mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 11:20:56 +00:00
Something like the OSD menu functionality could be useful. However the current implementation has several problems and would require a relatively large amount of work to get into good shape. As far as I know there are few users of the existing functionality. Nobody is working on the existing code and keeping it compiling at all while changing other code would require extra work. So delete the menu code and some related code elsewhere that's used by nothing else.
299 lines
8.5 KiB
299 lines
8.5 KiB
%define date %(date --iso)
%define svnbuild %(date +%Y%m%d)
%define codecsdir %{_libdir}/codecs
Name: mplayer
Version: 1.0
Release: 0.%{svnbuild}svn%{?dist}
Summary: Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
Group: Applications/Multimedia
License: GPL
URL: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/
Source0: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/mplayer-export-snapshot.tar.bz2
Source1: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/skins/Blue-1.7.tar.bz2
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: SDL-devel
BuildRequires: aalib-devel
BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
BuildRequires: cdparanoia-devel
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: em8300-devel
BuildRequires: enca-devel
BuildRequires: faad2-devel
BuildRequires: fontconfig-devel
BuildRequires: freetype-devel >= 2.0.9
BuildRequires: fribidi-devel
BuildRequires: giflib-devel
BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
BuildRequires: ladspa-devel
BuildRequires: lame-devel
BuildRequires: libGL-devel
BuildRequires: libXinerama-devel
BuildRequires: libXv-devel
BuildRequires: libXxf86dga-devel
BuildRequires: libXxf86vm-devel
BuildRequires: libcaca-devel
BuildRequires: libdca-devel
BuildRequires: libdv-devel
BuildRequires: libdvdnav-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires: libmpcdec-devel
BuildRequires: libtheora-devel
BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel
BuildRequires: lirc-devel
BuildRequires: live-devel
BuildRequires: lzo-devel >= 2
BuildRequires: speex-devel >= 1.1
BuildRequires: xvidcore-devel >= 0.9.2
%{?_with_arts:BuildRequires: arts-devel}
%{?_with_amr:BuildRequires: amrnb-devel amrwb-devel}
%{?_with_directfb:BuildRequires: directfb-devel}
%{?_with_esound:BuildRequires: esound-devel}
%{?_with_jack:BuildRequires: jack-audio-connection-kit-devel}
%{?_with_libmad:BuildRequires: libmad-devel}
%{?_with_openal:BuildRequires: openal-devel}
%{?_with_samba:BuildRequires: samba-common}
%{?_with_svgalib:BuildRequires: svgalib-devel}
%{?_with_xmms:BuildRequires: xmms-devel}
# for XML docs, SVN only
BuildRequires: docbook-dtds
BuildRequires: docbook-style-xsl
BuildRequires: libxml2
BuildRequires: libxslt
MPlayer is a movie player that plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, OGG/OGM,
VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM,
RoQ, and PVA files. You can also use it to watch VCDs, SVCDs, DVDs,
3ivx, RealMedia, and DivX movies.
It supports a wide range of output drivers including X11, XVideo, DGA,
OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, AAlib, DirectFB etc. There are also nice
antialiased shaded subtitles and OSD.
Non-default rpmbuild options:
--with samba: Enable Samba (smb://) support
--with xmms: Enable XMMS input plugin support
--with amr: Enable AMR support
--with libmad: Enable libmad support
--with openal: Enable OpenAL support
--with jack: Enable JACK support
--with arts: Enable aRts support
--with esound: Enable EsounD support
--with directfb:Enable DirectFB support
--with svgalib: Enable SVGAlib support
%package gui
Summary: GUI for MPlayer
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mplayer = %{version}-%{release}
%description gui
This package contains a GUI for MPlayer and a default skin for it.
%package doc
Summary: MPlayer documentation in various languages
Group: Documentation
%description doc
MPlayer documentation in various languages.
