mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-03 12:47:49 +00:00
ranma b45565bdab Bigendian macro 10l
git-svn-id: svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk@12047 b3059339-0415-0410-9bf9-f77b7e298cf2
2004-03-19 20:06:30 +00:00

241 lines
9.0 KiB

#ifndef _aviheader_h
#define _aviheader_h
//#include "config.h" /* get correct definition WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
#include "bswap.h"
typedef struct _avisuperindex_entry {
uint64_t qwOffset; // absolute file offset
uint32_t dwSize; // size of index chunk at this offset
uint32_t dwDuration; // time span in stream ticks
} avisuperindex_entry;
typedef struct _avistdindex_entry {
uint32_t dwOffset; // qwBaseOffset + this is absolute file offset
uint32_t dwSize; // bit 31 is set if this is NOT a keyframe
} avistdindex_entry;
// Standard index
typedef struct _avistdindex_chunk {
char fcc[4]; // ix##
uint32_t dwSize; // size of this chunk
uint16_t wLongsPerEntry; // must be sizeof(aIndex[0])/sizeof(DWORD)
uint8_t bIndexSubType; // must be 0
uint8_t bIndexType; // must be AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS
uint32_t nEntriesInUse; // first unused entry
char dwChunkId[4]; // '##dc' or '##db' or '##wb' etc..
uint64_t qwBaseOffset; // all dwOffsets in aIndex array are relative to this
uint32_t dwReserved3; // must be 0
avistdindex_entry *aIndex; // the actual frames
} avistdindex_chunk;
// Base Index Form 'indx'
typedef struct _avisuperindex_chunk {
char fcc[4];
uint32_t dwSize; // size of this chunk
uint16_t wLongsPerEntry; // size of each entry in aIndex array (must be 4*4 for us)
uint8_t bIndexSubType; // future use. must be 0
uint8_t bIndexType; // one of AVI_INDEX_* codes
uint32_t nEntriesInUse; // index of first unused member in aIndex array
char dwChunkId[4]; // fcc of what is indexed
uint32_t dwReserved[3]; // meaning differs for each index type/subtype.
// 0 if unused
avisuperindex_entry *aIndex; // position of ix## chunks
avistdindex_chunk *stdidx; // the actual std indices
} avisuperindex_chunk;
typedef struct {
uint32_t CompressedBMHeight;
uint32_t CompressedBMWidth;
uint32_t ValidBMHeight;
uint32_t ValidBMWidth;
uint32_t ValidBMXOffset;
uint32_t ValidBMYOffset;
uint32_t VideoXOffsetInT;
uint32_t VideoYValidStartLine;
typedef struct {
uint32_t VideoFormatToken;
uint32_t VideoStandard;
uint32_t dwVerticalRefreshRate;
uint32_t dwHTotalInT;
uint32_t dwVTotalInLines;
uint32_t dwFrameAspectRatio;
uint32_t dwFrameWidthInPixels;
uint32_t dwFrameHeightInLines;
uint32_t nbFieldPerFrame;
} VideoPropHeader;
enum {
enum {
#define MAKE_AVI_ASPECT(a, b) (((a)<<16)|(b))
#define GET_AVI_ASPECT(a) ((float)((a)>>16)/(float)((a)&0xffff))
* Some macros to swap little endian structures read from an AVI file
