
362 lines
11 KiB

FILM file parser for the MPlayer program
by Mike Melanson
Details of the FILM file format can be found at:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "mp_msg.h"
#include "help_mp.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "demuxer.h"
#include "stheader.h"
// chunk types found in a FILM file
#define CHUNK_FILM mmioFOURCC('F', 'I', 'L', 'M')
#define CHUNK_FDSC mmioFOURCC('F', 'D', 'S', 'C')
#define CHUNK_STAB mmioFOURCC('S', 'T', 'A', 'B')
typedef struct _film_chunk_t
off_t chunk_offset;
int chunk_size;
unsigned int syncinfo1;
unsigned int syncinfo2;
float pts;
} film_chunk_t;
typedef struct _film_data_t
unsigned int total_chunks;
unsigned int current_chunk;
film_chunk_t *chunks;
unsigned int chunks_per_second;
} film_data_t;
void demux_seek_film(demuxer_t *demuxer, float rel_seek_secs, int flags)
film_data_t *film_data = (film_data_t *)demuxer->priv;
int new_current_chunk;
// bit 2 of the flags apparently means that the seek is relative to
// the beginning of the file
if (flags & 1)
new_current_chunk =
rel_seek_secs * film_data->chunks_per_second;
new_current_chunk = film_data->current_chunk +
rel_seek_secs * film_data->chunks_per_second;
printf ("current, total chunks = %d, %d; seek %5.3f sec, new chunk guess = %d\n",
film_data->current_chunk, film_data->total_chunks,
rel_seek_secs, new_current_chunk);
// check if the new chunk number is valid
if (new_current_chunk < 0)
new_current_chunk = 0;
if ((unsigned int)new_current_chunk > film_data->total_chunks)
new_current_chunk = film_data->total_chunks - 1;
while (((film_data->chunks[new_current_chunk].syncinfo1 == 0xFFFFFFFF) ||
(film_data->chunks[new_current_chunk].syncinfo1 & 0x80000000)) &&
(new_current_chunk > 0))
film_data->current_chunk = new_current_chunk;
printf (" (flags = %X) actual new chunk = %d (syncinfo1 = %08X)\n",
flags, film_data->current_chunk, film_data->chunks[film_data->current_chunk].syncinfo1);
// return value:
// 0 = EOF or no stream found
// 1 = successfully read a packet
int demux_film_fill_buffer(demuxer_t *demuxer)
int i;
unsigned char byte_swap;
int cvid_size;
sh_video_t *sh_video = demuxer->video->sh;
sh_audio_t *sh_audio = demuxer->audio->sh;
film_data_t *film_data = (film_data_t *)demuxer->priv;
film_chunk_t film_chunk;
// see if the end has been reached
if (film_data->current_chunk >= film_data->total_chunks)
return 0;
film_chunk = film_data->chunks[film_data->current_chunk];
// position stream and fetch chunk
stream_seek(demuxer->stream, film_chunk.chunk_offset);
// load the chunks manually (instead of using ds_read_packet()), since
// they require some adjustment
// (all ones in syncinfo1 indicates an audio chunk)
if (film_chunk.syncinfo1 == 0xFFFFFFFF)
demux_packet_t* dp=new_demux_packet(film_chunk.chunk_size);
if (stream_read(demuxer->stream, dp->buffer, film_chunk.chunk_size) !=
return 0;
dp->pts = film_chunk.pts;
dp->pos = film_chunk.chunk_offset;
dp->flags = 0;
// adjust the data before queuing it:
// 8-bit: signed -> unsigned
// 16-bit: big-endian -> little-endian
if (sh_audio->wf->wBitsPerSample == 8)
for (i = 0; i < film_chunk.chunk_size; i++)
dp->buffer[i] += 128;
for (i = 0; i < film_chunk.chunk_size; i += 2)
byte_swap = dp->buffer[i];
dp->buffer[i] = dp->buffer[i + 1];
dp->buffer[i + 1] = byte_swap;
// append packet to DS stream
ds_add_packet(demuxer->audio, dp);
// if the demuxer is dealing with CVID data, deal with it a special way
if (sh_video->format == mmioFOURCC('c', 'v', 'i', 'd'))
// account for 2 extra bytes
demux_packet_t* dp=new_demux_packet(film_chunk.chunk_size - 2);
// these CVID data chunks appear to have 2 extra bytes; skip them
if (stream_read(demuxer->stream, dp->buffer, 10) != 10)
return 0;
stream_skip(demuxer->stream, 2);
if (stream_read(demuxer->stream, dp->buffer + 10,
film_chunk.chunk_size - 12) != (film_chunk.chunk_size - 12))
return 0;
dp->pts = film_chunk.pts;
dp->pos = film_chunk.chunk_offset;
dp->flags = (film_chunk.syncinfo1 & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0;
// fix the CVID chunk size by adding 6
cvid_size = (dp->buffer[1] << 16) | (dp->buffer[2] << 8) | dp->buffer[3];
cvid_size += 6;
dp->buffer[1] = (cvid_size >> 16) & 0xFF;
dp->buffer[2] = (cvid_size >> 8) & 0xFF;
dp->buffer[3] = (cvid_size >> 0) & 0xFF;
// append packet to DS stream
ds_add_packet(demuxer->video, dp);
ds_read_packet(demuxer->video, demuxer->stream, film_chunk.chunk_size,
film_chunk.chunk_offset, (film_chunk.syncinfo1 & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0);
return 1;
demuxer_t* demux_open_film(demuxer_t* demuxer)
sh_video_t *sh_video = NULL;
sh_audio_t *sh_audio = NULL;
film_data_t *film_data;
film_chunk_t film_chunk;
int header_size;
unsigned int chunk_type;
unsigned int chunk_size;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int video_format;
int audio_channels;
unsigned int film_version;
