mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv synced 2025-03-23 03:37:27 +00:00
Guido Cella dfecc9f083 console.lua: style log lines in the terminal
When running the console in the terminal, style log lines with the same
escape sequences as msg.c.

mp.input can also specify terminal escape sequences, e.g. a script to
select a playlist entry can invert the color of the selection.

Also add a missing newline to help's error message.
2024-01-14 23:26:07 +01:00

811 lines
29 KiB

"use strict";
(function main_default_js(g) {
// - g is the global object.
// - User callbacks called without 'this', global only if callee is non-strict.
// - The names of function expressions are not required, but are used in stack
// traces. We name them where useful to show up (fname:#line always shows).
mp.msg = { log: mp.log };
mp.msg.verbose = mp.log.bind(null, "v");
var levels = ["fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"];
levels.forEach(function(l) { mp.msg[l] = mp.log.bind(null, l) });
// same as {} but without inherited stuff, e.g. o["toString"] doesn't exist.
// used where we try to fetch items by keys which we don't absolutely trust.
function new_cache() {
return Object.create(null, {});
* event handlers, property observers, idle, client messages, hooks, async
var ehandlers = new_cache() // items of event-name: array of {maybe cb: fn}
mp.register_event = function(name, fn) {
if (!ehandlers[name])
ehandlers[name] = [];
ehandlers[name] = ehandlers[name].concat([{cb: fn}]); // replaces the arr
return mp._request_event(name, true);
mp.unregister_event = function(fn) {
for (var name in ehandlers) {
ehandlers[name] = ehandlers[name].filter(function(h) {
if (h.cb != fn)
return true;
delete h.cb; // dispatch could have a ref to h
}); // replacing, not mutating the array
if (!ehandlers[name].length) {
delete ehandlers[name];
mp._request_event(name, false);
// call only pre-registered handlers, but not ones which got unregistered
function dispatch_event(e) {
var handlers = ehandlers[e.event];
if (handlers) {
for (var len = handlers.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var cb = handlers[i].cb; // 'handlers' won't mutate, but unregister
if (cb) // could remove cb from some items
// ----- idle observers -----
var iobservers = [], // array of callbacks
ideleted = false;
mp.register_idle = function(fn) {
mp.unregister_idle = function(fn) {
iobservers.forEach(function(f, i) {
if (f == fn)
delete iobservers[i]; // -> same length but [more] sparse
ideleted = true;
function notify_idle_observers() {
// forEach and filter skip deleted items and newly added items
iobservers.forEach(function(f) { f() });
if (ideleted) {
iobservers = iobservers.filter(function() { return true });
ideleted = false;
// ----- property observers -----
var next_oid = 1,
observers = new_cache(); // items of id: fn
mp.observe_property = function(name, format, fn) {
var id = next_oid++;
observers[id] = fn;
return mp._observe_property(id, name, format || undefined); // allow null
mp.unobserve_property = function(fn) {
for (var id in observers) {
if (observers[id] == fn) {
delete observers[id];
function notify_observer(e) {
var cb = observers[e.id];
if (cb)
cb(e.name, e.data);
// ----- Client messages -----
var messages = new_cache(); // items of name: fn
// overrides name. no libmpv API to reg/unreg specific messages.