* into machine endian format
#define le2me_MainAVIHeader(h) { \
(h)->dwMicroSecPerFrame = le2me_32((h)->dwMicroSecPerFrame); \
(h)->dwMaxBytesPerSec = le2me_32((h)->dwMaxBytesPerSec); \
(h)->dwPaddingGranularity = le2me_32((h)->dwPaddingGranularity); \
(h)->dwFlags = le2me_32((h)->dwFlags); \
(h)->dwTotalFrames = le2me_32((h)->dwTotalFrames); \
(h)->dwInitialFrames = le2me_32((h)->dwInitialFrames); \
(h)->dwStreams = le2me_32((h)->dwStreams); \
(h)->dwSuggestedBufferSize = le2me_32((h)->dwSuggestedBufferSize); \
(h)->dwWidth = le2me_32((h)->dwWidth); \
(h)->dwHeight = le2me_32((h)->dwHeight); \
#define le2me_AVIStreamHeader(h) { \
(h)->fccType = le2me_32((h)->fccType); \
(h)->fccHandler = le2me_32((h)->fccHandler); \
(h)->dwFlags = le2me_32((h)->dwFlags); \
(h)->wPriority = le2me_16((h)->wPriority); \
(h)->wLanguage = le2me_16((h)->wLanguage); \
(h)->dwInitialFrames = le2me_32((h)->dwInitialFrames); \
(h)->dwScale = le2me_32((h)->dwScale); \
(h)->dwRate = le2me_32((h)->dwRate); \
(h)->dwStart = le2me_32((h)->dwStart); \
(h)->dwLength = le2me_32((h)->dwLength); \
(h)->dwSuggestedBufferSize = le2me_32((h)->dwSuggestedBufferSize); \
(h)->dwQuality = le2me_32((h)->dwQuality); \
(h)->dwSampleSize = le2me_32((h)->dwSampleSize); \
le2me_RECT(&(h)->rcFrame); \
#define le2me_RECT(h) { \
(h)->left = le2me_16((h)->left); \
(h)->top = le2me_16((h)->top); \
(h)->right = le2me_16((h)->right); \
(h)->bottom = le2me_16((h)->bottom); \
#define le2me_BITMAPINFOHEADER(h) { \
(h)->biSize = le2me_32((h)->biSize); \
(h)->biWidth = le2me_32((h)->biWidth); \
(h)->biHeight = le2me_32((h)->biHeight); \
(h)->biPlanes = le2me_16((h)->biPlanes); \
(h)->biBitCount = le2me_16((h)->biBitCount); \
(h)->biCompression = le2me_32((h)->biCompression); \
(h)->biSizeImage = le2me_32((h)->biSizeImage); \
(h)->biXPelsPerMeter = le2me_32((h)->biXPelsPerMeter); \
(h)->biYPelsPerMeter = le2me_32((h)->biYPelsPerMeter); \
(h)->biClrUsed = le2me_32((h)->biClrUsed); \
(h)->biClrImportant = le2me_32((h)->biClrImportant); \
#define le2me_WAVEFORMATEX(h) { \
(h)->wFormatTag = le2me_16((h)->wFormatTag); \
(h)->nChannels = le2me_16((h)->nChannels); \
(h)->nSamplesPerSec = le2me_32((h)->nSamplesPerSec); \
(h)->nAvgBytesPerSec = le2me_32((h)->nAvgBytesPerSec); \
(h)->nBlockAlign = le2me_16((h)->nBlockAlign); \
(h)->wBitsPerSample = le2me_16((h)->wBitsPerSample); \
(h)->cbSize = le2me_16((h)->cbSize); \
#define le2me_AVIINDEXENTRY(h) { \
(h)->ckid = le2me_32((h)->ckid); \
(h)->dwFlags = le2me_32((h)->dwFlags); \
(h)->dwChunkOffset = le2me_32((h)->dwChunkOffset); \
(h)->dwChunkLength = le2me_32((h)->dwChunkLength); \
#define le2me_AVISTDIDXCHUNK(h) {\
char c; \
c = (h)->fcc[0]; (h)->fcc[0] = (h)->fcc[3]; (h)->fcc[3] = c; \
c = (h)->fcc[1]; (h)->fcc[1] = (h)->fcc[2]; (h)->fcc[2] = c; \
