
struct track *mp_add_subtitles(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *filename,
float fps, int noerr);
int reinit_video_chain(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int reinit_video_filters(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void pause_player(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void unpause_player(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void add_step_frame(struct MPContext *mpctx, int dir);
void queue_seek(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum seek_type type, double amount,
int exact);
bool mp_seek_chapter(struct MPContext *mpctx, int chapter);
double get_time_length(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double get_start_time(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double get_current_time(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int get_percent_pos(struct MPContext *mpctx);
double get_current_pos_ratio(struct MPContext *mpctx);
int get_current_chapter(struct MPContext *mpctx);
char *chapter_display_name(struct MPContext *mpctx, int chapter);
char *chapter_name(struct MPContext *mpctx, int chapter);
double chapter_start_time(struct MPContext *mpctx, int chapter);
int get_chapter_count(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void mp_switch_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum stream_type type,
struct track *track);
struct track *mp_track_by_tid(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum stream_type type,
int tid);
bool mp_remove_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track);
struct playlist_entry *mp_next_file(struct MPContext *mpctx, int direction);
int mp_get_cache_percent(struct MPContext *mpctx);
void mp_write_watch_later_conf(struct MPContext *mpctx);
// timeline/tl_matroska.c
void build_ordered_chapter_timeline(struct MPContext *mpctx);
// timeline/tl_edl.c
void build_edl_timeline(struct MPContext *mpctx);
// timeline/tl_cue.c
void build_cue_timeline(struct MPContext *mpctx);
#endif /* MPLAYER_MP_CORE_H */