mp.register_script_message = function(name, fn) {
messages[name] = fn;
mp.unregister_script_message = function(name) {
delete messages[name];
function dispatch_message(ev) {
var cb = ev.args.length ? messages[ev.args[0]] : false;
if (cb)
cb.apply(null, ev.args.slice(1));
// ----- hooks -----
var hooks = []; // array of callbacks, id is index+1
function run_hook(ev) {
var state = 0; // 0:initial, 1:deferred, 2:continued
function do_cont() { return state = 2, mp._hook_continue(ev.hook_id) }
function err() { return mp.msg.error("hook already continued"), undefined }
function usr_defer() { return state == 2 ? err() : (state = 1, true) }
function usr_cont() { return state == 2 ? err() : do_cont() }
var cb = ev.id > 0 && hooks[ev.id - 1];
if (cb)
cb({ defer: usr_defer, cont: usr_cont });
return state == 0 ? do_cont() : true;
mp.add_hook = function add_hook(name, pri, fn) {
// 50 (scripting docs default priority) maps to 0 (default in C API docs)
return mp._hook_add(name, pri - 50, hooks.length);
// ----- async commands -----
var async_callbacks = new_cache(); // items of id: fn
var async_next_id = 1;
mp.command_native_async = function command_native_async(node, cb) {
var id = async_next_id++;
cb = cb || function dummy() {};
if (!mp._command_native_async(id, node)) {
var le = mp.last_error();
setTimeout(cb, 0, false, undefined, le); /* callback async */
return undefined;
async_callbacks[id] = cb;
return id;
function async_command_handler(ev) {
var cb = async_callbacks[ev.id];
delete async_callbacks[ev.id];
if (ev.error)
cb(false, undefined, ev.error);
cb(true, ev.result, "");
mp.abort_async_command = function abort_async_command(id) {
// cb will be invoked regardless, possibly with the abort result
if (async_callbacks[id])
// osd-ass
var next_assid = 1;
mp.create_osd_overlay = function create_osd_overlay(format) {
return {
format: format || "ass-events",
id: next_assid++,
data: "",
res_x: 0,
res_y: 720,
z: 0,
update: function ass_update() {
var cmd = {}; // shallow clone of `this', excluding methods
for (var k in this) {
if (typeof this[k] != "function")
cmd[k] = this[k];
cmd.name = "osd-overlay";
cmd.res_x = Math.round(this.res_x);
cmd.res_y = Math.round(this.res_y);
return mp.command_native(cmd);
remove: function ass_remove() {
name: "osd-overlay",
id: this.id,
format: "none",
data: "",
return mp.last_error() ? undefined : true;
// osd-ass legacy API
mp.set_osd_ass = function set_osd_ass(res_x, res_y, data) {
if (!mp._legacy_overlay)
mp._legacy_overlay = mp.create_osd_overlay("ass-events");
var lo = mp._legacy_overlay;
if (lo.res_x == res_x && lo.res_y == res_y && lo.data == data)
return true;
mp._legacy_overlay.res_x = res_x;
mp._legacy_overlay.res_y = res_y;
mp._legacy_overlay.data = data;
return mp._legacy_overlay.update();
// the following return undefined on error, null passthrough, or legacy object
mp.get_osd_size = function get_osd_size() {
var d = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions");
return d && {width: d.w, height: d.h, aspect: d.aspect};
mp.get_osd_margins = function get_osd_margins() {
var d = mp.get_property_native("osd-dimensions");
return d && {left: d.ml, right: d.mr, top: d.mt, bottom: d.mb};
* key bindings
// binds: items of (binding) name which are objects of:
// {cb: fn, forced: bool, maybe input: str, repeatable: bool, complex: bool}
var binds = new_cache();
function dispatch_key_binding(name, state, key_name) {
var cb = binds[name] ? binds[name].cb : false;
if (cb) // "script-binding [<script_name>/]<name>" command was invoked
cb(state, key_name);
var binds_tid = 0; // flush timer id. actual id's are always true-thy
mp.flush_key_bindings = function flush_key_bindings() {
function prioritized_inputs(arr) {
return arr.sort(function(a, b) { return a.id - b.id })
.map(function(bind) { return bind.input });
var def = [], forced = [];
for (var n in binds)
if (binds[n].input)
(binds[n].forced ? forced : def).push(binds[n]);
// newer bindings for the same key override/hide older ones
def = prioritized_inputs(def);
forced = prioritized_inputs(forced);
var sect = "input_" + mp.script_name;
mp.commandv("define-section", sect, def.join("\n"), "default");
mp.commandv("enable-section", sect, "allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging");
sect = "input_forced_" + mp.script_name;
mp.commandv("define-section", sect, forced.join("\n"), "force");
mp.commandv("enable-section", sect, "allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging");
clearTimeout(binds_tid); // cancel future flush if called directly
binds_tid = 0;
function sched_bindings_flush() {
if (!binds_tid)
binds_tid = setTimeout(mp.flush_key_bindings, 0); // fires on idle
// name/opts maybe omitted. opts: object with optional bool members: repeatable,
// complex, forced, or a string str which is evaluated as object {str: true}.