(h)->dwSize = le2me_32((h)->dwSize); \
(h)->wLongsPerEntry = le2me_16((h)->wLongsPerEntry); \
(h)->nEntriesInUse = le2me_32((h)->nEntriesInUse); \
c = (h)->dwChunkId[0]; (h)->dwChunkId[0] = (h)->dwChunkId[3]; (h)->dwChunkId[3] = c; \
c = (h)->dwChunkId[1]; (h)->dwChunkId[1] = (h)->dwChunkId[2]; (h)->dwChunkId[2] = c; \
(h)->qwBaseOffset = le2me_64((h)->qwBaseOffset); \
(h)->dwReserved3 = le2me_32((h)->dwReserved3); \
#define le2me_AVISTDIDXENTRY(h) {\
(h)->dwOffset = le2me_32((h)->dwOffset); \
(h)->dwSize = le2me_32((h)->dwSize); \
#define le2me_VideoPropHeader(h) { \
(h)->VideoFormatToken = le2me_32((h)->VideoFormatToken); \
(h)->VideoStandard = le2me_32((h)->VideoStandard); \
(h)->dwVerticalRefreshRate = le2me_32((h)->dwVerticalRefreshRate); \
(h)->dwHTotalInT = le2me_32((h)->dwHTotalInT); \
(h)->dwVTotalInLines = le2me_32((h)->dwVTotalInLines); \
(h)->dwFrameAspectRatio = le2me_32((h)->dwFrameAspectRatio); \
(h)->dwFrameWidthInPixels = le2me_32((h)->dwFrameWidthInPixels); \
(h)->dwFrameHeightInLines = le2me_32((h)->dwFrameHeightInLines); \
(h)->nbFieldPerFrame = le2me_32((h)->nbFieldPerFrame); \
#define le2me_VIDEO_FIELD_DESC(h) { \
(h)->CompressedBMHeight = le2me_32((h)->CompressedBMHeight); \
(h)->CompressedBMWidth = le2me_32((h)->CompressedBMWidth); \
(h)->ValidBMHeight = le2me_32((h)->ValidBMHeight); \
(h)->ValidBMWidth = le2me_32((h)->ValidBMWidth); \
(h)->ValidBMXOffset = le2me_32((h)->ValidBMXOffset); \
(h)->ValidBMYOffset = le2me_32((h)->ValidBMYOffset); \
(h)->VideoXOffsetInT = le2me_32((h)->VideoXOffsetInT); \
(h)->VideoYValidStartLine = le2me_32((h)->VideoYValidStartLine); \
#define le2me_MainAVIHeader(h) /**/
#define le2me_AVIStreamHeader(h) /**/
#define le2me_RECT(h) /**/
#define le2me_BITMAPINFOHEADER(h) /**/
#define le2me_WAVEFORMATEX(h) /**/
#define le2me_AVIINDEXENTRY(h) /**/
#define le2me_AVISTDIDXCHUNK(h) /**/
#define le2me_AVISTDIDXENTRY(h) /**/
#define le2me_VideoPropHeader(h) /**/
#define le2me_VIDEO_FIELD_DESC(h) /**/
typedef struct {
// index stuff:
void* idx;
int idx_size;
off_t idx_pos;
off_t idx_pos_a;
off_t idx_pos_v;
off_t idx_offset; // ennyit kell hozzaadni az index offset ertekekhez
// bps-based PTS stuff:
int video_pack_no;
int audio_block_size;
off_t audio_block_no;
// interleaved PTS stuff:
int skip_video_frames;
int audio_streams;
float avi_audio_pts;
float avi_video_pts;
float pts_correction;
unsigned int pts_corr_bytes;
unsigned char pts_corrected;
unsigned char pts_has_video;
unsigned int numberofframes;
avisuperindex_chunk *suidx;
int suidx_size;
int isodml;
} avi_priv_t;
#define AVI_PRIV ((avi_priv_t*)(demuxer->priv))
#define AVI_IDX_OFFSET(x) ((((uint64_t)(x)->dwFlags&0xffff0000)<<16)+(x)->dwChunkOffset)
#endif /* _aviheader_h */