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synced 2025-01-02 04:42:10 +00:00
The examples simple.c and cocoabasic.m can be compiled without installing libmpv. But also, they didn't use the correct include path libmpv programs normally use, so they couldn't be built with a properly installed system-libmpv. That's pretty bad for examples, which are supposed to show how to use libmpv correctly. So do some bullshit that symlinks libmpv to a "mpv" include directory under the build directory. This name-mismatch is a direct consequence of the bullshit done in 499a6758 (requested in #539 for dumb reasons). (We don't want to name the client API headers directory "mpv", because that would be too unspecific, and clashes with having the mpv binary in the same directory.) If you have spaces or other "unusual" characters in your paths, the build will break, because I couldn't find out where waf hides its function to escape shell parameters (or a way to invoke programs without involving the shell). Neither does such a thing to be documented, nor do they seem to have a clear way to do this in their code. This also doesn't compile the Qt examples, because everything becomes even more terrible from there on.
192 lines
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192 lines
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// Plays a video from the command line in a window provided by mpv.
// You likely want to play the video in your own window instead,
// but that's not quite ready yet.
// You may need a basic Info.plist and MainMenu.xib to make this work.
#include <mpv/client.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static inline void check_error(int status)
if (status < 0) {
printf("mpv API error: %s\n", mpv_error_string(status));
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface CocoaWindow : NSWindow
@implementation CocoaWindow
- (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow { return YES; }
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow { return YES; }
@interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
mpv_handle *mpv;
dispatch_queue_t queue;
NSWindow *w;
static void wakeup(void *);
@implementation AppDelegate
- (void)createWindow {
int mask = NSTitledWindowMask|NSClosableWindowMask|
self->w = [[CocoaWindow alloc]
initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0,0, 1280, 720)
[self->w setTitle:@"cocoabasic example"];
[self->w makeMainWindow];
[self->w makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
NSMenu *m = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"AMainMenu"];
NSMenuItem *item = [m addItemWithTitle:@"Apple" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
NSMenu *sm = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Apple"];
[m setSubmenu:sm forItem:item];
[sm addItemWithTitle: @"Shutdown mpv" action:@selector(shutdown) keyEquivalent:@"s"];
[NSApp setMenu:m];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification {
[NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular];
// Because activation policy has just been set to behave like a real
// application, that policy must be reset on exit to prevent, among
// other things, the menubar created here from remaining on screen.
[NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyProhibited];
// Read filename
NSArray *args = [NSProcessInfo processInfo].arguments;
if (args.count < 2) {
NSLog(@"Expected filename on command line");
NSString *filename = args[1];
[self createWindow];
// Deal with MPV in the background.
queue = dispatch_queue_create("mpv", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
mpv = mpv_create();
if (!mpv) {
printf("failed creating context\n");
int64_t wid = (intptr_t) [self->w contentView];
check_error(mpv_set_option(mpv, "wid", MPV_FORMAT_INT64, &wid));
// Maybe set some options here, like default key bindings.
// NOTE: Interaction with the window seems to be broken for now.
check_error(mpv_set_option_string(mpv, "input-default-bindings", "yes"));
// for testing!
check_error(mpv_set_option_string(mpv, "input-media-keys", "yes"));
check_error(mpv_set_option_string(mpv, "input-cursor", "no"));
check_error(mpv_set_option_string(mpv, "input-vo-keyboard", "yes"));
// request important errors
check_error(mpv_request_log_messages(mpv, "warn"));
// Register to be woken up whenever mpv generates new events.
mpv_set_wakeup_callback(mpv, wakeup, (__bridge void *) self);
// Load the indicated file
const char *cmd[] = {"loadfile", filename.UTF8String, NULL};
check_error(mpv_command(mpv, cmd));
- (void) handleEvent:(mpv_event *)event
switch (event->event_id) {
// Clean up and shut down.
mpv = NULL;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] terminate:nil];
struct mpv_event_log_message *msg = (struct mpv_event_log_message *)event->data;
printf("[%s] %s: %s", msg->prefix, msg->level, msg->text);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self->w selectNextKeyView:nil];
printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));
- (void) readEvents
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
while (mpv) {
mpv_event *event = mpv_wait_event(mpv, 0);
if (event->event_id == MPV_EVENT_NONE)
[self handleEvent:event];
static void wakeup(void *context) {
AppDelegate *a = (__bridge AppDelegate *) context;
[a readEvents];
// Ostensibly, mpv's window would be hooked up to this.
- (BOOL) windowShouldClose:(id)sender
[self shutdown];
if (self->w)
[self->w release];
return YES;
- (void) shutdown
if (mpv) {
const char *args[] = {"quit", NULL};
mpv_command(mpv, args);
// Delete this if you already have a main.m.
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSApplication *app = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
AppDelegate *delegate = [AppDelegate new];
app.delegate = delegate;
[app run];