var next_bid = 1;
function add_binding(forced, key, name, fn, opts) {
if (typeof name == "function") { // as if "name" is not part of the args
opts = fn;
fn = name;
name = false;
var key_data = {forced: forced};
switch (typeof opts) { // merge opts into key_data
case "string": key_data[opts] = true; break;
case "object": for (var o in opts) key_data[o] = opts[o];
key_data.id = next_bid++;
if (!name)
name = "__keybinding" + key_data.id; // new unique binding name
if (key_data.complex) {
mp.register_script_message(name, function msg_cb() {
fn({event: "press", is_mouse: false});
var KEY_STATES = { u: "up", d: "down", r: "repeat", p: "press" };
key_data.cb = function key_cb(state, key_name) {
event: KEY_STATES[state[0]] || "unknown",
is_mouse: state[1] == "m",
key_name: key_name || undefined
} else {
mp.register_script_message(name, fn);
key_data.cb = function key_cb(state) {
// Emulate the semantics at input.c: mouse emits on up, kb on down.
// Also, key repeat triggers the binding again.
var e = state[0],
emit = (state[1] == "m") ? (e == "u") : (e == "d");
if (emit || e == "p" || e == "r" && key_data.repeatable)
if (key)
key_data.input = key + " script-binding " + mp.script_name + "/" + name;
binds[name] = key_data; // used by user and/or our (key) script-binding
mp.add_key_binding = add_binding.bind(null, false);
mp.add_forced_key_binding = add_binding.bind(null, true);
mp.remove_key_binding = function(name) {
delete binds[name];
Timers: compatible HTML5 WindowTimers - set/clear Timeout/Interval
- Spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/webappapis.html#timers
- Guaranteed to callback a-sync to [re-]insertion (event-loop wise).
- Guaranteed to callback by expiration order, or, if equal, by insertion order.
- Not guaranteed schedule accuracy, though intervals should have good average.
// pending 'timers' ordered by expiration: latest at index 0 (top fires first).
// Earlier timers are quicker to handle - just push/pop or fewer items to shift.
var next_tid = 1,
timers = [], // while in process_timers, just insertion-ordered (push)
tset_is_push = false, // signal set_timer that we're in process_timers
tcanceled = false, // or object of items timer-id: true
now = mp.get_time_ms; // just an alias
function insert_sorted(arr, t) {
for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0 && t.when >= arr[i].when; i--)
arr[i + 1] = arr[i]; // move up timers which fire earlier than t
arr[i + 1] = t; // i is -1 or fires later than t
// args (is "arguments"): fn_or_str [,duration [,user_arg1 [, user_arg2 ...]]]
function set_timer(repeat, args) {
var fos = args[0],
duration = Math.max(0, (args[1] || 0)), // minimum and default are 0
t = {
id: next_tid++,
when: now() + duration,
interval: repeat ? duration : -1,
callback: (typeof fos == "function") ? fos : Function(fos),
args: (args.length < 3) ? false : [].slice.call(args, 2),
if (tset_is_push) {
} else {
insert_sorted(timers, t);
return t.id;
g.setTimeout = function setTimeout() { return set_timer(false, arguments) };
g.setInterval = function setInterval() { return set_timer(true, arguments) };
g.clearTimeout = g.clearInterval = function(id) {
if (id < next_tid) { // must ignore if not active timer id.
if (!tcanceled)
tcanceled = {};
tcanceled[id] = true;
// arr: ordered timers array. ret: -1: no timers, 0: due, positive: ms to wait
function peek_wait(arr) {
return arr.length ? Math.max(0, arr[arr.length - 1].when - now()) : -1;
function peek_timers_wait() {
return peek_wait(timers); // must not be called while in process_timers
// Callback all due non-canceled timers which were inserted before calling us.