%setup -q -n mplayer-export-%{date}
doconv() {
iconv -f $1 -t $2 -o DOCS/man/$3/mplayer.1.utf8 DOCS/man/$3/mplayer.1 && \
mv DOCS/man/$3/mplayer.1.utf8 DOCS/man/$3/mplayer.1
for lang in de es fr it ; do doconv iso-8859-1 utf-8 $lang ; done
for lang in hu pl ; do doconv iso-8859-2 utf-8 $lang ; done
for lang in ru ; do doconv koi8-r utf-8 $lang ; done
mv DOCS/man/zh DOCS/man/zh_CN
./configure \
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--bindir=%{_bindir} \
--datadir=%{_datadir}/mplayer \
--mandir=%{_mandir} \
--confdir=%{_sysconfdir}/mplayer \
--libdir=%{_libdir} \
--codecsdir=%{codecsdir} \
--enable-gui \
--disable-termcap \
--disable-bitmap-font \
--enable-lirc \
--enable-joystick \
%{!?_with_samba:--disable-smb} \
--disable-dvdread-internal \
--disable-libdvdcss-internal \
%{!?_with_amr:--disable-libamr_nb --disable-libamr_wb} \
%{!?_with_libmad:--disable-mad} \
%{?_with_xmms:--enable-xmms} \
--disable-svga \
--%{?_with_directfb:enable}%{!?_with_directfb:disable}-directfb \
%{!?_with_svgalib:--disable-svga} \
%{!?_with_arts:--disable-arts} \
%{!?_with_esound:--disable-esd} \
%{!?_with_jack:--disable-jack} \
%{!?_with_openal:--disable-openal} \
--language=all \
%{?_with_xmms:--with-xmmslibdir=%{_libdir}} \
mv -f mplayer gmplayer
%{__make} distclean
./configure \
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--bindir=%{_bindir} \
--datadir=%{_datadir}/mplayer \
--mandir=%{_mandir} \
--confdir=%{_sysconfdir}/mplayer \
--libdir=%{_libdir} \
--codecsdir=%{codecsdir} \
--disable-termcap \
--disable-bitmap-font \
--enable-lirc \
--enable-joystick \
%{!?_with_samba:--disable-smb} \
--disable-dvdread-internal \
--disable-libdvdcss-internal \
%{!?_with_amr:--disable-libamr_nb --disable-libamr_wb} \
%{!?_with_libmad:--disable-mad} \
%{?_with_xmms:--enable-xmms} \
--disable-svga \
--%{?_with_directfb:enable}%{!?_with_directfb:disable}-directfb \
%{!?_with_svgalib:--disable-svga} \
%{!?_with_arts:--disable-arts} \
%{!?_with_esound:--disable-esd} \
%{!?_with_jack:--disable-jack} \
%{!?_with_openal:--disable-openal} \
--language=all \
%{?_with_xmms:--with-xmmslibdir=%{_libdir}} \
# build HTML documentation from XML files
pushd DOCS/xml
%{__make} html-chunked
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT doc
install -pm 755 TOOLS/midentify.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/
# Clean up documentation
mkdir doc
cp -pR DOCS/* doc/
rm -r doc/man doc/xml doc/README
mv doc/HTML/* doc/
rm -rf doc/HTML
# Default config files
install -Dpm 644 etc/example.conf \
# use Nimbus Sans L font for OSD (via fontconfig)
echo "fontconfig=yes" >>$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mplayer/mplayer.conf
echo "font=\"Sans\"" >>$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mplayer/mplayer.conf
# GUI mplayer
install -pm 755 g%{name} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/
# Default skin
install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mplayer/skins
tar xjC $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mplayer/skins --exclude=.svn -f %{SOURCE1}
ln -s Blue $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mplayer/skins/default
# Icons
install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
install -pm 644 etc/mplayer.xpm \
# Desktop file
desktop-file-install \
--dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications \
# Codec dir
install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{codecsdir}
%post gui
gtk-update-icon-cache -qf %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
update-desktop-database &>/dev/null || :
%postun gui
gtk-update-icon-cache -qf %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
update-desktop-database &>/dev/null || :
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/mplayer
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mplayer/mplayer.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mplayer/input.conf
%dir %{codecsdir}/
%dir %{_datadir}/mplayer/
%lang(cs) %{_mandir}/cs/man1/mplayer.1*
%lang(de) %{_mandir}/de/man1/mplayer.1*
%lang(es) %{_mandir}/es/man1/mplayer.1*
%lang(fr) %{_mandir}/fr/man1/mplayer.1*
%lang(hu) %{_mandir}/hu/man1/mplayer.1*
%lang(it) %{_mandir}/it/man1/mplayer.1*
%lang(pl) %{_mandir}/pl/man1/mplayer.1*
%lang(ru) %{_mandir}/ru/man1/mplayer.1*
%lang(zh_CN) %{_mandir}/zh_CN/man1/mplayer.1*
%files gui
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
%files doc
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
%doc doc/en/ doc/tech/
%lang(cs) %doc doc/cs/
%lang(de) %doc doc/de/
%lang(es) %doc doc/es/
%lang(fr) %doc doc/fr/
%lang(hu) %doc doc/hu/
%lang(pl) %doc doc/pl/
%lang(ru) %doc doc/ru/
%lang(zh_CN) %doc doc/zh_CN/
* Sat Oct 06 2007 Dominik Mierzejewski <rpm at greysector.net>
- adapted livna specfile for inclusion in SVN