int counting_chunks;
unsigned int total_audio_bytes = 0;
film_data = (film_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(film_data_t));
film_data->total_chunks = 0;
film_data->current_chunk = 0;
film_data->chunks = NULL;
film_data->chunks_per_second = 0;
// go back to the beginning
stream_seek(demuxer->stream, 0);
// read the master chunk type
chunk_type = stream_read_fourcc(demuxer->stream);
// validate the chunk type
if (chunk_type != CHUNK_FILM)
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX, MSGL_ERR, "Not a FILM file\n");
// get the header size, which implicitly points past the header and
// to the start of the data
header_size = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
film_version = stream_read_fourcc(demuxer->stream);
demuxer->movi_start = header_size;
demuxer->movi_end = demuxer->stream->end_pos;
header_size -= 16;
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX, MSGL_HINT, "FILM version %.4s\n", &film_version);
// skip to where the next chunk should be
stream_skip(demuxer->stream, 4);
// traverse through the header
while (header_size > 0)
// fetch the chunk type and size
chunk_type = stream_read_fourcc(demuxer->stream);
chunk_size = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
header_size -= chunk_size;
switch (chunk_type)
mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, "parsing FDSC chunk\n");
// fetch the video codec fourcc to see if there's any video
video_format = stream_read_fourcc(demuxer->stream);
if (video_format)
// create and initialize the video stream header
sh_video = new_sh_video(demuxer, 0);
demuxer->video->sh = sh_video;
sh_video->ds = demuxer->video;
sh_video->format = video_format;
sh_video->disp_h = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
sh_video->disp_w = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
stream_skip(demuxer->stream, 1); // unknown byte
" FILM video: %d x %d\n", sh_video->disp_w,
stream_skip(demuxer->stream, 9);
// fetch the audio channels to see if there's any audio
audio_channels = stream_read_char(demuxer->stream);
if (audio_channels > 0)
// create and initialize the audio stream header
sh_audio = new_sh_audio(demuxer, 0);
demuxer->audio->sh = sh_audio;
sh_audio->ds = demuxer->audio;
sh_audio->wf = (WAVEFORMATEX *)malloc(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
// uncompressed PCM format
sh_audio->wf->wFormatTag = 1;
sh_audio->format = 1;
sh_audio->wf->nChannels = audio_channels;
sh_audio->wf->wBitsPerSample = stream_read_char(demuxer->stream);
stream_skip(demuxer->stream, 1); // skip unknown byte
sh_audio->wf->nSamplesPerSec = stream_read_word(demuxer->stream);
sh_audio->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec =
sh_audio->wf->nSamplesPerSec * sh_audio->wf->wBitsPerSample
* sh_audio->wf->nChannels / 8;
stream_skip(demuxer->stream, 6); // skip the rest of the unknown
" FILM audio: %d channels, %d bits, %d Hz\n",
sh_audio->wf->nChannels, 8 * sh_audio->wf->wBitsPerSample,
stream_skip(demuxer->stream, 10);
mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, "parsing STAB chunk\n");
if (sh_video)
sh_video->fps = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
sh_video->frametime = 1.0 / sh_video->fps;
// fetch the number of chunks
film_data->total_chunks = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
film_data->current_chunk = 0;
" STAB chunk contains %d chunks\n", film_data->total_chunks);
// allocate enough entries for the chunk
film_data->chunks =
(film_chunk_t *)malloc(film_data->total_chunks * sizeof(film_chunk_t));
// build the chunk index
counting_chunks = 1;
for (i = 0; i < film_data->total_chunks; i++)
film_chunk = film_data->chunks[i];
film_chunk.chunk_offset =
demuxer->movi_start + stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
film_chunk.chunk_size = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
film_chunk.syncinfo1 = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
film_chunk.syncinfo2 = stream_read_dword(demuxer->stream);
// count chunks for the purposes of seeking
if (counting_chunks)
// if we're counting chunks, always count an audio chunk
if (film_chunk.syncinfo1 == 0xFFFFFFFF)
// if it's a video chunk, check if it's time to stop counting
else if ((film_chunk.syncinfo1 & 0x7FFFFFFF) >= sh_video->fps)
counting_chunks = 0;
// precalculate PTS
if (film_chunk.syncinfo1 == 0xFFFFFFFF)
film_chunk.pts =
(float)total_audio_bytes / (float)sh_audio->wf->nAvgBytesPerSec;
total_audio_bytes += film_chunk.chunk_size;
film_chunk.pts =
(film_chunk.syncinfo1 & 0x7FFFFFFF) / sh_video->fps;
film_data->chunks[i] = film_chunk;
// in some FILM files (notably '1.09'), the length of the FDSC chunk
// follows different rules
if (chunk_size == (film_data->total_chunks * 16))
header_size -= 16;
mp_msg(MSGT_DEMUX, MSGL_ERR, "Unrecognized FILM header chunk: %08X\n",
demuxer->priv = film_data;
return demuxer;