// Returns wait in ms till the next timer (possibly 0), or -1 if nothing pends.
function process_timers() {
var wait = peek_wait(timers);
if (wait != 0)
return wait;
var actives = timers; // only process those already inserted by now
timers = []; // we'll handle added new timers at the end of processing.
tset_is_push = true; // signal set_timer to just push-insert
do {
var t = actives.pop();
if (tcanceled && tcanceled[t.id])
if (t.args) {
t.callback.apply(null, t.args);
} else {
(0, t.callback)(); // faster, nicer stack trace than t.cb.call()
if (t.interval >= 0) {
// allow 20 ms delay/clock-resolution/gc before we skip and reset
t.when = Math.max(now() - 20, t.when + t.interval);
timers.push(t); // insertion order only
} while (peek_wait(actives) == 0);
// new 'timers' are insertion-ordered. remains of actives are fully ordered
timers.forEach(function(t) { insert_sorted(actives, t) });
timers = actives; // now we're fully ordered again, and with all timers
tset_is_push = false;
if (tcanceled) {
timers = timers.filter(function(t) { return !tcanceled[t.id] });
tcanceled = false;
return peek_wait(timers);
CommonJS module/require
Spec: http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Modules/1.1.1
- All the mandatory requirements are implemented, all the unit tests pass.
- The implementation makes the following exception:
- Allows the chars [~@:\\] in module id for meta-dir/builtin/dos-drive/UNC.
Implementation choices beyond the specification:
- A module may assign to module.exports (rather than only to exports).
- A module's 'this' is the global object, also if it sets strict mode.
- No 'global'/'self'. Users can do "this.global = this;" before require(..)
- A module has "privacy of its top scope", runs in its own function context.
- No id identity with symlinks - a valid choice which others make too.
- require("X") always maps to "X.js" -> require("foo.js") is file "foo.js.js".
- Global modules search paths are 'scripts/modules.js/' in mpv config dirs.
- A main script could e.g. require("./abc") to load a non-global module.
- Module id supports mpv path enhancements, e.g. ~/foo, ~~/bar, ~~desktop/baz
mp.module_paths = []; // global modules search paths
if (mp.script_path !== undefined) // loaded as a directory
mp.module_paths.push(mp.utils.join_path(mp.script_path, "modules"));
// Internal meta top-dirs. Users should not rely on these names.
var MODULES_META = "~~modules",
SCRIPTDIR_META = "~~scriptdir", // relative script path -> meta absolute id
main_script = mp.utils.split_path(mp.script_file); // -> [ path, file ]
function resolve_module_file(id) {
var sep = id.indexOf("/"),
base = id.substring(0, sep),
rest = id.substring(sep + 1) + ".js";
if (base == SCRIPTDIR_META)
return mp.utils.join_path(main_script[0], rest);
if (base == MODULES_META) {
for (var i = 0; i < mp.module_paths.length; i++) {
try {
var f = mp.utils.join_path(mp.module_paths[i], rest);
mp.utils.read_file(f, 1); // throws on any error
return f;
} catch (e) {}
throw(Error("Cannot find module file '" + rest + "'"));
return id + ".js";
// Delimiter '/', remove redundancies, prefix with modules meta-root if needed.
// E.g. c:\x -> c:/x, or ./x//y/../z -> ./x/z, or utils/x -> ~~modules/utils/x .
function canonicalize(id) {
var path = id.replace(/\\/g,"/").split("/"),
t = path[0],
base = [];
// if not strictly relative then must be top-level. figure out base/rest
if (t != "." && t != "..") {
// global module if it's not fs-root/home/dos-drive/builtin/meta-dir
if (!(t == "" || t == "~" || t[1] == ":" || t == "@" || t.match(/^~~/)))
path.unshift(MODULES_META); // add an explicit modules meta-root
if (id.match(/^\\\\/)) // simple UNC handling, preserve leading \\srv
path = ["\\\\" + path[2]].concat(path.slice(3)); // [ \\srv, shr..]
if (t[1] == ":" && t.length > 2) { // path: [ "c:relative", "path" ]
path[0] = t.substring(2);
path.unshift(t[0] + ":."); // -> [ "c:.", "relative", "path" ]
base = [path.shift()];
// path is now logically relative. base, if not empty, is its [meta] root.
// normalize the relative part - always id-based (spec Module Id, 1.3.6).
var cr = []; // canonicalized relative
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (path[i] == "." || path[i] == "")
if (path[i] == ".." && cr.length && cr[cr.length - 1] != "..") {
if (!base.length && cr[0] != "..")
base = ["."]; // relative and not ../<stuff> so must start with ./
return base.concat(cr).join("/");
function resolve_module_id(base_id, new_id) {
new_id = canonicalize(new_id);
if (!new_id.match(/^\.\/|^\.\.\//)) // doesn't start with ./ or ../
return new_id; // not relative, we don't care about base_id
var combined = mp.utils.join_path(mp.utils.split_path(base_id)[0], new_id);
return canonicalize(combined);
var req_cache = new_cache(); // global for all instances of require
// ret: a require function instance which uses base_id to resolve relative id's
function new_require(base_id) {
return function require(id) {
id = resolve_module_id(base_id, id); // id is now top-level
if (req_cache[id])
return req_cache[id].exports;
var new_module = {id: id, exports: {}};
req_cache[id] = new_module;
try {
var filename = resolve_module_file(id);
// we need dedicated free vars + filename in traces + allow strict
var str = "mp._req = function(require, exports, module) {" +
mp.utils.read_file(filename) +
mp.utils.compile_js(filename, str)(); // only runs the assignment
var tmp = mp._req; // we have mp._req, or else we'd have thrown
delete mp._req;
tmp.call(g, new_require(id), new_module.exports, new_module);
} catch (e) {
delete req_cache[id];
return new_module.exports;
g.require = new_require(SCRIPTDIR_META + "/" + main_script[1]);
* mp.options
function read_options(opts, id, on_update, conf_override) {
id = String(id ? id : mp.get_script_name());
mp.msg.debug("reading options for " + id);
var conf, fname = "~~/script-opts/" + id + ".conf";
try {
conf = arguments.length > 3 ? conf_override : mp.utils.read_file(fname);
} catch (e) {
mp.msg.verbose(fname + " not found.");
// data as config file lines array, or empty array
var data = conf ? conf.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").split("\n") : [],
conf_len = data.length; // before we append script-opts below
// Append relevant script-opts as <key-sans-id>=<value> to data
var sopts = mp.get_property_native("options/script-opts"),
prefix = id + "-";
for (var key in sopts) {
if (key.indexOf(prefix) == 0)
data.push(key.substring(prefix.length) + "=" + sopts[key]);
// Update opts from data
data.forEach(function(line, i) {
if (line[0] == "#" || line.trim() == "")
var key = line.substring(0, line.indexOf("=")),
val = line.substring(line.indexOf("=") + 1),
type = typeof opts[key],
info = i < conf_len ? fname + ":" + (i + 1) // 1-based line number
: "script-opts:" + prefix + key;
if (!opts.hasOwnProperty(key))
mp.msg.warn(info, "Ignoring unknown key '" + key + "'");
else if (type == "string")
opts[key] = val;
else if (type == "boolean" && (val == "yes" || val == "no"))
opts[key] = (val == "yes");
else if (type == "number" && val.trim() != "" && !isNaN(val))
opts[key] = Number(val);
mp.msg.error(info, "Error: can't convert '" + val + "' to " + type);
if (on_update) {
mp.observe_property("options/script-opts", "native", function(_n, _v) {
var saved = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts)); // clone
var changelist = {}, changed = false;
read_options(opts, id, 0, conf); // re-apply orig-file + script-opts
for (var key in opts) {
if (opts[key] != saved[key]) // type always stays the same
changelist[key] = changed = true;
if (changed)
mp.options = { read_options: read_options };
* input
mp.input = {
get: function(t) {
mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "get-input", mp.script_name,
prompt: t.prompt,
default_text: t.default_text,
cursor_position: t.cursor_position,
id: t.id,
mp.register_script_message("input-event", function (type, text, cursor_position) {
if (t[type]) {
var result = t[type](text, cursor_position);
if (type == "complete" && result) {
mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "complete",
JSON.stringify(result[0]), result[1]);
if (type == "closed") {
return true;
terminate: function () {
mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "disable");
log: function (message, style, terminal_style) {
mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "log", JSON.stringify({
text: message,
style: style,
terminal_style: terminal_style,
log_error: function (message) {
mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "log",
JSON.stringify({ text: message, error: true }));
set_log: function (log) {
mp.commandv("script-message-to", "console", "set-log",
* various
g.print = mp.msg.info; // convenient alias
mp.get_script_name = function() { return mp.script_name };
mp.get_script_file = function() { return mp.script_file };
mp.get_script_directory = function() { return mp.script_path };
mp.get_time = function() { return mp.get_time_ms() / 1000 };
mp.utils.getcwd = function() { return mp.get_property("working-directory") };
mp.utils.getpid = function() { return mp.get_property_number("pid") }
mp.utils.get_user_path =
function(p) { return mp.command_native(["expand-path", String(p)]) };
mp.get_mouse_pos = function() { return mp.get_property_native("mouse-pos") };
mp.utils.write_file = mp.utils._write_file.bind(null, false);
mp.utils.append_file = mp.utils._write_file.bind(null, true);
mp.dispatch_event = dispatch_event;
mp.process_timers = process_timers;
mp.notify_idle_observers = notify_idle_observers;
mp.peek_timers_wait = peek_timers_wait;
mp.get_opt = function(key, def) {
var v = mp.get_property_native("options/script-opts")[key];
return (typeof v != "undefined") ? v : def;
mp.osd_message = function osd_message(text, duration) {
mp.commandv("show_text", text, Math.round(1000 * (duration || -1)));
mp.utils.subprocess = function subprocess(t) {
var cmd = { name: "subprocess", capture_stdout: true };
var new_names = { cancellable: "playback_only", max_size: "capture_size" };
for (var k in t)
cmd[new_names[k] || k] = t[k];
var rv = mp.command_native(cmd);
if (mp.last_error()) /* typically on missing/incorrect args */
rv = { error_string: mp.last_error(), status: -1 };
if (rv.error_string)
rv.error = rv.error_string;
return rv;
mp.utils.subprocess_detached = function subprocess_detached(t) {
return mp.commandv.apply(null, ["run"].concat(t.args));
// ----- dump: like print, but expands objects/arrays recursively -----
function replacer(k, v) {
var t = typeof v;
if (t == "function" || t == "undefined")
return "<" + t + ">";
if (Array.isArray(this) && t == "object" && v !== null) { // "safe" mode
if (this.indexOf(v) >= 0)
return "<VISITED>";
return v;
function obj2str(v) {
try { // can process objects more than once, but throws on cycles
return JSON.stringify(v, replacer.bind(null), 2);
} catch (e) { // simple safe: exclude visited objects, even if not cyclic
return JSON.stringify(v, replacer.bind([]), 2);
g.dump = function dump() {
var toprint = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var v = arguments[i];
toprint.push((typeof v == "object") ? obj2str(v) : replacer(0, v));
print.apply(null, toprint);
* main listeners and event loop
mp.keep_running = true;
g.exit = function() { mp.keep_running = false }; // user-facing too
mp.register_event("shutdown", g.exit);
mp.register_event("property-change", notify_observer);
mp.register_event("hook", run_hook);
mp.register_event("command-reply", async_command_handler);
mp.register_event("client-message", dispatch_message);
mp.register_script_message("key-binding", dispatch_key_binding);
g.mp_event_loop = function mp_event_loop() {
var wait = 0; // seconds
do { // distapch events as long as they arrive, then do the timers/idle
var e = mp.wait_event(wait);
if (e.event != "none") {
wait = 0; // poll the next one
} else {
wait = process_timers() / 1000;
if (wait != 0 && iobservers.length) {
notify_idle_observers(); // can add timers -> recalculate wait
wait = peek_timers_wait() / 1000;
} while (mp.keep_running);
// let the user extend us, e.g. by adding items to mp.module_paths
var initjs = mp.find_config_file("init.js"); // ~~/init.js
if (initjs)
require(initjs.slice(0, -3)); // remove ".js"
else if ((initjs = mp.find_config_file(".init.js")))
mp.msg.warn("Use init.js instead of .init.js (ignoring " + initjs + ")");